1,007 research outputs found

    Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations in central Sardinia: insights into the geomorphological evolution

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    In this study, we analyse deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs) in central Sardinia. The area is characterised by plateaus with a prominent limestone scarp overlying metamorphites. A comprehensive mapping of structural, karst, fluvial, and slope morphologies in Pardu and Ulassai valleys is presented herein. The uplift linked to the Plio-Pleistocene tectonic activity leads to high-slope topography, which favours gravitational processes, such as DSGSDs and rock-avalanches. Although DSGSD is a common phenomenon in the relief of the central Mediterranean region, it has never been studied in Sardinia. We describe the kinematic models and geomorphological evolution of DSGSD in Sardinia for the first time. The application of light detection and ranging, high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry, and geological, structural, and geomorphological surveys enabled a depth morphometric analysis and the development of interpretative three-dimensional models. The geo-structural setting and high relief energy associated with recent upliftment are the major controlling factors of DSGSDs

    World diabetes day 2017 focus: antepartum hyperglycaemia (or gestational prediabetes) is more in women below 40 years

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    Prediabetes is a state of hyperglycaemia that is above normal, but below blood glucose threshold for diabetes mellitus. As part of the theme for World Diabetes Day of 2017, it has been articulated by the International Diabetes Federation, that up to 16% of births may be affected by this condition and it is estimated that 50% of the affected antenatal patients are under 30 years old. The notion of gestational prediabetes, hyperglycaemia in pregnancy as a clinical condition is yet to be seriously discussed in regards to prediabetes in pregnancy. Instead, it seems to be subsumed in the discourse of gestational diabetes mellitus. This subsuming position is evident in the fact that even in discussion of management challenges of the ‘hyperglycaemia in pregnancy’ condition, blood glucose thresholds for gestational diabetes refers to higher versus lower cut-offs, but never refers to prediabetes

    High-Entropy Diborides—Silicon Carbide Composites by Reactive and Non-Reactive Spark Plasma Sintering: A Comparative Study

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    The reactive spark plasma sintering (R-SPS) method was compared in this work with the two-step SHS–SPS route, based on the combination of the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) with the SPS process, for the fabrication of dense (Hf0.2Mo0.2Ti0.2Ta0.2Nb0.2)B2–SiC and (Hf0.2Mo0.2Ti0.2Ta0.2Zr0.2)B2–SiC ceramics. A multiphase and inhomogeneous product, containing various borides, was obtained at 2000 °C/20 min by R-SPS from transition metals, B4C, and Si. In contrast, if the same precursors were first reacted by SHS and then processed by SPS under the optimized condition of 1800 °C/20 min, the desired ceramics were successfully attained. The resulting sintered samples possessed relative densities above 97% and displayed uniform microstructures with residual oxide content <2.4 wt.%. The presence of SiC made the sintering temperature milder, i.e., 150 °C below that needed by the corresponding additive-free system. The fracture toughness was also markedly improved, particularly when considering the Nb-containing system processed at 1800 °C/20 min, whereas the fracture toughness progressively decreased (from 7.35 to 5.36 MPa m1/2) as the SPS conditions became more severe. SiC addition was found to inhibit the volatilization of metal oxides like MoO3 formed during oxidation experiments, thus avoiding mass loss in the ceramics. The benefits above also likely took advantage of the fact that the two composite constituents were synthesized in parallel, according to the SHS–SPS approach, rather than being produced separately and combined subsequently, so that strong interfaces between them were formed

    Optical properties of bulk high-entropy diborides for solar energy applications

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    So far, the studies regarding the innovative High-Entropy Borides (HEBs), which belong to the more general class of Ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs), have been entirely confined to their fabrication or characterization from the microstructural, mechanical and oxidation resistance viewpoints. In this work, the optical properties of two members of HEBs, i.e. (Hf0.2Zr0.2Ta0.2Mo0.2Ti0.2)B2 and (Hf0.2Nb0.2Ta0.2Mo0.2Ti0.2)B2, are evaluated for the first time to assess their possible utilization in the thermal solar energy field. The bulk samples (96.5 % and 97.4 % dense, respectively) are obtained as single-phase products by Spark Plasma Sintering (1950 °C/20 min/20 MPa) starting from powders previously synthesized by Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis (SHS). The optical characterization, whose results are discussed by comparing HEBs to the individual borides, shows that they are characterized by intrinsic spectral selectivity and low thermal emittance, resulting therefore interesting for high-temperature solar absorbers applications

    Dedicated versus mainstreaming approaches in local climate plans in Europe

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    Cities are gaining prominence committing to respond to the threat of climate change, e.g., by developing local climate plans or strategies. However, little is known regarding the approaches and processes of plan development and implementation, or the success and effectiveness of proposed measures. Mainstreaming is regarded as one approach associated with (implementation) success, but the extent of integration of local climate policies and plans in ongoing sectoral and/or development planning is unclear. This paper analyses 885 cities across the 28 European countries to create a first reference baseline on the degree of climate mainstreaming in local climate plans. This will help to compare the benefits of mainstreaming versus dedicated climate plans, looking at policy effectiveness and ultimately delivery of much needed climate change efforts at the city level. All core cities of the European Urban Audit sample were analyzed, and their local climate plans classified as dedicated or mainstreamed in other local policy initiatives. It was found that the degree of mainstreaming is low for mitigation (9% of reviewed cities; 12% of the identified plans) and somewhat higher for adaptation (10% of cities; 29% of plans). In particular horizontal mainstreaming is a major effort for local authorities; an effort that does not necessarily pay off in terms of success of action implementation. This study concludes that climate change issues in local municipalities are best tackled by either, developing a dedicated local climate plan in parallel to a mainstreamed plan or by subsequently developing first the dedicated and later a mainstreaming plan (joint or subsequent “dual track approach”). Cities that currently provide dedicated local climate plans (66% of cities for mitigation; 26% of cities for adaptation) may follow-up with a mainstreaming approach. This promises effective implementation of tangible climate actions as well as subsequent diffusion of climate issues into other local sector policies. The development of only broad sustainability or resilience strategies is seen as critical.We thank the many council representatives that supported the datacollection. Special thanks to Birgit Georgi who helped in setting up this large net work of researchers across the EU-28. We also thank the EU COST Action TU 0902 (ledbyRichardDawson) that established the core research network and the positive engagement and interaction of th emembers of this group. OH is Fellow of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and was funded by the UK EPSRC LC Transforms: Low Carbon Transitions of Fleet Operations in Metropolitan Sites Project (grant number EP/N010612/1). EKL was supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czechia, within the National Sustainability Program I (NPU I) (grant number LO1415). DG ac-knowledges support by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), Italy ("Departments of Excellence" grant L. 232/2016). HO was supported by the Ministry of Education and Research, Estonia (grantnumberIUT34-17). MO acknowledges funding from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), Spain (grant number IJCI-2016-28835). SS acknowledges that CENSE's research is partially funded by the Science Foundation, Portugal (grant number UID/AMB/04085/2019). The paper reflects only the views of the authors. The European Union, the European Environment Agency or other supporting bodies are not liable for any use that may be made of the information that is provided in this manuscript

    Carotid beta stiffness association with thyroid function

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    Background: Thyroid hormone modulation of cardiovascular function has been associated with cardiovascular disease. Recent evidence suggests that free thyroxine (FT4) levels are associated with an increase in systemic arterial stiffness, but little is known about the effects of FT4 at the local level of the common carotid artery. β-stiffness index is a local elastic parameter usually determined by carotid ultrasound imaging. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis in the ProgeNIA cohort, including 4846 subjects across a broad age range. For the purpose of this study, we excluded subjects with increased thyrotropin (TSH) levels and those treated with levothyroxine or thyrostatic. We assessed β stiffness, strain, wall–lumen ratio, carotid cross-sectional area (CSA), and stress and flow in the right common carotid artery. We tested whether FT4, heart rate, and their interactions were associated with carotid parameters. Results: FT4 was positively and independently associated with β stiffness index (β = 0.026, p = 0.041), and had a negative association with strain (β = −0.025, p = 0.009). After adding heart rate and the interaction between FT4 and heart rate to the model, FT4 was still associated with the β stiffness index (β = 0.186, p = 0.06), heart rate was positively associated with the stiffness index (β = 0.389, p < 0.001) as well as their interaction (β = 0.271, p = 0.007). Conclusion: This study suggests that higher FT4 levels increase arterial stiffness at the common carotid level, consistent with a detrimental effect on elastic arteries. The effect of FT4 is likely to be primarily attributable to its effect on heart rate

    Submarine Geomorphology of the Southwestern Sardinian Continental Shelf (Mediterranean Sea): Insights into the Last Glacial Maximum Sea-Level Changes and Related Environments

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    During the lowstand sea-level phase of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), a large part of the current Mediterranean continental shelf emerged. Erosional and depositional processes shaped the coastal strips, while inland areas were affected by aeolian and fluvial processes. Evidence of both the lowstand phase and the subsequent phases of eustatic sea level rise can be observed on the continental shelf of Sardinia (Italy), including submerged palaeo-shorelines and landforms, and indicators of relict coastal palaeo-environments. This paper shows the results of a high-resolution survey on the continental shelf off San Pietro Island (southwestern Sardinia). Multisensor and multiscale data\u2014obtained by means of seismic sparker, sub-bottom profiler chirp, multibeam, side scan sonar, diving, and uncrewed aerial vehicles\u2014made it possible to reconstruct the morphological features shaped during the LGM at depths between 125 and 135 m. In particular, tectonic controlled palaeo-cliffs affected by landslides, the mouth of a deep palaeo-valley fossilized by marine sediments and a palaeo-lagoon containing a peri-littoral thanatocenosis (18,983 \ub1 268 cal BP) were detected. The Younger Dryas palaeo-shorelines were reconstructed, highlighted by a very well preserved beachrock. The coastal paleo-landscape with lagoon-barrier systems and retro-littoral dunes frequented by the Mesolithic populations was reconstructed

    The effect of prime-site occupancy on the hepatitis C virus NS3 protease structure.

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    We recently reported a new class of inhibitors of the chymotrypsin-like serine protease NS3 of the hepatitis C virus. These inhibitors exploit the binding potential of the S′ site of the protease, which is not generally used by the natural substrates. The effect of prime-site occupancy was analyzed by circular dichroism spectroscopy and limited proteolysis-mass spectrometry. Generally, nonprime inhibitors cause a structural change in NS3. Binding in the S′ site produces additional conformational changes with different binding modes, even in the case of the NS3/4A cofactor complex. Notably, inhibitor binding either in the S or S′ site also has profound effects on the stabilization of the protease. In addition, the stabilization propagates to regions not in direct contact with the inhibitor. In particular, the N-terminal region, which according to structural studies is endowed with low structural stability and is not stabilized by nonprime inhibitors, was now fully protected from proteolytic degradation. From the perspective of drug design, P-P′ inhibitors take advantage of binding pockets, which are not exploited by the natural HCV substrates; hence, they are an entry point for a novel class of NS3/4A inhibitors. Here we show that binding of each inhibitor is associated with a specific structural rearrangement. The development of a range of inhibitors belonging to different classes and an understanding of their interactions with the protease are required to address the issue of the most likely outcome of viral protease inhibitor therapy, that is, viral resistanc

    LOFAR discovery of a 700-kpc remnant radio galaxy at low redshift

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    Remnant radio galaxies represent the final dying phase of radio galaxy evolution, in which the jets are no longer active. Due to their rarity in flux limited samples and the difficulty of identification, this dying phase remains poorly understood and the luminosity evolution largely unconstrained. Here we present the discovery and detailed analysis of a large (700 kpc) remnant radio galaxy with a low surface brightness that has been identified in LOFAR images at 150 MHz. By combining LOFAR data with new follow-up Westerbork observations and archival data at higher frequencies, we investigated the source morphology and spectral properties from 116 to 4850 MHz. By modelling the radio spectrum we probed characteristic timescales of the radio activity. The source has a relatively smooth, diffuse, amorphous appearance together with a very weak central compact core which is associated with the host galaxy located at z=0.051. From our ageing and morphological analysis it is clear that the nuclear engine is currently switched off or, at most, active at a very low power state. The host galaxy is currently interacting with another galaxy located at a projected separation of 15 kpc and a radial velocity offset of 300 km/s. This interaction may have played a role in the triggering and/or shut down of the radio jets. The spectral shape of this remnant radio galaxy differs from the majority of the previously identified remnant sources, which show steep or curved spectra at low to intermediate frequencies. In light of this finding and in preparation for new-generation deep low-frequency surveys, we discuss the selection criteria to be used to select representative samples of these sources.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, A&A accepte