319 research outputs found

    Histological changes in the epiphyseal plate of growing young adult male rats after long-term hydrocortisone and salmon calcitonin administration

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    Introduction: Glucocorticosteroids decrease the longitudinal growth of bones. It has been reported that skeletally immature rats on calcitonin treatment grow longer and slimmer. The aim of this study was to assess whether concomitant treatment with calcitonin would influence longitudinal growth and histology of epiphyseal plate in hydrocortisone-treated rats. Material and methods: Fifty six growing male Wistar rats were randomly divided into two control and four experimental groups. Rats in the first two experimental groups were treated i.p. b.i.d. with hydrocortisone, while to the other experimental animals salmon calcitonin s.c. was administered concomitantly. The controls received appropriate vehicula. The rats were kept under standardised conditions. The first phase of the experiment was completed after 28 days and right femora and tibiae were harvested from groups and preserved in 4% buffered formalin. Lengths of the fresh femora were measured with an electronic caliper. After preservation, tibial bones were decalcified in 5% EDTA at room temperature. Paraffin-embedded coronal slices 10 μm thick from proximal tibia were taken and stained with hematoxylin/ eosin and alcian blue for histological assessment of the epiphyseal plate. A similar procedure was repeated after 56 days in the second phase of the experiment. Results: The femora of hydrocortisone-treated rats were significantly shorter than those of controls, but after concomitant administration of salmon calcitonin the difference was insignificant. The histological assessment showed that depressed function of growth plate in hydrocortisone-treated animals after both phases of the experiment was partially reversed by salmon calcitonin treatment. Conclusions: Prolonged concomitant treatment with high-doses of salmon calcitonin partially reverses glucocorticoid-induced depression of rat growth plate. (Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (1): 18-23)Wstęp: Glukokortykosteroidy hamują wzrost kości, a podawanie kalcytoniny rosnącym szczurom zwiększa ich długość. Celem pracy była ocena wpływu kalcytoniny na zahamowanie wzrastania szczurów poddanych działaniu hydrokortyzonu. Porównano długości kości udowych i obrazy histologiczne chrząstki wzrostowej bliższej przynasady piszczeli w badanych grupach. Doświadczenie przeprowadzono w dwóch fazach 28- i 56-dniowych. Materiał i metody: Rosnące szczury szczepu Wistar w sposób zrandomizowany podzielono na dwie grupy kontrolne i cztery badane. Szczurom dwóch pierwszych grup badanych podawano hydrokortyzon i.p. dwa razy dziennie. Szczury pozostałych grup badanych poza hydrokortyzonem otrzymywały kalcytoninę łososiową s.c. dwa razy dziennie. Szczury z grup kontrolnych otrzymywały placebo. Pierwszą fazę eksperymentu zakończono po 28 dniach. Po pobraniu długość kości udowych zmierzono elektroniczną suwmiarką. Po utrwaleniu kości piszczelowe odwapniono w 5% EDTA. Preparaty wybarwiono za pomocą H+E i błękitu alcjanu. Procedurę powtórzono po 56 dniach jako drugą fazę doświadczenia. Wyniki: Kości udowe zwierząt, którym podawano hydrokortyzon były istotnie statystycznie krótsze niż w grupie kontrolnej. Zależność ta nie była istotna w grupie zwierząt poddanych działaniu kalcytoniny. Ocena histologiczna preparatów chrząstki wzrostowej obu faz doświadczenia pokazała częściowe odwrócenie negatywnego wpływu hydrokortyzonu u zwierząt, którym podawano kalcytoninę. Wnioski: Wysokie dawki kalcytoniny łososiowej zmniejszają zahamowanie czynności chrząstki wzrostowej szczurów wywołane przewlekłą glukokortykoterapią. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (1): 18-23

    Polyporus megaloporus Pers. in the family Polyporaceae s.str.

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    Finite element approximation of the p()p(\cdot)-Laplacian

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    We study a~priori estimates for the Dirichlet problem of the p()p(\cdot)-Laplacian, div(vp()2v)=f.-\mathrm{div}(|\nabla v|^{p(\cdot)-2} \nabla v) = f. We show that the gradients of the finite element approximation with zero boundary data converges with rate O(hα)O(h^\alpha) if the exponent pp is α\alpha-H\"{o}lder continuous. The error of the gradients is measured in the so-called quasi-norm, i.e. we measure the L2L^2-error of vp22v|\nabla v|^{\frac{p-2}{2}} \nabla v

    A woman with a 13-year history of anaplastic thyroid cancer

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    Stasis Papillomatosis with Cardiac Complications and Vein Insufficiency

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    ABSTRACT We report the case of a 73-year-old man with massive swelling of the lower extremities, with a chronic and rather uncommon form of stasis dermatitis – stasis papillomatosis. The patient was also diagnosed with severe heart failure, including dilated cardiomyopathy, hypothyroidism that required a substantial dose of exogenous tyrosine, microcytic and megaloblastic anemia, iron deficiency, and type 2 diabetes. The cause of stasis dermatitis lesions is not completely understood. It may be caused by the allergic reaction to some epidermal protein antigen formation or chronic damage to the dermal-epidermal barrier that makes the skin more sensitive to irritants or trauma. It has, however, been suggested that the term stasis dermatitis should be used to refer only to cases caused by chronic venous insufficiency, which belongs to a group of lifestyle diseases and affects both women and men more and more frequently. KEY WORDS: stasis; vein insufficienty; edema; heart failure</p

    Stasis Papillomatosis with Cardiac Complications and Vein Insufficiency

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    ABSTRACT We report the case of a 73-year-old man with massive swelling of the lower extremities, with a chronic and rather uncommon form of stasis dermatitis – stasis papillomatosis. The patient was also diagnosed with severe heart failure, including dilated cardiomyopathy, hypothyroidism that required a substantial dose of exogenous tyrosine, microcytic and megaloblastic anemia, iron deficiency, and type 2 diabetes. The cause of stasis dermatitis lesions is not completely understood. It may be caused by the allergic reaction to some epidermal protein antigen formation or chronic damage to the dermal-epidermal barrier that makes the skin more sensitive to irritants or trauma. It has, however, been suggested that the term stasis dermatitis should be used to refer only to cases caused by chronic venous insufficiency, which belongs to a group of lifestyle diseases and affects both women and men more and more frequently. KEY WORDS: stasis; vein insufficienty; edema; heart failure</p

    Can any unconditionally convergent multiplier be transformed to have the symbol (1) and Bessel sequences by shifting weights?

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    Multipliers are operators that combine (frame-like) analysis, a multiplication with a fixed sequence, called the symbol, and synthesis. They are very interesting mathematical objects that also have a lot of applications for example in acoustical signal processing. It is known that bounded symbols and Bessel sequences guarantee unconditional convergence. In this paper we investigate necessary and equivalent conditions for the unconditional convergence of multipliers. In particular we show that, under mild conditions, unconditionally convergent multipliers can be transformed by shifting weights between symbol and sequence, into multipliers with symbol (1) and Bessel sequences

    Variable exponent Triebel-Lizorkin-Morrey spaces

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    We introduce variable exponent versions of Morreyfied Triebel-Lizorkin spaces. To that end, we prove an important convolution inequality which is a replacement for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal inequality in the fully variable setting. Using it we obtain characterizations by means of Peetre maximal functions and use them to show the independence of the introduced spaces from the admissible system used.publishe

    A new multilinear insight on the classical Littlewood's 4/3-inequality

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    [EN] We unify Littlewood's classical 4/3-inequality (a forerunner of Grothendieck's inequality) together with its in-linear extension due to Bohnenblust and Hille (which originally settled Bohr's absolute convergence problem for Dirichlet series) with a scale of inequalties of Bennett and Carl in l(p)-spaces (which are of fundamental importance in the theory of eigenvalue distribution of power compact operators). As an application we give estimates for the monomial coefficients of homogeneous l(p)-valued polynomials on c(0). (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Supported by the MEC Project MTM2005-08210. Supported by the MEC Project MTM2005-08210 and grants PR2007-0384 (MEC) and UPV-PAID-00-07.Defant, A.; Sevilla Peris, P. (2009). A new multilinear insight on the classical Littlewood's 4/3-inequality. Journal of Functional Analysis. 5(256):1642-1664. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfa.2008.07.005S164216645256Bennett, G. (1973). Inclusion mappings between lp spaces. Journal of Functional Analysis, 13(1), 20-27. doi:10.1016/0022-1236(73)90064-5Bohnenblust, H. F., & Hille, E. (1931). On the Absolute Convergence of Dirichlet Series. The Annals of Mathematics, 32(3), 600. doi:10.2307/1968255Bombal, F. (2004). Multilinear extensions of Grothendieck’s theorem. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 55(4), 441-450. doi:10.1093/qmath/hah017Bonet, J., & Peris, A. (1991). On the injective tensor product of quasinormable spaces. Results in Mathematics, 20(1-2), 431-443. doi:10.1007/bf03323184G. Botelho, H.-A. Braunss, H. Junek, D. Pellegrino, Inclusions and coincidences for multiple multilinear mappings, preprintCarl, B. (1974). Absolut-(p , 1)-summierende identische Operatoren von l u in l v. Mathematische Nachrichten, 63(1), 353-360. doi:10.1002/mana.3210630132Choi, Y. s. (2001). Estimates for absolutely summing norms of polynomials and multilinear maps. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 52(1), 1-12. doi:10.1093/qjmath/52.1.1Davie, A. M. (1973). Quotient Algebras of Uniform Algebras. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, s2-7(1), 31-40. doi:10.1112/jlms/s2-7.1.31Defant, A., & Maestre, M. (1994). Property (BB) and holomorphic functions on Fréchet-Montel spaces. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 115(2), 305-313. doi:10.1017/s0305004100072108A. Defant, C. Prengel, Volume estimates in spaces of homogeneous polynomials, Math. Z., doi:10.1007/s00209-008-0358-xA. Defant, P. Sevilla-Peris, Convergence of Dirichlet polynomials in Banach spaces, preprintDefant, A., Dı́az, J. C., Garcı́a, D., & Maestre, M. (2001). Unconditional Basis and Gordon–Lewis Constants for Spaces of Polynomials. Journal of Functional Analysis, 181(1), 119-145. doi:10.1006/jfan.2000.3702Defant, A., Maestre, M., & Sevilla-Peris, P. (2002). Cotype 2 estimates for spaces of polynomials on sequence spaces. Israel Journal of Mathematics, 129(1), 291-315. doi:10.1007/bf02773168A. Defant, D. García, M. Maestre, D. Pérez-García, Bohr's strip for vector valued Dirichlet series, Math. Ann., doi:10.1007/s00208-008-0246-zDineen, S. (1999). Complex Analysis on Infinite Dimensional Spaces. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-0869-6Kaisjer, S. (1978). Some results in the metric theory of tensor products. Studia Mathematica, 63(2), 157-170. doi:10.4064/sm-63-2-157-170Kwapień, S. (1968). Some remarks on (p,q)-absolutely summing operators in lpl_{p}-spaces. Studia Mathematica, 29(3), 327-337. doi:10.4064/sm-29-3-327-337LITTLEWOOD, J. E. (1930). ON BOUNDED BILINEAR FORMS IN AN INFINITE NUMBER OF VARIABLES. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, os-1(1), 164-174. doi:10.1093/qmath/os-1.1.164Maurey, B., & Pisier, G. (1976). Séries de variables aléatoires vectorielles indépendantes et propriétés géométriques des espaces de Banach. Studia Mathematica, 58(1), 45-90. doi:10.4064/sm-58-1-45-90Orlicz, W. (1933). Über unbedingte Konvergenz in Funktionenraümen (I). Studia Mathematica, 4(1), 33-37. doi:10.4064/sm-4-1-33-37Pérez-Garcı́a, D., & Villanueva, I. (2003). Multiple summing operators on Banach spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 285(1), 86-96. doi:10.1016/s0022-247x(03)00352-4Praciano-Pereira, T. (1981). On bounded multilinear forms on a class of lp spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 81(2), 561-568. doi:10.1016/0022-247x(81)90082-2Sawa, J. (1985). The best constant in the Khintchine inequality for complex Steinhaus variables, the case p=1. Studia Mathematica, 81(1), 107-126. doi:10.4064/sm-81-1-107-126Talagrand, M. (1992). Cotype and (q, 1)-summing norm in a Banach space. Inventiones Mathematicae, 110(1), 545-556. doi:10.1007/bf01231344Tonge, A. (1984). Polarization and the two-dimensional Grothendieck inequality. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 95(2), 313-318. doi:10.1017/s030500410006157

    Interpolation in variable exponent spaces

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    In this paper we study both real and complex interpolation in the recently introduced scales of variable exponent Besov and Triebel–Lizorkin spaces. We also take advantage of some interpolation results to study a trace property and some pseudodifferential operators acting in the variable index Besov scale