1,201 research outputs found

    International Relations and the Global Politics of Health: A State of the Art?

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    Despite consistent political attention to health-related issues crossing national borders, public health and international relations have not engaged in a coherent dialogue. Public health scholars denounce studies of politics as not directly relevant to the governance of health, which they envisage as based on evidence and medical knowledge. The marginal place of the global politics of health in international relations is surprising given the richness of political interactions, diversity of actors involved, and the existential nature of health politics. This article outlines the main themes in the literature on global and public health politics, highlights the points of convergence and divergence, and discusses how we can build on the strengths and overcome the differences in search of a more comprehensive dialogue between the two disciplines


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    The article presents a case of dental student with immediate and delayed hypersensitivity reaction to latex gloves. Symptoms appeared during the second year of regularly using of latex gloves. The student was with no history of allergies and no previous exposure to latex products

    Classification of General Sequences by Frame-Related Operators

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    This note is a survey and collection of results, as well as presenting some original research. For Bessel sequences and frames, the analysis, synthesis and frame operators as well as the Gram matrix are well-known, bounded operators. We investigate these operators for arbitrary sequences, which in general lead to possibly unbounded operators. We characterize various classes of sequences in terms of these operators and vice-versa. Finally, we classify these sequences by operators applied on orthonormal bases

    Arcobacter butzleri-genome organisation and pathogenicity

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    Young plants, obtained from the control and gamma-irradiated seeds, were studied in laboratory experiments. The possible protective effect of the synthetic growth regulator Drop, applied after the stress, was studied. The seeds were irradiated with 80 and 100 Gy Co60 and germinated in 5.10-4 M water solution of Drop. 30- day-old plants , obtained from the control, gamma-irradiated and treated seeds, were studied . Biometric parameters, leaf gas-exchange and plastid pigments contents were measured. Under stress conditions, the growth rates of the γ-ray-treated seeds indicated negative effect in plants, recorded by the decrease of the height, fresh and dry masses, in comparison with the control. It was established that Drop had a modifying effect on gamma-irradiation, which effect was expressed in the growth and in the leaf gas-exchange of the 30-day-old plants.Проведени бяха лабораторни опити с млади растения грах, получени от гама-облъчени и необлъчени семена. Беше проучена възможността, синтетичния растежен регулатор Дроп да се използва като протектор срещу гама-радиационен стрес. Семената бяха облъчени с 80 и 100 Gy Co60 и поставени за покълнване в разтвор на Дроп в концентрация 5.10-4 M. Растенията бяха анализирани на тридесетия ден от тяхното развитие. Бяха определени биометрични параметри, листен газообмен и съдържание на пластидни пигменти. Беше отчетено, че под влияние на облъчването се индуцира стрес, който се изразява в депресия на растежа, свежата и сухата маса на растенията. Уастановено беше също, че синтетичния растежен регулатор Дроп проявява модифициращ ефект срешу гама-облъчването на семена от грах, който се изразява в активиране на листния газообмен и синтеза на пластидни пигменти в тридесетдневните грахови растения

    Possible reasons for the occurrence of false-negative results in urine drug screening

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    Introduction: Immunoassay screening of urine samples play a central role in the monitoring and fight against ever-increasing drug abuse. Thus, the aim of the present work was to clarify the reasons for deliberately or unintentionally causing of false-negative screening results.Materials and Methods: For the purpose of the study, an analysis of Google Scholar, PubMed, and Science Direct databases was conducted.Results:  The exact number of false-negative results in the analytical practice cannot be precisely determined because of the impossible confirmation of each screening test. In this regard, the screening of drug abuse appears to be a huge challenge these days due to multiple reasons. On the one hand, it is necessary to take into account the physicochemical properties of sometimes an unknown analyte, as well as the physiological characteristics of each individual. On the other hand, the test antibodies available to date do not have the necessary specificity for absolutely all drugs, especially designer ones. At the same time, there is an unlimited access to information and products supporting the manipulation of urine samples, respectively the achievement of false-negative results. In response, analytical chemistry offers a variety of methods to address the problem of filtering out abusers.Conclusion: Because of their high throughput and low cost, immunoassay techniques continue to be a cornerstone of drug screening, whether for clinical or criminological purposes. However, the risk of false-negative results requires efforts to improve their specificity in parallel with the implementation of countermeasures against the manipulation of the biological samples