148 research outputs found

    Effect of potential screening on the H2 autoionizing states

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    ABSTRACT: We study the behavior of autoionizing states of the hydrogen molecule subject to screened Coulomb interactions using an ab initio Feshbach configuration interaction method. Special attention is given to the algorithms developed for the evaluation of (i) screened molecular orbitals expressed in terms of one-center expansions using B-spline polynomial basis functions and (ii) screened two-electron integrals between configurations expressed in terms of such molecular orbitals, by solving the screened Poisson equation. As an illustration of the method we focus on the lowest Feshbach resonance of the Q1 1+g series of doubly excited states of H2, which lies between the first H2 + (1sσg) and the second H2 + (2pσu) ionization thresholds. We show that Coulomb screening in the electron-proton interaction and between electrons may significantly alter the resonance position and autoionizing decay as a function of internuclear distance. In general, screening increases the resonance lifetime. However, when electron-proton screening dominates over electron-electron screening, we find that the Q1 resonance acquires a pronounced shape-resonance character at internuclear distances where the resonance approaches the lower ionization threshold, thus leading to a pronounced decrease of its lifetime

    Molecular structure of one-electron diatomic molecules subject to plasma screening and its e ect on the dynamics

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    ABSTRACT: The effect of plasma screening on the electronic and vibrational structure of one-electron diatomic molecules is analyzed by including screened Coulomb interactions among all their particles in the solution of the Schrodinger equation. The breakdown of the well-known separability of the Schrodinger equation in confocal elliptical coordinates, the lost of long-range Coulomb interaction and the non-degeneracy in both the united atom and separated atom limits bring new elements into the analysis of the modified binding energies (electronic and vibrational), adiabatic correlation rules, molecular Stark mixings due to polarization effects, unexpected presence of molecular shape resonances and changes in non-adiabatic and radiative couplings upon the variation of the screening strength

    Compreender crianças com inibição emocional: Uma abordagem com múltiplos informadores do contexto educacional e familiar

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    Behavioral inhibition (BI) is a temperament trait characterized by extreme fear in the face of novelty. BI has been associated with the development of mental disorders. However, there is a lack of research examining the socioemotional and behavioral characteristics of behaviorally inhibited children both in family and school settings. For a more comprehensive and in-depth overview of children’s behavior in each of these contexts, this study has collected data from both parents (mother and father – family setting) and from teachers (educational environment). The sample consisted of 109 children aged between four and six years old. Multi-informant approach was used: all fathers, mothers and teachers completed both the Preschool Behavioral Inhibition Scales, the Child Behavior Checklist for parents and teachers, and the Behavior Assessment System for Children and Adolescents. Our findings revealed that children classified as BI exhibit less socioemotional and behavioral adjustments than their uninhibited peers both in family and school contexts. Further, the shyness variable seemed to be strongly associated with behavioral inhibition, regardless of informant and context.A inibição comportamental (IC) é um traço de temperamento caracterizado por medo extremo face a situações novas. A IC tem sido associada ao desenvolvimento de perturbações mentais. No entanto, é escassa a investigação que examina as características socio-emocionais e comportamentais de crianças com inibição comportamental em contextos educacionais e familiares. Para uma visão global mais compreensiva e aprofundada do comportamento da criança em cada um destes contextos, este estudo recolheu dados com os pais (mãe e pai – contexto familiar) e com os professores (contexto educacional). A amostra foi constituída por 109 crianças, entre os quatro e os seis anos de idade. Foi utilizada uma abordagem com múltiplos informadores: todos os pais, mães e professores completaram as Escalas de Inibição Comportamental para o Pré-Escolar, o Questionário de Comportamento da Criança para pais e professores (CBCL e TRF), e o Sistema de Avaliação do Comportamento para Crianças e Adolescentes (BASC). Os resultados revelaram que crianças consideradas com IC apresentavam níveis mais baixos de ajustamento socio-emocional e comportamental comparativamente a crianças não inibidas, tanto no contexto familiar como no contexto educacional. Adicionalmente, a variável de timidez pareceu ser a que mais fortemente se associou à inibição comportamental, independentemente do informador e do contexto

    When are Cartels more likely to be formed or broken? The role of business cycles

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    The literature presents mixed contributions about the economic conditions under which cartels form and collapse, and about how stable they are across firm-specific and industry-wide business cycles. The relationship between cartel life cycles and business cycles has not been sufficiently analyzed to date. In this paper, we study in depth whether collusion is pro-cyclical or counter-cyclical. We analyze the relationship between cartel startups/breakups and economic cycles using a dataset of sanctioned cartels by the European Commission that were active between 1997 and 2012, after the leniency program had already been introduced. We also double check whether this relationship has changed with respect to the pre-leniency period from 1991 to 1996. Our results show that cartels are more likely to be formed in upturns, but that cartels tend to breakup also in booms. Upturns in economic cycles appear to cause cartel turnovers: existing cartels die while new ones are set up. Collusion appears to be pro-cyclical with respect to cartel creation, while it seems to be counter-cyclical with regard to cartel demise

    Managers' expectations, business cycles and cartels' life cycle

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    The literature presents mixed findings regarding the economic conditions under which cartels form and collapse, and regarding how stable they are across firm-specific and industry-wide business cycles. The relationship between cartel life cycles and business cycles has been insufficiently analyzed to date. In this paper, we study in depth whether collusion is pro-cyclical or counter-cyclical. We analyze the relationship between cartel start-ups/break ups and economic cycles using a dataset of sanctioned cartels by the European Commission (EC) that were active between 1997 and 2018, after the leniency program had already been introduced. We also double check whether this relationship has changed with respect to the pre-leniency period from 1991 to 1996. Our results show that cartels are more likely to be formed when the business has evolved positively in the previous months, and cartels are less likely to collapse when the business has evolved positively, and managers expect prices to decline. The EC's sanctioning activity has been an effective deterrent and has had a destabilizing effect on cartels. However we found no evidence that managers' expectations on prices affect cartel formation. All these results are an important issue for anti-cartel policy enforcement since knowing when cartels are more prone or less likely to occur would help authorities prevent their formation or their early detection

    Cartel destabilization effect of leniency programs

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    This paper investigates the theoretically and empirically unsettled question of the effect of the leniency programs on cartel duration, cartel fines and the length of the investigation. The fact that leniency programs were implemented in two different jurisdictions (EU and Spain) at different moments of time, and the exogeneity of the date of introduction, allow us to identify and quantify the effect of the programs on the outcomes using difference-in-difference program evaluation techniques. We empirically show that leniency programs destabilize existing cartels in the short run as expected from theory and previous empirical papers, and then dissuade the creation of new cartels in the long run. Deterrence effects dominate empirically in the long run, although theoretically they might not dominate, and previous empirical findings were inconclusive. Fines per firm increase substantially after the introduction of the leniency policy, despite whistleblowing firms are partially or totally exempted from fines. The duration of the investigation increases with the introduction of the leniency programs. Leniency programs have sharp and clear short-run cartel destabilization and long-run cartel dissuasion effects

    25 years of leniency programs: a turning point in cartel prosecution

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    This contribution reviews what we know about the effectiveness of leniency or amnesty programs in cartel prosecutions. Leniency programs have gradually been adopted by as many as 53 competition policy jurisdictions around the globe during the last 25 years. We show that the available evidence supports that the leniency programs have had a strong impact on anti-cartel policy design and effectiveness. (...

    Evaluación en resultados de salud del proceso diabetes tipo 2

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    ResumenObjetivoAnalizar la asociación entre el desarrollo del proceso diabetes tipo 2 (DM2) y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS).DiseñoEstudio descriptivo transversal.EmplazamientoUnidad de Gestión Clínica (Ayamonte, Huelva).ParticipantesSelección por muestreo aleatorio simple entre los pacientes registrados en el proceso DM2: n=143.El proceso DM2 es una herramienta que utiliza indicadores de buena práctica clínica para el seguimiento de los pacientes.Recogida de datos desde registros y entrevista personal para el cuestionario de CVRS SF-36.ResultadosSe analizaron 101 pacientes. 51,5% mujeres. Edad media: 66,8 años (DE 11,3). Realizan actividad física: 52,5%. Tiempo de evolución de la diabetes: 9,6 años (DE 7,7). Índice de calidad del proceso (ISCD): 64,5%.Peor puntuación en componente físico de CVRS, media de 41,9 (DE 9,6).Mayor puntuación en hombres. Practicar ejercicio físico regular mejora la puntuación (diferencia de medias de 19,5 IC95% 10,2–28,8). Asociación negativa entre: edad y función física (r=−0,354 p<0,005), tiempo de evolución de diabetes y componente sumario físico (r=−0,278 p<0,005).Retinopatía (t=2,03 p<0,04) y cardiopatía (t=2,6 p<0,008) se relacionan con menor puntuación en componente físico.La asociación de CVRS con control metabólico, automedida de glucemia y educación diabetológica es no significativa.Predictores de la CVRS son: actividad física y enfermedades comórbidas.ConclusionesLa CVRS es mala en los diabéticos tipo 2 a pesar de tener buenos indicadores en el proceso.Debería incluirse la CVRS como estándar del proceso DM2.AbstractObjectiveTo analyse association between the development of type 2 diabetes and the health-related quality of life (HRQL).DesignDescriptive cross-sectional study.SettingPrimary care centre in Ayamonte (Huelva). Participants: Selection by simple random sampling between the patients registered with type 2 diabetes: n=143.The type 2 diabetes process is a tool that uses indicators of good clinical practice for the follow-up of the patients.Collection of data from records and personal interview for the questionnaire HRQL SF-36.ResultsA total of 101 patients were analysed, of which 51.5% were women. the average age was 66.8 years (SD 11.3). Performing physical activity 52.5%. Time of evolution of diabetes: 9.6 years (SD 7.7). Quality Index of the process: 64.5%. Worst score in physical component HRQL, mean of 41.9 (SD 9.6). Men had a better score, and it improves if there is regular physical exercise (mean difference 19.5% IC95%CI: 10.2–28.8). Age was inversely associated with physical function (r −0.354 P<0,005); and the time of evolution of diabetes with physical component (r −0.278 P<0.005). Retinopathy (t=2.03 P<0.04) and heart disease (t=2.6 P<0.008) were associated with lowest score in physical component. The association of HRQL with metabolic control, self control of glucose and diabetes education was not significant. Physical activity and comorbid diseases predict HRQL.ConclusionsThe HRQL is poor in type 2 diabetics despite having good indicators in the process. The HRQL should be included as standard in the type 2 diabetes process

    The CRISPR/Cas9 system efficiently reverts the tumorigenic ability of BCR/ABL in vitro and in a xenograft model of chronic myeloid leukemia

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    [EN]CRISPR/Cas9 technology was used to abrogate p210 oncoprotein expression in the Boff-p210 cell line, a pro-B line derived from interlukin-3-dependent Baf/3, that shows IL-3-independence arising from the constitutive expression of BCR-ABL p210. Using this approach, pools of Boff-p210-edited cells and single edited cell-derived clones were obtained and functionally studied in vitro. The loss of p210 expression in Boff-p210 cells resulted in the loss of ability to grow in the absence of IL-3, as the Baf/3 parental line, showing significantly increased apoptosis levels. Notably, in a single edited cell-derived clone carrying a frame-shift mutation that prevents p210 oncoprotein expression, the effects were even more drastic, resulting in cell death. These edited cells were injected subcutaneously in immunosuppressed mice and tumor growth was followed for three weeks. BCR/ABL-edited cells developed smaller tumors than those originating from unedited Boff-p210 parental cells. Interestingly, the single edited cell-derived clone was unable to develop tumors, similar to what is observed with the parental Baf/3 cell line. CRISPR/Cas9 genomic editing technology allows the ablation of the BCR/ ABL fusion gene, causing an absence of oncoprotein expression, and blocking its tumorigenic effects in vitro and in the in vivo xenograft model of CML. The future application of this approach in in vivo models of CML will allow us to more accurately assess the value of CRISPR/Cas9 technology as a new therapeutic tool that overcomes resistance to the usual treatments for CML patients