20 research outputs found

    Elemental ratios in sediments as indicators of ecological processes in Spanish reservoirs

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    Reservoir sediments are important archives of biogeochemical data, reflecting ecological processes that occur at the watershed system. In this paper, a preliminary study of the limnological significance of major element composition and element ratios in sediments of Spanish reservoirs is presented, by analysing two data-sets from different limnological regions. Reservoirs from Eastern and Western Spain present significant differences in the chemical composition of their sediments: higher average values for calcium and magnesium appear in the Eastern reservoirs, while, in Western Spain, higher mean values are found for alumino-silicate elements (i.e. silicon, aluminium, and potassium), iron and phosphorus. Meaningful ratios are Si/Al and Si/K, that are closely related to energy transport in sedimentary catchments, whereas in siliceous catchments Si/Al is an indicator of chemical weathering. Ca/Al ratio appears related to water mineralization, and, in the Eastern Region, the slope of the regression line between Ca/Al and conductivity reflects catchment mineralogy. In superficial sediments from both Eastern and Western regions, Fe/Al is linked to the authigenic precipitation of iron oxides and appears closely related to sedimentary phosphorus accumulation above background levels.El sedimento de los embalses constituye un importante registro de datos biogeoquímicos, ya que refleja los procesos ecológicos que tienen lugar en el conjunto de la cuenca hidrográfica. A partir del análisis de dos conjuntos de datos obtenidos en distintas regiones limnológicas, se presenta una aproximación preliminar al significado limnológico de la composición química y los cocientes elementales en el sedimento de los embalses españoles. Las regiones Este y Oeste de la Península muestran diferencias significativas en cuanto a composición química del sedimento: los mayores valores promedio en la región Este corresponden a la concentración de calcio y magnesio, mientras que en la región Oeste, los mayores valores medios corresponden a los elementos asociados a los alumino-silicatos (aluminio, silicio y potasio), hierro y fósforo. Los cocientes elementales con mayor significado son: Si/K y Si/Al estrechamente relacionados con la energía de transporte en la región calcárea, mientras que en la región silícica Si/Al es un indicador del proceso de meteorización química. Ca/Al se encuentra asociado a la mineralización del agua, y en la región Este la pendiente de la recta de regresión entre Ca/Al y la conductividad del agua refleja la mineralogía de la cuenca. En ambas regiones, el cociente Fe/Al en el sedimento superficial indica la precipitación endógena de óxidos de hierro y aparece estrechamente asociado a la acumulación de fósforo sedimentario por encima del nivel basal

    Nutrient fluxes through boundaries in the hypolimnion of Sau reservoir : expected patterns and unanticipated processes

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    By contrast to many natural lakes, the summer hypolimnion in advection-dominated systems like canyon-shaped reservoirs is not isolated from direct inputs from the river. This has important implications in the evolution of limnological features of the hypolimnion through the stratified period, especially if the river water directly plunges as a density current into the hypolimnion as a consequence of temperature differences. Taking the Sau Reservoir (Spain) as a prototype for this kind of systems, we present data from 11 years of monitoring to show how the river water entering the reservoir during summer is the main factor determining hypolimnetic nutrient concentrations. The empirical regression approach used all through the paper also stressed the effect of the improvement in water quality experienced by the river during the studied period on the improvement of the water quality stored in the summer hypolimnion of the reservoir. Since the change in river water quality was the consequence of the implementation of remediation measures at the basin scale, we advocate these solutions to manage reservoir eutrophication problems in this type of systems, which, in addition, had other unexpected benefits for the hypolimnetic water quality in Sau Reservoir.A diferencia de muchos lagos naturales, el hipolimnion que se forma en verano en sistemas dominados por la advección, como los embalses que inundan valles profundos y estrechos, no está aislado de las entradas directas desde el río. Esto tiene importantes implicaciones en la evolución de las características limnológicas del hipolimnion durante el periodo de estratificación, especialmente si el agua del río entra al embalse como una corriente de densidad directamente en el hipolimnion debido a diferencias de temperatura. Tomando el Embalse de Sau (España) como prototipo de este tipo de sistemas, mostramos 11 años de datos de un programa de monitoreo para ejemplificar cómo el agua del río que entra en verano al embalse es el factor determinante de la concentración de nutrientes en el hipolimnion. La aproximación de regresión empírica utilizada en el artículo también puso de manifiesto el efecto de la mejora en la calidad del agua que sufrió el río durante el periodo de estudio en la mejora del agua del agua embalsada en el hipolimnion. Ya que esta mejora en el río fue consecuencia de la implementación de medidas de restauración a nivel de la cuenca, promovemos estas soluciones para la gestión de problemas de eutrofización en este tipo de sistemas, que por otra parte mostraron ventajas inesperadas en el caso del hipolimnion del Embalse de Sau

    Supervivencia en niños de muy bajo peso al nacimiento, 1996-2004

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue establecer la probabilidad de supervivencia y la morbilidad de los neonatos con muy bajo peso al nacimiento, en un hospital de tercer nivel de Colombia. Para este fin se evaluaron todos los neonatos nacidos vivos con peso inferior a 1500g en el Hospital General de Medellín, entre 1996 y 2004. Resultados: durante el período de estudio ingresaron 1443 neonatos. 54% de las madres recibió esteroides antenatales y 17.1% de los neonatos recibió surfactante pulmonar. La media del tiempo de supervivencia de los neonatos con peso inferior a 1000g fue menor a un día. Ningún neonato de 23 semanas o menos egresó vivo. La probabilidad de ingresar a la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal fue significativamente menor entre los neonatos menores de 1000g, que entre los neonatos de 1000 a 1490 g, y el RR = 0.54 (IC95%: 0.44-0.65). La mortalidad de este grupo fue mayor de manera estadísticamente significativa, que entre los de 1000 a 1490 g, y el RR = 3.8 (IC 95%=3.3-4.3). La fracción atribuible en la población (RAP%) debida al extremo bajo peso al nacer fue de 47.8%.  AbstractThe aim of this trial was to measure the neonatal survival rate and the morbidity of the very low birth weight infants in a third level hospital in Colombia. In the Hospital General of Medellín were evaluated all the neonates born between 1996 and 2004 with a birth weight less than 1500g. Results: 1443 neonates were enrolled to this cohorte-study 54% of the mothers got antenatal steroids and 17.1% of the neonates got pulmonary surfactant. The neonates with a birth weight less than 1000g had a survival time median less than one day. No one neonate with 23 weeks or less of gestational age went away live. The likelihood of enter to the neonatal intensive care unit was significant lower in neonates with a birth weight less than 1000g that in the neonates with a birth weight between 1000 to 1490 g, RR = 0.54 (CI95%: 0.44-0.65), the mortality in the first group was greater than in the second group, RR = 3.8 (CI95%: 3.3-4.3). The percentage of attributable risk in the population (%PAR) was 47.8% caused to have a birth weigh lower than 1000 g. Conclusions: There is a lower risk to enter at the neonatal intensive care unit in those neonates with a birth weight less than 1000g, and the survival rate of this population is diminished because of this. The high likelihood of dying due to the extreme low birth weight must call the attention of the sanitary authorities, because this evaluates of indirect way the quality of attention that receive the obstetrical patients. Cohort studies should to carry out in this population for evaluating the long time prognosis and would allow design policies of maternal and neonatal health.Keywords: very low birth weight infant, neonatal intensive care unit, neonatal mortality, survival rate, pulmonary surfactant, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopulmonary dysplasia

    The neglected role of LITHOlogy in the response of Mediterranean FORest ecosystems to climate change: rationale and endorsing results from project LITHOFOR

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    XV Congreso Nacional de la AEET (El valor ,de la Naturaleza para una sociedad global), 18-21 de octubre, Plasencia, Cáceres.One of the main concerns of ecologists is to understand which factors (biogeographical, physiographical, disturbance, etc.) control ecosystem structure and function. It is surprising that lithology has rarely been considered despite its potential cascading effects on resource availability and ecological conditions. The project LITHOFOR aims to shed light on the role of lithology in forest ecosystem responses to climate change by focusing on pine (Pinus pinaster), Andalusian-fir (Abies pinsapo) and cork-oak (Quercus suber) forests across the unique natural laboratory representedby the Baetic and Rif ranges (S. Spain- N.-Morocco). In the western Mediterranean-Alborán region, climate conditions shift from hyperhumid to semiarid in scarcely a hundred kilometers along West to East longitudinal gradients, and its world-wide renowned geotectonic and lithological complexity allows for abundant forest stands across contrasting lithological contacts. The project is a coordinated multidisciplinary effort of forest ecologists, plant physiologists, geologists, soil scientists, biodiversity researchers and modelers to compare forest structure and functio n among three contrasting lithologies (carbonated, metapelites and ultramafic rocks). Results illustrate that lithological types influence the shape and intensity of patterns along climatic gradients (and in respo nse to drought) for variables as stand structure, tree growth, foliar and root functional traits, litter decomposition and nutrient cycling, and bi ological communities composition (plants, soil nematodes and microbes). This advocates that litho/edaphological factors deserve greater attention

    Expert range maps of global mammal distributions harmonised to three taxonomic authorities

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    AimComprehensive, global information on species' occurrences is an essential biodiversity variable and central to a range of applications in ecology, evolution, biogeography and conservation. Expert range maps often represent a species' only available distributional information and play an increasing role in conservation assessments and macroecology. We provide global range maps for the native ranges of all extant mammal species harmonised to the taxonomy of the Mammal Diversity Database (MDD) mobilised from two sources, the Handbook of the Mammals of the World (HMW) and the Illustrated Checklist of the Mammals of the World (CMW).LocationGlobal.TaxonAll extant mammal species.MethodsRange maps were digitally interpreted, georeferenced, error-checked and subsequently taxonomically aligned between the HMW (6253 species), the CMW (6431 species) and the MDD taxonomies (6362 species).ResultsRange maps can be evaluated and visualised in an online map browser at Map of Life (mol.org) and accessed for individual or batch download for non-commercial use.Main conclusionExpert maps of species' global distributions are limited in their spatial detail and temporal specificity, but form a useful basis for broad-scale characterizations and model-based integration with other data. We provide georeferenced range maps for the native ranges of all extant mammal species as shapefiles, with species-level metadata and source information packaged together in geodatabase format. Across the three taxonomic sources our maps entail, there are 1784 taxonomic name differences compared to the maps currently available on the IUCN Red List website. The expert maps provided here are harmonised to the MDD taxonomic authority and linked to a community of online tools that will enable transparent future updates and version control

    A cost-effectiveness analysis of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in infants and herd protection in older adults in Colombia

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    Background Pneumococcal diseases have a clinical and economic impact on the population. Until this year, a 10-valent pneumococcal vaccine (PCV10) used to be applied in Colombia, which does not contain serotypes 19A, 3, and 6A, the most prevalent in the country. Therefore, we aimed to assess the cost-effectiveness of the shift to the 13-valent pneumococcal vaccine (PCV13). Research design and methods A decision model was used for newborns in Colombia between 2022–2025 and adults over 65 years. The time horizon was life expectancy. Outcomes are Invasive Pneumococcal Diseases (IPD), Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP), Acute Otitis Media (AOM), their sequelae, Life Gained Years (LYGs), and herd effect in older adults. Results PCV10 covers 4.27% of serotypes in the country, while PCV13 covers 64.4%. PCV13 would avoid in children 796 cases of IPD, 19,365 of CAP, 1,399 deaths, and generate 44,204 additional LYGs, as well as 9,101 cases of AOM, 13 cases of neuromotor disability and 428 cochlear implants versus PCV10. In older adults, PCV13 would avoid 993 cases of IPD and 17,245 of CAP, versus PCV10. PCV13 saves $51.4 million. The decision model shows robustness in the sensitivity analysis. Conclusion PCV13 is a cost-saving strategy versus PCV10 to avoid pneumococcal diseases

    La cebolla

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    Analiza las consideraciones generales sobre la cebolla. Realiza un análisis bromatolólogico de la misma. A parte de este análisis determina métodos óptimos de conservación para la preparación de conservas. Finalmente realiza consideraciones sobre los resultados obtenidos en la preparación de conservas.Doctor en Química IndustrialCuenc

    Cost-utility analysis of palivizumab for preventing respiratory syncytial virus in preterm neonates and infants in Colombia

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    Abstract Aim Palivizumab has proven effective in reducing hospitalizations, preventing severe illness, improving health outcomes, and reducing healthcare costs for infants at risk of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. We aim to assess the value of palivizumab in preventing RSV infection in high-risk infants in Colombia, where RSV poses a significant threat, causing severe respiratory illness and hospitalizations. Methods We conducted a decision tree analysis to compare five doses of palivizumab with no palivizumab. The study considered three population groups: preterm neonates (≤ 35 weeks gestational age), infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and infants with hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease (CHD). We obtained clinical efficacy data from IMpact-RSV and Cardiac Synagis trials, while we derived neonatal hospitalization risks from the SENTINEL-1 study. We based hospitalization and recurrent wheezing management costs on Colombian analyses and validated them by experts. We estimated incremental cost-effectiveness ratios and performed 1,000 Monte Carlo simulations for probabilistic sensitivity analyses. Results Palivizumab is a dominant strategy for preventing RSV infection in preterm neonates and infants with BPD and CHD. Its high efficacy (78% in preventing RSV in preterm infants), the substantial risk of illness and hospitalization, and the high costs associated with hospitalization, particularly in neonatal intensive care settings, support this finding. The scatter plots and willingness-to-pay curves align with these results. Conclusion Palivizumab is a cost-saving strategy in Colombia, effectively preventing RSV infection in preterm neonates and infants with BPD and CHD by reducing hospitalizations and lowering healthcare costs

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 13-valent in older adults in Colombia

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    BACKGROUND: Nowadays, there are two vaccination strategies in Colombia to prevent pneumococcal diseases in people over 50 years. Our aim is to estimate cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 13-valent (PCV13) versus pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine 23-valent (PPSV23) to prevent pneumococcal diseases and their related mortality in people over 50 years old in Colombia. METHODS: A Markov model was developed with national data, including pneumococcal serotypes distribution in Colombia between 2005 and 2010. Vaccination of a cohort was simulated and a five year time horizon was assumed. Analysis was done from a perspective of a third party payer. Direct costs were provided by a national insurance company; sensitive univariate and probabilistic analysis were done for epidemiological and clinical effectiveness parameters and costs. RESULTS: PCV13 avoids 3 560 deaths by pneumococcal infections versus PPSV23 and 4 255 deaths versus no vaccine. PCV13 prevents 79 633 cases by all-cause pneumonia versus PPSV23 and 81 468 cases versus no vaccine. Total costs (healthcare and vaccines costs) with PCV13 would be U.S. 97,587,113cheaperthanPPSV23anditwouldsaveU.S. 97,587,113 cheaper than PPSV23 and it would save U.S. 145,196,578 versus no vaccine. CONCLUSION: PCV13 would be a cost-saving strategy in the context of a mass vaccination program in Colombia to people over 50 years old because it would reduce burden of disease and specific mortality by pneumococcal diseases, besides, it saves money versus PPSV23