981 research outputs found

    Testing for convergence among Mercosur countries

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the existence of price convergence in Mercosur. Two variables are considered, Consumer Price Indices to assess convergence in the goods and services markets and real interest rates, to analyse convergence in the money markets. The univariate analysis points only to convergence in real interest rates, whilst the multivariate analysis provides evidence of common trends in both markets.Mercosur, economic integration, unit roots, nonlinearities, co-trending.

    Unemployment and common smooth transition trends in Central and Eastern European Countries

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    In the present paper we analyse the existence of common nonlinear trends in several of Central and Eastern European Countries in order to gain some insight about the degree of labour market integration within the area. In order to do so, we test for the order of integration of the unemployment rates, by applying the Leybourne et al. (1998) and Kapetanios et al. (2003) nonlinear unit root tests. Our results pinpoint the fact that five up to eight unemployment rates are stationary around a nonlinear trend and, by means of Anderson and Vahid (1998) approach, we also find that there is a common trend that drives the long run behaviour of that variable in these countries.Unemployment, Central and Eastern Europe, unit roots, smooth transition, nonlinearities.

    Design and implementation of a single On-Board Computer for CubeSats

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    his document reports the process of design, implementation, and testing of an On-Board Computer for CubeSats in a single 1U-sized CubeSat PCB. The aim is to design a modular, cheap, e cient and exible product than could be easily reproduced and implemented in forthcoming CubeSats missions. The document describes all the hardware design phases, from the selection of components to the creation of the circuits and blocks, following with the physical design of the layout in two stackable boards, and nally the actual integration and subsequent electrical test of the components. The project ended successfully with a prototype of the OBC allowing the boot of a Linux operative system from a µSD card, and the documentation needed to reproduce the work and manufacture new products

    Geochemical investigation of Meso- to Neoarchean (3075–2800 Ma) supracrustal rocks in the Nuuk region, southern west Greenland

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    This study presents new structural observations and high precision major and trace element data for metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks in the Ivisaartoq (ca. 3075 Ma), Ujarassuit (ca. 3070 Ma), and Storø (2800-2840 Ma) greenstone belts, Nuuk region, southwestern Greenland. The new data are used to investigate postdepositional alteration, petrogenesis of volcanic rocks, provenance of sedimentary rocks, and geodynamic setting. The Mesoarchean Ivisaartoq belt underwent two stages of calc-silicate alteration. Stage-I alteration appears to have resulted from sea-floor hydrothermal alteration. Stage-II alteration was developed during the regional metamorphism. Both stages of alteration caused mobilization of major elements, large ion lithophile elements (LILE: Rb, Cs, Sr, Ba, Pb), and light rare earth elements (LREE). Heavy rare earth elements (HREE) and high field strength elements (HFSE: Th, Nb, Ta, Zr, Ti) remained relatively immobile during stage-I alteration but were variably disturbed during the stage-II metasomatism. Transition metals (e.g., Ni, V, Co, Cr, and Sc) were immobile during both metasomatic events. The geochemical characteristics of metavolcanic rocks in the Mesoarchean Ujarassuit and Ivisaartoq greenstone belts suggest that these belts include island arc tholeiites (IAT), andesites, boninites, subduction-related picrites, and normal-mid-ocean ridge basalts (N-MORB). Metasedimentary rocks have low chemical indexes of alteration values (CIA = 46 to 62), enriched LREE patterns, and high contents of transition metals, indicating that they have been derived from poorly weathered felsic to mafic source rocks. Accordingly, the Ujarassuit and Ivisaartoq greenstone belts are interpreted to represent dismembered fragments of Mesoarchean supra-subduction zone oceanic crust formed either in a forearc or back-arc tectonic setting. The Neoarchean Storø greenstone exhibit a tectonic contact with the surrounding tonalite-throndjemite-granodite (TTG) gneisses. Metavolcanic rocks in this belt possess near-flat to slightly enriched LREE patterns and pronounced negative Nb-Ta anomalies indicating a subduction zone geochemical signature. Metasedimentary rocks are characterized by low chemical indexes of alteration values (CIA = 50 to 71), high contents of transition metal, and enriched LREE patterns. These characteristics suggest a mixed-provenance consisting of poorly weathered felsic to mafic igneous source rocks. Collectively, the lithogeochemical characteristics of the Storø greenstone belt are consistent with a supra-subduction zone geodynamic setting

    Estimating adaptive setpoint temperatures using weather stations

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    Reducing both the energy consumption and CO 2 emissions of buildings is nowadays one of the main objectives of society. The use of heating and cooling equipment is among the main causes of energy consumption. Therefore, reducing their consumption guarantees such a goal. In this context, the use of adaptive setpoint temperatures allows such energy consumption to be significantly decreased. However, having reliable data from an external temperature probe is not always possible due to various factors. This research studies the estimation of such temperatures without using external temperature probes. For this purpose, a methodology which consists of collecting data from 10 weather stations of Galicia is carried out, and prediction models (multivariable linear regression (MLR) and multilayer perceptron (MLP)) are applied based on two approaches: (1) using both the setpoint temperature and the mean daily external temperature from the previous day; and (2) using the mean daily external temperature from the previous 7 days. Both prediction models provide adequate performances for approach 1, obtaining accurate results between 1 month (MLR) and 5 months (MLP). However, for approach 2, only the MLP obtained accurate results from the 6th month. This research ensures the continuity of using adaptive setpoint temperatures even in case of possible measurement errors or failures of the external temperature probes.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities 00064742/ITC-20133094Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness BIA 2017-85657-

    Análisis de la escala de señales transitorias usando transformada Wavelet para monitoreo en transformadores

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    En el presente trabajo se desarrolló el análisis de señales transitorias en el domino de la escala usando transformada wavelet, en pruebas simuladas y reales en transformadores piloto y distribución. Las pruebas aplicando el método SRA (Análisis de respuesta en la escala) serán comparadas con los métodos DFT (Transformada discreta de Fourier) y CWT (Transformada Wavelet continua).PregradoINGENIERO(A) ELECTRICIST

    La motivació del mestre i de l'alumne, des de la pedagogia agustiniana

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    La motivació és un dels elements per excel·lència de l'educació convertint- se en la ferramenta essencial per a aconseguir que l'alumne o el receptor aconseguisca comprendre el que escolta per a obtindre el tan gastat aprenentatge significatiu. Trobem nombroses definicions que conclouen a dir que en la motivació influïxen tant factors o variables personals com contextuals. Tractant-se, doncs, d'un element essencial en l'educació hem volgut tornar la nostra mirada als segles iv i v i, més concretament, al pedagog, teòleg, filòsof i mestre de retòrica Sant Agustí de Hipona. Els motius que ens han portat a fixar-nos en esta figura és per la seua aportació al desenrotllament i a la fonamentació, que nombrosos investigadors defenen, al món occidental. Potser un dels aspectes menys coneguts de l'hiponense siga el de l'educació i, especialment, el de les qualitats que definixen un bon mestre des de la pedagogia augustiniana. Hem pretés realitzar esta reflexió completant i analitzant les propostes que apareixen en els escrits de les seues principals obres pedagògiques per a contrastar-les amb les valoracions més recents que es tenen sobre el terme motivació. Comprovarem que hi ha una gran connexió amb este concepte entre investigadors més recents, la incipient neuroeducació i la visió pedagògica agustinana de la seua època el que ens diu que els elements de l'educació ja es treballaven en els segles iv i v

    Quantum computing with trapped ions: a beginner's guide

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    This pedagogical article explains the basics of quantum computing using one of the most-used platform for scalable quantum computers: trapped ions. The suitability of the solution is addressed by showing its performance towards DiVincenzo criteria.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    DNA polymerases for whole genome amplification: considerations and future directions

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    In the same way that specialized DNA polymerases (DNAPs) replicate cellular and viral genomes, only a handful of dedicated proteins from various natural origins as well as engineered versions are appropriate for competent exponential amplification of whole genomes and metagenomes (WGA). Different applications have led to the development of diverse protocols, based on various DNAPs. Isothermal WGA is currently widely used due to the high performance of Φ29 DNA polymerase, but PCR-based methods are also available and can provide competent amplification of certain samples. Replication fidelity and processivity must be considered when selecting a suitable enzyme for WGA. However, other properties, such as thermostability, capacity to couple replication, and double helix unwinding, or the ability to maintain DNA replication opposite to damaged bases, are also very relevant for some applications. In this review, we provide an overview of the different properties of DNAPs widely used in WGA and discuss their limitations and future research directionsThis research was funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ERDF A way of making Europe, grant PID2021-123403NB-I00 to M.R.-