10 research outputs found

    Conflict and cultural violence in Colombia. Transformation proposals from the school

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    This article narrates a successful experience of transforming violence in a rural town in Colombia. It was made through the pedagogical intervention in conflicts’ resolution within educational communities affected by high rates of direct, structural, and cultural violence. Considering the conflict from a critical and positive perspective, the purpose is to overcome the violence culture through building, reeling off, and reassignment of meaning to the subjective dimensions of social actors, to their practices and discourses and, in this way, to the action values and patterns, which nourish the structural and direct violence in Colombia. And this is so because conflict is not only inherent to the human being and to social organizations, but also because, moreover, it is an element necessary to transform society

    Conflict and cultural violence in Colombia. Transformation proposals from the school

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    Peer reviewedThis article narrates a successful experience of transforming violence in a rural town in Colombia. It was made through the pedagogical intervention in conflicts' resolution within educational communities affected by high rates of direct, structural, and cultural violence. Considering the conflict from a critical and positive perspective, the purpose is to overcome the violence culture through building, reeling off, and reassignment of meaning to the subjective dimensions of social actors, to their practices and discourses and, in this way, to the action values and patterns, which nourish the structural and direct violence in Colombia. And this is so because conflict is not only inherent to the human being and to social organizations, but also because, moreover, it is an element necessary to transform society.Aquest article relata una experiència reeixida de transformació de la violència en un municipi rural de Colòmbia, mitjançant la intervenció pedagògica en resolució de conflictes en comunitats educatives afectades per alts índexs de violència directa, estructural i cultural. Considerant el conflicte des d'una perspectiva crítica i positiva, on aquest no és només inherent a l'ésser humà i les organitzacions socials sinó que, a més, és un element necessari per a la transformació de la societat, l'objectiu és superar la cultura de la violència a través de la construcció, deconstrucció i resignificació de les dimensions subjectives dels actors socials, de les seves pràctiques i els seus discursos i, d'aquesta manera, de les normes, valors i pautes d'acció, que són l'arrel que alimenta la violència estructural i directa a Colòmbia.Este artículo relata una experiencia exitosa de transformación de la violencia en un municipio rural de Colombia, mediante la intervención pedagógica en resolución de conflictos en comunidades educativas afectadas por altos índices de violencia directa, estructural y cultural. Considerando el conflicto desde una perspectiva crítica y positiva, donde éste no es sólo inherente al ser humano y las organizaciones sociales sino que, además, es un elemento necesario para la transformación de la sociedad, el objetivo es superar la cultura de la violencia, a través de la construcción, deconstrucción y resignificación de las dimensiones subjetivas de los actores sociales, de sus prácticas y sus discursos y, de esta forma, de las normas, valores y pautas de acción, que son la raíz que alimenta la violencia estructural y directa en Colombia

    A low content in zeatin type cytokinins is not restrictive for the occurrence of G₁/S transition in tobacco BY-2 cells

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    AbstractTheories on the importance of cytokinins in G1/S transition control are manifold and contradictory. By establishing a double Aϕ-PZ block, maximal synchronization of a BY-2 suspension culture was obtained to investigate the effect of cytokinin depletion on G1/S transition. Lovastatin was used as a specific inhibitor of cytokinin biosynthesis. Flow cytometry showed that the G1/S transition occurred regardless of the cytokinin drop. This observation indicates an extremely low dose requiry for that stage of the cell cycle. It is very likely that precisely the downregulation of zeatin type cytokinins matters for the G1/S transition to occur, since cytokinin addition at early G1 blocked the cycle at G1/S