85 research outputs found

    Auswirkungen erhöhter sozialer Unterstützung auf das Wohlbefinden kognitiv beeinträchtigter älterer Menschen

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    Zusammenfassung: Soziale Beziehungen stellen einen wichtigen Faktor für den Erhalt der Lebenszufriedenheit im Alter dar. Wenig bekannt ist, welchen Einfluss erhöhte soziale Unterstützung auf das Wohlbefinden kognitiv beeinträchtigter Menschen hat. In zwei vergleichenden Studien in der Schweiz und Österreich mit insgesamt 84 kognitiv beeinträchtigten Personen (65-98Jahre) in stationärer Betreuung wurde deshalb in einem Kontrollgruppendesign untersucht, ob sich die Erhöhung sozialer Unterstützung positiv auf das Wohlbefinden auswirkt. Dazu wurden Interventionen bei kognitiv beeinträchtigten Menschen in Form von emotionaler sozialer Unterstützung durch freiwillige Besucher durchgeführt. In beiden Studien konnte ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen der Erhöhung sozialer Unterstützung durch freiwillige Helfer und dem Wohlbefinden der Probanden festgestellt werden. Die Untersuchungen zeigen auf, dass soziale Unterstützung und Zuwendung generell von kognitiv beeinträchtigten Menschen registriert und als wohltuend empfunden werde

    Guidelines for the selection of appropriate remote sensing technologies for landslide detection, monitoring and rapid mapping: the experience of the SafeLand European Project.

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    New earth observation satellites, innovative airborne platforms and sensors, high precision laser scanners, and enhanced ground-based geophysical investigation tools are a few examples of the increasing diversity of remote sensing technologies used in landslide analysis. The use of advanced sensors and analysis methods can help to significantly increase our understanding of potentially hazardous areas and helps to reduce associated risk. However, the choice of the optimal technology, analysis method and observation strategy requires careful considerations of the landslide process in the local and regional context, and the advantages and limitations of each technique. Guidelines for the selection of the most suitable remote sensing technologies according to different landslide types, displacement velocities, observational scales and risk management strategies have been proposed. The guidelines are meant to aid operational decision making, and include information such as spatial resolution and coverage, data and processing costs, and maturity of the method. The guidelines target scientists and end-users in charge of risk management, from the detection to the monitoring and the rapid mapping of landslides. They are illustrated by recent innovative methodologies developed for the creation and updating of landslide inventory maps, for the construction of landslide deformation maps and for the quantification of hazard. The guidelines were compiled with contributions from experts on landslide remote sensing from 13 European institutions coming from 8 different countries. This work is presented within the framework of the SafeLand project funded by the European Commission’s FP7 Programme.JRC.H.7-Climate Risk Managemen

    Automatic Mapping of Discontinuity Persistence on Rock Masses Using 3D Point Clouds

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    Finding new ways to quantify discontinuity persistence values in rock masses in an automatic or semi-automatic manner is a considerable challenge, as an alternative to the use of traditional methods based on measuring patches or traces with tapes. Remote sensing techniques potentially provide new ways of analysing visible data from the rock mass. This work presents a methodology for the automatic mapping of discontinuity persistence on rock masses, using 3D point clouds. The method proposed herein starts by clustering points that belong to patches of a given discontinuity. Coplanar clusters are then merged into a single group of points. Persistence is measured in the directions of the dip and strike for each coplanar set of points, resulting in the extraction of the length of the maximum chord and the area of the convex hull. The proposed approach is implemented in a graphic interface with open source software. Three case studies are utilized to illustrate the methodology: (1) small-scale laboratory setup consisting of a regular distribution of cubes with similar dimensions, (2) more complex geometry consisting of a real rock mass surface in an excavated cavern and (3) slope with persistent sub-vertical discontinuities. Results presented good agreement with field measurements, validating the methodology. Complexities and difficulties related to the method (e.g. natural discontinuity waviness) are reported and discussed. An assessment on the applicability of the method to the 3D point cloud is also presented. Utilization of remote sensing data for a more objective characterization of the persistence of planar discontinuities affecting rock masses is highlighted herein

    Auswirkungen erhöhter sozialer Unterstützung auf das Wohlbefinden kognitiv beeinträchtigter älterer Menschen

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    Soziale Beziehungen stellen einen wichtigen Faktor für den Erhalt der Lebenszufriedenheit im Alter dar. Wenig bekannt ist, welchen Einfluss erhöhte soziale Unterstützung auf das Wohlbefinden kognitiv beeinträchtigter Menschen hat. In zwei vergleichenden Studien in der Schweiz und Österreich mit insgesamt 84 kognitiv beeinträchtigten Personen (65–98 Jahre) in stationärer Betreuung wurde deshalb in einem Kontrollgruppendesign untersucht, ob sich die Erhöhung sozialer Unterstützung positiv auf das Wohlbefinden auswirkt. Dazu wurden Interventionen bei kognitiv beeinträchtigten Menschen in Form von emotionaler sozialer Unterstützung durch freiwillige Besucher durchgeführt. In beiden Studien konnte ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen der Erhöhung sozialer Unterstützung durch freiwillige Helfer und dem Wohlbefinden der Probanden festgestellt werden. Die Untersuchungen zeigen auf, dass soziale Unterstützung und Zuwendung generell von kognitiv beeinträchtigten Menschen registriert und als wohltuend empfunden werden. = Social relationships are an important factor for maintaining life satisfaction in elderly people. Little is known, however, about the influence of increased social support towards the well-being of cognitively impaired people. This is why two comparative studies in Switzerland and Austria, with 84 cognitively impaired individuals (aged between 65 and 98) with in-patient treatment, used a control group design to examine whether increased social support would have a positive effect on the well-being of these individuals. To this end, interventions in the form of emotional social support through volunteer visitors for dementia patients were carried out. In both studies, a positive association between increased social support by volunteer assistants and well-being emerged. The investigations show that social support and attention are generally registered and perceived as creating a pleasantly soothing feeling in cognitively impaired people

    Experimental and clinical studies on the absorption and toxicity of cerium nitrate

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    In this publication we present the results of three studies concerning the toxicity and absorption of cerium. In the first experimental study in rats, following the application of a 2.2% solution of cerium nitrate on dorsal wounds for five weeks, delayed healing was demonstrated and histological examination revealed richly vascularized granulation tissue in which microcalcifications and foreign-body type giant cells were found. A high concentration of cerium was found in the liver. The second experimental study employing rat enterocytes demonstrated an immediate cellular toxicity after exposure to a 2.2% cerium nitrate solution. Correction of pH and/or osmolarity did not play a protective role. In the clinical evaluation, significant levels of cerium were found in six blood samples and four urinary specimens, following the application of a 2.2% cerium nitrate solution on burn wounds. Liver biopsies were performed in two cases. There were no abnormal histological findings, but cerium levels were elevated