448 research outputs found

    The emergent role of digital technologies in the context of humanitarian supply chains: a systematic literature review

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    The role of digital technologies (DTs) in humanitarian supply chains (HSC) has become an increasingly researched topic in the operations literature. While numerous publications have dealt with this convergence, most studies have focused on examining the implementation of individual DTs within the HSC context, leaving relevant literature, to date, dispersed and fragmented. This study, through a systematic literature review of 110 articles on HSC published between 2015 and 2020, provides a unified overview of the current state-of-the-art DTs adopted in HSC operations. The literature review findings substantiate the growing significance of DTs within HSC, identifying their main objectives and application domains, as well as their deployment with respect to the different HSC phases (i.e., Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery). Furthermore, the findings also offer insight into how participant organizations might configure a technological portfolio aimed at overcoming operational difficulties in HSC endeavours. This work is novel as it differs from the existing traditional perspective on the role of individual technologies on HSC research by reviewing multiple DTs within the HSC domain

    Molecular evolution of cytochrome \u3ci\u3eb\u3c/i\u3e in high- and low-altitude deer mice (genus \u3ci\u3ePeromyscus\u3c/i\u3e)

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    Patterns of amino-acid polymorphism in human mitochondrial genes have been interpreted as evidence for divergent selection among populations that inhabit climatically distinct environments. If similar patterns are mirrored in other broadly distributed mammalian species, then adaptive modifications of mitochondrial protein function may be detected in comparisons among locally adapted populations of a single wide-ranging species, or among closely related species that have adapted to different environments. Here, we test for evidence of positive selection on cytochrome b variation within and among species of the ecologically diverse rodent genus Peromyscus. We used likelihood-based comparisons of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates to test for evidence of divergent selection between high- and low-altitude haplogroups of the deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus. We also tested for evidence of divergent selection among different species of Peromyscus that inhabit different thermal environments. In contrast to the purported evidence for positive selection on mitochondrial proteins in humans and other nonhuman mammals, results of our tests suggest that the evolution of cytochrome b in Peromyscus is chiefly governed by purifying selection

    Molecular evolution of cytochrome \u3ci\u3eb\u3c/i\u3e in high- and low-altitude deer mice (genus \u3ci\u3ePeromyscus\u3c/i\u3e)

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    Patterns of amino-acid polymorphism in human mitochondrial genes have been interpreted as evidence for divergent selection among populations that inhabit climatically distinct environments. If similar patterns are mirrored in other broadly distributed mammalian species, then adaptive modifications of mitochondrial protein function may be detected in comparisons among locally adapted populations of a single wide-ranging species, or among closely related species that have adapted to different environments. Here, we test for evidence of positive selection on cytochrome b variation within and among species of the ecologically diverse rodent genus Peromyscus. We used likelihood-based comparisons of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates to test for evidence of divergent selection between high- and low-altitude haplogroups of the deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus. We also tested for evidence of divergent selection among different species of Peromyscus that inhabit different thermal environments. In contrast to the purported evidence for positive selection on mitochondrial proteins in humans and other nonhuman mammals, results of our tests suggest that the evolution of cytochrome b in Peromyscus is chiefly governed by purifying selection

    Oxygen uptake kinetics to assess cardiorespiratory fitness in obese patients

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    Indexación: Scopus.Background: The evaluation of cardiorespiratory fitness (RCC) using maximal or peak oxygen consumption (VO2), requires a high level of effort in obese patients. We propose a method to evaluate RCC using constant and moderate loads, called VO2 kinetics (tau). Aim: To determine the relationship between tau and peak VO2 in patients with obesity. Material and Methods: Forty patients (87% females) aged 37 ± 12 years and with a body mass index (BMI) of 34.6 ± 4.0 kg/m2, were divided into two groups according to the applied workload (0.5 and 0.8 Watts/kg body mass) using a cycle ergometer and Cortex Metalyzer 3b equipment. The protocol was started with 6 minutes at constant load and then increments of 20-25 Watts every two min were made until determination of the peak VO2. Results: The tau value was 51.8 ± 17.6 s, the absolute peak VO2 was 2.0 ± 0.7 L/min and the relative peak VO2 was 26.6 ± 30.0 ml/kg/min. There was a significant difference of tau medians between the group that used 0.5 and 0.8 Watts/kg (p = 0.002) and a significant inverse correlation between the absolute peak VO2 and the tau value for a load of 0.5 Watts/kg (rho = -0.415, p = 0.0327). Conclusions: The higher tau value, the lower the peak VO2 of an obese patient. It is suggested to apply loads of 0.5 Watts/kg for a VO2 kinetics test in obese patients or in subjects who do not wish to carry out higher physiological demands with a non-invasive and low risk procedure.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-98872018000100015&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=e

    Carney triad. Report of one case

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    Indexación: Scopus.Carney described a disorder characterized by the presence of several uncommon tumors which were pulmonary chondromas, gastric sarcomas and extra-adrenal paragangliomas. We report a 14 year-old girl in whom multiple gastric tumors were discovered during a study of an iron deficiency anemia and was subjected to a partial gastrectomy. At 25 years of age, she developed several pulmonary chondromas and at 33 years, a mediastinal tumor with features of an extra-adrenal paraganglioma was found. At 35 years of age, a total gastrectomy was performed to remove a gastrointestinal stromal tumor with excision of peritoneal and lymph node metastasis. One year later, the patient died due to liver failure secondary to liver metastases.http://ref.scielo.org/4jhgg

    La bioluminiscencia como herramienta para evaluar el lavado de manos durante la formación de profesionales relacionadas con la Salud Pública

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    Indexación: Scopus.Health Care Associated Infections (HAS), Foodborne Illness and zoonoses generate high costs for public health. A simple and inexpensive measure, and with evidence of its effectiveness in their prevention is handwashing, a protocol established by the World Health Organization (WHO), that is taught in professional training programs to students of human and animal health, as well as those who process food. The aim of this descriptive and cross-sectional study was to evaluate handwashing by bioluminescence in students during their performance in practice centres, as well as their knowledge and attitude towards handwashing, by a survey involving 45 students from the Gastronomy, Nursing and Veterinary Medicine in their last cycle of academic training of a private higher education institution (Concepción, Chile). The students showed an adequate knowledge of handwashing (90%), but a bad attitude towards it (70% of favourable responses). Students gave greater importance to handwashing when they are observed, evaluated or when their classmates do it, showing a lack of awareness regarding the importance of doing it. The bioluminescence test indicated a significant reduction between before and after handwashing, from 2951±40 URL vs. 400.7±73 URL, respectively (p<0.0001), without significant differences between the careers. The measurement of ATP by bioluminescence is a simple and rapid method to evaluate the effectiveness of handwashing, being a tool that can be incorporated into disciplinary training in careers directly related to human-animal health.https://revistas.gnbit.net/index.php/veterinaria/article/view/1817


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    Raíz corchosa es una de las principales enfermedades que afecta al cultivo de tomate que se produce bajo invernadero frío en Chile. En esta investigación se entregan antecedentes referentes a las principalescaracterísticas reproductivas de su agente causal, Pyrenochaeta lycopersici, como: picnidios, conidióforos y conidios. Además, antecedentes sobre la estrategia de control biológico de esta enfermedad. En base a estudios preliminares, se determinó a Trichoderma harzianum, como el taxa más promisorio (según cultivos duales).Se caracterizaron cepas de ambas especies de acuerdo a crecimiento micelial a diferentes temperaturas, pH, y salinidad (NaCl). Finalmente, se efectuó un ensayo bajo condiciones controladas de invernadero, destacándose la cepa Th11 como la más promisoria en el biocontrol de este patógeno

    Synapse-associated protein 102/dlgh3 couples the NMDA receptor to specific plasticity pathways and learning strategies

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    Understanding the mechanisms whereby information encoded within patterns of action potentials is deciphered by neurons is central to cognitive psychology. The multiprotein complexes formed by NMDA receptors linked to synaptic membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) proteins including synapse-associated protein 102 (SAP102) and other associated proteins are instrumental in these processes. Although humans with mutations in SAP102 show mental retardation, the physiological and biochemical mechanisms involved are unknown. Using SAP102 knock-out mice, we found specific impairments in synaptic plasticity induced by selective frequencies of stimulation that also required extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling. This was paralleled by inflexibility and impairment in spatial learning. Improvement in spatial learning performance occurred with extra training despite continued use of a suboptimal search strategy, and, in a separate nonspatial task, the mutants again deployed a different strategy. Double-mutant analysis of postsynaptic density-95 and SAP102 mutants indicate overlapping and specific functions of the two MAGUKs. These in vivo data support the model that specific MAGUK proteins couple the NMDA receptor to distinct downstream signaling pathways. This provides a mechanism for discriminating patterns of synaptic activity that lead to long-lasting changes in synaptic strength as well as distinct aspects of cognition in the mammalian nervous system

    PSD95 Suppresses Dendritic Arbor Development in Mature Hippocampal Neurons by Occluding the Clustering of NR2B-NMDA Receptors

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    Considerable evidence indicates that the NMDA receptor (NMDAR) subunits NR2A and NR2B are critical mediators of synaptic plasticity and dendritogenesis; however, how they differentially regulate these processes is unclear. Here we investigate the roles of the NR2A and NR2B subunits, and of their scaffolding proteins PSD-95 and SAP102, in remodeling the dendritic architecture of developing hippocampal neurons (2–25 DIV). Analysis of the dendritic architecture and the temporal and spatial expression patterns of the NMDARs and anchoring proteins in immature cultures revealed a strong positive correlation between synaptic expression of the NR2B subunit and dendritogenesis. With maturation, the pruning of dendritic branches was paralleled by a strong reduction in overall and synaptic expression of NR2B, and a significant elevation in synaptic expression of NR2A and PSD95. Using constructs that alter the synaptic composition, we found that either over-expression of NR2B or knock-down of PSD95 by shRNA-PSD95 augmented dendritogenesis in immature neurons. Reactivation of dendritogenesis could also be achieved in mature cultured neurons, but required both manipulations simultaneously, and was accompanied by increased dendritic clustering of NR2B. Our results indicate that the developmental increase in synaptic expression of PSD95 obstructs the synaptic clustering of NR2B-NMDARs, and thereby restricts reactivation of dendritic branching. Experiments with shRNA-PSD95 and chimeric NR2A/NR2B constructs further revealed that C-terminus of the NR2B subunit (tail) was sufficient to induce robust dendritic branching in mature hippocampal neurons, and suggest that the NR2B tail is important in recruiting calcium-dependent signaling proteins and scaffolding proteins necessary for dendritogenesis.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant EY014074
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