11 research outputs found

    The Labadie, Jones and Cockburn Banks Nephrops Grounds (FU2021) 2023 UWTV Survey Report and catch scenarios for 2024

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    This report provides the main results of the 2023 underwater television survey on the ‘Labadie, Jones and Cockburn Banks’ ICES assessment area; Functional Unit 2021. The 2023 annual survey was multi-disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV and other ecosystem data. A total of 100 UWTV stations were completed at 6 nm intervals over a randomised isometric grid design. The 2023 mean burrow density was 0.104 burrows/m2 compared with 0.101 burrows/m2 in the year 2022. The 2023 geostatistical abundance estimate was 1026 million, a 0.6% decrease on the abundance from 2022, with a CV of 4%, which is well below the upper limit of 20% recommended by SGNEPS 2012. Low to medium densities were observed throughout the ground. Using the 2023 estimate of abundance and updated stock data implies catch in 2024 that correspond to the ICES MSY approach of 1865 tonnes assuming that discard rates and fishery selection patterns do not change from the average of 2020– 2022. Two species of sea-pen (Virgularia mirabilis and Pennatula phosphorea) were recorded as present at the stations surveyed. Trawl marks were observed at 20% of the stations surveyed.Marine Institut

    The “Smalls” Nephrops Grounds (FU22) 2023 UWTV Survey Report and catch scenarios for 2024

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    This report provides the main results and findings of the eighteenth annual underwater television survey on the ‘Smalls grounds’ ICES assessment area; Functional Unit 22. The survey was multi-disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV and other ecosystem data. A total of 41 UWTV stations were surveyed successfully (high quality image data), carried out over an isometric grid at 4.5nmi or 8.3km intervals. The precision, with a CV of < 7%, was well below the upper limit of 20% recommended by SGNEPS (ICES, 2012). The 2023 abundance estimate was 13% lower than in 2022 and at 776 million is below the MSY Btrigger reference point (990 million). Using the 2023 estimate of abundance and updated stock data implies catch in 2024 that correspond to the ICES MSY approach of 1912 tonnes, assuming that discard rates and fishery selection patterns do not change from the average of 2020 - 2022. One species of sea pen was recorded as present at the stations surveyed: Virgularia mirabilis. Trawl marks were observed at 37% of the stations surveyed.Marine Institut

    Evaluation of Mucociliary Clearance by Three Dimension Micro-CT-SPECT in Guinea Pig: Role of Bitter Taste Agonists

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    Different image techniques have been used to analyze mucociliary clearance (MCC) in humans, but current small animal MCC analysis using in vivo imaging has not been well defined. Bitter taste receptor (T2R) agonists increase ciliary beat frequency (CBF) and cause bronchodilation but their effects in vivo are not well understood. This work analyzes in vivo nasal and bronchial MCC in guinea pig animals using three dimension (3D) micro-CT-SPECT images and evaluates the effect of T2R agonists. Intranasal macroaggreggates of albumin-Technetium 99 metastable (MAA-Tc99m) and lung nebulized Tc99m albumin nanocolloids were used to analyze the effect of T2R agonists on nasal and bronchial MCC respectively, using 3D micro-CT-SPECT in guinea pig. MAA-Tc99m showed a nasal mucociliary transport rate of 0.36 mm/min that was increased in presence of T2R agonist to 0.66 mm/min. Tc99m albumin nanocolloids were homogeneously distributed in the lung of guinea pig and cleared with time-dependence through the bronchi and trachea of guinea pig. T2R agonist increased bronchial MCC of Tc99m albumin nanocolloids. T2R agonists increased CBF in human nasal ciliated cells in vitro and induced bronchodilation in human bronchi ex vivo. In summary, T2R agonists increase MCC in vivo as assessed by 3D micro-CT-SPECT analysis

    FU19 Nephrops Grounds 2023 UWTV Survey Report and catch scenarios for 2024

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    This report provides the main results of the fourteenth underwater television survey of the various Nephrops patches in Functional Unit 19. The survey was multi disciplinary in nature collecting UWTV and other ecosystem data. In 2023 a total 42 UWTV stations were successfully completed. The mean density estimates varied considerably across the different patches. The 2023 raised abundance estimate showed a 15% decrease from the 2022 estimate and at 220 million burrows is below the MSY Btrigger reference point (430 million). Using the 2023 estimate of abundance and updated stock data implies catch in 2024 that correspond to the F ranges in the EU multi annual plan for Western Waters are between 224 and 248 tonnes (assuming that discard rates and fishery selection patterns do not change from the average of 2020–2022). One species of sea pen was observed; Virgularia mirabilis which has been observed on previous surveys of FU19. Trawl marks were observed at 10% of the stations surveyed.Marine Institut

    Wybrane cechy morfometryczne, kondycja oraz skład chemiczny ciała okoni (Perca fluviatilis L.) z jeziora Miedwie, Polska

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    The study material comprised perch obtained from commercial catches conducted in May and November 2009 in Lake Miedwie. Catches were made using gill nets with a mesh size ranging from 40 to 45 mm. Fifty perch (25 from each of the catches) were obtained for the study. The fish were weighed [g], and then total length [mm] and maximum body height [mm] were measured. The dependencies between total length and weight, total length and body height, and weight and body height were calculated. The condition of the perch was determined with Fulton’s condition coefficient (KF). Twelve fish were chosen at random from among the study material collected in spring and autumn to determine body chemical composition. The mean weight of these individuals was 220.51 š 18.68 g and mean length was 264.33 š 6.86 mm in spring and 91.08 š 17.20 g and 189.17 š 7.52 mm in autumn, respectively. The stomachs were excised from the fish and their contents were identified. Gutted and deheaded fish were homogenized, and the percentage share of the following were determined according to Polish norms: protein, lipids, dry matter, and ash. Qualitative analysis of the fatty acid content of the fish was performed with the PN-EN ISO 5509: 2001 chromotagraphic method. The results of the analyses indicate that the perch caught in May 2009 have greater body weights, lengths, and heights and higher quantities of lipid in comparison with the perch caught in autumn of 2009. The values of these parameters for spring and autumn, respectively, are as follows: body weight – 156.86 š 15.98 and 86.46 š 8.98 g; total length – 233.68 š 7.37 and 189.08 š 4.49 mm; body height – 52.66 š 1.97 and 44.39 š 1.59 mm; body lipid content – 1.32 š 0.03 and 0.24 š 0.01 %. However, the fish caught in November 2009 had higher KF, and contained more EPA and DHA fatty acids in comparison with fish caught in spring 2009, as follows (for spring and autumn, respectively): KF – 1.128 š 0.02 and 1.203 š 0.02; EPA content – 7.025 š 0.005 and 8.725 š 0.015 %; DHA content – 16.890 š 0.030 and 18.575 š 0.005 %.Materiał do badań stanowiły okonie pochodzące z połowów gospodarczych prowadzonych wiosną (05.2009) oraz jesienią (11.2009) w jeziorze Miedwie. Połowy ryb prowadzone były wontonami o rozmiarach oczka od 40 do 45 mm. Do badań pozyskano 50 okoni, po 25 sztuk z każdego połowu. Ryby ważono [g], a następnie mierzono ich długość całkowitą l.t. [mm] oraz maksymalną wysokość ciała [mm]. Ponadto obliczono relację długości całkowitej do masy badanych ryb. Obliczono także relację długości całkowitej do wysokości badanych ryb oraz masy badanych ryb do ich wysokości. Kondycję okoni określano za pomocą współczynnika kondycji Fultona (KF). Ponadto spośród złowionych ryb, zarówno wiosną jak i jesienią, wybrano losowo po 12 sztuk o średniej masie 218 š 74 g i długość l.t. 218 š 74 mm w celu oznaczenia składu chemicznego ich ciała. Od ryb pobrano żołądki i oznaczono ich zawartość. Wypatroszone i odgłowione ryby zhomogenizowano i w tak uzyskanej próbie oznaczono wg Polskiej Normy procentową zawartość białka, tłuszczu, suchej masy i popiołu. Przeprowadzona została także analiza jakościowa tłuszczu zawartego w ciele ryb metodą chromatografii PN-EN ISO 5509: 2001. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań można stwierdzić, że okonie odłowione w maju charakteryzowały się większą masą, długością oraz wysokością ciała, a także większą zawartością tłuszczu w ciele w porównaniu do ryb odłowionych jesienią 2009 r.; odpowiednio wiosną i jesienią: masa ciała - 156,86 š 15,98 i 86,46 š 8,98 g; długość całkowita - 233,68 š 7,37 i 189,08 š 4,49 mm; wysokość ciała - 52,66 š 1,97 i 44,39 š 1,59 mm; ilość tłuszczu w ciele - 1,32 š 0,03 i 0,24 š 0,01%. Natomiast okonie odłowione w listopadzie charakteryzowały się większą wartością współczynnika kondycji (KF) oraz większą zawartością kwasów tłuszczowych EPA i DHA w ciele w porównaniu do ryb odłowionych wiosną 2009 r.; odpowiednio wiosną i jesienią: współczynnik kondycji (KF) - 1,128 š 0,02 i 1,203 š 0,02; zawartość EPA - 7,025 š 0,005 i 8,725 š 0,015 %; zawartość DHA - 16,890 š 0,030 i 18,575 š 0,005 %

    Reproduction of cod, Gadus morhua (Actinopterygii: Gadiformes: Gadidae), from the Gdańsk Deep (Baltic Sea) under controlled conditions

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    Background. The stocks of cod, Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758, have been declining within recent decades and the Baltic Sea is one of the most affected areas. The latter body of water with its low salinity, pollution, and vast areas of demersal hypoxia is particularly vulnerable. Areas of natural spawning are scarce and the reproductive output of cod has been irregular and more and more limited. One of the proposed solutions for this problem might be an artificial reproduction.  One of such areas has been the Gdańsk Deep, but the number of potential brood fish is relatively low, which makes the eggs and sperm poorly accessible. The aim of the presently reported study was to conduct spawning and egg incubation under controlled conditions to obtain viable hatchlings and to monitor the embryonic development of cod originating from the area of the Gdańsk Deep. Materials and methods. The parental fish specimens were obtained during commercial trawl catches. The eggs were fertilized artificially at the field laboratory using filtered brackish sea water with salinity of 15‰, and then were incubated at a constant temperature of 8 ± 0.5°C. Eggs and larvae development, and larvae beginning exogenous feeding were observed under a stereo microscope, and photographed regularly to determine the sizes of the eggs and larvae and to document the results of the experiment. Results. The mean percentage of fertilization of eggs was 70%. Hatching began 236 h after fertilization, and the newly hatched larvae comprised 30% of the initial stocking density. The mean length of the larvae was 3.95 mm. The cod larvae began exogenous feeding before the yolk sac was fully absorbed. Conclusion. Artificial reproduction with gametes obtained from cod spawning in the Gdańsk Deep is possible, and the fertilization rates obtained were similar to those achieved with cod from the Bornholm and Gotland basins. Therefore, our results also show that cod spawning in the Gdańsk Deep can be suggested as a model species for further research