78 research outputs found

    Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesinde Çalışan Araştırma Görevlisi, Hemşire Ve Temizlik Personellerinin Hastane İnfeksiyonları Konusundaki Bilgi Düzeylerinin Ölçülmesi

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    Amaç: Hastane infeksiyonları konusunda hastane çalışanlarının bilgi düzeyini ölçmek için hazırladığımız anketi uygulayarak alınacak önlemlere katkı sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada hastanemizde görev yapan doktor araştırma görevlisi , hemşire ve temizlik personelinden oluşan gruba 22 sorudan oluşan anket uygulandı. Bulgular: Her bir gruptan 100 kişi olmak üzere ankete yanıt vermeyi kabul eden toplam 300 kişi çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Hastane infeksiyonları konusunda eğitim alan kişi sayısı temizlik personeli grubunda daha fazla olmasına rağmen tanımlama ve bilgiye dayalı sorularda daha çok yanlış yaptıkları saptanmıştır. Temizlik personellerinin eğitim düzeyinin düşük olması sorulara verilen yanıtı etkilediği gözlenmiştir. Tüm sorulara verilen doğru yanıtların incelenmesi sonucunda, ortalama bilgi düzeylerinin mesleklere göre dağılım puanları incelendiğinde hemşirelerin %73.1, doktorların %59.2 ve temizlik personellerinin ise %52.3 puan aldıkları görülmüştür. Üç grubun bilgi puan ortalaması %61.5 olarak bulunmuşturSonuç: Hastane infeksiyonları konusunda, hizmet içi eğitimin bilgi düzeyini artırdığı görülmüştür. Böylece hastane infeksiyonlarının yayılımının önüne geçmek için hastanede görev yapanlara, periyodik olarak yetersiz oldukları konularla ilgili eğitim verilmesinin önemi ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu konuda hastane yöneticileri ile infeksiyon kontrol komiteleri gerekli önlemleri alarak ve iç denetim yaparak uygulamadan kaynaklanan hataların önüne geçilmesi sağlanmış olacaktı

    Clinical utility of EDACS-ADP in patients admitted with chest pain to an emergency department

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    BACKGROUND: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a common cause of mortality and morbidity. An ACS diagnosis can be made with electrocardiogram (ECG) and cardiac markers. However, despite medical advances, 2–5% of ACS patients are undiagnosed and discharged from emergency departments (EDs) because clinicians often find it difficult not only to diagnose and treat high-risk patients but also to define nonemergency diseases or safely discharge healthy patients. Risk stratification can be prevented, and inappropriate diagnosis and treatment protocols can be identified. The ED Assessment of Chest Pain Score-Accelerated Diagnostic Protocol (EDACS-ADP) scoring system, developed to identify patients with chest pain but at low risk for a major adverse cardiac event (MACE), is the first score based on clinical data from emergency medicine.   OBJECTIVES: This study investigates the usability of EDACS-ADP in Turkey.   MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a prospective observational study of 392 patients. The primary outcome was a major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE) within thirty days.   RESULTS: A total of 116 MACEs occurred in 65 (16,6%) patients during a one-month follow-up. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), positive likelihood ratio (+ LR), and negative likelihood ratio (–LR) values of the EDACS-ADP score for the evaluation of 30-day MACE rate in patients who admitted with chest pain for two months were as follows: 96.9%, 64.5%, 35.2%, 99.1%, + LR: 2.73, and –LR: 0.05.   CONCLUSION: Most of these patients were classified by the EDACS-ADP as low risk and suitable for discharge. The 30-day MACE rate of development was significantly low (0.9%) and acceptable in patients grouped as low risk

    Attitudes and Behaviors Regarding Smoking in Friends and Relatives of Patients in Emergency Room: A New Frontier in the Fight against Tobacco

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    Background: Emergency rooms (ERs) are usually crowded with friends and relatives (F&Rs) of the patients. This experience may result in changes in smoking behaviors and create opportunities for smoking cessation interventions. The study aims to investigate these changes and offers a new frontier in the fight against smoking.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the ERs of two universities in different cities. A questionnaire consisting of 18 questions was applied to F&Rs of the emergency patients. Statistical analysis was performed using Jamovi program.Findings: A total of 603 respondents were included in the study. Of them, 71.3% were first-degree relatives, 51.7% waited 5 or more times in ER before, and 68.6% spent 0-2 hours in a day around the ER. Upon witnessing patients in the ERs, 53.4% of the F&Rs had the idea of quitting smoking and 42.9% wanted to have smoking cessation therapy during their wait in the hospital. While 76.1% of the participants were not using different brands of cigarettes when offered in normal life, this rate was lower around the ERs (64.6%) (P < 0.001). Participants smoked 0.82 ± 0.34 cigarette per hour in normal life excluding sleeping time; this number raised almost 6 folds during the wait (4.85 ± 2.11) (P < 0.001).Conclusion: F&Rs smoked more during waiting around ERs. However, they also expressed desire to quit smoking and receive smoking cessation intervention during the wait. Providing smoking cessation counseling to F&Rs in the ER may be a valuable intervention

    Archaeogenetic analysis of Neolithic sheep from Anatolia suggests a complex demographic history since domestication

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    Yurtman, ozer, Yuncu et al. provide an ancient DNA data set to demonstrate the impact of human activity on the demographic history of domestic sheep. The authors demonstrate that there may have been multiple domestication events with notable changes to the gene pool of European and Anatolian sheep since the Neolithic. Sheep were among the first domesticated animals, but their demographic history is little understood. Here we analyzed nuclear polymorphism and mitochondrial data (mtDNA) from ancient central and west Anatolian sheep dating from Epipaleolithic to late Neolithic, comparatively with modern-day breeds and central Asian Neolithic/Bronze Age sheep (OBI). Analyzing ancient nuclear data, we found that Anatolian Neolithic sheep (ANS) are genetically closest to present-day European breeds relative to Asian breeds, a conclusion supported by mtDNA haplogroup frequencies. In contrast, OBI showed higher genetic affinity to present-day Asian breeds. These results suggest that the east-west genetic structure observed in present-day breeds had already emerged by 6000 BCE, hinting at multiple sheep domestication episodes or early wild introgression in southwest Asia. Furthermore, we found that ANS are genetically distinct from all modern breeds. Our results suggest that European and Anatolian domestic sheep gene pools have been strongly remolded since the Neolithic

    Renal Tubular Functions in Children with Primary Nocturnal Enuresis

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    Introduction: The etiology of primary nocturnal enuresis (PNE) is multifactorial. The effects of genetic and hormonal factors, sleep disorders, and bladder dysfunction have been claimed. The other factors include increased urine production at night and impairment of the circadian rhythm of antidiuretic hormone. Aim: To investigate renal tubular functions in children with PNE. Methods: Forty patients with PNE were included in the study. Urine density, FENa, FEK and TRP were analyzed in daytime and nighttime urine. Results: The mean nighttime urine density was 1020.12±7.38 and the mean daytime urine density was 1013.20±7.11 (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between daytime and nighttime values of FENa (0.50±0.48 vs. 0.38±0.33), FEK (2.78±1.04 vs. 2.76±1.52) and TRP (88.5±2.4 vs 86.7±2.8) (p>0.05). Conclusion: Urine density in children with PNE was lower at night. However, there was no difference in of FENa, FEK and TRP. Further studies are needed in order to investigate renal tubular functions in children with PNE (The Me di cal Bul le tin of Ha se ki 2012; 50: 10-3

    The effect of royal jelly dietary on growth performance and expression of genes related to growth and immunity of zebrafish, Danio rerio

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    Royal jelly (RJ) is a natural product that is fed to bee queens during their entire life, and it contributes to their growth and development, fertility, and long lifespan. Although it is known that these unique effects of RJ, it has not been evaluated fed diet studies in fish until now. The study was carried out to determine the influence of RJ diets with different rates (0.0; 0.1; 0.4; 1.6 and 6.4 %) on expressions of growth (GH-I, IGF-I) and immune system (TGF-β) hormones of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Growth parameters was also studied and found to be higher in D4 group containing 1.6 % additives compared with other groups. RJ dietary supplementation showed significantly up-regulated in GH-1 gene expression in the liver tissues of fish fed D5 diet respect to the control group. Conversely, expression level was down-regulated in kidney tissues of group D4 compared with the control group (p < 0.05). IGF-1 gene expression noticeably increased in the muscle tissues of fish fed the D5 diet containing 6.4 % RJ compared to the control group. The greatest decrease was found in the muscle tissues of group D3 diet (p < 0.05). Although among the diet groups the highest amount of TGF-β expression was found in the muscle tissue of fish that were fed the D4 diet. It was seen that the mRNA level amounts obtained in all applications were below the level of the control group. These results indicate that the high-dose RJ included in the feed positively influenced the growth hormones of the zebrafish at transcriptomic level. To sum up, this study highlights the importance that 1.6 % or 6.4 % RJ included in the diet of zebrafish positively influenced their growth performance and growth hormone gene expression and may be considered a potential to be sustainable alternative for growth promoter in aquaculture practice

    Tularemia: a rare cause of neck mass, evaluation of 33 patients

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    The objective of the study is to report 33 cases presenting with neck masses later diagnosed with tularemia and to raise attention to this rare zoonotic infection. A retrospective analysis of 33 patients, who were diagnosed with tularemia and treated at Erciyes University Department of Otorhinolaryngology between January 2010 and December 2010 was conducted. In conclusion, because tularemia is a rare infection, its diagnosis is frequently delayed and the symptoms of the patients may last for months without any appropriate treatment. The diagnosis of tularemia rests on clinical suspicion. For the patients, who carry risk factors for tularemia and having cervical lymphadenopathies with or without oropharyngeal symptoms and who do not response to treatment with beta-lactam antibiotics, tularemia must be kept in mind

    A pattern classification approach for boosting with genetic algorithms

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    Ensemble learning is a multiple-classifier machine learning approach which produces collections and ensembles statistical classifiers to build up more accurate classifier than the individual classifiers. Bagging, boosting and voting methods are the basic examples of ensemble learning. In this study, a novel boosting technique targeting to solve partial problems of AdaBoost, a well-known boosting algorithm, is proposed. The proposed system finds an elegant way of boosting a bunch of classifiers successively to form a “better classifier” than each ensembled classifiers. AdaBoost algorithm employs a greedy search over hypothesis space to find a “good” suboptimal solution. On the hand, the system proposed employs an evolutionary search with genetic algorithms instead of greedy search. Empirical results show that classification with boosted evolutionary computing outperforms the classical AdaBoost in equivalent experimental environments

    Perioperative myocardial damage and the incidence of type 2 myocardial infarction in patients with intermediate and high cardiovascular risk

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    Objective: Perioperative myocardial infarction is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing surgical operations. We aimed to determine the incidence of perioperative myocardial infarction in patients with intermediate- or high-risk Framingham scores