129 research outputs found

    Hopf bifurcations of twisted states in phase oscillators rings with nonpairwise higher-order interactions

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    Synchronization is an essential collective phenomenon in networks of interacting oscillators. Twisted states are rotating wave solutions in ring networks where the oscillator phases wrap around the circle in a linear fashion. Here, we analyze Hopf bifurcations of twisted states in ring networks of phase oscillators with nonpairwise higher-order interactions. Hopf bifurcations give rise to quasiperiodic solutions that move along the oscillator ring at nontrivial speed. Because of the higher-order interactions, these emerging solutions may be stable. Using the Ott–Antonsen approach, we continue the emergent solution branches which approach anti-phase type solutions (where oscillators form two clusters whose phase is π apart) as well as twisted states with a different winding number

    Effect of self-seismic oscillations of the foundation on the readout of a ballistic gravimeter with an induction-dynamic catapult

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    A mathematical model is developed for the vertical oscillations produced in the base–foundation system of a laser ballistic gravimeter with an induction-dynamic catapult and a symmetric configuration for measuring the acceleration of gravity. Analytic expressions are obtained for the force pulse acting on the foundation during acceleration of the test body that describe the oscillations in the mechanical system of the ballistic laser gravimeter. The effects of the measurement duration and the damping coefficient of the foundation on the results of measurements of the acceleration of gravity are studied

    Controlling unstable chaos: stabilizing chimera states by feedback

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    Copyright © 2014 American Physical SocietyWe present a control scheme that is able to find and stabilize an unstable chaotic regime in a system with a large number of interacting particles. This allows us to track a high dimensional chaotic attractor through a bifurcation where it loses its attractivity. Similar to classical delayed feedback control, the scheme is noninvasive, however only in an appropriately relaxed sense considering the chaotic regime as a statistical equilibrium displaying random fluctuations as a finite size effect. We demonstrate the control scheme for so-called chimera states, which are coherence-incoherence patterns in coupled oscillator systems. The control makes chimera states observable close to coherence, for small numbers of oscillators, and for random initial conditions.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Microchannel Structures of Betavoltaic Silicon Convertors

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    The paper presents the first results of experimental research on the microchannel structures of betavoltaic silicon converters based on the 63Ni isotope. The areas for further optimization of constructive and technological performance with high conversion efficiency were detected experimentally

    Аналіз виступу веслярів легкої ваги на xxix та xxx олімпійських іграх

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    Passing of competition distance is examined the rowers of light-weight on ХХIХ that the XXX Оlympicgames. For an analysis the results of passing of competition distance are offered in the class of boats two is pair womanish light-weight, two is pair masculine light-weight and masculine four without steering light-weight. The comparative analysis of passing of competition distance of crews, gettings in the finale of the Olympic games in Beijing in 2008 and in the finale of the Olympic games in London in 2012 is done. Conformities to the law of change of temporal descriptions of passing of distance are exposed in a boat-racing. Determine which countries are the leaders in training winners in rowing at light weight.Рассмотрено прохождение соревновательной дистанции гребцами легкого веса на ХХIХ та XXX олимпийских играх. Для анализа предлагаются результаты прохождения соревновательной дистанции в классе лодок: двойка парная женская легкого веса, двойка парная мужская легкого веса и мужская четверка без рулевого легкого веса. Проведен сравнительный анализ прохождения соревновательной дистанции экипажей, попавших в финал Олимпийских игр в Пекине в 2008 году и в финал Олимпийских игр в Лондоне в 2012 году, и выявлены закономерности изменения временных характеристик прохождения дистанции в академической гребле. Определено, какие страны являются лидерами в подготовке победителей по академической гребле в легком весе.Розглянуто проходження змагальної дистанції веслярами легкої ваги на XXIX та XXX Олімпійських іграх. Для аналізу пропонуються результати проходження змагальної дистанції в класі човнів: двійка парна жіноча легкої ваги; двійка парна чоловіча легкої ваги та чоловіча четвірка без стернового легкої ваги. Проведено порівняльний аналіз проходження змагальної дистанції екіпажів, які потрапили до фіналу Олімпійських ігор у Пекіні в 2008 році та фіналу Олімпійських ігор у Лондоні в 2012 році, та виявлені закономірності зміни часових характеристик проходження дистанції в академічному веслуванні. Визначено, які держави є лідерами у підготовці переможців з академічного веслування у легкій вазі

    Qarakhanids on the Edge of the Bukhara Oasis: archaeobotany of Medieval Paykend

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    The urban center of Paykend was an exchange node just off the main corridor of the Silk Road in the Bukhara Oasis on the edge of the hyperarid Kyzyl–Kum Desert. The city was occupied from the end of 4 century B.C.E. to the mid–12 century C.E.; our study focuses on the Qarakhanid period (C.E. 999 – 1211), the last imperial phase of urban occupation at Paykend before its abandonment. In this study, we present the results of an analysis of archaeobotanical remains recovered from a multifunction rabat, which appears to have comprised a domicile, military structure, center of commerce, and/or a caravanserai, a roadside inn for travelers. We shed light on how people adapted a productive economy to the local ecological constraints. By adding these data to the limited Qarakhanid archaeobotany from across Central Asia, we provide the first glimpses into cultivation, commerce, and consumption at a Silk Road trading town along the King’s Road, the central artery of ancient Eurasia.Introduction Paykend and Its Environment Materials and Methods Results - Radiocarbon Dating - Archaeobotany - Domesticated Crops - Fruits and Nuts - Wild Herbaceous Plants Discussion - Taphonomy - Agriculture in the Hyper–Arid Desert -- Ecological Constraints - Arboriculture and Cash Crops at Paykend Conclusio

    Simulation the Beta Power Sources Characteristics

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    In this paper the simulation of silicon beta-stimulated power sources spectral sensitivity characteristics was carried out. It was analyzed the influence of the semiconductor material characteristics (the doping level, lifetime) and power supply design on the photosensitive structures characteristics in order to optimize them

    The Current-voltage Characteristics Simulation of the Betavoltaic Power Supply

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    In order to optimize betavoltaic power supply it was calculated the current-voltage characteristics when changing the depth of the upper p-layer and at changing doping levels structure areas. It is shown that an increase in the depth reduces the short-circuit current and thus reduces the open circuit voltage. It has been observed that the concentration of the lightly doped region more significantly influence on the current-voltage characteristics than the depth of the p-n-junction. The concentration of the n-region, equal to 1014 cm – 3, can be considered as during betavoltaic power supply design. It is shown that, by increasing the power supply activity the conversion efficiency of the structure increases, too

    Optimization of Energy Conversion Efficiency Betavoltaic Element Based on Silicon

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    It was developed the technology of manufacturing planar betavoltaic converter based on silicon, providing a higher rate of conversion of ionizing radiation into electrical energy by reducing reverse currents. The active region of silicon p-i-n structure is 1 cm2, which is irradiated by the of radionuclide 63Ni with the activity 2,7 mCi/cm2. The results of experimental studies of C-V samples are presented. The values of the open-circuit voltage (Voc) 0.111 V are presented and short circuit current density (Jsc) 27 nA/cm2. The maximum density of output power (Pmax) was 1.52 nW/cm2

    Nebuliser therapy in the intensive care unit

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    The relationship between identity, lived experience, sexual practices and the language through which these are conveyed has been widely debated in sexuality literature. For example, ‘coming out’ has famously been conceptualised as a ‘speech act’ (Sedgwick 1990) and as a collective narrative (Plummer 1995), while a growing concern for individuals’ diverse identifications in relations to their sexual and gender practices has produced interesting research focusing on linguistic practices among LGBT-identified individuals (Leap 1995; Kulick 2000; Cameron and Kulick 2006; Farqhar 2000). While an explicit focus on language remains marginal to literature on sexualities (Kulick 2000), issue of language use and translation are seldom explicitly addressed in the growing literature on intersectionality. Yet intersectional perspectives ‘reject the separability of analytical and identity categories’ (McCall 2005:1771), and therefore have an implicit stake in the ‘vernacular’ language of the researched, in the ‘scientific’ language of the researcher and in the relationship of continuity between the two. Drawing on literature within gay and lesbian/queer studies and cross-cultural studies, this chapter revisits debates on sexuality, language and intersectionality. I argue for the importance of giving careful consideration to the language we choose to use as researchers to collectively define the people whose experiences we try to capture. I also propose that language itself can be investigated as a productive way to foreground how individual and collective identifications are discursively constructed, and to unpack the diversity of lived experience. I address intersectional complexity as a methodological issue, where methodology is understood not only as the methods and practicalities of doing research, but more broadly as ‘a coherent set of ideas about the philosophy, methods and data that underlie the research process and the production of knowledge’ (McCall 2005:1774). My points are illustrated with examples drawn from my ethnographic study on ‘lesbian’ identity in urban Russia, interspersed with insights from existing literature. In particular, I aim to show that an explicit focus on language can be a productive way to explore the intersections between the global, the national and the local in cross-cultural research on sexuality, while also addressing issues of positionality and accountability to the communities researched