119 research outputs found

    OmvÄrdnadsÄtgÀrder kring mÄltiden som frÀmjar hÀlsan för personer med anorexia nervosa. En litteraturstudie.

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    Bakgrund: Anorexia nervosa Àr en psykisk sjukdom som pÄverkar bÄde den fysiska och psykiska hÀlsan och minst 10% av patientgruppen dör i sjukdomen pÄ lÄng sikt. MÄltiden Àr en viktig del av behandlingen inom slutenvÄrden och sjuksköterskan har en viktig roll i att hjÀlpa patienterna mot en god hÀlsa. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva vilka omvÄrdnadsÄtgÀrder i anslutning till mÄltiden som kan frÀmja hÀlsan för personer med anorexia nervosa inom slutenvÄrden. Resultat: En god terapeutisk relation Àr en förutsÀttning för att normalisera Àtbeteendet hos patienterna. Tydliga rutiner Àr viktiga för att ÄterfÄ ett normalt Àtmönster och frÀmja hÀlsan. Under mÄltiden bör sjuksköterskan sitta med för att handleda, agera förebild och anvÀnda olika metoder för att distrahera patienten, sÄsom musik och videoklipp. NÀr patienterna fÄr agera förebild för varandra kan deras utveckling i behandlingen bli positivt pÄverkad. Diskussion: Litteraturstudien har en mindre omfattning. Eftersom en större litteraturstudie aldrig gjorts pÄ Àmnet skulle en sÄdan behövas för att sammanstÀlla kunskap som kan vara anvÀndbar i den kliniska sjuksköterskan arbete

    Proteinkvalitet i grönjuice och grönprotein extraherad frÄn vallbiomassa i pilotanlÀggningen inom projektet VÀxtproteinfabriken i Alnarp

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    Med en ökande befolkning i vÀrlden ökar efterfrÄgan pÄ protein (Ghaly and Alkoaik, 2010). Utvinning och framstÀllning av proteiner pÄ mer otraditionella och innovativa sÀtt till bÄde mÀnniskor och djur röner dÀrför ett allt större intresse. Det Àr ocksÄ önskvÀrt att produktion och konsumtion Àr i balans geografiskt. Detta eftersom produktion av proteinrÄvaror i geografiska omrÄden lÄngt frÄn dÀr de konsumeras, leder till stora obalanser dÄ det gÀller resursutnyttjande och miljöbelastningar. Ett exempel Àr den sedan lÀnge diskuterade sojaimporten frÄn Sydamerika till Europa (Naturskyddsföreningen, 2010)

    High sustained efficacy of a prophylactic quadrivalent human papillomavirus types 6/11/16/18 L1 virus-like particle vaccine through 5 years of follow-up

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes cervical, vulvar, and vaginal cancers, precancerous dysplasia, and genital warts. We report data for the longest efficacy evaluation to date of a prophylactic HPV vaccine. In total, 552 women (16–23 years) were enrolled in a randomised, placebo-controlled study of a quadrivalent HPV 6/11/16/18 L1 virus-like-particle vaccine with vaccination at months 0, 2, and 6. At regular intervals through 3 years, subjects underwent gynaecologic examination, cervicovaginal sampling for HPV DNA, serum anti-HPV testing, and Pap testing, with follow-up biopsy as indicated. A subset of 241 subjects underwent two further years of follow-up. At 5 years post enrolment, the combined incidence of HPV 6/11/16/18-related persistent infection or disease was reduced in vaccine-recipients by 96% (two cases vaccine versus 46 placebo). There were no cases of HPV 6/11/16/18-related precancerous cervical dysplasia or genital warts in vaccine recipients, and six cases in placebo recipients (efficacy=100%; 95% CI:12–100%). Through 5 years, vaccine-induced anti-HPV geometric mean titres remained at or above those following natural infection. In conclusion, a prophylactic quadrivalent HPV vaccine was effective through 5 years for prevention of persistent infection and disease caused by HPV 6/11/16/18. This duration supports vaccination of adolescents and young adults, which is expected to greatly reduce the burden of cervical and genital cancers, precancerous dysplasia, and genital warts

    When a proton attacks cellobiose in the gas phase: ab initio molecular dynamics simulations

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    Investigations of reaction pathways between a proton and cellobiose (CB), a glucose disaccharide of importance, were carried out in cis and trans CB using Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics (AIMD) simulations starting from optimized configurations where the proton is initially placed near groups with affinity for it. Near and above 300 K, protonated CB (H(+)CB) undergoes several transient reactions including charge transfer to the sugar backbone, water formation and dehydration, ring breaking and glycosidic bond breaking events as well as mutarotation and ring puckering events, all on a 10 ps timescale. cis H(+)CB is energetically favoured over trans H(+)CB in vacuo, with an energy gap larger than for the neutral CB

    Mortality Among Adults With Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy or Immunotherapy and Infected With COVID-19

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    Importance: Large cohorts of patients with active cancers and COVID-19 infection are needed to provide evidence of the association of recent cancer treatment and cancer type with COVID-19 mortality. // Objective: To evaluate whether systemic anticancer treatments (SACTs), tumor subtypes, patient demographic characteristics (age and sex), and comorbidities are associated with COVID-19 mortality. // Design, Setting, and Participants: The UK Coronavirus Cancer Monitoring Project (UKCCMP) is a prospective cohort study conducted at 69 UK cancer hospitals among adult patients (≄18 years) with an active cancer and a clinical diagnosis of COVID-19. Patients registered from March 18 to August 1, 2020, were included in this analysis. // Exposures: SACT, tumor subtype, patient demographic characteristics (eg, age, sex, body mass index, race and ethnicity, smoking history), and comorbidities were investigated. // Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary end point was all-cause mortality within the primary hospitalization. // Results: Overall, 2515 of 2786 patients registered during the study period were included; 1464 (58%) were men; and the median (IQR) age was 72 (62-80) years. The mortality rate was 38% (966 patients). The data suggest an association between higher mortality in patients with hematological malignant neoplasms irrespective of recent SACT, particularly in those with acute leukemias or myelodysplastic syndrome (OR, 2.16; 95% CI, 1.30-3.60) and myeloma or plasmacytoma (OR, 1.53; 95% CI, 1.04-2.26). Lung cancer was also significantly associated with higher COVID-19–related mortality (OR, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.11-2.25). No association between higher mortality and receiving chemotherapy in the 4 weeks before COVID-19 diagnosis was observed after correcting for the crucial confounders of age, sex, and comorbidities. An association between lower mortality and receiving immunotherapy in the 4 weeks before COVID-19 diagnosis was observed (immunotherapy vs no cancer therapy: OR, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.31-0.86). // Conclusions and Relevance: The findings of this study of patients with active cancer suggest that recent SACT is not associated with inferior outcomes from COVID-19 infection. This has relevance for the care of patients with cancer requiring treatment, particularly in countries experiencing an increase in COVID-19 case numbers. Important differences in outcomes among patients with hematological and lung cancers were observed

    Entrepreneurs, Firms and Global Wealth Since 1850

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 det Ă€r bara kĂ€rlek för mig” - Unga kvinnors berĂ€ttelser om att vara normbrytande gĂ€llande sexualitet i en mindre stad

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    Detta Ă€r en uppsats baserad pĂ„ fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med unga kvinnor, som identifierar sig som homosexuella, boendes i en mindre stad. Den mindre staden har vi i denna studie valt att benĂ€mna stad X för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla dess anonymitet. Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att undersöka hur unga kvinnor, som definierar sig som homosexuella, upplever att vara normbrytande gĂ€llande sexualitet. Den insamlade empirin har delats upp i fyra stora teman inför analysen; ”identitet”, ”hur andra reagerat”, ”att stĂ€ngas ute” och ”upplevelser av att leva och komma ut i stad X”. Dessa teman har Ă€ven fĂ„tt underkategorier. Analys har skett utifrĂ„n ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv med stöd av begreppen social identifikation, social kategorisering, heteronormativitet och normalitet. Resultatet tyder pĂ„ att heteronormativiteten i Sverige upplevs vara stark, Ă€ven om respondenterna uppger att stad X Ă€r unik i sin acceptans för homosexualitet och andra normbrytande sexualiteter. En av respondenterna berĂ€ttar om hur hon tidigare blivit diskriminerad och ibland kĂ€nt sig otrygg i stad X, vilket nyanserar bilden av en gayvĂ€nlig stad och samtidigt ger en bild av hur en utveckling skett. Vidare uppger respondenterna hur den sexuella identiteten kan vara bĂ„de personlig och kollektiv, men att ingen av dessa har nĂ„gon större pĂ„verkan pĂ„ det vardagliga livet. Slutligen framkommer att Ă€ven om ingen av respondenterna hemlighĂ„ller sin sexualitet finner de att andra delar av identiteten allra oftast har större betydelse

    Sjuk och bortglömd? : Fyra intervjuer om sen diagnostisering och samsjuklighet hos kvinnor med ADHD

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    ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) Àr ett neuropsykiatriskt funktionshinder som pÄverkar miljontals individer. Tidigare forskning visar att 3-5 % av Sveriges befolkning har ADHD. Fördelningen Àr en kvinna pÄ 3-4 mÀn. En av anledningarna till att kvinnor med ADHD inte lika ofta som mÀn uppmÀrksammas i utredningssyfte kan vara att de inte utmÀrker sig i lika stor utstrÀckning som mÀn. MÀn med ADHD utvecklar oftare asocial samsjuklighet, medan kvinnorna oftare utvecklar samsjuklighet sÄsom t.ex. problem med Ängest och depressioner. Syftet med den hÀr uppsatsen Àr att belysa kvinnors problematik med senare diagnostisering och samsjuklighet. För att fÄ ihop de data jag behövde anvÀnde jag mig av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visade att alla mina respondenter har mÀrkt av stora problem innan de fick en diagnos bÄde nÀr det gÀller oförstÄelse och problem som senare skulle visa sig vara samsjuklighet

    Representation of Psychopathic Characteristics in Fiction : A Transitivity Analysis of the Protagonist’s External and Internal Dialogue in the TV-series You

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    The series You (2018) challenges the traditional characteristics of a protagonist and introducesthe audience to a psychopathic protagonist with traits which are typically recognised in thetraditional villain. This study investigates the portrayal of the fictional character JoeGoldberg’s psychopathic characteristics by analysing the language used in his external andinternal dialogues. More specifically, drawing on the tools of transitivity analysis (Halliday1985), the study focuses on the process types and corresponding semantic roles assigned tothe pronouns I and you used by the protagonist over the course of three strategically selectedepisodes of the series. The results of the qualitative and quantitative transitivity analysis ofinternal and external dialogues throughout three chosen episodes shows that in the internaldialogues Joe appears analytical and assigns attributes and actions to you which correspond tothe mental representation of the object of his desire, Beck. While Joe’s internal dialoguesascribe some appealing attributes to Beck, the transitivity analysis also shows that he identifiestraits of vulnerability, such as lack of confidence and being indolent in reaching her goals. Incontrast, Joe’s approach in the external dialogues continuously appears to project him as ahumble person who puts the needs of others before his own, expressing deep considerationand understanding of the needs and emotions of others. The audience is introduced to hismanipulative behaviour by this contrast between his external and internal dialogues, which ishighlighted by the transitivity analysis in the present study.
