58 research outputs found

    Missing Species in São Sebastião Island, Southeastern Brazil

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    O chimango (Milvago chimango), um pescador adicional entre os falcões Caracarini

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    The Caracarini falcons are among the most versatile birds of prey, and their variable diet includes fishes, which may be taken as carrion. However, fishing behaviour is described for two species. Here we describe the Chimango Caracara (Milvago chimango) fishing at an estuary in Chile, Pacific coast of South America. The caracara flew and glided close to water surface, hovering on occasions. After such a hovering, the bird plunged and attempted to snatch a prey with its talons. If successful, the caracara carried the fish in its talons and landed on an adjacent beach where the prey was torn apart and eaten. The 'glide-hover' technique of the Chimango Caracara differs slightly from the fishing recorded for the closely related Yellow-headed Caracara (Milvago chimachima), which plunges to the prey from a nearby perch ('perch to water'). The Black Caracara (Daptrius ater) picks up fish individually with its bill or talons while staying on a river bank ('ground foraging'). Thus, at least three fishing techniques are used by the Caracarini falcons, a group already known for its varied foraging techniques.Os falcões da tribo Caracarini estão entre as aves de rapina mais versáteis e sua variada dieta inclui peixes, que podem ser apanhados mortos. Todavia, comportamento de pesca está descrito para duas espécies. Descrevemos aqui o chimango (Milvago chimango) pescando num estuário no Chile, costa pacífica da América do Sul. A ave voava e planava próximo à superfície da água, pairando de quando em vez. Após este pairar, o chimango baixava rapidamente e tentava apanhar uma presa com suas garras. Se bem sucedido, o chimango carregava o peixe em suas garras e pousava numa praia próxima, onde a presa era dilacerada e consumida. A tática de 'planar-pairar' do chimango difere ligeiramente da tática de pesca adotada pelo pinhé (Milvago chimachima), espécie relacionada, que se lança sobre a presa a partir de um poleiro. O gavião-de-anta (Daptrius ater) apanha peixes individualmente com o bico ou garras, enquanto pousado na margem de um rio. Portanto, pelo menos três táticas de pesca são usadas pelos falcões Caracarini, um grupo conhecido pelas suas variadas táticas de forrageio.403405Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Detecting Mechanisms Of Karyotype Evolution In Heterotaxis (orchidaceae)

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)The karyotype is shaped by different chromosome rearrangements during species evolution. However, determining which rearrangements are responsible for karyotype changes is a challenging task and the combination of a robust phylogeny with refined karyotype characterization, GS measurements and bioinformatic modelling is necessary. Here, this approach was applied in Heterotaxis to determine what chromosome rearrangements were responsible for the dysploidy variation. We used two datasets (nrDNA and cpDNA, both under MP and BI) to infer the phylogenetic relationships among Heterotaxis species and the closely related genera Nitidobulbon and Ornithidium. Such phylogenies were used as framework to infer how karyotype evolution occurred using statistical methods. The nrDNA recovered Ornithidium, Nitidobulbon and Heterotaxis as monophyletic under both MP and BI; while cpDNA could not completely separate the three genera under both methods. Based on the GS, we recovered two groups within Heterotaxis: (1) "Small GS", corresponding to the Sessilis grade, composed of plants with Smaller genomes and Smaller morphological structure, and (2) "large GS", corresponding to the Discolor Glade, composed of plants with large genomes and robust morphological structures. The robust karyotype modeling, using both nrDNA phylogenies, allowed us to infer that the ancestral Heterotaxis karyotype presented 2n = 40, probably with a proximal 45S rDNA on a metacentric chromosome pair. The chromosome number variation was caused by ascending dysploidy (chromosome fission involving the proximal 45S rDNA site resulting in two acrocentric chromosome pairs holding a terminal 45S rDNA), with subsequent descending dysploidy (fusion) in two species, H. maleolens and H. sessilis. However, besides dysploidy, our analysis detected another important chromosome rearrangement in the Orchidaceae: chromosome inversion, that promoted 5S rDNA site duplication and relocation.1111Sao Paulo Research Foundation [2008/03673-8, 2011/22215-3]CONACyTNational Council of Scientific and Technological Research [304506/2013-3, 06142/2011-2]Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    New records of Picumnus subtilis (Aves: Picidae), Cnipodectes superrufus and Hemitriccus cohnhafti (Aves: Rhynchocyclidae) in Acre, Brazil

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    We report a range extension of the recently described Acre Tody-Tyrant (Hemitriccus cohnhafti) to a site 161 km NE from the type-locality, the third site for this species. The same site is also the fourth Brazilian locality for Fine-barred Piculet (Picumnus subtilis). The fourth Brazilian locality for Rufous Twistwing (Cnipodectes superrufus) is also described. All are endemic to southwestern Amazonia and, in Brazil, known only from Acre

    Ambient-pressure CVD of graphene on low-index Ni surfaces using methane: A combined experimental and first-principles study

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    The growth of large area single-layer graphene (1-LG) is studied using ambient pressure chemical vapor deposition on single-crystal Ni(111), Ni(110), and Ni(100). By varying both the furnace temperature in the range of 800–1100 °C and the gas flow through the growth chamber, uniform, high-quality 1-LG is obtained for Ni(111) and Ni(110) single crystals and for Ni(100) thin films. Surprisingly, only multilayer graphene growth could be obtained for single-crystal Ni(100). The experimental results are analyzed to determine the optimum combination of temperature and gas flow. Characterization with optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and optical transmission support our findings. Density-functional theory calculations are performed to determine the energy barriers for diffusion, segregation, and adsorption, and model the kinetic pathways for formation of different carbon structures on the low-index surfaces of Ni.United States. Department of Energy. Office of Basic Energy Sciences (Award DE-SC0001088

    Annotated checklist of the birds of Brazil by the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee-second edition

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    An updated version of the checklist of birds of Brazil is presented, along with a summary of the changes approved by the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee's Taxonomy Subcommittee since the first edition, published in 2015. In total, 1971 bird species occurring in Brazil are supported by documentary evidence and are admitted to the Primary List, 4.3% more than in the previous edition. Eleven additional species are known only from undocumented records (Secondary List). For each species on the Primary List, status of occurrence in the country is provided and, in the case of polytypic species, the respective subspecies present in Brazilian territory are listed. Explanatory notes cover taxonomic changes, nomenclatural corrections, new occurrences, and other changes implemented since the last edition. Ninety species are added to the Primary List as a result of species descriptions, new occurrences, taxonomic splits, and transfers from the Secondary List due to the availability of documentation. In contrast, eight species are synonymized or assigned subspecific status and thus removed from the Primary List. In all, 293 species are endemic to Brazil, ranked third among the countries with the highest rate of bird endemism. The Brazilian avifauna currently consists of 1742 residents or breeding migrants, 126 seasonal non-breeding visitors, and 103 vagrants. The category of vagrants showed the greatest increase (56%) compared to the previous list, mainly due to new occurrences documented in recent years by citizen scientists. The list updates the diversity, systematics, taxonomy, scientific and vernacular nomenclature, and occurrence status of birds in Brazil.Peer reviewe

    Influence of Leadership Education in the Midst of Teaching-Learning Processes in the Classroom

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    En el presente artículo se analiza la influencia de la educación en liderazgo en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en el aula de las instituciones educativas públicas de la región Andina de Colombia. La metodología usada fue de enfoque cualitativo, de manera inductiva y descriptiva. Los datos obtenidos se recolectaron a través de entrevista semiestructurada compuesta por once preguntas a estudiantes y profesores de Educación Media, pertenecientes a las instituciones educativas públicas de la zona en cuestión. A partir de las experiencias los docentes y estudiantes forman una definición de liderazgo, identificando cuáles son sus características y como esto repercute en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Se identifica que el liderazgo en educación es transversal en todas las asignaturas y que no es meramente un cumplimiento de deberes académicos, sino que incluye el desarrollo de las capacidades personales.  This article analyzes the influence of leadership education on teaching and learning processes in the classroom of public educational institutions in the Andean region of Colombia. The methodology used was a qualitative approach, inductive and descriptive. The data obtained was collected through a semi-structured interview composed of eleven questions to students and teachers of Secondary Education, belonging to public educational institutions in the area in question. From the experiences, teachers and students form a definition of leadership, identifying its characteristics and how this impacts the teaching and learning processes. It is identified that leadership in education is transversal in all subjects and that it is not merely a fulfillment of academic duties, but includes the development of personal capabilities

    Good Practices for equity and inclusion in Higher Education

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    This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union (Erasmus + Programme), through the project "ACCESS4ALL - Laboratory for Policies and Practices of Social Development in Higher Education" (Ref. 2015-1-ES01-KA203-015970 The contents of this document are under the sole responsibility of the authors and under no circumstances can be considered as reflecting the position of the European UnionInclusion in education: a) is understood to concern a far wider range of learners vulnerable to exclusion than those identified as having disabilities or special educational needs; b) involves a curriculum for all that considers academic and social learning; curriculum goals and implementation should reflect this dual focus; c) is a process and not a state; educators will always need to move their work forward to enable the learning and participation of all learners

    Ecuaciones estructurales para el análisis de la alfabetización financiera en estudiantes de secundaria en Bucaramanga

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    En tiempos de alta volatilidad en el sistema financiero mundial que pueden afectar a la población, la adecuada toma de decisiones sobre los recursos se convierte en un aspecto clave para la gestión financiera personal. Ante esto la Alfabetización Financiera, entendida como el conocimiento, comportamiento y actitud financieros pueden jugar un papel clave para administrar de manera óptima estos recursos, principalmente en poblaciones consideradas vulnerables. Dentro de dichas poblaciones se encuentran los estudiantes de secundaria los cuales, se encuentran cada vez más cerca de una interacción cercana con el sistema financiero, requiriendo preparación para su incursión en este sistema. Por ello, la presente investigación tiene por objetivo Analizar la alfabetización financiera en estudiantes de secundaria, por medio de ecuaciones estructurales, con el fin de conocer su la importancia de cada uno de los elementos que componen esta alfabetización y así, proponer estrategias para su impulso. Para ello, se empleó una herramienta de recopilación de datos tipo encuesta, aplicada a una muestra estadísticamente significativa de estudiantes de colegios en Bucaramanga, Colombia. Esta encuesta fue validada por medio de Análisis Factorial, con el fin de cumplir con los requisitos necesarios para proponer el modelo de Alfabetización Financiera de los estudiantes por medio de Ecuaciones Estructurales. Se destacan como principales resultados el equilibrio entre el conocimiento, comportamiento y actitud para la formación de los alumnos; la necesidad de fortalecer tanto el conocimiento financiero como matemático, así como la planeación financiera en el corto y largo plazo
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