23 research outputs found

    Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and angiotensin receptor blocker initiation on organ support-free days in patients hospitalized with COVID-19

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    IMPORTANCE Overactivation of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) may contribute to poor clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19. Objective To determine whether angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) initiation improves outcomes in patients hospitalized for COVID-19. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS In an ongoing, adaptive platform randomized clinical trial, 721 critically ill and 58 non–critically ill hospitalized adults were randomized to receive an RAS inhibitor or control between March 16, 2021, and February 25, 2022, at 69 sites in 7 countries (final follow-up on June 1, 2022). INTERVENTIONS Patients were randomized to receive open-label initiation of an ACE inhibitor (n = 257), ARB (n = 248), ARB in combination with DMX-200 (a chemokine receptor-2 inhibitor; n = 10), or no RAS inhibitor (control; n = 264) for up to 10 days. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was organ support–free days, a composite of hospital survival and days alive without cardiovascular or respiratory organ support through 21 days. The primary analysis was a bayesian cumulative logistic model. Odds ratios (ORs) greater than 1 represent improved outcomes. RESULTS On February 25, 2022, enrollment was discontinued due to safety concerns. Among 679 critically ill patients with available primary outcome data, the median age was 56 years and 239 participants (35.2%) were women. Median (IQR) organ support–free days among critically ill patients was 10 (–1 to 16) in the ACE inhibitor group (n = 231), 8 (–1 to 17) in the ARB group (n = 217), and 12 (0 to 17) in the control group (n = 231) (median adjusted odds ratios of 0.77 [95% bayesian credible interval, 0.58-1.06] for improvement for ACE inhibitor and 0.76 [95% credible interval, 0.56-1.05] for ARB compared with control). The posterior probabilities that ACE inhibitors and ARBs worsened organ support–free days compared with control were 94.9% and 95.4%, respectively. Hospital survival occurred in 166 of 231 critically ill participants (71.9%) in the ACE inhibitor group, 152 of 217 (70.0%) in the ARB group, and 182 of 231 (78.8%) in the control group (posterior probabilities that ACE inhibitor and ARB worsened hospital survival compared with control were 95.3% and 98.1%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this trial, among critically ill adults with COVID-19, initiation of an ACE inhibitor or ARB did not improve, and likely worsened, clinical outcomes. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT0273570

    Integrated genomic characterization of adrenocortical tumors : clinical and pathophysiological implications

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    Les tumeurs corticosurrénaliennes unilatérales sont fréquentes (prévalence de 2 à 9% de la population). Il s’agit le plus souvent d’adénomes. Le cancer de la corticosurrénale, ou corticosurrénalome, a un pronostic sombre, la survie ne dépassant pas 40 % à cinq ans. Le diagnostic de malignité de ces tumeurs, actuellement basé sur l’histologie, peut être difficile. Le pronostic des corticosurrénalomes est hétérogène et peu prévisible. Enfin, la prise en charge thérapeutique est encore limitée. Ces difficultés diagnostiques, pronostiques et thérapeutiques s’expliquent entre autres par la connaissance limitée de la physiopathologie de ce cancer. Le génome a un rôle central dans le développement des cancers en général. La survenue d’altérations génomiques (mutations, anomalies de nombre de copies, pertes d’hétérozygotie, translocations, anomalies de méthylation) va aboutir à la surexpression d’oncogènes et à la répression de gènes suppresseurs de tumeurs. La génomique, en ouvrant la voie à la caractérisation moléculaire à l’échelle du génome entier des tumeurs, est devenue incontournable pour étudier la physiopathologie des cancers. Les études de transcriptome des tumeurs corticosurrénaliennes ont montré que le profil d’expression génique discrimine adénomes et corticosurrénalomes, et identifie deux groupes distincts de corticosurrénalomes avec des pronostics différents. Dans le sillage de ces travaux précédemment réalisés par l’équipe, je me suis intéressée pendant ma thèse aux anomalies de nombres de copies d'ADN et aux anomalies de méthylation des corticosurrénalomes. Dans une première partie j’ai étudié le génome de 38 adénomes et 21 corticosurrénalomes par puce d’hybridation génomique comparative (puces CGH). Le transcriptome de 54 de ces tumeurs était déjà disponible. Le génome des corticosurrénalomes est très altéré contrairement à celui des adénomes (44% du génome est perdu ou gagné, versus 10% pour les adénomes, p=2.10-10). Dans les adénomes, la région 9q34 (locus de SF-1) est fréquemment gagnée et ce gain est associé à une surexpression de SF-1. Pour les corticosurrénalomes, les évènements récurrents concernent les gains des chromosomes 5, 7, 12, 16, 19, 20 et les pertes des chromosomes 13 et 22. Les gènes situés dans les régions minimales communes gagnées ou perdues ont été filtrés en fonction de leur expression. La liste des gènes à la fois gagnés et surexprimés inclut des oncogènes comme FGFR4, CDK4, CCNE1 ; et la liste des gènes avec perte de matériel et sous-expression inclut des gènes suppresseurs de tumeurs (LATS2, ST13). Un outil diagnostique basé sur la mesure en PCR quantitative de 6 loci permet de séparer les corticosurrénalomes des adénomes dans une cohorte de validation indépendante de 79 tumeurs, avec une sensibilité de 100% et une spécificité de 83%. Le nombre d’altérations chromosomiques n’a pas de valeur pronostique, mais une technique de classification hiérarchique non supervisée permet de séparer les corticosurrénalomes en deux groupes de pronostic différent, et a été validée sur une cohorte indépendante de 25 tumeurs. Dans une deuxième partie, j’ai étudié les anomalies de méthylation des promoteurs des gènes de 51 corticosurrénalomes et 81 adénomes par puce Infinium HumanMethylation27 (Illumina). Les données d’expression étaient disponibles pour 87 tumeurs. Les corticosurrénalomes sont globalement hyperméthylés par rapport aux adénomes. La classification hiérarchique non supervisée sépare les corticosurrénalomes en 3 groupes : un groupe non-hyperméthylé, un groupe modérément hyperméthylé, et un autre très hyperméthylé. Cette classification a été confirmée par MS-MLPA. L’hyperméthylation est associée à un mauvais pronostic (p=0,02 en modèle de Cox). La corrélation entre niveau de méthylation et expression identifie 1741 gènes (sur les 12250 étudiés) corrélés négativement (…)Unilateral adrenocortical tumors are common (prevalence : 2 to 9% of the population). Most of these tumors are adenomas. Adrenocortical cancer (ACC) has a poor prognosis, with a 5-yr survival rate not exceeding 40% in most series. Pathological diagnosis of these tumors relies on several histological features and can be difficult. The prognosis of adrenocortical carcinomas is heterogeneous and unpredictable. Knowledge of the pathophysiology of these tumors is also limited. The genome has a central role in the development of cancers in general. The occurrence of genomic alterations (mutations, abnormal copy number, loss of heterozygosity, translocations, abnormal methylation) will lead to the overexpression of oncogenes and repression of tumor suppressor genes. Genomic approaches became essential to study the pathophysiology of cancer. Transcriptome studies of adrenocortical tumors have shown that the gene expression profile discriminate ACC and adenomas, and identified two distinct groups of ACC with different prognoses. In addition to gene expression, genomics now covers a large spectrum of alterations, including chromosomal alterations, DNA sequence modifications, and epigenetic alterations. I studied chromosomal alterations and DNA methylation abnormalities in ACC during my thesis.In the first part the genome of 38 adrenocortical adenomas and 21 ACC were identified by comparative genomic hybridization arrays. The transcriptome of 54 of these tumors was already available. A larger proportion of the genome is altered in carcinomas compared with adenomas (44 % of the genome is lost or gained, versus 10% for adenomas , p = 2.10-10 ) . In adenomas, the 9q34 region, which includes the steroidogenic factor 1locus, is commonly gained and associated with an overexpression of steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1).In carcinomas, recurrent gains include chromosomes 5, 7, 12, 16, 19, and 20 and recurrent losses chromosomes 13 and 22. Filtering the genes from these regions according to their expression profile identified genes potentially relevant to adrenocortical tumorigenesis. A diagnostic tool was built by combining DNA copy number estimates at six loci (5q, 7p, 11p, 13q, 16q, and 22q). This tool discriminates carcinomas from adenomas in an independent validation cohort (sensitivity 100%, specificity 83%). In carcinomas, the number of chromosomal alterations was not associated with survival (Cox p=0.84). A prognostic tool based on tumor DNA was designed with a clustering strategy and validated in an independent cohort. In the second part, methylation patterns of CpG islands in promoter regions of 51 adrenocortical carcinomas and 84 adenomas were studied by the Infinium HumanMethylation27 Beadchip (Illumina) . Gene expression data were available for 87 tumors. Methylation was higher in carcinomas than in adenomas (t test : p=3.1x10-9). Unsupervised clustering of DNA methylation profiles identified two groups of carcinomas, one with an elevated methylation level, evoking a CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP). The subgroup of hypermethylated carcinomas was further divided in two subgroups, with different levels of methylation (CIMP-high and CIMP-low). This classification could be confirmed by methylation-specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Hypermethylation was associated with a poor survival (Cox model p= 0.02). The transcriptome/methylation correlation showed 1741 genes (of 12250) negatively correlated; among the top genes were H19 and other tumor suppressors (PLAGL-1, G0S2, and NDRG2). The subgroups identified by the transcriptome adrenocortical have different levels of methylation. In conclusion, genomic alterations discriminate carcinomas from adenomas and contain prognostic information. The subgroups identified by the adrenocortical transcriptome profiles of different genomic alterations. Chromosomal alterations and abnormal methylation alter the expression of genes important for tumorigenesis

    Génomique intégrée des tumeurs corticosurrénaliennes (implications cliniques et physiopathologiques)

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    Les tumeurs corticosurrénaliennes unilatérales sont fréquentes (prévalence de 2 à 9% de la population). Il s agit le plus souvent d adénomes. Le cancer de la corticosurrénale, ou corticosurrénalome, a un pronostic sombre, la survie ne dépassant pas 40 % à cinq ans. Le diagnostic de malignité de ces tumeurs, actuellement basé sur l histologie, peut être difficile. Le pronostic des corticosurrénalomes est hétérogène et peu prévisible. Enfin, la prise en charge thérapeutique est encore limitée. Ces difficultés diagnostiques, pronostiques et thérapeutiques s expliquent entre autres par la connaissance limitée de la physiopathologie de ce cancer. Le génome a un rôle central dans le développement des cancers en général. La survenue d altérations génomiques (mutations, anomalies de nombre de copies, pertes d hétérozygotie, translocations, anomalies de méthylation) va aboutir à la surexpression d oncogènes et à la répression de gènes suppresseurs de tumeurs. La génomique, en ouvrant la voie à la caractérisation moléculaire à l échelle du génome entier des tumeurs, est devenue incontournable pour étudier la physiopathologie des cancers. Les études de transcriptome des tumeurs corticosurrénaliennes ont montré que le profil d expression génique discrimine adénomes et corticosurrénalomes, et identifie deux groupes distincts de corticosurrénalomes avec des pronostics différents. Dans le sillage de ces travaux précédemment réalisés par l équipe, je me suis intéressée pendant ma thèse aux anomalies de nombres de copies d'ADN et aux anomalies de méthylation des corticosurrénalomes. Dans une première partie j ai étudié le génome de 38 adénomes et 21 corticosurrénalomes par puce d hybridation génomique comparative (puces CGH). Le transcriptome de 54 de ces tumeurs était déjà disponible. Le génome des corticosurrénalomes est très altéré contrairement à celui des adénomes (44% du génome est perdu ou gagné, versus 10% pour les adénomes, p=2.10-10). Dans les adénomes, la région 9q34 (locus de SF-1) est fréquemment gagnée et ce gain est associé à une surexpression de SF-1. Pour les corticosurrénalomes, les évènements récurrents concernent les gains des chromosomes 5, 7, 12, 16, 19, 20 et les pertes des chromosomes 13 et 22. Les gènes situés dans les régions minimales communes gagnées ou perdues ont été filtrés en fonction de leur expression. La liste des gènes à la fois gagnés et surexprimés inclut des oncogènes comme FGFR4, CDK4, CCNE1 ; et la liste des gènes avec perte de matériel et sous-expression inclut des gènes suppresseurs de tumeurs (LATS2, ST13). Un outil diagnostique basé sur la mesure en PCR quantitative de 6 loci permet de séparer les corticosurrénalomes des adénomes dans une cohorte de validation indépendante de 79 tumeurs, avec une sensibilité de 100% et une spécificité de 83%. Le nombre d altérations chromosomiques n a pas de valeur pronostique, mais une technique de classification hiérarchique non supervisée permet de séparer les corticosurrénalomes en deux groupes de pronostic différent, et a été validée sur une cohorte indépendante de 25 tumeurs. Dans une deuxième partie, j ai étudié les anomalies de méthylation des promoteurs des gènes de 51 corticosurrénalomes et 81 adénomes par puce Infinium HumanMethylation27 (Illumina). Les données d expression étaient disponibles pour 87 tumeurs. Les corticosurrénalomes sont globalement hyperméthylés par rapport aux adénomes. La classification hiérarchique non supervisée sépare les corticosurrénalomes en 3 groupes : un groupe non-hyperméthylé, un groupe modérément hyperméthylé, et un autre très hyperméthylé. Cette classification a été confirmée par MS-MLPA. L hyperméthylation est associée à un mauvais pronostic (p=0,02 en modèle de Cox). La corrélation entre niveau de méthylation et expression identifie 1741 gènes (sur les 12250 étudiés) corrélés négativement ( )Unilateral adrenocortical tumors are common (prevalence : 2 to 9% of the population). Most of these tumors are adenomas. Adrenocortical cancer (ACC) has a poor prognosis, with a 5-yr survival rate not exceeding 40% in most series. Pathological diagnosis of these tumors relies on several histological features and can be difficult. The prognosis of adrenocortical carcinomas is heterogeneous and unpredictable. Knowledge of the pathophysiology of these tumors is also limited. The genome has a central role in the development of cancers in general. The occurrence of genomic alterations (mutations, abnormal copy number, loss of heterozygosity, translocations, abnormal methylation) will lead to the overexpression of oncogenes and repression of tumor suppressor genes. Genomic approaches became essential to study the pathophysiology of cancer. Transcriptome studies of adrenocortical tumors have shown that the gene expression profile discriminate ACC and adenomas, and identified two distinct groups of ACC with different prognoses. In addition to gene expression, genomics now covers a large spectrum of alterations, including chromosomal alterations, DNA sequence modifications, and epigenetic alterations. I studied chromosomal alterations and DNA methylation abnormalities in ACC during my thesis.In the first part the genome of 38 adrenocortical adenomas and 21 ACC were identified by comparative genomic hybridization arrays. The transcriptome of 54 of these tumors was already available. A larger proportion of the genome is altered in carcinomas compared with adenomas (44 % of the genome is lost or gained, versus 10% for adenomas , p = 2.10-10 ) . In adenomas, the 9q34 region, which includes the steroidogenic factor 1locus, is commonly gained and associated with an overexpression of steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1).In carcinomas, recurrent gains include chromosomes 5, 7, 12, 16, 19, and 20 and recurrent losses chromosomes 13 and 22. Filtering the genes from these regions according to their expression profile identified genes potentially relevant to adrenocortical tumorigenesis. A diagnostic tool was built by combining DNA copy number estimates at six loci (5q, 7p, 11p, 13q, 16q, and 22q). This tool discriminates carcinomas from adenomas in an independent validation cohort (sensitivity 100%, specificity 83%). In carcinomas, the number of chromosomal alterations was not associated with survival (Cox p=0.84). A prognostic tool based on tumor DNA was designed with a clustering strategy and validated in an independent cohort. In the second part, methylation patterns of CpG islands in promoter regions of 51 adrenocortical carcinomas and 84 adenomas were studied by the Infinium HumanMethylation27 Beadchip (Illumina) . Gene expression data were available for 87 tumors. Methylation was higher in carcinomas than in adenomas (t test : p=3.1x10-9). Unsupervised clustering of DNA methylation profiles identified two groups of carcinomas, one with an elevated methylation level, evoking a CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP). The subgroup of hypermethylated carcinomas was further divided in two subgroups, with different levels of methylation (CIMP-high and CIMP-low). This classification could be confirmed by methylation-specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Hypermethylation was associated with a poor survival (Cox model p= 0.02). The transcriptome/methylation correlation showed 1741 genes (of 12250) negatively correlated; among the top genes were H19 and other tumor suppressors (PLAGL-1, G0S2, and NDRG2). The subgroups identified by the transcriptome adrenocortical have different levels of methylation. In conclusion, genomic alterations discriminate carcinomas from adenomas and contain prognostic information. The subgroups identified by the adrenocortical transcriptome profiles of different genomic alterations. Chromosomal alterations and abnormal methylation alter the expression of genes important for tumorigenesis.PARIS5-BU Méd.Cochin (751142101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Caractérisation clinique et paraclinique de deux groupes de corticosurrénalomes identifiés par le transcriptome

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    Les tumeurs corticosurrénaliennes posent une double problématique, clinique et physiopathologique. Au plan clinique le diagnostic de malignité est parfois difficile et lr pronostic des formes malignes (ou corticosurrénalomes) est le plus souvent imprévisible. Au plan physiopathologique, les mécanismes à l'origine de ces tumeurs sont inconnus. Le classement des tumeurs en fonction de la proximité de leur transcriptome distingue parfaitement adénomes et corticosurrénalomes. Deux groupes de corticosurrénalomes associés à un pronostic différent ont été identifiés par des études de transcriptome. Ce travail a repris les caractéristiques cliniques et paracliniques des patients de ces deux groupes. Les patients du groupe de mauvais pronostic présentent au diagnostic une maladie plus agressive : tumeur plus volumineuse, extension plus importante, anomalies histologiques plus nombreuses, métastases plus fréquentes. Le déséquilibre du sexe ratio entre les deux groupes, avec un enrichissement en hommes du groupe de mauvais pronostic, est une observation plus originale, qui doit être confirmée, et dont la signification physiopathologique éventuelle n est pas connue. L information pronostique apportée par le transcriptome est indépendante des facteurs pronostiques classiques des corticosurrénalomes, notamment de l extension tumorale. Ce résultat est en faveur de l existence de deux types de corticosurrénalomes distincts, ayant une biologie et un pronostic différents.Adrenocortical tumors pose a dual problem, clinical and pathophysiological. Diagnosis of malignancy is sometimes difficult, and prognosis of malignant tumors is most often unpredictable. At a pathophysiological level, mechanisms at the origin of these tumors are unknown. The classification of tumors according to the proximity of their transcriptome perfectly distinguishes adrenocortical adenomas and cancers, and identifies within these two groups of very different prognosis. To resume the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of adrenocortical cancers of two groups of different prognoses obtained by the transcriptome, in search of their commonalities and differences. As expected patients in the poor prognosis group have a more aggressive disease at diagnosis (tumor larger, deeper extension, histological features more numerous, more frequent metastasis). The imbalance of sex ratiobetween the two groups, with enrichment in men in the group with poor prognosis, is a more original observation, to be confirmed, and whose potential pathophysiological significance is unknown. The prognostic information provided by the transcriptome is independent of conventional prognostic factors in adrenocortical carcinomas, including tumor extension. These results support the existence of two distinct types of adrenocortica carcinomas, with a different biology and prognosisST QUENTIN EN YVELINES-BU (782972101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Study of a wreck in foreshore context

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    International audienceWe present the study of a wreck, in a foreshore area, in the North of Brittany, France, using two different digitization methods, photogrammetry and laser scanning. The digitization process had to deal with the tide constraints. The 3D data produced using these technologies has been deployed in a large immersive infrastructure dedicated to virtual reality research, in order to propose new practises for archaeologists. The overall purpose of our research project is to define an innovative and efficient methodology for the study and preservation of cultural heritage in an inter-tidal context. In the inter-tidal context, heritage is really fragile and the risk of destruction is real (storms, erosion, coastal development...). The traditional methods are no longer efficient. This paper describes preliminary results, through the joint work of a research institute specialized in underwater archaeology, a research laboratory of archaeology and archaeo-sciences, and a research laboratory in computer science

    IGF2 promotes growth of adrenocortical carcinoma cells, but its overexpression does not modify phenotypic and molecular features of adrenocortical carcinoma.

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    International audienceInsulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) overexpression is an important molecular marker of adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC), which is a rare but devastating endocrine cancer. It is not clear whether IGF2 overexpression modifies the biology and growth of this cancer, thus more studies are required before IGF2 can be considered as a major therapeutic target. We compared the phenotypical, clinical, biological, and molecular characteristics of ACC with or without the overexpression of IGF2, to address these issues. We also carried out a similar analysis in an ACC cell line (H295R) in which IGF2 expression was knocked down with si- or shRNA. We found no significant differences in the clinical, biological and molecular (transcriptomic) traits between IGF2-high and IGF2-low ACC. The absence of IGF2 overexpression had little influence on the activation of tyrosine kinase pathways both in tumors and in H295 cells that express low levels of IGF2. In IGF2-low tumors, other growth factors (FGF9, PDGFA) are more expressed than in IGF2-high tumors, suggesting that they play a compensatory role in tumor progression. In addition, IGF2 knock-down in H295R cells substantially impaired growth (>50% inhibition), blocked cells in G1 phase, and promoted apoptosis (>2-fold). Finally, analysis of the 11p15 locus showed a paternal uniparental disomy in both IGF2-high and IGF2-low tumors, but low IGF2 expression could be explained in most IGF2-low ACC by an additional epigenetic modification at the 11p15 locus. Altogether, these observations confirm the active role of IGF2 in adrenocortical tumor growth, but also suggest that other growth promoting pathways may be involved in a subset of ACC with low IGF2 expression, which creates opportunities for the use of other targeted therapies

    ARMC5 Mutations in Macronodular Adrenal Hyperplasia with Cushing's Syndrome

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    International audienceCorticotropin-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia may be an incidental finding or it may be identified during evaluation for Cushing's syndrome. Reports of familial cases and the involvement of both adrenal glands suggest a genetic origin of this condition

    Constitutive activation of PKA catalytic subunit in adrenal Cushing's syndrome.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Corticotropin-independent Cushing's syndrome is caused by tumors or hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. The molecular pathogenesis of cortisol-producing adrenal adenomas is not well understood. METHODS: We performed exome sequencing of tumor-tissue specimens from 10 patients with cortisol-producing adrenal adenomas and evaluated recurrent mutations in candidate genes in an additional 171 patients with adrenocortical tumors. We also performed genomewide copy-number analysis in 35 patients with cortisol-secreting bilateral adrenal hyperplasias. We studied the effects of these genetic defects both clinically and in vitro. RESULTS: Exome sequencing revealed somatic mutations in PRKACA, which encodes the catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A [PKA]), in 8 of 10 adenomas (c.617A→C in 7 and c.595_596insCAC in 1). Overall, PRKACA somatic mutations were identified in 22 of 59 unilateral adenomas (37%) from patients with overt Cushing's syndrome; these mutations were not detectable in 40 patients with subclinical hypercortisolism or in 82 patients with other adrenal tumors. Among 35 patients with cortisol-producing hyperplasias, 5 (including 2 first-degree relatives) carried a germline copy-number gain (duplication) of the genomic region on chromosome 19 that includes PRKACA. In vitro studies showed impaired inhibition of both PKA catalytic subunit mutants by the PKA regulatory subunit, whereas cells from patients with germline chromosomal gains showed increased protein levels of the PKA catalytic subunit; in both instances, basal PKA activity was increased. CONCLUSIONS: Genetic alterations of the catalytic subunit of PKA were found to be associated with human disease. Germline duplications of this gene resulted in bilateral adrenal hyperplasias, whereas somatic PRKACA mutations resulted in unilateral cortisol-producing adrenal adenomas. (Funded by the European Commission Seventh Framework Program and others.)