23 research outputs found

    La Participació social a la ciutat d’Eiximenis

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    This article offers a discussion on the concept of social participation, grounded in the framework of the classical theory, which is herewith accurately defined. For this purpose it specially relies on the doctrine of the Spanish thinker F.Eiximenis (1377-1409). It elucidates its main function towards the integration of the different parts in the social whole, and its heteronomy towards the concept of community.El artículo considera el concepto de participación en el marco conceptual de la teoría clàsica, la cual expresamente define. Se basa especialmente en la doctrina social de F. Eiximenis (1377-1409). Con ello amplía y enriquece el valor denotativo de dicho concepto, el cual aparece como elemento clave en la ligazón del todo social, y como heterónomo respecto del concepto de comunidad

    El 18 de julio de 1936 en Mataró

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    El ejemplo de las cristalerías de Mataró, cooperativa obrera

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    Effect of stress on somatic cell count and milk yield and composition in goats

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    [EN] There is little information about the effect of the stress on Somatic Cell Count (SCC) and milk yield and composition in goats. A total of 40 goats in their 4th month of lactation were assigned to two groups: stress (STR) and untreated (CON). Goats of STR were exposed to acute stress (visual and auditory stimulus from a barking dog for 20 min on day 0). After the stress, average values of plasma cortisol were higher in STR than CON (P = 3 goats (P = 3 goats (P = 3 produced 11% less milk compared with day 0 and, regarding milk composition, only lactose showed a significant drop. Stressed parity 1 + 2 goats showed no changes in SCC and milk yield and composition. We conclude that, in goats, stress is a non-infectious factor that can interfere in the use of SCC as an indirect method of intramammary infection (IMI) detection or, in bulk tank milk, as a commercial milk quality parameter.Mehdid, MEA.; Marti-De Olives, A.; Fernández Martínez, N.; Rodríguez Garcia, M.; Peris Ribera, CJ. (2019). Effect of stress on somatic cell count and milk yield and composition in goats. Research in Veterinary Science. 125:61-70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rvsc.2019.05.015S617012

    "Acompañados por el viento": creando entornos educativos que favorezcan el trabajo colaborativo

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    Presentem un projecte que ofereix un nou entorn educatiu complementari a l’activitat de les aules: Aprendre navegant pel mar en un veler. Aprendre a través de l’experiència directa valors transversals com, el treball col•laboratiu en equip, la solidaritat, la convivència, el coneixement de sí mateix i de l’altre, la responsabilitat i, ocupant un lloc especial: el respecte. Aprendre deixant-se acompanyar, afavorint que aflori el millor de cada un d’ells i elles. Està destinat originalment a adolescents en risc d’exclusió social, encara que en la pràctica s’ha ampliat el ventall de possibilitats. La principal característica és l’oferta d’un eix atractiu de motivació pels joves. Incidint especialment en la prevenció. Apropant als nois i noies a la natura i fomentant la idea de que, abans d’una relació educativa, és convenient una relació afectiva.We present a project offering a new educational environment as a complement to the curricular activity: To learn while navigating the sea in a sailing ship. To learn through direct experience transversal values such as the collaborative work in a team, solidarity, conviviality, self-knowledge and the knowledge of the other, responsibility and - in a special place - respect. Learning while allowing to be accompanied, favoring to be shown the best of every participant. Originally this project has been aimed to young people at the risk of social exclusion, although in fact its scope has been enlarged. The main feature is the offering of an appealing axis of motivation for young people. It specially touches upon prevention. Bringing girls and boys to nature and promoting the idea that before an educative relationship an affective relationship is needed.Presentamos un proyecto que ofrece un nuevo entorno educativo complementario a la actividad de las aulas: aprender navegando por el mar en un velero. Aprender, a través de la experiencia directa, valores transversales como el trabajo colaborativo en equipo, la solidaridad, la convivencia, el conocimiento de uno mismo y del otro, la responsabilidad y, ocupando un lugar especial: el respeto. Aprender dejándose acompañar, favoreciendo que aflore lo mejor de cada uno. Está destinado originalmente a adolescentes en riesgo de exclusión social, aunque en la práctica se ha ampliado el abanico de posibilidades. La principal característica es la oferta de un eje atractivo de motivación para los y las jóvenes, incidiendo especialmente en la prevención y acercando a chicos y chicas a la naturaleza y fomentando la idea de que antes de una relación educativa es conveniente una relación afectiva

    Effect on Health-related Quality of Life of changes in mental health in children and adolescents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The objective of the study was to assess the effect of changes in mental health status on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in children and adolescents aged 8 - 18 years.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A representative sample of Spanish children and adolescents aged 8-18 years completed the self-administered KIDSCREEN-52 questionnaire at baseline and after 3 years. Mental health status was measured using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Changes on SDQ scores over time were used to classify respondents in one of 3 categories (improved, stable, worsened). Data was also collected on gender, undesirable life events, and family socio-economic status. Changes in HRQOL were evaluated using effect sizes (ES). A multivariate analysis was performed to identify predictors of poor HRQOL at follow-up.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Response rate at follow-up was 54% (n = 454). HRQOL deteriorated in all groups on most KIDSCREEN dimensions. Respondents who worsened on the SDQ showed the greatest deterioration, particularly on Psychological well-being (ES = -0.81). Factors most strongly associated with a decrease in HRQOL scores were undesirable life events and worsening SDQ score.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Changes in mental health status affect children and adolescents' HRQOL. Improvements in mental health status protect against poorer HRQOL while a worsening in mental health status is a risk factor for poorer HRQOL.</p

    Aula d'Ecologia : cicles de conferències 1999 i 2000

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    Descripció del recurs: 13 juny 2007Conté: Rafael Argullol, Natura i ciutat en el canvi de mil·lenni ; Antoni Lloret, Energies per al segle XXI ; Jorge Wagensberg, Investigació científica i sostenibilitat: l'experiència amazònica ; Manuel Ludevid, El paper de les empreses en la societat sostenible ; Rafael Grasa, El paper de les ONG en la societat sostenible ; Luis Ángel Fernández Hermana, La comunicació en la transició cap a una societat sostenible ; Frederic Ximeno, Estratègies i eines de planificació territorial cap a una ciutat sostenible ; José Luis Porcuna, Estratègies agroecològiques cap a una agricultura sostenible ; Josep Germain, Estratègia catalana per a la biodiversitat ; Carles Gràcia, Els boscos i el funcionament sostenible del planeta ; Manuel Herce, El territori de la ciutat: criteris de sostenibilitat, ordenació i urbanització ; Josep Enric Llebot, Ciència i política del canvi climàtic ; Àlex Aguilar, L'extinció de les espècies: entre la ignorància i la tolerància ; Josep Olives, La ciutat com a idea d'equilibri ; Anna Cabré, Demografia i migracions al segle XXI: què és raonable preveure? ; Manolis Kogevinas, Càncer i exposicions mediambientals ; Ramon Arandes, L'aprofitament de les aigües del subsòl de Barcelona ; Rafael Simó, L'oceà i l'atmosfera, inseparables davant el canvi climàtic global ; Joan Caylà, Sobre el possible impacte mundial de la sida en la dècada 2000-2010 ; Jordi Serra Raventós, Ocupació del litoral i implicacions sobre el territori ; Joan Manuel Vilaplana, Catàstrofes i societat ; Montserrat Vilà, Causes i conseqüències de les invasions biològiques ; Josep Egozcue, Clonatge humà: tècnica i ètica ; Millán M. Millán, Contaminación fotoquímica en la cuenca mediterránea: revisión de los resultados de proyectos de investigación europeos ; Jaume Terradas i José Ángel Burriel, Mapa ecològic de Barcelona

    Contribution of CSF biomarkers to early-onset Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia neuroimaging signatures

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    Prior studies have described distinct patterns of brain gray matter and white matter alterations in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), as well as differences in their cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers profiles. We aim to investigate the relationship between early‐onset AD (EOAD) and FTLD structural alterations and CSF biomarker levels. We included 138 subjects (64 EOAD, 26 FTLD, and 48 controls), all of them with a 3T MRI brain scan and CSF biomarkers available (the 42 amino acid‐long form of the amyloid‐beta protein [Aβ42], total‐tau protein [T‐tau], neurofilament light chain [NfL], neurogranin [Ng], and 14‐3‐3 levels). We used FreeSurfer and FSL to obtain cortical thickness (CTh) and fraction anisotropy (FA) maps. We studied group differences in CTh and FA and described the "AD signature" and "FTLD signature." We tested multiple regression models to find which CSF‐biomarkers better explained each disease neuroimaging signature. CTh and FA maps corresponding to the AD and FTLD signatures were in accordance with previous literature. Multiple regression analyses showed that the biomarkers that better explained CTh values within the AD signature were Aβ and 14‐3‐3; whereas NfL and 14‐3‐3 levels explained CTh values within the FTLD signature. Similarly, NfL levels explained FA values in the FTLD signature. Ng levels were not predictive in any of the models. Biochemical markers contribute differently to structural (CTh and FA) changes typical of AD and FTLD