1,223 research outputs found

    Origen e institucionalización del asociacionismo gimnástico-deportivo en España en el siglo XIX (1822-1900)

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    Este estudio aborda el nacimiento y desarrollo del asociacionismo gimnástico-deportivo en España en el siglo xix desde 1822 año en el que aparecieron las primeras asociaciones deportivas hasta 1900. Este proceso contribuye al ordenamiento institucional del deporte, a su difusión y a su legitimación social. El asociacionismo deportivo se inició de forma titubeante pero despegó a partir de 1875. La introducción del deporte coincidió con la Restauración borbónica y el fervor de los reyes y la aristocracia por el modelo cultural inglés y el sport, y fue sostenida por el Regeneracionismo y la Institución Libre de Enseñanza. Para construir la lista de entidades que conforman el deporte institucionalizado, se han seguido tres procesos, que beben de fuentes primarias y secundarias. En primer lugar se ha realizado una exhaustiva revisión documental de los trabajos anteriores de dos de los autores. A continuación, se han efectuado búsquedas sistematizadas en las principales plataformas documentales digitalizadas de España. Finalmente, se han contrastado los datos resultantes con los últimos trabajos historiográficos del período. Este proceso metodológico de tres partes produjo una lista de 363 entidades deportivas ubicadas en las zonas más acomodadas e industrializadas. El ciclismo fue el deporte que atrajo mayor número de asociaciones. Los resultados de la investigación muestran la vigorosidad del proceso de institucionalización del deporte en España en el siglo xix y su arraigo inicial entre las capas aristocráticas y burguesas

    Origen i institucionalització de l’associacionisme gimnasticoesportiu a Espanya al segle XIX (1822-1900)

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    Aquest estudi aborda el naixement i desenvolupament de l’associacionisme gimnasticoesportiu a Espanya en el segle xix des del 1822 any en què van aparèixer les primeres associacions esportives fins al 1900. Aquest procés contribueix a l’ordenament institucional de l’esport, a la seva difusió i a la seva legitimació social. L’associacionisme esportiu es va iniciar de manera titubejant però va arrencar a partir de 1875. La introducció de l’esport va coincidir amb la Restauració borbònica i el fervor dels reis i l’aristocràcia pel model cultural anglès i l’sport, i va ser sostinguda pel Regeneracionisme i la Institución Libre de Eseñanza. Per construir la llista d’entitats que conformen l’esport institucio­nalitzat, s’han seguit tres processos, que beuen de fonts primà­ries i secundàries. En primer lloc s’ha fet una exhaustiva revisió documental dels treballs anteriors de dos dels autors. A continuació, s’han efectuat recerques sistematitzades en les principals plataformes documentals digitalitzades d’Espanya. Finalment, s’han contrastat les dades resultants amb els últims treballs historiogràfics del període. Aquest procés metodològic de tres parts va produir una llista de 363 entitats esportives ubicades a les zones més benestants i industrialitzades. El ciclisme va ser l’esport que va atreure un nombre més gran d’associacions. Els resultats de la investigació mostren el vigor del procés d’institucionalització de l’esport a Espanya en el segle xix i el seu arrelament inicial entre les capes aristocràtiques i burgeses

    Stable p-branes in Chern-Simons AdS supergravities

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    We construct static codimension-two branes in any odd dimension D, with negative cosmological constant, and show that they are exact solutions of Chern-Simons (super)gravity theory for (super)AdS coupled to external sources. The stability of these solutions is analyzed by counting the number of preserved supersymmetries. It is shown that static massive (D-3)-branes are unstable unless some suitable gauge fields are added and the brane is extremal. In particular, in three dimensions, a 0-brane is recognized as the negative mass counterpart of the BTZ black hole. For these 0-branes, we write explicitly electromagnetically charged BPS states with various number of preserved supersymmetries within the OSp(p|2) x OSp(q|2) supergroups. In five dimensions, we prove that stable 2-branes with electromagnetic charge always exist for the generic supergroup SU(2,2|N), where N is different than 4. For the special case N=4, in which the CS supergravity requires the addition of a nontrivial gauge field configuration in order to preserve maximal number of degrees of freedom, we show for two different static 2-branes that they are BPS states (one of which is the ground state), and from the corresponding algebra of charges we show that the energy is bounded from below. In higher dimensions, our results admit a straightforward generalization, although there are presumably more solutions corresponding to different intersections of the elementary objects.Comment: 43 pages, revtex4.cls; v2: slight amendments and references added to match published versio

    Nova razmatranja malih složenih magnetskih sustava

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    In this paper, a composed A + B magnetic system, with spins JA = 2 and JB = 3/2, is considered within the mean-field approximation, in the framework of Tsallis nonextensive statistics. Our motivation is twofold: (1) to approach the existing experimental data of manganese oxides (manganites), where Mn3+ and Mn4+ form two magnetic sublattices, and (2) to investigate the structure of nonextensive density matrices of composed systems. By imposing that thermodynamic quantities, such as the magnetization of sublattices A and B, must be invariant whether the calculation is taken over the total Hilbert space or over partial subspaces, we found that the expression for the nonextensive entropy must be adapted. Our argument is supported by the calculation of sublattice magnetizations MA and MB, internal energy, UA and UB and magnetic specific heat, CA and CB. It is shown that only with the modified entropy, the two methods of calculation agree to each other. Internal energy and magnetization are additive, but no clear relationship was found between SA, SB and the total entropy SA+B for q /= 1. It is shown that the reason for the failure of the standard way of calculation is the assumption of statistical independence between the two subsystems, which however does not affect the density matrix in the full Hilbert space.Razmatramo magnetski sustav složen od sastavnica A i B sa spinovima JA = 2 i JB = 3/2 u približenju srednjeg polja i Tsallisove nesveobuhvatne statistike. Dva su povoda: (1) opisati poznate mjerne podatke za manganove okside (manganite), u kojima Mn3+ i Mn4+ tvore dvije magnetske podrešetke, i (2) istražiti strukturu nesveobuhvatne matrice gustoće složenih sustava. Postavljajući da termodinamičke veličine, kao magnetizacija podrešetaka A i B, moraju biti invarijantne kako za račun u cijelom Hilbertovom prostoru, tako i u pojedinim podrešetkama, nalazimo da se izraz za nesveobuhvatnu entropiju mora primijeniti. Naša tvrdnja se zasniva na računu magnetizacije podrešetaka MA i MB, unutarnje energije UA i UB, i magnetske specifične topline, CA i CB. Pokazuje se da su s izmijenjenom entropijom obje metode u skladu. Unutarnja energija i magnetizacija se pribrajaju, ali između SA, SB i ukupne entropije SA+B nismo našli jednostavan odnos za q /= 1. Pokazuje se da je pretpostavka o neovisnosti dvaju podsustava razlog što uobičajen način računanja entropije nije dobar, što ne utječe na račun matrice gustoće u cijelom Hibertovom prostoru

    Nova razmatranja malih složenih magnetskih sustava

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    In this paper, a composed A + B magnetic system, with spins JA = 2 and JB = 3/2, is considered within the mean-field approximation, in the framework of Tsallis nonextensive statistics. Our motivation is twofold: (1) to approach the existing experimental data of manganese oxides (manganites), where Mn3+ and Mn4+ form two magnetic sublattices, and (2) to investigate the structure of nonextensive density matrices of composed systems. By imposing that thermodynamic quantities, such as the magnetization of sublattices A and B, must be invariant whether the calculation is taken over the total Hilbert space or over partial subspaces, we found that the expression for the nonextensive entropy must be adapted. Our argument is supported by the calculation of sublattice magnetizations MA and MB, internal energy, UA and UB and magnetic specific heat, CA and CB. It is shown that only with the modified entropy, the two methods of calculation agree to each other. Internal energy and magnetization are additive, but no clear relationship was found between SA, SB and the total entropy SA+B for q /= 1. It is shown that the reason for the failure of the standard way of calculation is the assumption of statistical independence between the two subsystems, which however does not affect the density matrix in the full Hilbert space.Razmatramo magnetski sustav složen od sastavnica A i B sa spinovima JA = 2 i JB = 3/2 u približenju srednjeg polja i Tsallisove nesveobuhvatne statistike. Dva su povoda: (1) opisati poznate mjerne podatke za manganove okside (manganite), u kojima Mn3+ i Mn4+ tvore dvije magnetske podrešetke, i (2) istražiti strukturu nesveobuhvatne matrice gustoće složenih sustava. Postavljajući da termodinamičke veličine, kao magnetizacija podrešetaka A i B, moraju biti invarijantne kako za račun u cijelom Hilbertovom prostoru, tako i u pojedinim podrešetkama, nalazimo da se izraz za nesveobuhvatnu entropiju mora primijeniti. Naša tvrdnja se zasniva na računu magnetizacije podrešetaka MA i MB, unutarnje energije UA i UB, i magnetske specifične topline, CA i CB. Pokazuje se da su s izmijenjenom entropijom obje metode u skladu. Unutarnja energija i magnetizacija se pribrajaju, ali između SA, SB i ukupne entropije SA+B nismo našli jednostavan odnos za q /= 1. Pokazuje se da je pretpostavka o neovisnosti dvaju podsustava razlog što uobičajen način računanja entropije nije dobar, što ne utječe na račun matrice gustoće u cijelom Hibertovom prostoru

    Campo político vs. Campo barrial : Continuidades y disrupciones en la expresión de la lucha de clases

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    Si como plantea Quijano, es la co-presencia de la dominación, la explotación y el conflicto lo que ha caracterizado históricamente al poder, afectando lo que el autor denomina "las cuatro áreas de la existencia social" -trabajo, sexo, autoridad colectiva y subjetividad/ intersubjetividad-, es justamente en el análisis de la relación mutuamente determinada de estas áreas en donde podemos rastrear las tendencias del desarrollo del capitalismo como patrón de dominación global. En este trabajo analizaremos el caso particular de movimientos barriales a partir del estudio del accionar de las Asociaciones Vecinales de Fomento y de otros grupos de acción barrial en el proceso de traslado de un asentamiento precario en la ciudad de Mar del Plata (Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina) en relación a la constitución del campo barrial como campo relativamente autónomo del campo político. El análisis propuesto nos sirve de excusa para repensar las luchas sociales, la conflictividad social, los movimientos sociales, no desde la concepción de los nuevos movimientos, sino desde una perspectiva que intenta desentrañar su génesis, continuidades y disrupciones como un proceso molecular que sigue siendo expresión de la lucha de clases en la modernidad tardíaJornadas realizadas junto con el I Encuentro Latinoamericano de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    A CFD based approach for determination of ammonia concentration profile and flux from poultry houses with natural ventilation

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    The understanding of concentration and emissions distribution of gases such as ammonia (NH3) in agricultural installations is of growing importance due to its effect on health and productivity of animals and workers. The objective of this study was to use validated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model as a tool to predict NH3 concentration distribution and mass fluxes in a non-insulated broiler chicken installation with natural ventilation, typically found in subtropical and tropical contries. Results from this study indicated that simulation with CFD can be used to predict NH3 concentration distribution and mass flux inside similar installations with incident winds from different directions of entrance at the lateral opening of the installation. The most direct application of the proposed mode would be to help improving the existing buildings and also to help in the conception of new ones, and may also apply the model to help in the development of NH3 emission inventories

    Trading quality and breadmaking performance of wheat treated with natural zeolite and diatomaceous earth

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    The aim of study was to investigate the influence of naturally occurring zeolite and diatomaceous earth, as inert dusts approved for insect pest control in certified organic crop production, on trading and breadmaking quality of treated wheat. The treatments significantly reduced the trading quality of wheat which was reflected through lowering of test weight. This effect was more marked in the case of low-vitreous wheat rather than in high-vitreous one. Investigation of rheological properties of flours made from the treated wheat demonstrated that treatments with natural zeolite and diatomaceous earth at all applied doses significantly increased the water absorption, which consequently increased the bread yield. However, these changes in the flour properties were not high enough to modify the quality attributes of bread as was shown by instrumentally measuring crumb hardness and springiness as well as sensory evaluation