3,677 research outputs found

    The Rise of the Digital Neighbor: A Theoretical Concept for Mission Renewal in the Digital Age

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    This paper deals with shifts in the concept of neighborhoods and communities. I propose that the field of social network studies is useful to aid missiological considerations in contemporary global societies. Furthermore, I argue for the thesis that current social shifts require mission studies to move from notions of homogeneous or quasi-homogenous geographically bounded groups, neighborhoods, and communities towards giving attention to the networks of networked individuals—the digital neighbor. The underlying question addressed is, How does this redefinition of community foster mission renewal in the digital age? Answering this question supplies rudimentary material to build a theoretical concept of mission based on a new identity, place, and modes of relationships in a digital-technological-saturated age

    Modified gravity models and the central cusp of dark matter haloes in galaxies

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    The N-body dark matter (DM) simulations point that DM density profiles, e.g. the Navarro Frenk White (NFW) halo, should be cuspy in its centre, but observations disfavour this kind of DM profile. Here we consider whether the observed rotation curves close to the galactic centre can favour modified gravity models in comparison to the NFW halo, and how to quantify such difference. Two explicit modified gravity models are considered, Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) and a more recent approach renormalization group effects in general relativity (RGGR). It is also the purpose of this work to significantly extend the sample on which RGGR has been tested in comparison to other approaches. By analysing 62 galaxies from five samples, we find that (i) there is a radius, given by half the disc scale length, below which RGGR and MOND can match the data about as well or better than NFW, albeit the formers have fewer free parameters; (ii) considering the complete rotation curve data, RGGR could achieve fits with better agreement than MOND, and almost as good as a NFW halo with two free parameters (NFW and RGGR have, respectively, two and one more free parameters than MOND)

    Disk and elliptical galaxies within renormalization group improved gravity

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    The paper is about possible effects of infrared quantum contributions to General Relativity on disk and elliptical galaxies. The Renormalization Group corrected General Relativity (RGGR model) is used to parametrize these quantum effects. The new RGGR results presented here concern the elliptical galaxy NGC 4374 and the dwarf disk galaxy DDO 47. Using the effective approach to Quantum Field Theory in curved background, one can argue that the proper RG energy scale, in the weak field limit, should be related to the Newtonian potential. In the context of galaxies, this led to a remarkably small variation of the gravitational coupling G, while also capable of generating galaxy rotation and dispersion curves of similar quality to the the best dark matter profiles (i.e., the profiles that have a core).Comment: 5 pages. This paper is based on a talk given by D.C. Rodrigues at the I CosmoSul meeting (Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil. August, 01-05, 2011). To be published in AIP conference Proceeding

    Structural anomalies for a three dimensional isotropic core-softened potential

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations we investigate the structure of a system of particles interacting through a continuous core-softened interparticle potential. We found for the translational order parameter, t, a local maximum at a density ρtmax\rho_{t-max} and a local minimum at ρtmin>ρtmax\rho_{t-min} > \rho_{t-max}. Between ρtmax\rho_{t-max} and ρtmin\rho_{t-min}, the tt parameter anomalously decreases upon pressure. For the orientational order parameter, Q6Q_6, was observed a maximum at a density ρtmax<ρQmax<ρtmin\rho_{t-max}< \rho_{Qmax} < \rho_{t-min}. For densities between ρQmax\rho_{Qmax} and ρtmin\rho_{t-min}, both the translational (t) and orientational (Q6Q_6) order parameters have anomalous behavior. We know that this system also exhibits density and diffusion anomaly. We found that the region in the pressure-temperature phase-diagram of the structural anomaly englobes the region of the diffusion anomaly that is larger than the region limited by the temperature of maximum density. This cascade of anomalies (structural, dynamic and thermodynamic) for our model has the same hierarchy of that one observed for the SPC/E water.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Interplay between structure and density anomaly for an isotropic core-softened ramp-like potential

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations and integral equations we investigate the structure, the thermodynamics and the dynamics of a system of particles interacting through a continuous core- softened ramp-like interparticle potential. We found density, dynamic and structural anomalies similar to that found in water. Analysis of the radial distribution function for several temperatures at fixed densities show a pattern that may be related to the origin of density anomaly.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Domain size heterogeneity in the Ising model: geometrical and thermal transitions

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    A measure of cluster size heterogeneity (HH), introduced by Lee et al [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 84}, 020101 (2011)] in the context of explosive percolation, was recently applied to random percolation and to domains of parallel spins in the Ising and Potts models. It is defined as the average number of different domain sizes in a given configuration and a new exponent was introduced to explain its scaling with the size of the system. In thermal spin models, however, physical clusters take into account the temperature-dependent correlation between neighboring spins and encode the critical properties of the phase transition. We here extend the measure of HH to these clusters and, moreover, present new results for the geometric domains for both d=2d=2 and 3. We show that the heterogeneity associated with geometric domains has a previously unnoticed double peak, thus being able to detect both the thermal and percolative transition. An alternative interpretation for the scaling of HH that does not introduce a new exponent is also proposed.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Systematic evaluation of software product line architectures

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    The architecture of a software product line is one of its most important artifacts as it represents an abstraction of the products that can be generated. It is crucial to evaluate the quality attributes of a product line architecture in order to: increase the productivity of the product line process and the quality of the products; provide a means to understand the potential behavior of the products and, consequently, decrease their time to market; and, improve the handling of the product line variability. The evaluation of product line architecture can serve as a basis to analyze the managerial and economical values of a product line for software managers and architects. Most of the current research on the evaluation of product line architecture does not take into account metrics directly obtained from UML models and their variabilities; the metrics used instead are difficult to be applied in general and to be used for quantitative analysis. This paper presents a Systematic Evaluation Method for UML-based Software Product Line Architecture, the SystEM-PLA. SystEM-PLA differs from current research as it provides stakeholders with a means to: (i) estimate and analyze potential products; (ii) use predefined basic UML-based metrics to compose quality attribute metrics; (iii) perform feasibility and trade-off analysis of a product line architecture with respect to its quality attributes; and, (iv) make the evaluation of product line architecture more flexible. An example using the SEI’s Arcade Game Maker (AGM) product line is presented as a proof of concept, illustrating SystEM-PLA activities. Metrics for complexity and extensibility quality attributes are defined and used to perform a trade-off analysis