18 research outputs found
O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar as modifica\ue7\uf5es
anat\uf4micas que ocorrem com a carboniza\ue7\ue3o da madeira e
determinar as propriedades anat\uf4micas, densidade b\ue1sica da
madeira e densidade aparente do carv\ue3o vegetal de clones de
Eucalyptus , al\ue9m de elucidar as poss\uedveis
correla\ue7\uf5es significativas existentes. A microscopia
eletr\uf4nica de varredura foi efetuada nas se\ue7\uf5es
transversal, longitudinal tangencial e longitudinal radial da madeira e
do carv\ue3o vegetal. Neste, foi feita a an\ue1lise
morfol\uf3gica dos poros e densidade aparente. De uma forma geral, as
caracter\uedsticas anat\uf4micas como forma de poros, raios e
fibras da madeira apresentaram pouca ou nenhuma modifica\ue7\ue3o
devido \ue0 carboniza\ue7\ue3o, e a superf\uedcie do
carv\ue3o apresentou estruturas bem definidas. As
modifica\ue7\uf5es nos elementos celulares da madeira foram
principalmente referentes aos par\ue2metros quantitativos, como
espessura da parede das fibras e di\ue2metro dos poros. Os clones
avaliados apresentaram densidade b\ue1sica da madeira
satisfat\uf3ria para a produ\ue7\ue3o de carv\ue3o vegetal. Os
par\ue2metros anat\uf4micos correlacionaram-se significativamente
com a densidade b\ue1sica da madeira e densidade aparente do
carv\ue3o vegetal, destacando-se, neste estudo, a fra\ue7\ue3o
parede das fibras.This study aimed to evaluate the anatomical changes that occur with
charred wood and determine the anatomical properties, basic wood
density and apparent density of charcoal Eucalyptus clones, besides
elucidating the possible existing significant correlations. The
scanning electron microscopy was performed in the transverse,
longitudinal and tangential longitudinal and radial wood charcoal
sections. In the morphological analysis of the pores and the apparent
density was made. In general, the anatomical features such as pore
radius and the wood fibers showed little or no change due to
carbonization of coal surface and showed well defined structures. The
changes in cellular elements of wood were mainly related to the
quantitative parameters such as wall thickness and pore diameter
fibers. The clones showed satisfactory basic density of wood for
charcoal production. The anatomical parameters were significantly
correlated with basic wood density and apparent density of charcoal,
especially, in this study, the fraction of the fiber wall
O presente trabalho objetivou estudar, atrav\ue9s de ensaios
laboratoriais, as propriedades f\uedsicas e mec\ue2nicas de
pap\ue9is reciclados utilizados para produ\ue7\ue3o de tubetes.
Para tanto se utilizou seis tipos de pap\ue9is com gramatura
m\ue9dia de 400 g/m2 e para os ensaios de laborat\uf3rio seguiu-se
os procedimentos da Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry.
Verificou-se diferen\ue7a significativa entre os pap\ue9is
estudados quanto \ue0s caracter\uedsticas f\uedsicas e
mec\ue2nicas, sendo que o papel Tipo A1 obteve, de modo geral, os
melhores resultados, justificando seu alto pre\ue7o no mercado. O
papel A3 foi o de maior densidade, dado relevante para ind\ufastria
de tubetes, j\ue1 que estes s\ue3o geralmente comercializados por
peso. Conclui-se que todos os pap\ue9is estudados s\ue3o indicados
para produ\ue7\ue3o de tubetes, devendo ser utilizados de acordo
com as exig\ueancias do cliente, visto que o pre\ue7o do papel
\ue9 que determina, na maioria das vezes, o valor do tubete.The present study investigated, through laboratory testing, the
physical and mechanical properties of recycled paper used to produce
tubes. To do so, we used six types of paper with a weight average of
400 g / m2 and once the laboratory tests followed the procedures of the
Technical Association of Pulp and Paper Industry. There was significant
difference between the roles studied in terms of physical and
mechanical characteristics, and the paper type A1 had, in general, the
best results, justifying its high price in the market. The A3 has the
highest density, the data relevant to industry tubes, since these are
usually sold by weight. It is concluded that all of the studied papers
are suitable for tube production, being used in accordance with the
customer\u2019s demands, since the price of the paper is what
determines, most of the time, the tube value
Effect of dietary palm oil on growth and carcass composition of Heterobranchus longifilis fingerlings
This study investigated the effects of dietary palm oil (PO) on growth performance and carcass composition of Heterobranchus longifilis with the goal of replacing dietary fish oil with palm oil. In this study triplicate groups of H. longifilis fingerlings were fed the experimental diets for 8 weeks. Five isonitrogenous (45% crude protein), isoenergetic (20 KJg-1) experimental diets were made containing either 6.0% FO and 0% PO, 4.5% FO and 1.5% PO; 3.0% FO and 3.0% PO; 1.5% FO and 4.5% PO; or 0% FO and 6.0% PO using soybean and fish meal as the protein source. Dietary palm oil had no significant effect on growth rate or feed conversion ratio. Similarly, No significant differences were observed between dietary treatments for moisture, protein and ash content in H. longifilis fingerlings. However, fillet saturated, monounsaturated fatty acids and liver lipid deposition were significantly (P0.05) higher in fish fed 6.0% PO diet. This study suggests that the replacement of cod liver oil by palm oil as lipid supplement in the diet permitted a clear improvement of growth and FCR of H. longifilis. This indicates that PO can effectively replace FO in the diet of the fish without compromising fish growth and feed efficiency
A new species of Notalina Mosely, 1936 (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) from Southeastern
The Neotropical subgenus Notalina (Neonotalina) Holzenthal, 1986 has ten described species in two species groups: brasiliana, formed by seven species from Southeastern Brazilian and Goiás State; and roraima, represented by three species from the Amazonian and Andes regions. In this paper, a new species of Notalina is described and illustrated from specimens collected in the Mantiqueira mountain range, Southeastern Brazil. The new species belongs to the brasiliana group and is easily recognized by the poorly developed dorsomesal and ventrolateral processes and the pair of mound-like protuberances located mesolaterally on abdominal segment X, and by the robust, rounded mesoventral processes and long digitate mesodorsal processes of the inferior appendages. A key to the Neotropical species in the genus is provided