50 research outputs found

    Innovación y satisfacción de los clientes en la empresa La Perla de Huaral, 2020

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general determinar la relación que existe de la innovación con la satisfacción del cliente en la empresa La Perla de Huaral 2020. La metodología que se utilizo es: Enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental de corte transversal, nivel descriptivo-correlacional, tipo aplicada y método hipotético deductivo. La población estuvo conformada por 250 clientes y la muestra es 60 clientes, la misma que ha sido determinada por muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos en el estadístico Alfa de Cronbach 0.925 se ha determinado que existe relación positiva moderada, por lo que se concluye que la innovación tiene relación significativa con la satisfacción del cliente

    Las Empresas Asociadas y el Efecto Fiscal en las Utilidades de Empresas de Exportacion: Caso de Sonora, México

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    Se pretende realizar esta investigación con la finalidad de analizar y evaluar la actividad de las empresas exportadoras de Sonora, México con empresas asociadas e independientes las implicaciones fiscales en las utilidades, en los precios de transferencia y el marco legal de la Ley del Impuesto Sobre la Renta (LISR) establecida en la Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público en México, para asegurar la imposición de impuestos apropiada y evita los problemas de doble tributación con otros países, y minimizar los problemas entre los fiscos de los países, además de buscar ser promotor de los acuerdos internacionales y la inversión.La investigación es de tipo descriptiva y de diseño transversal, realizada durante el 2015, se aplicó estadística paramétrica con el paquete SPSS, versión 21 y se utilizó el directorio de PROMEXICO o Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior y se aplicó un muestreo aleatorio simple se determinó una muestra de 30 empresas, y se encontró que todas las empresas aplican el método de precios sombra o transferencia, y así se evita la distorsión en el pago de impuestos y latransferencia de utilidades a otros países. El 60 % de las empresas analizadas realizan operaciones con empresas asociadas y un 40% con empresas independientes. Las variables precios sombra o de transferencia, importación de materia prima y pago por regalías y dividendos explican en un 79%, 67.2%, y 56.7% respectivamente, la determinación de los ingresos netos, mientras que el pago de intereses, y el uso de marca solo en un 27% y 11.4%

    Procjena genotoksičnosti insekticida Lannate-90® i njegovih biljnih i životinjskih metabolita u kulturi ljudskih limfocita

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    This study evaluated direct and metabolic genotoxic effects caused by Lannate-90®, a methomyl-based formulation (90 % active ingredient), in human lymphocyte cultures using sister chromatid exchange assay (SCE). Two processes were used for the plant promutagens evaluation: in vivo activation, applying the insecticide systemically in plants for 4 h and subsequently adding plant metabolites containing extracts to lymphocyte cultures; and in vitro activation, where the insecticide was incubated with Vicia faba S10 mix plus human lymphocyte culture. Direct treatment with the insecticide significantly increased SCE frequency in human lymphocytes (250-750 mg L-1), with cellular death observed at 1000 mg L-1 concentration. Using the extracts of Vicia faba treated with Lannate-90® to treat human lymphocytes, a dose-response relationship was observed. In lymphocyte cultures treated directly with the insecticide for 2 h, a negative response was obtained. When S10 mix was added, SCE frequency did not change significantly. Meanwhile, a mixture of S9 mammalian metabolic mix and Lannate-90® increased the SCE frequency, with an observed concentration-dependent response. Although Lannate-90® induced cellular death at the highest concentrations, it did not cause a delay in cell proliferation in any of the treatments, confirming its genotoxic action. This study is one of the first to evaluate and compare the direct effect of Lannate-90® in two bioassays, animal and vegetal, and the effect of plant and animal metabolism on its genotoxic potential.Korištenjem testa izmjena sestrinskih kromatida (eng. Sister Chromatide Exchange Assay – SCE) u kulturama ljudskih limfocita ispitivani su izravni i metabolički genotoksični učinci insekticida Lannate-90®, formulacije koja se temelji na metomilu (90 % aktivni sastojak). Za procjenu biljnih promutagena provedena su dva postupka: in vivo aktivacija, kod koje se insekticid četiri sata sustavno primjenjivao na biljci, a potom su kulturama limfocita dodani biljni metaboliti s ekstraktom, i aktivacija in vitro, kod koje je insekticid inkubiran mješavinom S10 biljke Vicia faba i kulturom ljudskih limfocita. Izravno tretiranje insekticidom značajno je povećalo učestalost SCE-a u ljudskim limfocitima (250-750 mg L-1), a stanična smrt uočena je pri koncentraciji od 1000 mg L-1. Nakon tretiranja ljudskih limfocita ekstraktima biljke Vicia faba koji su tretirani insekticidom Lannate-90®, primijećen je odnos između doze i učinka. Kod kultura limfocita koje su dva sata bile izravno tretirane insekticidom primijećen je negativan odgovor. Kada je dodana S10 mješavina za metaboličku aktivaciju, učestalost SCE-a nije se značajnije promijenila. Naspram tomu, metabolička mješavina S9 za kultivirane stanice sisavaca i Lannate-90® povećali su učestalost SCE-a, uz zamijećen koncentracijski ovisan odgovor. Premda je Lannate-90® inducirao staničnu smrt pri najvišim koncentracijama, nije uzrokovao zastoj stanične proliferacije ni u jednom postupku, čime se potvrđuje njegovo genotoksično djelovanje. Ovo je ispitivanje među prvima kojim se procjenjivao i uspoređivao izravan učinak insekticida Lannate-90® u dvama biološkim testovima, životinjskom i biljnom, te učinak biljnog i životinjskog metabolizma na njegov genotoksični potencijal


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    En la actualidad el consumidor se caracteriza por buscar siempre la mayor comodidad, horarios flexibles y rapidez al momento de solicitar un servicio o comprar un producto. A su vez, buscan que el servicio vaya hacia ellos evitando el tráfico y las largas colas en los establecimientos. Es por ello, que pensando en las mujeres, presentamos una propuesta única para servicios de belleza que se encargará de satisfacer los requerimientos de nuestro mercado con una versión express (manicure, pedicure, maquillaje, cortes y más) que llega a la comodidad del hogar. Usando la tecnología como aliado, crearemos una app para IOS y Andriod donde el usuario podrá solicitar diversos servicios tales como manicure, pedicure, maquillaje etc, para ser brindados en la comodidad de su hogar, oficina o lugar de preferencia pudiendo hacer el pago en la misma plataforma (Tarjeta de crédito o débito) o mediante efectivo. De esta manera, en el siguiente trabajo buscaremos validar la rentabilidad y sostenibilidad en el tiempo del proyecto, realizando encuestas, mockup y validación de ventas demostrando la viabilidad de la ejecución del plan de negocio.At present, the consumer is characterized by always seeking the greatest comfort, flexible schedules and speed when requesting a service or buying a product. In turn, they want the service to go to them avoiding traffic and long lines in the establishments. That is why, thinking of women, we present a unique proposal for beauty services that will be in charge of satisfying the requirements of our market with an express version (manicure, pedicure, makeup, cuts and more) that reaches the comfort of home . Using technology as an ally, we will create an app for IOS and Andriod where the user can request various services such as manicure, pedicure, makeup etc., to be provided in the comfort of your home, office or place of preference and can make payment at the same platform (credit or debit card) or by cash. In this way, in the following work we will seek to validate the profitability and sustainability in the project time, conducting surveys, mockup and sales validation demonstrating the viability of the execution of the business plan.Trabajo de investigació

    Procjena genotoksičnosti insekticida Lannate-90® i njegovih biljnih i životinjskih metabolita u kulturi ljudskih limfocita

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    This study evaluated direct and metabolic genotoxic effects caused by Lannate-90®, a methomyl-based formulation (90 % active ingredient), in human lymphocyte cultures using sister chromatid exchange assay (SCE). Two processes were used for the plant promutagens evaluation: in vivo activation, applying the insecticide systemically in plants for 4 h and subsequently adding plant metabolites containing extracts to lymphocyte cultures; and in vitro activation, where the insecticide was incubated with Vicia faba S10 mix plus human lymphocyte culture. Direct treatment with the insecticide significantly increased SCE frequency in human lymphocytes (250-750 mg L-1), with cellular death observed at 1000 mg L-1 concentration. Using the extracts of Vicia faba treated with Lannate-90® to treat human lymphocytes, a dose-response relationship was observed. In lymphocyte cultures treated directly with the insecticide for 2 h, a negative response was obtained. When S10 mix was added, SCE frequency did not change significantly. Meanwhile, a mixture of S9 mammalian metabolic mix and Lannate-90® increased the SCE frequency, with an observed concentration-dependent response. Although Lannate-90® induced cellular death at the highest concentrations, it did not cause a delay in cell proliferation in any of the treatments, confirming its genotoxic action. This study is one of the first to evaluate and compare the direct effect of Lannate-90® in two bioassays, animal and vegetal, and the effect of plant and animal metabolism on its genotoxic potential.Korištenjem testa izmjena sestrinskih kromatida (eng. Sister Chromatide Exchange Assay – SCE) u kulturama ljudskih limfocita ispitivani su izravni i metabolički genotoksični učinci insekticida Lannate-90®, formulacije koja se temelji na metomilu (90 % aktivni sastojak). Za procjenu biljnih promutagena provedena su dva postupka: in vivo aktivacija, kod koje se insekticid četiri sata sustavno primjenjivao na biljci, a potom su kulturama limfocita dodani biljni metaboliti s ekstraktom, i aktivacija in vitro, kod koje je insekticid inkubiran mješavinom S10 biljke Vicia faba i kulturom ljudskih limfocita. Izravno tretiranje insekticidom značajno je povećalo učestalost SCE-a u ljudskim limfocitima (250-750 mg L-1), a stanična smrt uočena je pri koncentraciji od 1000 mg L-1. Nakon tretiranja ljudskih limfocita ekstraktima biljke Vicia faba koji su tretirani insekticidom Lannate-90®, primijećen je odnos između doze i učinka. Kod kultura limfocita koje su dva sata bile izravno tretirane insekticidom primijećen je negativan odgovor. Kada je dodana S10 mješavina za metaboličku aktivaciju, učestalost SCE-a nije se značajnije promijenila. Naspram tomu, metabolička mješavina S9 za kultivirane stanice sisavaca i Lannate-90® povećali su učestalost SCE-a, uz zamijećen koncentracijski ovisan odgovor. Premda je Lannate-90® inducirao staničnu smrt pri najvišim koncentracijama, nije uzrokovao zastoj stanične proliferacije ni u jednom postupku, čime se potvrđuje njegovo genotoksično djelovanje. Ovo je ispitivanje među prvima kojim se procjenjivao i uspoređivao izravan učinak insekticida Lannate-90® u dvama biološkim testovima, životinjskom i biljnom, te učinak biljnog i životinjskog metabolizma na njegov genotoksični potencijal

    Regular insulin added to total parenteral nutrition vs subcutaneous glargine in non-critically ill diabetic inpatients, a multicenter randomized clinical trial: INSUPAR trial

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    Background: There is no established insulin regimen in T2DM patients receiving parenteral nutrition. Aims: To compare the effectiveness (metabolic control) and safety of two insulin regimens in patients with diabetes receiving TPN. Design: Prospective, open-label, multicenter, clinical trial on adult inpatients with type 2 diabetes on a non-critical setting with indication for TPN. Patients were randomized on one of these two regimens: 100% of RI on TPN or 50% of Regular insulin added to TPN bag and 50% subcutaneous Gl. Data were analyzed according to intention-to-treat principle. Results: 81 patients were on RI and 80 on GI. No differences were observed in neither average total daily dose of insulin, programmed or correction, nor in capillary mean blood glucose during TPN infusion (165.3 +/- 35.4 in RI vs 172.5 +/- 43.6 mg/dL in GI; p = 0.25). Mean capillary glucose was significantly lower in the GI group within two days after TPN interruption (160.3 +/- 45.1 in RI vs 141.7 +/- 43.8 mg/dL in GI; p = 0.024). The percentage of capillary glucose above 180 mg/dL was similar in both groups. The rate of capillary glucose <= 70 mg/dL, the number of hypoglycemic episodes per 100 days of TPN, and the percentage of patients with non-severe hypoglycemia were significantly higher on GI group. No severe hypoglycemia was detected. No differences were observed in length of stay, infectious complications, or hospital mortality. Conclusion: Effectiveness of both regimens was similar. GI group achieved better metabolic control after TPN interruption but non-severe hypoglycemia rate was higher in the GI group. (C) 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Fish Oil Enriched Intravenous Lipid Emulsions Reduce Triglyceride Levels in Non-Critically Ill Patients with TPN and Type 2 Diabetes. A Post-Hoc Analysis of the INSUPAR Study

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    There are no studies that have specifically assessed the role of intravenous lipid emulsions (ILE) enriched with fish oil in people with diabetes receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN). The objective of this study was to assess the metabolic control (glycemic and lipid) and in-hospital complications that occurred in non-critically ill inpatients with TPN and type 2 diabetes with regard to the use of fish oil emulsions compared with other ILEs. We performed a post-hoc analysis of the Insulin in Parenteral Nutrition (INSUPAR) trial that included patients who started with TPN for any cause and that would predictably continue with TPN for at least five days. The study included 161 patients who started with TPN for any cause. There were 80 patients (49.7%) on fish oil enriched ILEs and 81 patients (50.3%) on other ILEs. We found significant decreases in triglyceride levels in the fish oil group compared to the other patients. We did not find any differences in glucose metabolic control: mean capillary glucose, glycemic variability, and insulin dose, except in the number of mild hypoglycemic events that was significantly higher in the fish oil group. We did not observe any differences in other metabolic, liver or infectious complications, in-hospital length of stay or mortality

    Chemotherapy or allogeneic transplantation in high-risk Philadelphia chromosome–negative adult lymphoblastic leukemia

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    The need for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) in adults with Philadelphia chromosome–negative (Ph−) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with high-risk (HR) features and adequate measurable residual disease (MRD) clearance remains unclear. The aim of the ALL-HR-11 trial was to evaluate the outcomes of HR Ph− adult ALL patients following chemotherapy or allo-HSCT administered based on end-induction and consolidation MRD levels. Patients aged 15 to 60 years with HR-ALL in complete response (CR) and MRD levels (centrally assessed by 8-color flow cytometry) <0.1% after induction and <0.01% after early consolidation were assigned to receive delayed consolidation and maintenance therapy up to 2 years in CR. The remaining patients were allocated to allo-HSCT. CR was attained in 315/348 patients (91%), with MRD <0.1% after induction in 220/289 patients (76%). By intention-to-treat, 218 patients were assigned to chemotherapy and 106 to allo-HSCT. The 5-year (±95% confidence interval) cumulative incidence of relapse (CIR), overall survival (OS), and event-free survival probabilities for the whole series were 43% ± 7%, 49% ± 7%, and 40% ± 6%, respectively, with CIR and OS rates of 45% ± 8% and 59% ± 9% for patients assigned to chemotherapy and of 40% ± 12% and 38% ± 11% for those assigned to allo-HSCT, respectively. Our results show that avoiding allo-HSCT does not hamper the outcomes of HR Ph− adult ALL patients up to 60 years with adequate MRD response after induction and consolidation. Better postremission alternative therapies are especially needed for patients with poor MRD clearance

    Sistema de medición de la calidad de la Educación en Chile: SIMCE, algunos problemas de medición

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    Tratando de atender a toda la población interesada en mejorar su nivel educacional, el Sistema educacional chileno se ha organizado en cuatro niveles: parvulario, básico, medio y superior. La Educación General Básica de 8 años es obligatoria. La educación media se ofrece bajo dos modalidades: Humanístico-Científica y Técnico-Profesional. Además del Programa de Educación Regular, existen la Educación Extraescolar, la Educación Compensatoria y la de Adultos. La estructura del Sistema se presenta en el cuadro que se incluye a continuación

    Sistema de medición de la calidad de la educación de Chile: SIMCE, algunos problemas de la medición

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    Tratando de atender a toda la población interesada en mejorar su nivel educacional, el Sistema educacional chileno se ha organizado en cuatro niveles: parvulario, básico, medio y superior. La Educación General Básica de 8 años es obligatoria. La educación media se ofrece bajo dos modalidades: Humanístico-Científica y Técnico-Profesional. Además del Programa de Educación Regular, existen la Educación Extraescolar, la Educación Compensatoria y la de Adultos. La estructura del Sistema se presenta en el cuadro que se incluye a continuación