452 research outputs found

    Influencia de factores socioeconómicos y ambientales sobre la adopción de tecnologías silvopastoriles por productores ganaderos, distrito de Molinopampa, Amazonas, Perú

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Innovación Agraria para el Desarrollo RuralEl objetivo general de esta investigación fue analizar el efecto de los factores sociales y culturales en el grado de adopción de cacao entre productores agrícolas del distrito de Santa María de Nieva, en la provincia de Condorcanqui, en la región Amazonas. La investigación se llevó a cabo en cuatro comunidades Awajún (Santa Rosa de Pagkintsa, Tayuntsa, Putuyacat y Najain Paradise) y cuatro caseríos de colonos (Seasme Nuevo, San José de Japaime, José Olaya y Parcelación Monterrico). Estas están ubicadas en la selva tropical con fuertes lluvias, altas temperaturas (hasta 35 °C) y humedad relativa que supera el 90%. La metodología incluyó un censo de las comunidades seleccionadas. La mayoría de ellas eran parte del Proyecto de Desarrollo Productivo del Cacao en Comunidades Indígenas de la Provincia de Condorcanqui. El proyecto se ejecutó en el período 2006 - 2009 e incluyó la instalación de cultivo de cacao, mejoramiento genético, asistencia técnica, capacitación y organización. La recopilación de datos de la investigación incluyó técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas. Lo primero se basó en una encuesta de 90 preguntas que se aplicó a 153 agricultores e incluía información sociodemográfica y productiva, así como sobre conocimiento, asistencia técnica, costumbres y adopción del cultivo. La parte cualitativa incluyó entrevistas y visitas de campo a las parcelas de cacao. Los resultados permitieron la triangulación. Se utilizó SPSS 21.0 para analizar los resultados de campo. La significación estadística fue probada usando Spearman Rho y Chi cuadrado de Pearson. Los hallazgos mostraron la alta significación estadística entre el conocimiento y la adopción de cacao para ambas poblaciones. La influencia de la asistencia técnica en relación a la adopción de cacao fue altamente significativa para los productores Awajún y significativa para los colonos. El uso de la minga (trabajo comunitario) no tuvo efecto sobre la adopción de cacao en ninguna de las dos poblaciones.The overall objective of this research was to analyze the effect of social and cultural factors in the degree of adoption of cocoa among agricultural producers in the district of Santa Maria de Nieva in the province of Condorcanqui in the Amazonas region. The research was conducted in four Awajun native communities (Santa Rosa de Pagkintsa, Tayuntsa, Putuyacat and Najaim Paraíso) and four villages (Seasme Nuevo, San Jose de Japaime, Jose Olaya and Parcelacion Monterrico). They are located in the tropical rainforest with heavy rainfall, high temperatures (up to 35°C) and relative humidity that exceeds 90%. The methodology included a census of the selected communities. Most of them were part of the Cocoa Production Development Project in Indigenous Communities of the Province of Condorcanqui. The project took place in the period 2006 – 2009 and included the installation of cocoa plantations, genetic improvement, technical assistance, capacity building and organization. Research data collection included both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The former was based on a 90-questions survey that was applied to 153 farmers and included sociodemographic and productive information, as well as knowledge, technical assistance, customs and adoption. The latter included interviews and field visits to the cocoa plots. Results allowed data triangulation. SPSS 21 was used to analyze field results. Statistical significance was tested using Spearman Rho and Pearson Chi square. A high statistical significance between knowledge and the adoption of cocoa for both populations was found. As per the influence of technical assistance, the relationship with cocoa adoption is highly significant for Awajun producers and significant for the settlers. The use of minga (community group work) has no effect on cocoa adoption in either population.Tesi

    Las TIC como elemento de cohesión en el desarrollo de la oralidad mediante el ABP. Un estudio de caso

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    Este estudio recoge las evidencias obtenidas de un estudio de caso realizado en un curso de 5º de Educación Primaria donde se analizaron las aportaciones de las TIC en el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa oral del alumnado desde una metodología integradora como es el ABP. El diseño de diversas estrategias para la recogida y análisis de datos -rúbricas, entrevistas no estructuradas o listas de observación- puso de manifiesto que las TIC contribuyeron a mejoras significativas de su propio desempeño -al “saber”, al “saber hacer” y al “saber ser”-, especialmente en las dimensiones comunicativa y digita

    Caracterización de las unidades agropecuarias cafetaleras de la provincia de Rodríguez de Mendoza Amazonas, Perú

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    This study was carried out in the province of Rodríguez de Mendoza in the Amazonas region (Peru), with the objective of characterizing the coffee producing agricultural units (CAU) installed in this region. The population was made up of 7061 producers and a sample size of 104 producers was calculated, to which a duly validated survey was applied, comprised of items linked to technical and socioeconomic aspects related to the CAU. The information gathered and tabulated was subjected to the cluster multivariate analysis technique to detect the variables of greatest incidence in the differentiation of groups with similar characteristics, and a dendrogram was used for this purpose as graphic element to specify the variables associated with the differentiation. The results evidence the existence of five significantly differentiated groups, which indicate the Catimor variety as the most frequently grown and the presence of coffee borer beetle and leaf rust as the most important phytosanitary problems. It was also observed that most of the CAUs were smaller than 2 hectares, they sow crops under shade and were linked to organic production; they also reached slightly higher yields than the national average, although there are still deficiencies in cultivation and commercialization practices.El presente estudio fue realizado en la provincia de Rodríguez de Mendoza en Amazonas (Perú), con el objetivo de caracterizar las unidades agropecuarias cafetaleras (UAC) instaladas en esta región. La población estuvo constituida por 7061 productores, y se calculó un tamaño de muestra de 104 productores, a los cuales se les aplicó una encuesta debidamente validada y conformada por ítems vinculados a aspectos técnicos y socioeconómicos relacionados con la UAC. La información recopilada y tabulada fue sometida a la técnica multivariada de análisis de conglomerados para detectar las variables de mayor incidencia en la diferenciación de grupos con características similares, para esto se utilizó un dendograma como elemento gráfico para precisar las variables asociadas a la diferenciación. Los resultados evidencian la existencia de cinco grupos significativamente diferenciados, que indican a la variedad catimor como la más cultivada y la presencia de broca y roya del café como los problemas fitosanitarios más importantes. También se observó que la mayoría de las UAC fueron menores a dos hectáreas, realizan cultivos bajo sombra y estuvieron vinculadas a la producción orgánica, además, alcanzaron rendimientos ligeramente superiores al promedio nacional aunque aún se muestra deficiencia en las prácticas del cultivo y la comercialización

    Effect of Endophytic Trichoderma sp. Strains on the Agronomic Characteristics of Ecotypes of Theobroma cacao L. under Nursery Conditions in Peru

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    Peru is one of the main producers of fine aroma native cacao, expanding its areas considerably in recent years, which makes it necessary to seek adequate management alternatives to obtain advantageous yields. The present work had the objective of testing the influence of Trichoderma sp. endophytic strains on the agronomic characteristics of ecotypes of Theobroma cacao L. under nursery conditions, Cajaruro district, Utcubamba, Amazonas, Peru. The Trichoderma strains evaluated were Trichoderma breve; T. harzianum; T. longibrachatum; T. afrojarzianum, and Trichoderma sp. which were inoculated on cocoa seedlings of ecotypes CCN51; TCHS565; and nativo fino de aroma. The variables evaluated were chlorophyll indices (at 30, 45, 60, and 70 days after planting), percentage of endophyte colonization, root hair development, trichomes on stems, and agronomic characteristics (plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, root dry and fresh weight, root size, etc.). The results showed that the application of Trichoderma breve in the fine aroma native cocoa ecotype (T12) presented the highest chlorophyll index at 75 days after planting (DAP) with 43.53 +- 1.59 and 49.77 +- 2.42 for the apex and leaf base, respectively, with a percentage of colonization in the root hairs of 66.67%, and with better characteristics for the number of leaves with 12.00 +- 3.46. T12 showed positive influences for plant height, leaf number, and chlorophyll index. Treatments based on T. harzianum + CCN51 (T5) and T. afroharzianum + TSHS565 (T6) showed 100% colonization of the root hairs and trichomes on stems. Endophytic Trichoderma fungi are an alternative for organic production of fine aroma cocoa in Peru, improving the agronomic characteristics of the crop

    Spatial analysis of environmentally sensitive areas to soil degradation using MEDALUS model and GIS in Amazonas (Peru): an alternative for ecological restoration

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    Land degradation is a permanent global threat that requires an interdisciplinary approach to addressing solutions in a given territory. This study, therefore, analyses environmentally sensitive areas to land degradation using the Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use (MEDALUS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) method through a multi-criteria approach in the district of Florida (Peru). For the method, we considered the main quality indicators such as: Climate Quality Index (CQI), Soil Quality Index (SQI), Vegetation Quality Index (VQI), and Management Quality Index (MQI). There were also identified groups of parameters for each of the quality indicators analyzed. The results showed that 2.96% of the study area is classified as critical; 48.85% of the surface is classified as fragile; 15.48% of the areas are potentially endangered, and 30.46% are not threatened by degradation processes. Furthermore, SQI, VQI, and MQI induced degradation processes in the area. Based on the results, five restoration proposals were made in the study area: (i) organic manure production, (ii) cultivated and improved pastures and livestock improvement, (iii) native forest restoration, (iv) construction of reservoirs in the top hills and (v) uses of new technologies. The findings and proposals can be a basic support and further improved by decision-makers when implemented in situ to mitigate degradation for a sustainable use of the territory

    Arreglos silvopastoriles con Alnus acuminata y su efecto sobre parámetros productivos y nutricionales del componente forrajero

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    Silvopastoral systems (SPS) are an alternative for sustainable livestock production. For this reason, the present study was developed with the aim of evaluating productive and nutritional parameters of the forage component (FC) in different silvopastoral arrangements with Alnus acuminata and their comparison with open field systems. A randomized complete block design was established, for which 16 plots with characteristics of homogeneity in age and type of FC were selected. The floristic composition, functional classification of herbaceous species, biomass, dry matter and nutritional composition were evaluated. The results obtained recorded the presence of 22 species, with the family Poaceae (8 species) predominating, it was also found that silvopastoral arrangements have the highest percentage of desirable species, a situation contrary to what happened in open field systems. On the other hand, the productive and nutritional parameters showed significant differences (P<0.05) between the production systems, being the arrangement with trees in alleys the one that registered better yields of biomass (16.60 t /ha), dry matter (3.65 t/ha), crude fiber (27.23 %), total protein (17.39 %) and gross energy (4,864 kcal/kg).Los sistemas silvopastoriles (SSP) son una alternativa para la producción ganadera sostenible. Por este motivo, el presente estudio se desarrolló con el objetivo de evaluar parámetros productivos y nutricionales del componente forrajero (CF) en distintos arreglos silvopastoriles con Alnus acuminata y su comparación con sistemas a campo abierto. Se estableció un diseño de bloques completos al azar, para lo cual, fueron seleccionadas 16 parcelas con características de homogeneidad en edad y tipo de CF. Se evaluó la composición florística, clasificación funcional de las especies herbáceas, biomasa, materia seca y composición nutricional. Los resultados obtenidos registraron la presencia de 22 especies, predominando la familia Poaceae (8 especies), asimismo se encontró que los arreglos silvopastoriles presentan el mayor porcentaje de especies deseables, situación contraria a lo ocurrido en los sistemas a campo abierto. Por otro lado, los parámetros productivos y nutricionales, mostraron diferencias significativas (P<0.05) entre los sistemas de producción, siendo el arreglo con árboles en callejones el que registró mejores rendimientos de biomasa (16.60 t/ha), materia seca (3.65 t/ha), fibra cruda (27.23 %), proteína total (17.39 %) y energía bruta (4,864 kcal/kg)

    Evaluación del estado de las áreas ambientalmente sensibles a la degradación de los hábitats de dos aves endémicas del noroeste del Perú: el colibrí cola de espátula (Loddigesia mirabilis) y lechucita bigotona (Xenoglaux loweryi)

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    Habitat degradation of endemic species with restricted ranges has accelerated in recent years, even more so if they are in danger of extinction. This study evaluated the status of environmentally sensitive areas of habitat degradation for two endemic bird species,&nbsp;Loddigesia mirabilis&nbsp;and&nbsp;Xenoglaux loweryi&nbsp;in northwestern Peru. The analysis was based on determining a map of the environmentally sensitive areas to land degradation of the study area, using the Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use (MEDALUS) method and as habitat ranges of the two species the IUCN distribution maps were superimposed. The status of the areas environmentally sensitive to habitat degradation of&nbsp;Loddigesia mirabilis&nbsp;was represented by 78.40 % of the area at moderate risk, followed by high risk (13.52 %), low risk (7.77 %), and severe risk (0.31 %). On the other hand, the status of environmentally sensitive areas for&nbsp;Xenoglaux loweryi&nbsp;habitat degradation, 87.84 % were found to be at moderate risk, followed by low (10.81 %), high (1.35 %), and severe (0.01 %) risk. The results can contribute as reference information for decision makers for habitat recovery through the conservation of both species.La degradación de los hábitats de especies endémicas con rangos de distribuciones restringidas, se han acelerado en los últimos años, aún más si se encuentran en peligro de extinción. En este estudio se evaluó el estado de las áreas ambientalmente sensibles a la degradación de los hábitats de dos especies de aves endémicas,&nbsp;Loddigesia mirabilis&nbsp;y&nbsp;Xenoglaux loweryi&nbsp;al noroeste de Perú. El análisis se basó en determinar un mapa de las áreas ambientalmente sensibles a la degradación de la tierra del área de estudio, utilizando el método Desertificación del Mediterráneo y uso de la tierra (MEDALUS) y como rangos de hábitat de las dos especies se superpusieron los mapas de distribución de la IUCN. El estado de las áreas ambientalmente sensibles a la degradación del hábitat de&nbsp;Loddigesia mirabilis&nbsp;estuvo representada el 78,40 % de la superficie en riesgo moderado, seguido por un alto riesgo (13,52 %), bajo (7,77 %), y grave (0,31%). Por otro lado, el estado de las áreas ambientalmente sensibles a la degradación del hábitat de&nbsp;Xenoglaux loweryi, se encontró que el 87,84 % estaba en riesgo moderado, seguido por un riesgo bajo (10,81 %), alto (1,35 %) y grave (0,01 %). Los resultados pueden contribuir como información de referencia para los tomadores de decisiones para la recuperación de hábitats a través de la conservación de ambas especies

    Nematodos fitoparásitos asociados al cultivo de piña (Ananas comosus) en Amazonas, Perú

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    The present study aimed to identify the main genera of plant parasitic nematodes associated with the pineapple crop (Ananas comosus) and their respective percentages of occurrence (frequencies) and average population densities. Soil and root samples were collected from twenty eight pineapple fields in the province of Rodríguez de Mendoza, located between 1796 and 1936 meters above sea level. Sample were processed in duplicate by the method of modified Baerman on tray, using 50 cc. of soil and 5 g of root. In soil samples, eleven genera of plant parasitic nematodes associated with pineapple crop were identified. The genus Helicotylenchus was found in all evaluated fields and presented higher population averages in soil and root samples (24.5 and 3.9 respectively). This work is the first study to identify plant parasitic nematodes in pineapple cultivation in the department of Amazonas and provides us with information that will establish future strategies for controlling these plant parasitic nematodes.El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo identificar los principales géneros de nematodos fitoparásitos asociados al cultivo de piña (Ananas comosus) y sus respectivos porcentajes de ocurrencia (frecuencias) y densidades poblacionales promedio. Se analizaron muestras de suelo y raíces colectadas de 28 campos de piña en la provincia de Rodríguez de Mendoza, ubicadas entre 1796 y 1936 m.s.n.m. Las muestras fueron procesadas por duplicado mediante el método de Baerman modificado en bandeja, utilizando 50 cc. de suelo y 5 g de raíces. En las muestras de suelo, se identificaron once géneros de nematodos fitoparásitos asociados al cultivo de piña. El género Helicotylenchus fue encontrado en todos los campos evaluados y presentó mayores promedios poblacionales en muestras de suelo y raíces (24,5 y 3,9 respectivamente). El presente trabajo constituye el primer estudio de identificación de nematodos fitoparásitos en el cultivo de piña en el departamento de Amazonas y nos brinda información que permitirá establecer futuras estrategias para el control de éstos nematodos fitoparásitos

    Mapping high-altitude peatlands to inform a landscape conservation strategy in the Andes of northern Peru

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    The wetlands of the jalca ecoregion in the Andes of northern Peru form peat and play a major role in the hydrological ecosystem services of the ecoregion. Although peat is globally valued for carbon sequestration and storage, peatlands have not yet been mapped in the jalca. In this region, the Gocta waterfall, one of the 20 highest waterfalls in the world, depends on the jalca’s wetlands ecosystem. The local population depends on tourism to the waterfall and is concerned about preserving its drainage area. To inform conservation planning, in this study we delimited the drainage area of the Gocta waterfall and identified land tenure by applying Geographic Information System (GIS), remote sensing and participatory mapping techniques. Then, by classifying optical, radar and digital elevation models data, we mapped peatland in the jalca of the Gocta drainage area with an overall accuracy of 97.1%. Our results will inform conservation strategy in this complex area of communal, private and informal land tenure systems. At a regional level, this appears to be the first attempt at mapping peatlands using remote sensing imagery in the jalca ecoregion, and it represents a milestone for future efforts to map and conserve peatlands in other tropical mountain areas of the world

    Reformulating Pro-Oxidant Microglia in Neurodegeneration

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    In neurodegenerative diseases, microglia-mediated neuroinflammation and oxidative stress are central events. Recent genome-wide transcriptomic analyses of microglial cells under different disease conditions have uncovered a new subpopulation named disease-associated microglia (DAM). These studies have challenged the classical view of the microglia polarization state's proinflammatory M1 (classical activation) and immunosuppressive M2 (alternative activation). Molecular signatures of DAM and proinflammatory microglia (highly pro-oxidant) have shown clear differences, yet a partial overlapping gene profile is evident between both phenotypes. The switch activation of homeostatic microglia into reactive microglia relies on the selective activation of key surface receptors involved in the maintenance of brain homeostasis (a.k.a. pattern recognition receptors, PRRs). Two relevant PRRs are toll-like receptors (TLRs) and triggering receptors expressed on myeloid cells-2 (TREM2), whose selective activation is believed to generate either a proinflammatory or a DAM phenotype, respectively. However, the recent identification of endogenous disease-related ligands, which bind to and activate both TLRs and TREM2, anticipates the existence of rather complex microglia responses. Examples of potential endogenous dual ligands include amyloid β, galectin-3, and apolipoprotein E. These pleiotropic ligands induce a microglia polarization that is more complicated than initially expected, suggesting the possibility that different microglia subtypes may coexist. This review highlights the main microglia polarization states under disease conditions and their leading role orchestrating oxidative stress