351 research outputs found

    A Relational Model for the Possibilistic Valid-time Approach

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    In real world, it is very common that some objects or concepts have properties with a time-variant or timerelated nature. Modelling this kind of objects or concepts in a (relational) database schema is possible, but time-variant and time-related attributes have an impact on the consistency of the entire database and must be appropriately managed. Therefore, temporal database models have been proposed to deal with this problem in the literature. Time can be affected by imprecision, vagueness and / or uncertainty, since existing time measuring devices are inherently imperfect. Additionally, human beings manage time using temporal indications and temporal notions, which may also be imprecise. However, the imperfection in human-used temporal indications is supported by human interpretation, whereas information systems need appropriate support in order to accomplish this task. Several proposals for dealing with such imperfections when modelling temporal data exist. Some of these proposals transform the temporal data into a compact representation but there is not a formal model for managing and handling uncertainty regarding temporal information. In this work we present a novel model to deal with imprecision in valid-time databases together with the definition and implementation of the data manipulation language, DML.Junta de Andalucia P07-TIC-03175 BES-2009-013805 TIN2008-0206


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    RESUMEN: Este artículo propone una reflexión sobre diversas facetas de la recepción de la primera novela de Laura Esquivel, Como agua para chocolate (1989). Con base de datos periodísticos y de crítica literaria, se investiga la recepción crítica de la novela. Su recepción traductológica se comenta con base de las traducciones al ruso y al inglés. Palabras clave: Laura Esquivel, novela, recepción, crítica, traductología   ABSTRACT: This article focuses on various facets of the reception of the novel Like Water for Chocolate (1989) by Laura Esquivel. The critical reception of this first novel is being analyzed through journalistic data and literary criticism. Its translatological reception study deals with its translations into Russian and English.  Keywords: Laura Esquivel, novel, reception, critics, theory of translation

    Complete genome sequence of Frog virus 3, isolated from a strawberry poison frog (Oophaga pumilio) imported from Nicaragua into the Netherlands

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    Frog virus 3 was isolated from a strawberry poison frog (Oophaga pumilio) imported from Nicaragua via Germany to the Netherlands, and its complete genome sequence was determined. Frog virus 3 isolate Op/2015/Netherlands/UU3150324001 is 107,183 bp long and has a nucleotide similarity of 98.26% to the reference Frog virus 3 isolate

    Implementation of a Treatment Program for Individuals Imprisoned for Sex Offenses in Uruguay: Achievements, Problems and Challenges

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    Treatment for individuals convicted of sex offenses has substantially improved in developed countries in recent decades, providing practitioners with an extensive literature to guide the implementation of effective programs to reduce sexual reoffending. Nevertheless, sexual offending rehabilitation is still in its infancy in Latin American countries such as Uruguay, so little is known about the transference and implementation of evidence-based programs. The current study examines the strengths, barriers, and challenges of implementing a sex offenses treatment program in Uruguay. The findings suggest some achievements of the program, but also several problems with implementation. Some problems are universal among different countries (e.g., scarce resources and facilities, insufficiently trained staff, and unexpected changes in the organization), but others were particularly relevant in the Uruguayan context (e.g., government policy alien to a rehabilitation approach, lack of appropriate prison facilities, lack of training for therapists from a cognitive behavioral perspective). All these difficulties must be anticipated and solved for successful generalizability of rehabilitation programs to different correctional systems

    Current Techniques for Investigating the Brain Extracellular Space

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    The brain extracellular space (ECS) is a continuous reticular compartment that lies between the cells of the brain. It is vast in extent relative to its resident cells, yet, at the same time the nano- to micrometer dimensions of its channels and reservoirs are commonly finer than the smallest cellular structures. Our conventional view of this compartment as largely static and of secondary importance for brain function is rapidly changing, and its active dynamic roles in signaling and metabolite clearance have come to the fore. It is further emerging that ECS microarchitecture is highly heterogeneous and dynamic and that ECS geometry and diffusional properties directly modulate local diffusional transport, down to the nanoscale around individual synapses. The ECS can therefore be considered an extremely complex and diverse compartment, where numerous physiological events are unfolding in parallel on spatial and temporal scales that span orders of magnitude, from milliseconds to hours, and from nanometers to centimeters. To further understand the physiological roles of the ECS and identify new ones, researchers can choose from a wide array of experimental techniques, which differ greatly in their applicability to a given sample and the type of data they produce. Here, we aim to provide a basic introduction to the available experimental techniques that have been applied to address the brain ECS, highlighting their main characteristics. We include current gold-standard techniques, as well as emerging cutting-edge modalities based on recent super-resolution microscopy. It is clear that each technique comes with unique strengths and limitations and that no single experimental method can unravel the unknown physiological roles of the brain ECS on its own.This work was supported by the grants from the Spanish Ministry for Research and Innovation SAF2017-83776-R and RYC-2014-15994 to JT, IJCI-2017-32114 to FS, University of the Basque Country grant GIU18/094 to OP and JT, and a Basque Government grant PIBA 2019-65 to JT

    Violencia en instituciones penitenciarias: definición, medición y explicación del fenómeno

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    La violencia en prisión es un problema fundamental para todos los sistemas penitenciarios del mundo. Compromete los derechos humanos, la seguridad y la vida de los internos y funcionarios, afecta la efectividad de los programas y puede incrementar la reincidencia y los costos sociales. Sin embargo, ha sido menos investigada que otras formas de violencia y la escasez de estudios es más grave en los contextos en los que más se necesitan. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una sistematización de la literatura especializada sobre la violencia en prisiones para discutir sus principales problemas conceptuales y metodológicos. Se presentan los problemas de la definición de la violencia en el ámbito penitenciario; se examinan los principales desafíos enfrentados al intentar medir el fenómeno; se analizan las distintas explicaciones desarrolladas sobre el tema y se analizan modelos alternativos; y se cierra con un conjunto de conclusiones sobre los actuales desafíos para la investigació

    Factors cognitius relacionats amb el compliment d'higiene de mans. Impacte d'una campanya multimodal

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    La higiene de mans (HM) és la mesura preventiva més important per a la prevenció de la transmissió de les infeccions en l’entorn sanitari. No obstant això, tot i la relativa simplicitat del procediment, els estudis observacionals mostren que el compliment d’HM dels professionals de la salut és inferior al 40%. La dificultat per motivar els professionals a seguir les recomanacions respecte a l’HM i, per tant, obtenir un bon compliment suggereix que es tracta d’un comportament complex. El comportament humà és el resultat de múltiples influències com poden ser les característiques biològiques, l’entorn, l’educació i la cultura. La psicologia social intenta entendre aquestes característiques i factors individuals en el comportament. Per això, s’han desenvolupat diferents teories cognitives socials per definir la naturalesa i la relació entre els múltiples factors que afecten els diferents comportaments relacionats amb la salut. Aquestes teories identifiquen tres nivells de factors relacionats amb el comportament: 1) nivell individual o intrapersonal, 2) nivell interpersonal o d’interaccions entre els individus i 3) nivell comunitari

    Ambliopia Caracterização epidemiológica clínica. Hospital Infantil Irmãos Cordové. Janeiro-dezembro de 2016

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    Introduction: amblyopia is a neurological disorder, the result of an abnormal stimulation of the brain during the critical period of visual development.Objective: to determine the epidemiological clinical characterization of amblyopia.Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out on 95 patients, who attended the Ophthalmology consultation of the Hermanos Cordové Children's Hospital, in the period January-December 2016, the variables age, sex, background were studied pathological ocular family, type of amblyopia, associated refractive defect and etiology.Results: a predominance of patients between 6 and 9 years, male and without ocular family pathological antecedents was obtained, the most affected visual acuity was between 0.25 and 0.5 that is, moderate amblyopia, associated with myopic astigmatism composed as refractive defect more frequent, and strabismus as a more frequent etiology.Conclusions: strabismus is the most frequent cause, from the moment the patient is diagnosed, behavior is taken to avoid further deterioration of visual acuity.Introducción: la ambliopía es un desorden neurológico, resultado de una anormal estimulación del cerebro durante el periodo crítico del desarrollo visual.Objetivo: determinar la caracterización clínica epidemiológica de la ambliopía.Método: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal a 95 pacientes, que asistieron a la consulta de Oftalmología del Hospital Infantil Hermanos Cordové, en el período enero-diciembre del 2016, se estudiaron las variables edad, sexo, antecedentes patológicos familiares oculares, tipo de ambliopía, defecto refractivo asociado y etiología.Resultados: se obtuvo un predominio de los pacientes entre 6 y 9 años, del sexo masculino y sin antecedentes patológicos familiares oculares, la agudeza visual más afectada fue entre 0.25 y 0.5 es decir, la ambliopía moderada, asociada al astigmatismo miópico compuesto como defecto refractivo más frecuente, y el estrabismo como etiología más frecuente.Conclusiones: el estrabismo es la causa más frecuente, desde el momento que el paciente sea diagnosticado se toma conducta para evitar mayor deterioro de la agudeza visual.Introdução: a ambliopia é um distúrbio neurológico, resultado de uma estimulação anormal do cérebro durante o período crítico do desenvolvimento visual.Objetivo: determinar a caracterização clínica epidemiológica da ambliopia.Método: estudo observacional, descritivo, transversal, com 95 pacientes atendidos na consulta de Oftalmologia do Hospital Infantil “Hermanos Cordové”, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2016, foram estudadas as variáveis idade, sexo e histórico família ocular patológica, tipo de ambliopia, defeito refrativo associado e etiologia.Resultados: foi obtida predominância de pacientes entre 6 e 9 anos, do sexo masculino e sem antecedentes patológicos da família ocular, a acuidade visual mais afetada foi entre 0,25 e 0,5, ou seja, ambliopia moderada, associada ao astigmatismo miópico, composto por defeito refrativo mais frequente e o estrabismo como etiologia mais frequente.Conclusões: o estrabismo é a causa mais frequente; a partir do momento em que o paciente é diagnosticado, o comportamento é adotado para evitar maior deterioração da acuidade visual

    Estudio descriptivo de tablas-control de usuarios de mejora de los aspectos cualitativos de la calidad del servicio deportivo

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    El objeto del estudio consiste en realizar un control descriptivo y gráfico sobre las actividades dirigidas que se ofertan y desarrollan en el Centro Deportivo Mediterráneo Cartagena con el fin de controlar, buscar y orientar hacia donde se mueven los intereses de los usuarios en relación a preferencias de bandas horarias y actividades más demandadas, buscando los aspectos e indicadores que nos lleven a una mejora de los niveles en la calidad del servicio. Los resultados, además de ayudarnos a rediseñar la oferta de servicios nos servirá para ofrecer recomendaciones para el diseño de tablas de control de usuario para su posterior uso como herramienta de control y evaluación

    Usefulness of Eurasian Magpies (Pica pica) for West Nile virus Surveillance in Non-Endemic and Endemic Situations

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    Finançament: Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació (DARP); Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca y Alimentación (MAPA).In September 2017, passive surveillance allowed the detection of West Nile virus (WNV) lineage 2 for the first time in northern Spain in a northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis). However, a cross sectional study carried out in Eurasian magpies (Pica pica) in a nearby area evidenced that WNV had been circulating two months earlier. Therefore, active surveillance in Eurasian magpies proved its effectiveness for the early detection of WNV in a non-endemic area. Further surveys in 2018 and the beginning of 2019 using young magpies (i.e., born after 2017) showed the repeated circulation of WNV in the same region in the following transmission season. Therefore, active surveillance in Eurasian magpies as well proved to be useful for the detection of WNV circulation in areas that may be considered as endemic. In this manuscript we present the results of those studies and discuss reasons that make the Eurasian magpies an ideal species for the surveillance of WNV, both in endemic and non-endemic areas