159 research outputs found

    Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays from Neutrino Emitting Acceleration Sources?

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    We demonstrate by numerical flux calculations that neutrino beams producing the observed highest energy cosmic rays by weak interactions with the relic neutrino background require a non-uniform distribution of sources. Such sources have to accelerate protons at least up to 10^{23} eV, have to be opaque to their primary protons, and should emit the secondary photons unavoidably produced together with the neutrinos only in the sub-MeV region to avoid conflict with the diffuse gamma-ray background measured by the EGRET experiment. Even if such a source class exists, the resulting large uncertainties in the parameters involved in this scenario does currently not allow to extract any meaningful information on absolute neutrino masses.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX styl

    GZK Photons Above 10 EeV

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    We calculate the flux of "GZK-photons", namely the flux of photons produced by extragalactic nucleons through the resonant photoproduction of pions, the so called GZK effect. This flux depends on the UHECR spectrum on Earth, of the spectrum of nucleons emitted at the sources, which we characterize by its slope and maximum energy, on the distribution of sources and on the intervening cosmological backgrounds, in particular the magnetic field and radio backgrounds. For the first time we calculate the GZK photons produced by nuclei. We calculate the possible range of the GZK photon fraction of the total UHECR flux for the AGASA and the HiRes spectra. We find that for nucleons produced at the sources it could be as large as a few % and as low as 10^{-4} above 10 EeV. For nuclei produced at the sources the maximum photon fraction is a factor of 2 to 3 times smaller above 10 EeV but the minimum could be much smaller than for nucleons. We also comment on cosmogenic neutrino fluxes.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures (21 panels), iopart.cls and iopart12.clo needed to typese

    Composition of UHECR and the Pierre Auger Observatory Spectrum

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    We fit the recently published Pierre Auger ultra-high energy cosmic ray spectrum assuming that either nucleons or nuclei are emitted at the sources. We consider the simplified cases of pure proton, or pure oxygen, or pure iron injection. We perform an exhaustive scan in the source evolution factor, the spectral index, the maximum energy of the source spectrum Z E_{max}, and the minimum distance to the sources. We show that the Pierre Auger spectrum agrees with any of the source compositions we assumed. For iron, in particular, there are two distinct solutions with high and low E_{max} (e.g. 6.4 10^{20} eV and 2 10^{19} eV) respectively which could be distinguished by either a large fraction or the near absence of proton primaries at the highest energies. We raise the possibility that an iron dominated injected flux may be in line with the latest composition measurement from the Pierre Auger Observatory where a hint of heavy element dominance is seen.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures (33 panels)- Uses iopart.cls and iopart12.clo- In version 2: addition of a few sentences and two reference

    Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Fluxes and Their Constraints

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    Applying our recently developed propagation code we review extragalactic neutrino fluxes above 10^{14} eV in various scenarios and how they are constrained by current data. We specifically identify scenarios in which the cosmogenic neutrino flux, produced by pion production of ultra high energy cosmic rays outside their sources, is considerably higher than the "Waxman-Bahcall bound". This is easy to achieve for sources with hard injection spectra and luminosities that were higher in the past. Such fluxes would significantly increase the chances to detect ultra-high energy neutrinos with experiments currently under construction or in the proposal stage.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, version published in Phys.Rev.

    Cтратегии и технологии инновационного развития корпораций

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    У монографії представлено результати дослідження й систематизації теоретичних, науково-методологічних і практичних положень та розробок щодо стратегій та технологій інноваційного розвитку корпорацій. Запропоновано і обґрунтовано технології управління інноваційним розвитком підприємств, стратегії розвитку бізнесу, визначено сучасні реалії та тенденції корпоративного маркетингу, культури та соціальної відповідальності бізнесу, запропоновано нові підходи у корпоративному управлінні, обґрунтовано доцільність використання краудтехнологій фінансування інноваційних проектів, визначено підхо-ди щодо управління персоналом корпорацій в поведінковій економіці. Для науковців та фахівців сфери економіки та управління підприємствам

    No detection of methane on Mars from early ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter observations

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    The detection of methane on Mars has been interpreted as indicating that geochemical or biotic activities could persist on Mars today. A number of different measurements of methane show evidence of transient, locally elevated methane concentrations and seasonal variations in background methane concentrations. These measurements, however, are difficult to reconcile with our current understanding of the chemistry and physics of the Martian atmosphere, which-given methane's lifetime of several centuries-predicts an even, well mixed distribution of methane. Here we report highly sensitive measurements of the atmosphere of Mars in an attempt to detect methane, using the ACS and NOMAD instruments onboard the ESA-Roscosmos ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter from April to August 2018. We did not detect any methane over a range of latitudes in both hemispheres, obtaining an upper limit for methane of about 0.05 parts per billion by volume, which is 10 to 100 times lower than previously reported positive detections. We suggest that reconciliation between the present findings and the background methane concentrations found in the Gale crater would require an unknown process that can rapidly remove or sequester methane from the lower atmosphere before it spreads globally

    Martian dust storm impact on atmospheric H<sub>2</sub>O and D/H observed by ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter

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    Global dust storms on Mars are rare but can affect the Martian atmosphere for several months. They can cause changes in atmospheric dynamics and inflation of the atmosphere, primarily owing to solar heating of the dust. In turn, changes in atmospheric dynamics can affect the distribution of atmospheric water vapour, with potential implications for the atmospheric photochemistry and climate on Mars. Recent observations of the water vapour abundance in the Martian atmosphere during dust storm conditions revealed a high-altitude increase in atmospheric water vapour that was more pronounced at high northern latitudes, as well as a decrease in the water column at low latitudes. Here we present concurrent, high-resolution measurements of dust, water and semiheavy water (HDO) at the onset of a global dust storm, obtained by the NOMAD and ACS instruments onboard the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. We report the vertical distribution of the HDO/H O ratio (D/H) from the planetary boundary layer up to an altitude of 80 kilometres. Our findings suggest that before the onset of the dust storm, HDO abundances were reduced to levels below detectability at altitudes above 40 kilometres. This decrease in HDO coincided with the presence of water-ice clouds. During the storm, an increase in the abundance of H2O and HDO was observed at altitudes between 40 and 80 kilometres. We propose that these increased abundances may be the result of warmer temperatures during the dust storm causing stronger atmospheric circulation and preventing ice cloud formation, which may confine water vapour to lower altitudes through gravitational fall and subsequent sublimation of ice crystals. The observed changes in H2O and HDO abundance occurred within a few days during the development of the dust storm, suggesting a fast impact of dust storms on the Martian atmosphere

    Possible interpretations of the joint observations of UHECR arrival directions using data recorded at the Telescope Array and the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Cardinality of the Ryser Classes and the Motzkin Paths with Weights

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    Рассматривается задача о вычислении мощности классов квадратных матриц, состоящих из ну- лей и единиц, с фиксированным значением строчных и столбцевых сумм. Получено рекуррентное соотношение, позволяющее вычислить мощность данных классов и устанавливающее связь этой задачи с вопросами о перечислении взвешенных путей Моцкина. Приведены примеры использова- ния найденного соотношения.We consider the problem of computation of the cardinality of matrix classes with fixed row and column sums. We obtain a new recurrence formula for the cardinality of these classes which gives a connection between this problem and the Motzkin paths. Examples of using the obtained recurrence relation are furnished

    Problems and Instruments of Product and Technological Diversification of Manufacturing

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    The purpose of the article involves identification of objectives and development of instruments for product and technological diversification aimed at updating the range of products and introducing innovative technologies, which will ensure a high level of competitiveness and create preconditions for steady development of the enterprise. As a result of studying the literary sources the objectives and instruments for development of enterprises by means of product and technological diversification have been defined. The article suggests effective instruments of product and technological diversification of manufacturing, namely: the model of expansion of the product range, multi-criteria model of optimization of the product range, a modified model of Kantorovich-Koopmans for implementing new production technologies with set limits on the product output. Further research relate to formation of instruments for manufacturing diversification by means of introducing new types of production