319 research outputs found

    A conceptual view of exergy destruction in mergers and acquisitions

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    Company mergers are complex where several firm-specific and contextual factors interact with each other impacting the outcome of the process. Although many firms merge with or acquire others to increase the value of their firms, have more market power and gain more ability to negotiate with suppliers or customers, most of mergers and acquisitions result in failures. Despite the poor performances, firms continue to merge and acquire. The existing literature on the other hand lacks in providing a robust theory to the issue of poor post-merger performance. This study thus responds to exploring the issue of high failure rates in mergers and acquisitions in an entirely different way. As the first output of a research programme on the conceptual, theoretical and empirical issues in merger and acquisitions research, we conceptualize the loss of performance or exergy in mergers and acquisitions using thermodynamic analysis of the mixing process in physical systems. Three propositions are developed that conceptualize the ideal conditions for mergers in terms of firm size, relatedness between the merging firms and the ambient states. The exergy loss due to merging increases with the increasing levels of strategic or cultural incompatibility between the two firms. When the sizes of two firms differ, it is preferable for the larger firm to have higher knowledge base than the smaller firm. Lastly, the knowledge intensity of the country that the merging takes place as well as the relative knowledge base of the merging firms do interact and change the post-merger performance significantly

    From Mental Disorder to Recovery: Cultural Effect

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    The structure that composes individuals' attribute, meaning and value is defined as culture. Emotions, thoughts and behaviors are shaped by the culture in which the individual lives, and these behavioral patterns become meaningful in the social network in which they are experienced. While some of these behavioral patterns are accepted by the society, some are excluded. Behaviours other than those accepted by the society manifest themselves in the expression of symptoms of mental disorder. While the cultural structure is addressed both on the basis of the mental disorder statement, and shows the effects of the individual in there recovery process defined as living with mental disorder statements, coping with disorder, regaining control of life and finding meaning from life. In this respect, it is thought that considering an individual's cultural background of an individual with a mental disorder and taking care of the positive effects of the culture during the recovery process would have significant contribution. There view written with this purpose will examine the effects of culture on symptoms of mental disorder and the way to recovery from mental disorder

    Serum IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 Levels in Healthy Children Between 0 and 6 Years of Age

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    Objective: Along with growth hormone (GH) levels, measurements of serum insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) are used in the diagnosis of GH deficiency and in monitoring the efficacy and safety of long-term GH treatment. The purpose of the present study was to establish reference values for serum IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 in healthy Turkish children less than 6 years of age

    A study of the selective hydroconversion of biocarboxylic acids to bioalcohols over novel indium-nickel/zeolite catalysts using octanoic acid as model reactant

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    Octanoic acid (OA) was hydrotreated in a flow-through reactor at 21 bar total pressure and 240-340 °C over supported metal catalysts prepared from Ni-zeolites (A, X, P) by indium modification. The Ni-zeolites were activated first in H2 flow at 21 bar and 450 °C. While a fraction of the nickel got fully reduced, the zeolite structure became partially destructed. However, some nickel cations remained unreduced, therefore a large fraction of the crystalline zeolite structure was retained. The indium modification of the reduced Ni-zeolites generated bimetallic NiIn/Ni,H-zeolite catalysts having higher stability, hydroconversion activity, octanol selectivity, and lower hydrodecarbonylation activity than the parent partially destructed Ni-zeolite and the Adkins-type catalysts, commercially applied for the conversion of fatty acids to alcohols. © 2013 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary

    Dural Arteriovenöz Fistül (DAVF) Tedavisinde Kombine Yaklaşım: Süperselektif Embolizasyon ve Gamma Knife Radyocerrahisi

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    Dural arteriovenöz fistüller (DAVF) dural arterler ve venler veya sinüsler arasındaki anormal vasküler bağlantılardan oluşan lezyonlardır. Çok sayıda fistül içerebilmeleri ve venöz drenaj paternlerindeki değişiklikler tedavi kararında güçlüklere neden olabilmektedir. Biz bu yazıda sol eksternal karotid arterin orta meningeal ve oksipital dallarından dolan, önce süperselektif olarak embolize edilen ve 3 ay sonraki kontrolde oksipital besleyicilerinin rekanalize olduğu gözlenen DAVF’ li olguya ikinci kez uyguladığımız kombine süperselektif embolizasyon artı Gamma Knife tedavisini sunmaktayı

    3-D Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Mapping of Arteries to Detect Metabolically Active but Angiographically Invisible Atherosclerotic Lesions

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    We designed a novel 6-point electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) sensor with 15 combinations of permutations for the 3-D mapping and detection of metabolically active atherosclerotic lesions. Two rows of 3 stretchable electrodes circumferentially separated by 120° were mounted on an inflatable balloon for intravascular deployment and endoluminal interrogation. The configuration and 15 permutations of 2-point EIS electrodes allowed for deep arterial penetration via alternating current (AC) to detect varying degrees of lipid burden with distinct impedance profiles (Ω). By virtue of the distinctive impedimetric signature of metabolically active atherosclerotic lesions, a detailed impedance map was acquired, with the 15 EIS permutations uncovering early stages of disease characterized by fatty streak lipid accumulation in the New Zealand White rabbit model of atherosclerosis. Both the equivalent circuit and statistical analyses corroborated the 3-D EIS permutations to detect small, angiographically invisible, lipid-rich lesions, with translational implications for early atherosclerotic disease detection and prevention of acute coronary syndromes or strokes

    Identifying a sublingual triangle as the ideal site for assessment of sublingual microcirculation

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    The sublingual mucosa is a commonly used intraoral location for identifying microcirculatory alterations using handheld vital microscopes (HVMs). The anatomic description of the sublingual cave and its related training have not been adequately introduced. The aim of this study was to introduce anatomy guided sublingual microcirculatory assessment. Measurements were acquired from the floor of the mouth using incident dark-field (IDF) imaging before (T0) and after (T1) sublingual cave anatomy instructed training. Instructions consists of examining a specific region of interested identified through observable anatomical structures adjacent and bilaterally to the lingual frenulum which is next to the sublingual papilla. The anatomical location called the sublingual triangle, was identified as stationed between the lingual frenulum, the sublingual fold and ventrally to the tongue. Small, large, and total vessel density datasets (SVD, LVD and TVD respectively) obtained by non-instructed and instructed measurements (NIN (T0) and IM (T1) respectively) were compared. Microvascular structures were analyzed, and the presence of salivary duct-related microcirculation was identified. A total of 72 video clips were used for analysis in which TVD, but not LVD and SVD, was higher in IM compared to NIM (NIM vs. IM, 25 ± 2 vs. 27 ± 3 mm/mm2^{2} (p = 0.044), LVD NIM vs. IM: 7 ± 1 vs. 8 ± 1mm/mm2^{2} (p = 0.092), SVD NIM vs. IM: 18 ± 2 vs. 20 ± 3 mm/mm2^{2} (p = 0.103)). IM resulted in microcirculatory assessments which included morphological properties such as capillaries, venules and arterioles, without salivary duct-associated microcirculation. The sublingual triangle identified in this study showed consistent network-based microcirculation, without interference from microcirculation associated with specialized anatomic structures. These findings suggest that the sublingual triangle, an anatomy guided location, yielded sublingual based measurements that conforms with international guidelines. IM showed higher TVD values, and future studies are needed with larger sample sizes to prove differences in microcirculatory parameters