194 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Capped AIIBVI Nanoparticles for Fluorescent Biomarkers

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    The conditions for growing CdS nanoparticles suitable for the visualization of biological tissues were theoretically studied and experimentally checked. The optimal ranges for pH values and precursors’ concentrations were determined. The applicability of the mercaptoethanol-capped nanoparticles for in vitro luminescence visualization of several cellular forms in histological specimens of human placenta has been prove

    Polarization-interference mapping of biological fluids polycrystalline films in differentiation of weak changes of optical anisotropy

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    The theoretical background of the azimuthally stable method of polarization-interference mapping of the histological sections of the biopsy of the prostate tissue on the basis of the spatial frequency selection of the mechanisms of linear and circular birefringence is presented. The diagnostic application of a new correlation parameter – complex degree of mutual anisotropy – is analytically substantiated. The method of measuring coordinate distributions of complex degree of mutual anisotropy with further spatial filtration of their highand low-frequency components is developed. The interconnections of such distributions with parameters of linear and circular birefringence of prostate tissue histological sections are found. The objective criteria of differentiation of benign and malignant conditions of prostate tissue are determined

    Differential Mueller matrix imaging of partially depolarizing optically anisotropic biological tissues

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    Since recently, a number of innovative polarization-based optical imaging modalities have been introduced and extensively used in various biomedical applications, with an ultimate aim to attain the practical tool for the optical biopsy and functional characterization of biological tissues. The techniques utilize polarization properties of light and Mueller matrix mapping of microscopic images of histological sections of biological tissues or polycrystalline films of biological fluids. The main drawback of currently developed laser polarimetry approaches and Mueller matrix mapping techniques is poor reproducibility of experimental data. This is due to azimuthal dependence of polarization and ellipticity values of most matrix elements to sample orientation in respect to incidence light polarization. Current study aims to generalize the methods of laser polarimetry for diagnosis of partially depolarizing optically anisotropic biological tissues. A method of differential Mueller matrix mapping for reconstruction of linear and circular birefringence and dichroism parameter distributions of partially depolarizing layers of biological tissues of different morphological structure is introduced and practically implemented. The coordinate distributions of the value of the first-order differential matrix elements of histological sections of brain tissue with spatially structured, optically anisotropic fibrillar network, as well as of parenchymatous tissue of the rectum wall with an “islet” polycrystalline structure are determined. Within the statistical analysis of polarization reproduced distributions of the averaged parameters of phase and amplitude anisotropy, the significant sensitivity of the statistical moments of the third and fourth orders to changes in the polycrystalline structure of partially depolarizing layers of biological tissue is observed. The differentiation of female reproductive sphere connective tissue is realized with excellent accuracy. The differential Mueller matrix mapping method for reconstruction of distributions of linear and circular birefringence and dichroism parameters of partially depolarizing layers of biological tissues of different morphological structures is proposed and substantiated. Differential diagnostics of changes in the phase (good balanced accuracy) and amplitude (excellent balanced accuracy) of the anisotropy of the partially depolarizing layers of the vagina wall tissue with prolapse of the genitals is realized. The maximum diagnostic efficiency of the first-order differential matrix method was demonstrated in comparison with the traditional methods of polarization and Mueller matrix mapping of histological sections of light-scattering biological tissues

    Biomedical applications of Jones-matrix tomography to polycrystalline films of biological fluids

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    Algorithms for reconstruction of linear and circular birefringence-dichroism of optically thin anisotropic biological layers are presented. The technique of Jones-matrix tomography of polycrystalline films of biological fluids of various human organs has been developed and experimentally tested. The coordinate distributions of phase and amplitude anisotropy of bile films and synovial fluid taken from the knee joint are determined and statistically analyzed. Criteria (statistical moments of 3rd and 4th orders) of differential diagnostics of early stages of cholelithiasis and septic arthritis of the knee joint with excellent balanced accuracy were determined. Data on the diagnostic efficiency of the Jones-matrix tomography method for polycrystalline plasma (liver disease), urine (albuminuria) and cytological smears (cervical cancer) are presented

    Urgent Considerations for the Neuro-oncologic Treatment of Patients with Gliomas During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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    The COVID-19 outbreak is posing unprecedented risks and challenges for all communities and healthcare systems, worldwide. There are unique considerations for many adult patients with gliomas who are vulnerable to the novel coronavirus due to older age and immunosuppression. As patients with terminal illnesses, they present ethical challenges for centers that may need to ration access to ventilator care due to insufficient critical care capacity. It is urgent for the neuro-oncology community to develop a pro-active and coordinated approach to the care of adults with gliomas in order to provide them with the best possible oncologic care while also reducing their risk of viral infection during times of potential healthcare system failure. In this article, we present an approach developed by an international multi-disciplinary group to optimize the care of adults with gliomas during this pandemic. We recommend measures to promote strict social distancing and minimize exposures for patients, address risk and benefit of all therapeutic interventions, pro-actively develop end of life plans, educate patients and caregivers and ensure the health of the multi-disciplinary neuro-oncology workforce. This pandemic is already changing neuro-oncologic care delivery around the globe. It is important to highlight opportunities to maximize the benefit and minimize the risk of glioma management during this pandemic and potentially, in the future

    Методи і засоби азимутально-інваріантної мюллер-матричної поляриметрії оптично-анізотропних біологічних шарів

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    Актуальність. Серед багаточисельних методів поляриметричного дослідження структури біологічних тканин особливе місце займає Мюллер-матрична поляриметрія (ММП). Даний метод дає виключно повну інформацію про поляризаційні прояви оптичних властивостей полікристалічної структури біологічних тканин різноманітних органів людини. Новим кроком у розвитку даної методики стало координатне картографування розподілів величини матричних елементів – Мюллер-матричних зображень (ММЗ). Проте, практичне застосування Мюллер-матричного методу у рутинній лабораторній практиці обмежено. Величина 12 із 16 елементів матриці Мюллера є залежною від повороту зразку відносно напряму опромінення. Тому актуальним є подальший розвиток та узагальнення методик ММП з використанням координатних розподілів набору Мюллер-матричних інваріантів (ММІ) – азимутально незалежних елементів матриці Мюллера, їхніх комбінацій, матричних векторів та кутів між ними. Мета роботи. Робота спрямована на теоретичне обґрунтування та експериментальну розробку метода азимутально-інваріантної поляриметрії частково-деполяризуючих оптично-анізотропних біологічних шарів на основі координатного Мюллер-матричного картографування гістологічних зрізів для диференціальної діагностики змін оптичної анізотропії, які пов’язані з виникненням патологічних станів. Результати. Запропоновано та обґрунтовано метод азимутально-інваріантного Мюллер-матричного картографування на прикладі оптично анізотропних зразків гістологічних зрізів міокарда. Одержано розподіли величини азимутально-інваріантного матричного елементу, суперпозиції матричних елементів та величини матричного вектору. Висновки. Визначено залежності величин статистичних моментів 1-го – 4-го порядків, які характеризують розподіли величин Мюллер-матричних інваріантів (ММІ) гістологічних зрізів міокарда. Проведено з позицій доказової медицини дослідження можливостей диференціації причини настання смерті внаслідок ішемічної хвороби серця (ІХС) та гострої коронарної недостатності (ГКН)

    Differential Mueller matrix imaging of partially depolarizing optically anisotropic biological tissues

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    Since recently, a number of innovative polarization-based optical imaging modalities have been introduced and extensively used in various biomedical applications, with an ultimate aim to attain the practical tool for the optical biopsy and functional characterization of biological tissues. The techniques utilize polarization properties of light and Mueller matrix mapping of microscopic imagesof histological sectionsof biological tissues or polycrystalline films ofbiologicalfluids. The main drawback of currently developed laser polarimetry approaches and Mueller matrix mapping techniques is poor reproducibility of experi-mental data. This is due to azimuthal dependence of polarization and ellipticity values of most matrix elements to sample orientation in respect to incidence light polarization. Current study aims to generalize the methods of laser polarimetry for diagnosis of partially depolarizing optically anisotropic biological tissues. A method of differential Mueller matrix mapping for reconstruction of linear and circular birefringence and dichroism parameter distributions of partially depolarizing layers of biological tissues of different morphological structure is introduced and practically implemented. The coordinate distributions of the value of the first-order differential matrix elements of histological sections of brain tissue with spatially structured, optically anisotropic fibrillar network, as well as of parenchymatous tissue of the rectum wall with an “islet” polycrystalline structure are determined. Within the statistical analysis of polarization reproduced distributions of the averaged parameters of phase and amplitude anisotropy, the significant sensitivity of the statistical moments of the third and fourth orders to changes in the polycrystalline structure of partially depolarizing layers of biological tissue is observed. The differentiation of female reproductive sphere connective tissue is realized with excellent accuracy. The differential Mueller matrix mapping method for reconstruction of distributions of linear and circular birefringence and dichroism parameters of partially depolarizing layers of biological tissues of different morphological structures is proposed and substantiated. Differential diagnostics of changes in the phase (good balanced accuracy) and amplitude (excellent balanced accuracy) of the anisotropy of the partially depolarizing layers of the vagina wall tissue with prolapse of the genital sisrealized. The maximum diagnostic efficiency of the first-order differential matrix method was demonstrated in comparison with the traditional methods of polarization and Mueller matrix mapping of histological sections of light-scattering biological tissues

    Isomorphic diffuse glioma is a morphologically and molecularly distinct tumour entity with recurrent gene fusions of MYBL1 or MYB and a benign disease course

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    The “isomorphic subtype of diffuse astrocytoma” was identified histologically in 2004 as a supratentorial, highly differentiated glioma with low cellularity, low proliferation and focal diffuse brain infiltration. Patients typically had seizures since childhood and all were operated on as adults. To define the position of these lesions among brain tumours, we histologically, molecularly and clinically analysed 26 histologically prototypical isomorphic diffuse gliomas. Immunohistochemically, they were GFAP-positive, MAP2-, OLIG2- and CD34-negative, nuclear ATRX-expression was retained and proliferation was low. All 24 cases sequenced were IDH-wildtype. In cluster analyses of DNA methylation data, isomorphic diffuse gliomas formed a group clearly distinct from other glial/glio-neuronal brain tumours and normal hemispheric tissue, most closely related to paediatric MYB/MYBL1-altered diffuse astrocytomas and angiocentric gliomas. Half of the isomorphic diffuse gliomas had copy number alterations of MYBL1 or MYB (13/25, 52%). Gene fusions of MYBL1 or MYB with various gene partners were identified in 11/22 (50%) and were associated with an increased RNA-expression of the respective MYB-family gene. Integrating copy number alterations and available RNA sequencing data, 20/26 (77%) of isomorphic diffuse gliomas demonstrated MYBL1 (54%) or MYB (23%) alterations. Clinically, 89% of patients were seizure-free after surgery and all had a good outcome. In summary, we here define a distinct benign tumour class belonging to the family of MYB/MYBL1-altered gliomas. Isomorphic diffuse glioma occurs both in children and adults, has a concise morphology, frequent MYBL1 and MYB alterations and a specific DNA methylation profile. As an exclusively histological diagnosis may be very challenging and as paediatric MYB/MYBL1-altered diffuse astrocytomas may have the same gene fusions, we consider DNA methylation profiling very helpful for their identification

    Insights into polycrystalline microstructure of blood films with 3D Mueller matrix imaging approach

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    This study introduces a novel approach in the realm of liquid biopsies, employing a 3D Mueller-matrix (MM) image reconstruction technique to analyze dehydrated blood smear polycrystalline structures. Our research centers on exploiting the unique optical anisotropy properties of blood proteins, which undergo structural alterations at the quaternary and tertiary levels in the early stages of diseases such as cancer. These alterations manifest as distinct patterns in the polycrystalline microstructure of dried blood droplets, offering a minimally invasive yet highly effective method for early disease detection. We utilized a groundbreaking 3D MM mapping technique, integrated with digital holographic reconstruction, to perform a detailed layer-by-layer analysis of partially depolarizing dry blood smears. This method allows us to extract critical optical anisotropy parameters, enabling the differentiation of blood films from healthy individuals and prostate cancer patients. Our technique uniquely combines polarization-holographic and differential MM methodologies to spatially characterize the 3D polycrystalline structures within blood films. A key advancement in our study is the quantitative evaluation of optical anisotropy maps using statistical moments (first to fourth orders) of linear and circular birefringence and dichroism distributions. This analysis provides a comprehensive characterization of the mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis of these distributions, crucial for identifying significant differences between healthy and cancerous samples. Our findings demonstrate an exceptional accuracy rate of over 90% for the early diagnosis and staging of cancer, surpassing existing screening methods. This high level of precision and the non-invasive nature of our technique mark a significant advancement in the field of liquid biopsies. It holds immense potential for revolutionizing cancer diagnosis, early detection, patient stratification, and monitoring, thereby greatly enhancing patient care and treatment outcomes. In conclusion, our study contributes a pioneering technique to the liquid biopsy domain, aligning with the ongoing quest for non-invasive, reliable, and efficient diagnostic methods. It opens new avenues for cancer diagnosis and monitoring, representing a substantial leap forward in personalized medicine and oncology