340 research outputs found

    The Buffer Gas Beam: An Intense, Cold, and Slow Source for Atoms and Molecules

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    Beams of atoms and molecules are stalwart tools for spectroscopy and studies of collisional processes. The supersonic expansion technique can create cold beams of many species of atoms and molecules. However, the resulting beam is typically moving at a speed of 300-600 m/s in the lab frame, and for a large class of species has insufficient flux (i.e. brightness) for important applications. In contrast, buffer gas beams can be a superior method in many cases, producing cold and relatively slow molecules in the lab frame with high brightness and great versatility. There are basic differences between supersonic and buffer gas cooled beams regarding particular technological advantages and constraints. At present, it is clear that not all of the possible variations on the buffer gas method have been studied. In this review, we will present a survey of the current state of the art in buffer gas beams, and explore some of the possible future directions that these new methods might take

    Prevention and management of excessive gestational weight gain: a survey of overweight and obese pregnant women

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    Background - Excessive gestational weight gain is associated with adverse infant, childhood and maternal outcomes and research to develop interventions to address this issue is ongoing. The views of women on gestational weight gain and the resources they would consider helpful in addressing this are however largely unknown. This survey aimed to determine the views of newly pregnant women, living in areas of social disadvantage, on 1) their current body weight and potential gestational weight gain and 2) the resources or interventions they would consider helpful in preventing excessive gestational weight gain. Methods - A convenience sample of overweight and obese pregnant women living in Fife, UK, were invited to complete a short anonymised questionnaire at their 12 week booking visit. Results - 428 women, BMI>25 kg/m2, completed the questionnaire. Fifty-four per cent of respondents were obese (231) and 62% were living in areas of mild to moderate deprivation. Over three-quarters of participants felt dissatisfied with their current weight (81%). The majority of women (60%) expressed some concern about potential weight gain. Thirty-nine percent were unconcerned about weight gain during their pregnancy, including 34 women (19%) who reported having retained weight gained in earlier pregnancies. Amongst those concerned about weight gain advice on physical activity (41%) and access to sports/leisure facilities were favoured resources (36%). Fewer women (12%) felt that group sessions on healthy eating or attending a clinic for individualised advice (14%) would be helpful. "Getting time off work" was the most frequently cited barrier (48%) to uptake of resources other than leaflets. Conclusions- These data suggest a lack of awareness amongst overweight and obese women regarding excessive gestational weight gain. Monitoring of gestational weight gain, and approaches for its management, should be formally integrated into routine antenatal care. Barriers to the uptake of resources to address weight gain are numerous and must be considered in the design of future interventions and services

    Market analysis for cultured proteins in low- and lower-middle income countries.

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    The global burden of malnutrition is unacceptably high.10 Worldwide, an estimated 22% of children under the age of five were stunted and 8% were wasted in 2018.11 Low-quality diets lacking in essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients are a key contributor to this burden.12 Animal-source foods—such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy—are important components of a diverse diet and provide high-quality proteins and other essential nutrients that promote optimal growth and development.13,14,15,16,17As populations and incomes grow, the global demand for animal-source foods is projected to increase substantially, particularly in many low- and lower-middle income countries (LMICs).18,19 However, cost is currently a significant barrier to animal-source food consumption. In addition, meeting this growing demand for animal-source foods will require rapid increases in livestock production, which has significant environmental impacts, requiring considerable land, water, chemical, and energy inputs.10,17,18 Global food production is responsible for roughly one-quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions, most of which (up to 80%) are related to livestock.20,21 Livestock production is also a contributor to water pollution, deforestation, land degradation, overfishing, and antimicrobial resistance.20,22,23 Given these challenges, this report aims to assess the market for potentially more sustainable alternative proteins and their potential for use in LMIC settings. The report focuses on proteins derived from fermentation-based cellular agriculture, called cultured proteins, given their potential near-term time to market and their potential impact in LMIC populations. Most cultured protein manufacturers are developing proteins that are present in animal-source milk and eggs

    Health promoting settings in primary health care - "hälsotorg": an implementation analysis

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    Background Sweden, like many other western countries, faces increasing rates of lifestyle related diseases and corresponding rise in costs for health care. To meet these challenges, a number of efforts have been introduced at different societal levels. One such effort is "Hälsotorg" (HS). HS is a new health promotion setting that emerged in collaboration between the Swedish County Councils and Apoteket AB, a state-owned pharmacy company. HS's overall aim was to improve population health and facilitate inhabitants' responsibility for self-care. A new National Public Health Policy, introduced in 2008, emphasizes more focus on individual's needs and responsibility as well as strong need for county councils to provide supportive environment for individual-centred health services and increased health literacy among the population. In light of this policy, there is a need to examine existing settings that can provide supportive environment for individuals at community level. The aim of this study was to explore HS's policy implementation at local level and analyse HS's activities, in order to provide a deeper understanding of HS's potential as a health promoting setting. Methods Materials included a survey and key documents related to the development and nature of HS on local and national levels. A policy analysis inspired by Walt and Gilson was used in data analysis. In addition, an analysis using the principles of health promotion in relation to HS policy process and activities was also carried out. Results The analysis illuminated strengths and weaknesses in the policy process, its actors, contextual factors and activities. The health communication approach in the analysed documents contained health promoting intentions but the health promoting approach corresponding to a health promoting setting was neither apparent nor shared among the stakeholders. This influenced the interpretation and implementation of HS negatively. Conclusions The analysis indicates that HS has potential to be a valuable health promotion setting for both population and individuals, given the strong intentions for a health and empowerment building approach that is expressed in the documents. However, for a more sustainable implementation of HS, there is need for an in- depth understanding of the health promotion approach among HS stakeholders