25 research outputs found


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    Karet adalah sumber pendapatan, pekerjaan, dan perdagangan asing, yang mendorong perkembangan moneter di pangkalan baru di daerah di perkebunan karet serta pelestarian aset alam dan organic. Karet merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan perkebunan yang ada di Kabupaten Sekadau. Mengingat potensi ketersediaan lahan yang cukup, pengembangan karet di Kabupaten Sekadau sangat menarik, yaitu sekitar 54 502, 00 hektar (Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Sekadau, 2021). Petani di Kabupaten Sekadau sudah lama usahatani karet rakyat, dimana sebagian besar petani karet rakyat adalah pekerjaan utamanya. Dilihat dari BPS Kalimantan Barat, produksi rata-rata (ton) untuk karet rakyat di Kabupaten Sekadau rendah jika dibandingkan dengan Kabupaten Sintang. Kendala utama yang dihadapi petani ketika mencoba membangun perkebunan karet rakyat adalah lemahnya permodalan dan minimnya bibit yang digunakan dalam budidaya perkebunan karet, agar petani dapat memanfaatkan bibit yang ada dan teknologi sederhana, sehingga menghasilkan getah berkualitas rendah yang dibutuhkan pasar dan rendahnya produksi karet. Tujuan penelitian adalah menyusun strategi untuk peningkatan agribisnis karet rakyat di Kabupaten Sekadau. Teknik samplingnya adalah purposive sampling kemudian dianalisis SWOT dan QSPM. Hasil penelitian menunjukan strategi yang dipilih untuk pengembangan agribisnis karet rakyat di Sekadau adalah strategi tiga, menggunakan pemakaian bibit klon unggul untuk meningkatkan produktivitas karet dengan Total Attractiveness Scores sebesar 6,653

    Land-Use Changes and Food Insecurity around Oil Palm Plantations: Evidence at the Village Level

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    Land conversion of oil palm plantations in the villages of West Kalimantan has caused drastic changes in how farmers fulfill their basic household needs. One such change affects farmers’ food security. This study aimed to explain the deterioration of food self-sufficiency at the village level due to the pressure to use residual pockets of land for oil palm cultivation. The collected evidence was analyzed through an assessment of their residual pockets of land in a single village. A case study survey collected data from July until September 2019 in the village of Batu Barat, district of Kayong Utara, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The study utilized 70 family heads as samples for interviews. They were selected through a simple random sampling technique. We used descriptive quantitative and qualitative methods in our investigation. The results confirmed that the current utilization of the village’s residual lands actually entails even greater food insecurity for farmers, as exemplified by a sizeable decrease in rice fields to merely an estimated 0.59 hectares per household. By contrast, the land utilized by independent smallholders of oil palm cultivation increased to an average of approximately 0.67 hectares per household. This land conversion not only exacerbated food-farmland availability bu


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    The increase in the number of smallholders (Independent farmers) in Bonti District faces challenges from limited knowledge about cultivation, optimizing the use of production factors, sustainability in production, and the absence of institutions (farmer groups, cooperatives, and farmer groups combined) so that it becomes a problem in the application of the 4 principles and 20 ISPO criteria. The purpose of this study is to analyze the formation of independent farmer groups within the ISPO certification framework. The research method uses the descriptive approach to analyze institutional conditions based on ISPO criteria also uses fishbone diagrams to find out the main problems and to create solutions. The results of this research show the farmers' institutional principles have not been implemented, while 65.96% of the ISPO criteria have not been implemented and only 34.04% of the ISPO criteria have been implemented by farmers. The absence of farmer groups, data collection, and counseling for independent farmer groups in Upe Village. However, farmers show a good response to the initiation of the farmer groups' formation because there is hope that it will facilitate production inputs and the sale of TBS

    Peran Kelompok Tani Terhadap Peningkatan Produktivitas Usahatani Sawi di Pontianak Utara

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    The problem currently faced by mustard greens farming is fluctuations in production due to erratic weather, causing pest attacks and drought which lead to crop failures. This study aims to analyze the level of the role of farmer groups and how the correlation of the role of farmer groups to the productivity of mustard cultivation in North Pontianak. Data was collected through interviews and filling out questionnaires to 75 farmers belonging to farmer groups using the Simple Random Sampling technique. The research method used is descriptive method and analyzed using rank spearman. The result showed that has been carried out, the level of the role of farmer groups seen from the aspects of class learning (x1), vehicle for cooperation (x2), and production units (x3) have a substantial (not close) and unidirectional relationship to productivity

    Faktor Imitasi Dalam Proses Pengambilan Keputusan Manajerial Oleh Wanita Tani Pada Usahatani Hortikultura Di Lahan Gambut

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the factor of imitation behavior of women farmers on the decission making process for their farm management. This research was conducted with descriptive method to describe the relation between social environment and the farming decissions making for women farmers who cultivated horticulture on the peatland area at Limbung Village, Kubu Raya District. The result of the research showed that on the imitation behavior factor related to the decission making process by women farmers based on the social environment. Eventhough not all the decission was based on the behavior of other farmers, but the women farmers still considered other farmers decission. Therefore social enviroment became the important factor on the forming of women farmers behavior in running theiru farming, that reflected on the decissions they made.Keywords: imitation factor, farm management, women farmers, peatland farmin

    Pengaruh Tingkat Imitasi Dan Kosmopolitan Wanita Tani Terhadap Keputusan Pengelolaan Usahatani

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    The aims of this study are to analyze cosmopolitan and imitation levels of women farmers, and the influence of cosmopolitan and imitation levels of women farmers towards decision of farming management. This study was conducted in Limbung Village, Kubu Raya District, West Kalimantan. Respondent in this study consist of 26 womens who joint in women farmers group and 38 womens who do not joint in women farmers group. The method that used in this study are descriptive analyze and corelation analyze. The results showed that imitation level of women farmers group women farmers group is in average level. Beside that, the cosmopolitan level of women farmers group women farmers group is in high level. The result also showed that there is corelation between imitation and cosmopolitan levels has significant influence in decision of management farmin

    Development Model on Prevention of Land and Forest Fire in the Peat Land Area with Empowerment Society Approach (Case Study in West Kalimantan)

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    Land fires are an annual agenda in Indonesia, especially in areas covered by peatlands. Peatland management using fire is the main cause. The general paradigm for land fires is that the farmers' economy is low. In fact, the factors that cause land fires are not only from the economic aspect, but from the social and institutional aspects which affect the behavior of farmers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is (1) to analyze the correlation of factors that influence land burning behavior, and (2) to determine the model for the changing of burning behavior into non burning farm land cultivation, in order to prevent land fire in Kuburaya Disrict and Bengkayang District, West Kalimantan. The research involved farmers farming on peatlands in both districts. Regression models was used for the correlation analysis. Based on the results of the regression analysis, a land burning behavior change model was determined based on the influencing factors descriptively. The result of the analysis showed the factors that significantly influence land burning behavior at the household level are knowledge level (consist of farming problems faced by farmers, agricultural extension materials and the application of technology), observance of rules, activeness of mutual assistance, cosmopolitan level, appraisal on burning behavior, and imitation level. The resulting model for changing the behavior of burning land is implementing activity of assistance, social capital stimulus and positive agreements/ pressure to the land users


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    Cocoa Commodities, especially cocoa beans, have a great opportunity to be developed due to high market demand, this must be in line with the good quality of cocoa beans owned with the world market demand standards which means that at the farm level the cocoa farming must implement the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Handling Practice (GHP). This study aims to determine the effect of the characteristics of cocoa farmers on farmers' perceptions of fermented cocoa beans. The method used in this study is the survey method. The research location is Sui Duri Village, Sui Raya District, Bengkayang Regency. Data analysis using logit regression. The results showed that the five characteristics of the farmers, namely age, education, land area, number of family dependents and farming experience had a positive influence on farmers' perceptions, this indicates that farmers' characteristics are very important on the farmers' decision to adopt cocoa bean fermentation technology.Keywords: Characteristics of farmers, cocoa, perceptions, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Good Handling Practices (GHP


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    PT. Prakarsa Tani Sejati is one of oldest company in Ketapang district. But, This company has problem about employee performance is relatively low. That is dependent by motivation and work enviroment do not support. This study aims to determine the effect of motivation and work environment on employee performance in PT Prakarsa Tani Sejati Subdistrict Sungai Laur Ketapang District. This reaserch uses Assosiatif method. The sample used was 65 respondent determined by using slovin formula. Data analysis tecnhniques used in this reaserch is multiple linear regression analysis using F test and T test. The result of multiple linear regression analysis shows that the result of F test is more than F-table thus it is concluded that employee’s motivation and work environment are equally affecting employee performance. Based on T test results known, the motivation does not affect on employee performance, while the work environment affect on performance of employees. Through determination coefficient testing obtained adjusted R square is 0,723 this means that 72,3% of variation can be explained by the Employee  performance varation of the two independent variables  work motivation and work environment. While the remaining 27,7%  is explained by reasons-other causes outside the model