10 research outputs found


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    This study aims to explain how creativity and conceptual understanding and their effects on chemistry education students through the assignment of a pocket book project. The method used was an experiment with a one shot case study design. This implementation was carried out for 20 even semester students of the 2018 Malikussaleh University Chemistry Education study program. The instruments used in this study were the student's creativity assessment sheet (conducted by the observer) and the conceptual understanding test questions (the form of an individual essay at the end of the lesson). The data obtained were then analyzed using a percentage formula and interpreted into a value interval. Based on the results obtained, the average student creativity was 81,33 categorized as good and understanding of the concept was 86. Creativity had an effect on students' conceptual understanding, because through the pocket books provided students could explore all their potential to complete the task. So that it can improve understanding of the concept of each student. For advanced researchers who want to do the same, to further expand the aspects assessed for the assessment of student creativity

    Integrating Scientific Principles with Character Development in the Student Worksheet on Change in Matter

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    Integration of scientific principles with character development in the student worksheet on change in matter is crucial for fostering a holistic understanding of chemistry, aligning academic knowledge with ethical considerations, and cultivating a well-rounded educational experience. The aim of this research is to develop character-integrated teaching materials in science subjects that are suitable for use as learning media. The development of character-integrated teaching materials in science subjects uses a 4D model, consisting of four stages (define, design, develop, and disseminate). Teaching materials developed are in the form of student worksheets. Data collection technique used a questionnaire with several instruments, which are material and media expert validation instruments, student worksheets eligibility instruments, and interview instruments. Analysis of the data using the calculation of the average, percentage, coefficient of validity, and descriptively. The results of the analysis of material expert validation data, obtained a validity level of 0.825 with a very valid category. Similarly, the results of the analysis of media expert validation data, obtained a validity level of 0.735 with a very valid category. The results of the analysis of the feasibility questionnaire filled in by the teacher obtained a score of 86.25% with a very decent category. It can be concluded that the student worksheets developed is very suitable to be used as a science learning media

    Problematika Kurangnya Media Pembelajaran di Sekolah

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    Sekolah dapat didefenisikan sebagai suatu lembaga ang digunakan sebagai sarana dan prasarana dalam mencapai pembelajaran. Dengan kata lain sekolah juga dapat diartikan sebagai tempat yang dimana sekelompok orang bahkan banyak orang untuk mencari sumber ilmu. Pendidikanerupakan wadah yang membawa manusia menjadi pribadi yang berilmu, bertakwa dan bertanggung jawab. Analisis dari penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Metode ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan problematika kurangnya media belajar disekolah dan menggambarkan ketersediaan media pembelajaran disekolah. Adapun kesimpulan yang didapat dalam upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan atau problematika ini adalah memaksimalkan fasilitas sekolah dengan menganggarkan dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS), mengupayakan kurikulum yang terbaru dan juga tenaga pendidik yang siap dan menguasai konsep pembelajaran yang menarik serta dapat membangkitkan jiwa belajar dari diri peserta didik

    Praktikum Kimia SMA Kelas XI pada Materi Asam Basa Sesuai Model Discovery dan Project Based Learning

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengembangkan penuntun praktikum asam basa sesuai discoverylearning dan project based learning . Pengembangan penuntun praktikum berdasarkan Langkah-langkahdiscovery learning dan project based learning. Penuntun praktikum disusun oleh penulis dan divalidasioleh dosen. Penuntun praktikum kemudian diuji cobakan ke SMA Muhammadiyah 8 Kisaran sebagailokasi penelitian. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari sampai Maret 2019. Penelitianmenggunakan sampel sebanyak dua kelas yaitu kelas eksperimen I yang diajar menggunakan penuntunpraktikum sesuai discovery learning dan kelas eksperimen II yang diajar menggunakan penuntunpraktikum sesuai project based learning. Angket yang diberikan kepada dosen dan guru menunjukkanhasil nilai rata-rata penuntun project based learning lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan discoverylearning. Sedangkan peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik yang diajar dengan menggunakan penuntundiscovery learning lebih tinggi dibandingkan project based learning yaitu masing-masing sebesar79,48% dan 60,33%. Hal ini terjadi disebabkan peserta didik belum terbiasa menyusun sendirirancangan praktikum sebagaimana yang harus dilakukan pada kelas yang menerapkan project basedlearnin

    Efforts To Improve Students’ Multiple Intelligence In Dealing With Era 4.0 On The Subject of Basic Chemistry

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    The study on efforts to improve students' multiple Intelligence in dealing with 4.0 era in basic chemistry courses was conducted with the aim of knowing whether the questions can be developing Multiple Intelligence and whether there was an increase in Multiple Intelligence on the student's of Faculty of Teachers Training and Education at Malikussaleh University. This study was carried out using Research and Development method or known as R&D which consists of four stages, namely the development of test questions, standardization and revision of test questions, as well as evaluation on the developed test result. The location of the study was at Faculty of Teachers Training and Education at the Malikussaleh University, located at Main Campus of Reuleut starting on the July to September 2019 with a population of all the students of Faculty of Teachers Training and Education at the Malikussaleh University. The samples in this study were students of the Department of Chemistry Education in semester 2, 4, and 6 with 20 students for each term and were taken by means of purposive sampling. Based on the results of the R&D stages, qualitative and quantitative data were obtained, then the data were analyzed using the comparison and percentage formulas. The results obtained was that there was an increase in the percentage of the value of N-gain by 82%. These results indicated a high increase from before to afterwards the treatment was implemented in this study


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan kreativitas peserta didik setelah diimplementasikan model PBL pada materi laju reaksi. Proses pengumpulan data dilaksanakan pada semester ganjil dari tanggal 12 sampai 26 Oktober 2016 di SMAN 4 Banda Aceh. Metode yang digunakan berbentuk pre-experimental dengan one-group pretest-posttest design pada peserta didik kelas XI IA-5 yang berjumlah 26 orang secara purposive sampling. Instrumen berupa lembar penilaian kreativitas peserta didik yang dianalisis menggunakan rumus perbandingan diterapkan dalam tindakan ini. Berdasarkan hasil data, diperolehlah tingkat kreativitas peserta didik sebesar 92 (kategori sangat baik). Dengan demikian, bagi peneliti lanjutan dapat disarankan mampu melakukan pengembangan bentuk kreativitas lainnya pada peserta didi

    Studi Komparasi Model Pembelajaran Problem Solving dan Problem Posing terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Kimia SMA

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    Pemahaman konsep kimia yang berlevel baik tercermin dari tingkat pemahaman siswa terhadap konsep- konsep kimia yang dikaji. Basic thinking merupakan kemampuan memahami konsep yang termasuk dalam salah satu tingkatan keterampilan berpikir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan model pembelajaran problem solving dan problem posing pada materi penentuan ΔH reaksi, melalui penelitian asosiatif kausalitas dengan teknik kuantitatif, yang diterapkan pada 2 kelas IPA di SMA Negeri 1 Gandapura. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dengan melakukan tes soal (tes kognitif). Analisis data dilakukan dengan statistik uji N-Gain. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa, hasil uji hipotesis dengan nilai sig kedua kelas tersebut adalah 0,000. Hal tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya perbedaan pengaruh model pembelajaran problem solving dan problem posing terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi penentuan ΔH reaksi di SMA Negeri 1 Gandapura. Sedangkan nilai perbedaan kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi penentuan ΔH reaksi diperoleh dari hasil analisis data rata-rata nilai N-Gain pada kelas eksperimen I adalah 0,703 (kategori tinggi) dan kelas eksperimen II adalah 0,605 (kategori sedang). Dengan demikian dari dua hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan pemahaman konsep kelas eksperimen I lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas eksperimen II

    Creative Thinking-Oriented Students' Scientific Literacy Skills: Preliminary Study

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    This research is a descriptive quantitative that aims to determine the understanding of science teachers and students' knowledge in solving creative thinking-oriented scientific literacy questions. The instruments used in this research were a teacher interview questionnaire and creative thinking-oriented scientific literacy essay questions. Teacher interview data were analyzed using a descriptive percentage, and student test results were analyzed using descriptive statistics by calculating the average percentage score for creative thinking-oriented scientific literacy skills based on scientific literacy indicators and creative thinking indicators. The results of the analysis show that 83.33% of teachers still rarely and almost never use scientific literacy and creative thinking assessments in science learning. Meanwhile, in the results of the analysis of the students' test data, the average percentage for the scientific literacy indicator was 22.86% and the creative thinking indicator was 23.23% with the predicate of very poor and in the low category. Thus, it can be concluded that the understanding of junior high school science teachers in Langsa City in developing creative thinking-oriented scientific literacy assessments is still low. This has an impact on the students' abilities, which show that the creative thinking-oriented scientific literacy skills are classified as very poor in the low categor

    Implementasi Pembuatan Bahan Ajar Pocket Book sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Pemahaman Konsep dan Kreativitas Mahasiswa

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    This study aims to explain how creativity and conceptual understanding and their effects on chemistry education students through the assignment of a pocket book project. The method used was an experiment with a one shot case study design. This implementation was carried out for 20 even semester students of the 2018 Malikussaleh University Chemistry Education study program. The instruments used in this study were the student's creativity assessment sheet (conducted by the observer) and the conceptual understanding test questions (the form of an individual essay at the end of the lesson). The data obtained were then analyzed using a percentage formula and interpreted into a value interval. Based on the results obtained, the average student creativity was 81,33 categorized as good and understanding of the concept was 86. Creativity had an effect on students' conceptual understanding, because through the pocket books provided students could explore all their potential to complete the task. So that it can improve understanding of the concept of each student. For advanced researchers who want to do the same, to further expand the aspects assessed for the assessment of student creativity