213 research outputs found

    Forced labor and humanitarian ideology in Kenya, 1911--1925

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    This dissertation research examines forced labor in colonial Kenya from 1911 to 1925 and the critique of this institution from various humanitarian organizations in Britain and subsequent changes in colonial policy regarding forced labor. The theoretical ideas of contradiction and power provide the backdrop for this study and help to illuminate the relationships between forced labor, ideology and control.;The British administrators in Kenya used forced labor as a means of accumulation for the European settlers but also for the state itself. However, forced labor for European settlers impinged upon the ideals of trusteeship. Moreover, the justifications for some forms of forced labor rested upon an amorphous idea of African communal duties that was often false. This dissertation examines the contradictions of this policy.;Humanitarians criticized certain aspects of forced labor in Kenya. Certain elements of the coercive labor regime, like forced labor for private purposes and forced labor for state purposes, were described by the humanitarian lobby in Great Britain as new forms of slavery. The colonial administration in Kenya responded by extirpating forced labor for private purposes eventually curtailing forced labor for state purposes. Significantly, though, humanitarian criticism did not address communal forced labor for state purposes because it was deemed a continuation of traditional duties.;Consequently, the humanitarian critique of forced labor, as opposed to mitigating colonial power, instead helped to solidify colonial control in Kenya by reemphasizing the trust principle. Humanitarian criticism of forced labor in Kenya created a moral atmosphere that allowed the administration to denounce some objectionable forced labor practices, like forced labor for private purposes, while reinforcing communal labor. This strengthened the ethical power of the colonial state as a munificent apparatus working for the benefit of African progress

    Design of a Solar Sail Mission to Mars

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    An evaluation of the design of the solar sail includes key areas such as structures, sail deployment, space environmental effects, materials, power systems, telemetry, communications, attitude control, thermal control, and trajectory analysis. Deployment and material constraints determine the basic structure of the sail, while the trajectory of the sail influences the choice of telemetry, communications, and attitude control systems. The thermal control system of the sail for the structures and electronics takes into account the effects of the space environment. Included also are a cost and weight estimate for the sail

    Penerapan pendekatan saintifik berbantuan simulasi PhET pada konsep asam basa

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    Okia Nuraida : Penerapan Pendekatan Saintifik Berbantuan Simulasi PhET pada Konsep Asam Basa. (Penelitian terhadap Siswa Kelas XI MIPA 6 SMA Negeri 1 Cileunyi) Alternatif untuk pembelajaran level subsmikroskopik larutan asam basa dibantu simulasi PhET dengan menggunakan pendekatan saintifik dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan aktivitas siswa, menganalisis kemampuan kognitif siswa tiap tahapan pendekatan saintifik, dan menganalisis peningkatan hasil belajar siswa sesudah diterapkannya pendekatan saintifik berbantuan simulasi PhET. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pra eksperimen one group pretest posttest. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 30 orang siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterlaksanaan penerapan pendekatan saintifik 96% dan dinyatakan baik sekali. Kemampuan kognitif siswa setiap tahapan pendekatan saintifik mendapatkan rata-rata nilai pada tahap menanya 81; mengumpulkan data 80; dan mengasosiasi 97 dengan predikat sangat baik. Terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan pada hasil belajar kognitif siswa setelah penerapan pendekatan saintifik berbantuan simulasi PhET dengan thitung > ttabel (26,92 > 2,052) dengan nilai signifikansi 0,00. Hasil rekapitulasi n-gain pretest posttest untuk rata-rata setiap kelompok 0,8 dengan kriteria tinggi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya perkembangan kemampuan kognitif siswa pada saat dan setelah diterapkannya penerapan pendekatan saintifik berbantuan simulasi PhET pada konsep asam basa

    Agroforestry: Challenges and Opportunities in Rhino Camp and Imvepi Refugee Settlements of Arua District, Northern Uganda

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    In the past, the environment has been a low priority in humanitarian operations for refugee agencies and implementing partners because of the emergency context. However, actions to safeguard the environment can be undertaken concurrently with emergency interventions and organisations should take responsibility for conserving the environment in refugee settlements in the same way that they are responsible for the welfare of refugees. Tree-based interventions, such as agroforestry, have been demonstrated as a viable option for resilience and sustainability in landscapes with increasing human pressure. Refugee settlements are subject to intense human pressure and suffer environmental degradation as a consequence. The potential benefits of agroforestry in refugee settlements though are not well researched. This study explores the implementation of agroforestry schemes in refugee settlements in the Arua district of Uganda. Using semi-structured interviews with the beneficiaries of the International Centre for Research on Agroforestry (ICRAF) agroforestry projects in Imvepi and Rhino camps, the study identifies key benefits for participants and the environment. These include improved livelihoods and nutrition. However, there are challenges to overcome before agroforestry can be made more widely available in refugee camps. Key barriers include insufficient land, limited water availability and lack of local knowledge, which limits productivity. This research shows how relief, rehabilitation and development can work hand in hand to reduce social and environmental pressure in the targeted refugee settlements and host communities and improve the well-being of beneficiary households by creating opportunities for income generation, improving nutrition and contributing to social cohesion

    Définition structurale des linéaments par traitement d’image satellitaire : cas du massif de Ngovayang (Sud Cameroun)

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    Le massif de Ngovayang représente un domaine clé dans la compréhension géodynamique de la bordure nord du Craton du Congo au sud du Cameroun. Les travaux de télédétection, couplés aux données antérieures de terrain ont permis l’extraction et l’interprétation des linéaments obtenus par images satellitaires aux confins de Lolodorf et Bipindi. La carte des linéaments ainsi obtenue montre sur le plan structural, 821 linéaments disposés suivant trois principales directions ; la direction NW-SE avec 68,4% de fréquence est liée à la foliation générale S1/S2 lors de la deuxième phase de déformation et à un système de plis dissymétriques qualifiés de plis d’accompagnement de la foliation (drap fold) ; La direction NW-SE avec 14,5% d’information représente l’ensemble des structures cassantes (fracture, diaclase, filon, paraclase) attribuée à la phase de déformation terminale D3 ; la direction N-S avec 13,6% de fréquence, correspond à un système de grands décrochements transversaux senestres (faille et cisaillement), transition fragiloductile entre les deux dernières phases de déformation (D2 et D3).Mots-clés : craton du Congo, linéament, massif de Ngovayang

    An objective tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature gradient index for studies of south Amazon dry-season climate variability and change

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    Future changes in meridional sea surface temperature (SST) gradients in the tropical Atlantic could influence Amazon dry-season precipitation by shifting the patterns of moisture convergence and vertical motion. Unlike for the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, there are no standard indices for quantifying this gradient. Here we describe a method for identifying the SST gradient that is most closely associated with June–August precipitation over the south Amazon. We use an ensemble of atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) integrations forced by observed SST from 1949 to 2005. A large number of tropical Atlantic SST gradient indices are generated randomly and temporal correlations are examined between these indices and June–August precipitation averaged over the Amazon Basin south of the equator. The indices correlating most strongly with June–August southern Amazon precipitation form a cluster of near-meridional orientation centred near the equator. The location of the southern component of the gradient is particularly well defined in a region off the Brazilian tropical coast, consistent with known physical mechanisms. The chosen index appears to capture much of the Atlantic SST influence on simulated southern Amazon dry-season precipitation, and is significantly correlated with observed southern Amazon precipitation

    Kernel morphometric characteristics and oil content among Shea tree genotypes in Uganda

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    Shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa subsp. nilotica) is an important commercial tree for domestic oil and industrial products of cosmetics, chocolate and other confectionaries traded grown worldwide. We studied seed morphometric characteristics and crude oil content of Shea nuts in Uganda. Five populations, comprising of 16 ethnovarieties, were selected from Eastern, Northern and West Nile Sub-regions of Uganda, based on their attributes as judged by the farmers. Fresh kernel weight ranged from 2 to 18.85 mg per seed. Kernel weight increased with Shea fruit weight (y = 0.1499x + 6.1887, R² = 0.306). Moyo district had the highest oil content (54.37 ± 0.32%); while Amuru district had the lowest oil content (50.5 ± 1.32%). Oil content decreased with increasing kernel size (y = -0.4541x + 57.303, R² = 0.2116) and dry matter content (y = 0.635x - 9.863, R²= 0.011); and varied between ethnovarieties and Shea tree populations, p = 0.003 and P< 0.001, respectively. Tinny seeded (45.7 - 65.49%), Round fruited (45.41 - 65.91%), Dwarf tree (45.19 - 64.19%), Elliptical fruited (45.32 - 64.19%) and Soft pulped (42.16 - 69.77%) ethnovarieties had the highest oil content. Narrow sense heritability (h2) for oil yield was 1.72; while response to selection (R) was 16.48 with genetic gain (Gs) of 2.21%, given 10% top selection intensity

    Unmasking histoplasmosis immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in a patient recently started on antiretroviral therapy

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    Histoplasmosis is the most common endemic mycoses among HIV-infected people. Patients with suppressed cell immunity mainly due to HIV are at increased risk of disseminated disease. Dermatological manifestations of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) and cutaneous manifestations of histoplasmosis similar to an IRIS event have been previously described. We report the case of a 43-year-old male who presented with cutaneous disseminated histoplasmosis due to Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum 4 months after the onset of the antiretroviral therapy and some improvement in the immune reconstitution. After 2 weeks of amphotericin B and itraconazole therapy, the scheduled treatment involved fluconazole maintenance therapy, which resulted in an improvement of his skin lesion