11 research outputs found

    Behandling av rökolÀgenheter vid smÄskalig vedeldning : Anvisning till myndigheter

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    Behandling av rökolÀgenheter vid smÄskalig vedeldning : Anvisning till myndigheterDenna anvisning riktar sig speciellt till hÀlso- och miljöskyddsmyndigheterna i kommunerna. Syftet med anvisningen Àr att klarlÀgga behovet av samarbete mellan myndigheter, arbetsfördelningen och förfaranden i situationer med rökolÀgenheter. I anvisningen presenteras betydelsen av rökolÀgenheter orsakade av smÄskalig eldning och klarlÀggs begreppet rökolÀgenhet. I anvisningen presenteras dessutom de vanligaste apparattyperna och sÀrdrag vid anvÀndning av dem. Det finns inga tillförlitliga mÀtmetoder för att mÀta rökolÀgenheter, och upplevelsen av olÀgenheter Àr individuell. DÀrför Àr det svÄrt att faststÀlla graden av olÀgenhet. I anvisningen presenteras olika aspekter med hjÀlp av vilka rökolÀgenheten emellertid kan bedömas utgÄende frÄn upprepad förekomst, varaktighet och hur kraftig den Àr. Bedömningen skapar en grund för proportionella myndighetsÄtgÀrder. Fall som gÀller rökolÀgenheter inleds ofta pÄ initiativ av dem som orsakats olÀgenhet. Myndigheten ska sÀtta sig in i situationen och Àven kontakta den part som eventuellt orsakar rök, ge anvisningar och försöka hitta en gemensamt godtagbar lösning i situationen. Om man inte lyckas, ska myndigheten fatta ett överklagbart beslut i Àrendet. Det finns fÄ fall som gÀller rökolÀgenhet som gÄtt Ànda till högsta förvaltningsdomstolen. I denna anvisning har man ocksÄ granskat förvaltningsdomstolarnas beslut om rökolÀgenheter och i dem försökt hitta riktlinjer för att behandla fall som gÀller rökolÀgenheter hos myndigheten. I anvisningen presenteras ocksÄ möjligheten att utnyttja medling vid behandling av fall av rökolÀgenhet

    Puun pienpolton savuhaittatapausten kÀsittely : Ohje viranomaisille

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    Puun pienpolton savuhaittatapausten kÀsittely : Ohje viranomaisilleTÀmÀ ohje on suunnattu erityisesti kuntien terveyden- ja ympÀristönsuojeluviranomaisille. Ohjeen tarkoitus on selkiyttÀÀ viranomaisten yhteistyön tarvetta, työnjakoa ja menettelyitÀ savuhaittatilanteissa. Ohjeessa tuodaan esiin pienpoltosta aiheutuvien savuhaittojen merkitystÀ ja selvennetÀÀn savuhaitan kÀsitettÀ. LisÀksi ohjeessa esitellÀÀn yleisimmÀt polttolaitetyypit ja niiden kÀytön erityispiirteet. Savuhaittojen mittaamiseen ei ole luotettavia mittausmenetelmiÀ, ja haittakokemukset ovat yksiöllisiÀ. TÀmÀn vuoksi haitan asteen mÀÀrittely on vaikeaa. Ohjeessa tuodaan esiin nÀkökohtia, joiden avulla savuhaittaa voidaan kuitenkin arvioida sen toistuvuuden, keston ja voimakkuuden perusteella. Arviointi luo pohjan viranomaisten toimien oikeasuhtaisuudelle. Savuhaittatapaukset tulevat usein vireille haittaa kÀrsivien aloitteesta. Viranomaisen tulee tutustua tilanteeseen ja olla yhteydessÀ myös savua mahdollisesti aiheuttavaan tahoon, ohjeistaa ja pyrkiÀ löytÀmÀÀn tilanteessa yhteisesti hyvÀksyttÀvÀ ratkaisu. Jos tÀssÀ ei onnistuta, viranomaisen on tehtÀvÀ asiasta valituskelpoinen pÀÀtös. Korkeimpaan hallinto-oikeuteen asti edenneitÀ savuhaittatapauksia on niukasti. TÀssÀ ohjeessa onkin tarkasteltu hallinto-oikeuksien savuhaittapÀÀtöksiÀ ja pyritty löytÀmÀÀn niistÀ suuntaviivoja savuhaittatapausten kÀsittelylle viranomaisessa. Ohjeessa tuodaan esiin myös sovittelumahdollisuuksien hyödyntÀminen savuhaittatapausten kÀsittelyssÀ

    First update of the national air pollution control programme 2030

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    Compared to many European cities, the levels of air pollutants are low in Finland. In recent decades, both emissions and levels of pollutants have for the most part decreased. As a whole, the situation with respect to air pollution control is good, but atmospheric pollution still causes health and environmental harm in Finland as well. In accordance with the EU Directive on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants (National Emission Ceilings Directive 2016/2284), Finland drew up the National Air Pollution Control Programme 2030 in 2019. The programme sets out the measures by which the emission reduction commitments for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, fine particulate matter and ammonia laid down in the directive are implemented. The National Emission Ceilings Directive obliges Member States to update their national air pollution control programmes at least every four years. This is the first update of Finland’s National Air Pollution Control Programme 2030. The emission inventories, emission scenarios, air quality data, and information on the national policy framework, division of responsibilities and ecosystem monitoring have been updated. The National Air Pollution Control Programme adopted in 2019 remains in force and this update will be read side by side with it. The implementation of the programme is progressing as planned and in a well-organised manner. The impacts are monitored through emission inventories, air quality monitoring and ecosystem monitoring. The emission inventory data shows that in 2020 Finland achieved all emission reduction commitments with respect to air pollutants listed in the National Emission Ceilings Directive. Based on the scenario calculations, Finland should meet the new stricter emission reduction commitments in 2030 as well. This is why the update report does not propose any new measures to reduce emissions. The implementation of the additional measures included in the National Air Pollution Control Programme adopted in 2019 will continue. The implementation of the separate programme to reduce ammonia emissions from agriculture will continue as well

    First update of the national air pollution control programme 2030

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    Compared to many European cities, the levels of air pollutants are low in Finland. In recent decades, both emissions and levels of pollutants have for the most part decreased. As a whole, the situation with respect to air pollution control is good, but atmospheric pollution still causes health and environmental harm in Finland as well. In accordance with the EU Directive on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants (National Emission Ceilings Directive 2016/2284), Finland drew up the National Air Pollution Control Programme 2030 in 2019. The programme sets out the measures by which the emission reduction commitments for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, fine particulate matter and ammonia laid down in the directive are implemented. The National Emission Ceilings Directive obliges Member States to update their national air pollution control programmes at least every four years. This is the first update of Finland’s National Air Pollution Control Programme 2030. The emission inventories, emission scenarios, air quality data, and information on the national policy framework, division of responsibilities and ecosystem monitoring have been updated. The National Air Pollution Control Programme adopted in 2019 remains in force and this update will be read side by side with it. The implementation of the programme is progressing as planned and in a well-organised manner. The impacts are monitored through emission inventories, air quality monitoring and ecosystem monitoring. The emission inventory data shows that in 2020 Finland achieved all emission reduction commitments with respect to air pollutants listed in the National Emission Ceilings Directive. Based on the scenario calculations, Finland should meet the new stricter emission reduction commitments in 2030 as well. This is why the update report does not propose any new measures to reduce emissions. The implementation of the additional measures included in the National Air Pollution Control Programme adopted in 2019 will continue. The implementation of the separate programme to reduce ammonia emissions from agriculture will continue as well

    Microglial amyloid beta clearance is driven by PIEZO1 channels

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    Background Microglia are the endogenous immune cells of the brain and act as sensors of pathology to maintain brain homeostasis and eliminate potential threats. In Alzheimer's disease (AD), toxic amyloid beta (A beta) accumulates in the brain and forms stiff plaques. In late-onset AD accounting for 95% of all cases, this is thought to be due to reduced clearance of A beta. Human genome-wide association studies and animal models suggest that reduced clearance results from aberrant function of microglia. While the impact of neurochemical pathways on microglia had been broadly studied, mechanical receptors regulating microglial functions remain largely unexplored. Methods Here we showed that a mechanotransduction ion channel, PIEZO1, is expressed and functional in human and mouse microglia. We used a small molecule agonist, Yoda1, to study how activation of PIEZO1 affects AD-related functions in human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived microglia-like cells (iMGL) under controlled laboratory experiments. Cell survival, metabolism, phagocytosis and lysosomal activity were assessed using real-time functional assays. To evaluate the effect of activation of PIEZO1 in vivo, 5-month-old 5xFAD male mice were infused daily with Yoda1 for two weeks through intracranial cannulas. Microglial Iba1 expression and A beta pathology were quantified with immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy. Published human and mouse AD datasets were used for in-depth analysis of PIEZO1 gene expression and related pathways in microglial subpopulations. Results We show that PIEZO1 orchestrates A beta clearance by enhancing microglial survival, phagocytosis, and lysosomal activity. A beta inhibited PIEZO1-mediated calcium transients, whereas activation of PIEZO1 with a selective agonist, Yoda1, improved microglial phagocytosis resulting in A beta clearance both in human and mouse models of AD. Moreover, PIEZO1 expression was associated with a unique microglial transcriptional phenotype in AD as indicated by assessment of cellular metabolism, and human and mouse single-cell datasets. Conclusion These results indicate that the compromised function of microglia in AD could be improved by controlled activation of PIEZO1 channels resulting in alleviated A beta burden. Pharmacological regulation of these mechanoreceptors in microglia could represent a novel therapeutic paradigm for AD.Peer reviewe

    PSEN1ΔE9, APPswe, and APOE4 Confer Disparate Phenotypes in Human iPSC-Derived Microglia

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    Summary Here we elucidate the effect of Alzheimer disease (AD)-predisposing genetic backgrounds, APOE4, PSEN1ΔE9, and APPswe, on functionality of human microglia-like cells (iMGLs). We present a physiologically relevant high-yield protocol for producing iMGLs from induced pluripotent stem cells. Differentiation is directed with small molecules through primitive erythromyeloid progenitors to re-create microglial ontogeny from yolk sac. The iMGLs express microglial signature genes and respond to ADP with intracellular Ca2+ release distinguishing them from macrophages. Using 16 iPSC lines from healthy donors, AD patients and isogenic controls, we reveal that the APOE4 genotype has a profound impact on several aspects of microglial functionality, whereas PSEN1ΔE9 and APPswe mutations trigger minor alterations. The APOE4 genotype impairs phagocytosis, migration, and metabolic activity of iMGLs but exacerbates their cytokine secretion. This indicates that APOE4 iMGLs are fundamentally unable to mount normal microglial functionality in AD.Peer reviewe

    Kansallisen ilmansuojeluohjelman 2030 ensimmÀinen pÀivitys

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    Ilman epÀpuhtauksien pitoisuudet Suomessa ovat matalia moniin eurooppalaisiin kaupunkeihin verrattuna. Viime vuosikymmenten aikana niin pÀÀstöt kuin pitoisuudetkin ovat pÀÀosin laskeneet. Ilmansuojelutilanne on siis kokonaisuutena hyvÀ, mutta ilmansaasteista aiheutuu edelleen terveys- ja ympÀristöhaittoja Suomessakin. EU:n pÀÀstökattodirektiivin (2016/2284) mukaisesti Suomi laati vuonna 2019 Kansallisen ilmansuojeluohjelman 2030. Ilmansuojeluohjelma sisÀlsi ne toimet, joilla direktiivissÀ sÀÀdetyt rikkidioksidin, typenoksidien, haihtuvien orgaanisten yhdisteiden, pienhiukkasten ja ammoniakin pÀÀstövÀhennysvelvoitteet toteutetaan. PÀÀstökattodirektiivi velvoittaa jÀsenmaat pÀivittÀmÀÀn ilmansuojeluohjelman vÀhintÀÀn neljÀn vuoden vÀlein. TÀmÀ selvitys on Kansallisen ilmansuojeluohjelman 2030 ensimmÀinen pÀivitys. PÀÀstöinventaariot, pÀÀstöskenaariot, ilmanlaatutiedot sekÀ tiedot kansallisesta politiikkakehityksestÀ, vastuunjaosta ja ekosysteemiseurannasta on pÀivitetty. Vuoden 2019 ilmansuojeluohjelma jÀÀ edelleen voimaan, ja tÀtÀ pÀivitystÀ luetaan sen kanssa rinnakkain. Ilmansuojeluohjelman toteutus on kÀynnissÀ suunnitellusti ja organisoidusti. Vaikutuksia seurataan pÀÀstöinventaarioiden, ilmanlaadun seurannan ja ekosysteemiseurantojen avulla. PÀÀstöinventaariotiedot osoittavat, ettÀ Suomi saavutti kaikkien pÀÀstökattodirektiivin mukaisten ilmansaasteiden pÀÀstövÀhennysvelvoitteet vuonna 2020. Skenaario­laskelmat osoittavat, ettÀ Suomen ennustetaan saavuttavan uudet, tiukemmat pÀÀstövÀhennysvelvoitteet myös vuonna 2030. NÀin ollen tÀssÀ ilmansuojeluohjelman pÀivityksessÀ ei esitetÀ toimenpiteitÀ pÀÀstöjen vÀhentÀmiseksi. Vuoden 2019 ilmansuojeluohjelmassa esiteltyjen lisÀtoimenpiteiden toimeenpanoa jatketaan. Erillisen maatalouden ammoniakkipÀÀstöjen vÀhentÀmisohjelman toimeenpanoa jatketaan

    Första uppdatering av det nationella luftvÄrdsprogrammet 2030

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    Koncentrationerna av luftföroreningar Àr lÄga i Finland jÀmfört med mÄnga europeiska stÀder. Under de senaste Ärtiondena har sÄvÀl utslÀppen som koncentrationerna för det mesta minskat. Trots att lÀget inom luftvÄrden generellt sett Àr gott orsakar luftföroreningar fortfarande bÄde hÀlso- och miljöolÀgenheter Àven i Finland. I enlighet med EU-direktivet om nationella utslÀppstak ((EU) 2016/2284, takdirektivet) utarbetade Finland Är 2019 ett nationellt luftvÄrdsprogram 2030. LuftvÄrdsprogrammet innefattade de ÄtgÀrder som krÀvs för att de Ätaganden om minskning av utslÀppen av svaveldioxid, kvÀveoxider, flyktiga organiska föreningar, fina partiklar och ammoniak som faststÀllts i direktivet ska fullgöras. Enligt takdirektivet ska medlemsstaterna uppdatera sina nationella luftvÄrdsprogram minst vart fjÀrde Är. Denna redovisning utgör den första uppdateringen av det nationella luftvÄrdsprogrammet 2030. Uppdateringen omfattar utslÀppsinventeringarna, utslÀppsscenarierna, luftkvalitetsuppgifterna samt informationen om den nationella politiska ramen, ansvarsfördelningen och ekosystemövervakningen. LuftvÄrdsprogrammet 2019 fortsÀtter att gÀlla, och uppdateringen ska lÀsas jÀmsides med programmet. Genomförandet av luftvÄrdsprogrammet fortskrider pÄ ett organiserat sÀtt och enligt plan. Programmets effekt övervakas med hjÀlp av utslÀppsinventeringar, luftkvalitetuppföljning och övervakning av ekosystem. Uppgifterna frÄn utslÀppsinventeringen visar att Finland Är 2020 uppfyllde Ätagandena för minskning av utslÀppen av de luftföroreningar som omfattas av takdirektivet. Enligt scenarier kommer Finland ocksÄ att uppfylla de nya och mer krÀvande minskningsÄtagandena 2030. I denna uppdatering av luftvÄrdsprogrammet presenteras dÀrför inga strategier och ÄtgÀrder för utslÀppsminskning. Genomförandet av de ytterligare ÄtgÀrder som presenterades i luftvÄrdsprogrammet 2019 fortsÀtter. Genomförandet av det separata programmet för minskning av ammoniakutslÀppen frÄn jordbruket fortsÀtter

    Paikallisen eturauhassyövÀn radikaalitavoitteisen hoidon vaikutus potilaiden elÀmÀnlaatuun

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    Abstract JOHDANTO. EturauhassyövĂ€n hoidot voivat vaikuttaa elĂ€mĂ€nlaatuun. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ eturauhassyöpĂ€potilaiden elĂ€mĂ€nlaatua hoidon eri vaiheissa. POTILAAT JA MENETELMÄT. Potilaat tĂ€yttivĂ€t syöpĂ€potilaan QLQ-C30-elĂ€mĂ€nlaatukyselyn sekĂ€ eturauhassyöpĂ€potilaiden elĂ€mĂ€nlaadun arviointiin kehitetyt QLQ-PR25- ja EPIC-26-kyselyt ennen radikaalihoitoa, noin kuukausi hoidon jĂ€lkeen sekĂ€ 6, 12, 24 ja 36 kuukautta hoidon jĂ€lkeen. Hoitojen vĂ€lisiĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€nlaatueroja ajan suhteen arvioitiin lineaarisen sekamallin avulla. TULOKSET. Hoitoa edeltĂ€vÀÀn kyselyyn vastasi 101 leikattua, 125 ulkoisella sĂ€dehoidolla hoidettua ja 21 kudoksensisĂ€isellĂ€ sĂ€dehoidolla hoidettua miestĂ€. Ulkoisella sĂ€dehoidolla hoidettujen yleinen elĂ€mĂ€nlaatu oli heikompi jo ennen hoitoa. Leikkaushoito aiheutti virtsankarkailua ja erektiokyvyn menetystĂ€, jotka eivĂ€t aina korjaantuneet. SĂ€dehoidetuilla oli enemmĂ€n suolioireita. PÄÄTELMÄT. EturauhassyövĂ€n radikaalihoito aiheuttaa merkittĂ€viĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€nlaatuun vaikuttavia, usein pitkĂ€kestoisia haittavaikutuksia. Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntÀÀ potilasinformaatiossa suunniteltaessa eturauhassyövĂ€n radikaalihoitoja

    Particulate matter from car exhaust alters function of human iPSC-derived microglia

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    Abstract Background Air pollution is recognized as an emerging environmental risk factor for neurological diseases. Large-scale epidemiological studies associate traffic-related particulate matter (PM) with impaired cognitive functions and increased incidence of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Inhaled components of PM may directly invade the brain via the olfactory route, or act through peripheral system responses resulting in inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain. Microglia are the immune cells of the brain implicated in the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. However, it remains unknown how PM affects live human microglia. Results Here we show that two different PMs derived from exhausts of cars running on EN590 diesel or compressed natural gas (CNG) alter the function of human microglia-like cells in vitro. We exposed human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived microglia-like cells (iMGLs) to traffic related PMs and explored their functional responses. Lower concentrations of PMs ranging between 10 and 100 ”g ml−1 increased microglial survival whereas higher concentrations became toxic over time. Both tested pollutants impaired microglial phagocytosis and increased secretion of a few proinflammatory cytokines with distinct patterns, compared to lipopolysaccharide induced responses. iMGLs showed pollutant dependent responses to production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) with CNG inducing and EN590 reducing ROS production. Conclusions Our study indicates that traffic-related air pollutants alter the function of human microglia and warrant further studies to determine whether these changes contribute to adverse effects in the brain and on cognition over time. This study demonstrates human iPSC-microglia as a valuable tool to study functional microglial responses to environmental agents