17 research outputs found

    Konsep Relationships Tourism dalam Pariwisata Maluku Berbasis Kearifan Lokal

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    Tourism is currently the leading sector of the Indonesian government which is packaged in the context of local wisdom. One of the concepts that can raise local wisdom is the concept of relationships tourism. This study aims to identify and analyze the concept of relationships tourism in promoting Maluku tourism based on local wisdom. The method used is a qualitative descriptive approach, in which the researcher conducts involved observations, in-depth interviews, FGDs, and documentation of the object under study. The theory used is the Social Construction of Reality. The results showed that one of the Maluku tourism strategies was to develop the concept of relationships tourism in introducing local wisdom. One of the activities is that tourists are invited directly to live with local communities and carry out activities such as making processed grilled sago with traditional cooking utensils or playing traditional musical instruments on the beach. This is done to encourage Maluku tourism based on local wisdom

    Innovative Public Relations Strategy “Mal m” in Building a Positive Image During New Normal

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    With the implementation of the new normal, many malls are reopening according to health protocol standards. New normal is a change in behavior to continue to do activities as usual by implementing health protocols in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Enforcement of new habits is not easy, because there are still many people who are afraid to come to visit the mall. At times like this, Public Relations has a role, to respond to this in restoring public confidence to visit again, by implementing standard health protocols. This study uses a qualitative approach. The method used in this research is a case study which aims to find out, investigate and understand an event or problem that has occurred by collecting various kinds of information which is then processed to obtain a solution so that the problems revealed can be resolved. The results showed that the innovative strategy carried out by Public Relations "Mal M" in building a positive image during the Covid-19 Pandemic was successfully implemented and received a positive response from the community. Innovative strategy carried out by PR "Mal M" by holding several events/activities, CSR, News (positive news involving the media), Publications, and Lobbying and Negotiation Techniques, with the aim of being able to build trust and a positive image of the company in the New Normal period this


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    Pandemi Covid 19 yang melanda dunia menjadi perhatian semua kepala negara termasuk pemerintah Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia dengan sigap melakukan tindakan preventif untuk menghindarkan semua warganya agar tidak terjangkit wabah Covid 19. Pemerintah Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta (DKI) sebagai pusat kegiatan pemerintahan dan bisnis melakukan langkah-langkah pencegahan agar Jakarta tidak menjadi episentrum penyebaran Covid 19. Jakarta dengan jumlah penduduk 10,57 juta jiwa menurut data Badan Pusat Stastik (BPS) di bawah pimpinan Gubernur Anies Rashid Baswedan melakukan langkah preventif dengan menerapkan kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB). PSBB ini diterapkan agar zona merah Covid 19 tidak meluas ke seluruh wilayah DKI dan juga tidak menyebar ke tempat lainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa makna zona merah Covid 19 di pemberitaan kompas.com. Kata zona merah Covid 19 yang disampaikan Gubernur DKI yang dimuat di kompas.com ini dikaji dengan menggunakan studi pemaknaan semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce. Menurut Peirce tanda-tanda berkaitan dengan objek-objek yang menyerupainya, keberadaannya memiliki hubungan sebab akibat dengan tanda-tanda atau karena ikatan konvensional dengan tanda-tanda tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat kurang jelasnya dalam pemaknaan tentang zona merah Covid 19 oleh pemerintah DKI yang dimuat di kompas.com. Penelitian ini juga memberikan saran pada pemerintah dalam berkomunikasi di media online dalam memberikan makna zona merah Covid 19


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    This research analyzes the impact of Perceived Ease of Use, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, and User Experience in GPT Chat and how it affects Interaction Efficiency and Emotional Impact of communication interactions with machines. The theoretical frameworks are the Unified Theory of Technology Acceptance and Use (UTAUT) and Human Machine Interaction (HCI). Data was collected through a questionnaire with a Likert scale and tested on 100 respondents using the Purposive Sampling method among Chat GPT users. The research results reveal that five variables, namely Perceived Ease of Use, Facilitating Conditions, and User Experience, positively and significantly influence Interaction Efficiency and Emotional Impact. Still, the Social Influence variable does not substantially affect User Experience Perceived Ease of Use, and The UTAUT model contributes 17.7% to User Experience. In contrast, User Experience contributes 5.6% to Interaction Efficiency, and Interaction Efficiency contributes 517.9% to Emotional Impact

    Optimizing Depok City Government Website in Realizing an Electronic-Based Government System

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    The Electronic Based Government System (SPBE) is implemented in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 95 of 2018 concerning SPBE. Ministry. Institutions and agencies must create clean, effective, transparent and accountable governance. One of the studies in SPBE is transparency of information through the City Government website. City Government is serious about building city government web to provide complete information needed by all people. Web optimization is needed to support the performance and achievements of the City Government in general. This study aims to determine how much influence the variables of usability, information quality, quality of service interactions have on user satisfaction of city government websites partially and simultaneously. The subjects in this study were 100 people who were the visitors of the website depok.go, id. In this study, the quality of the depok.go.id website was measured using the WebQual 4.0 method. The sampling technique was using purposive sampling technique. The data analysis used in this research is multiple analysis. The results showed that the variables of use and quality of information were partially influential with the effect of 67.5% and 37.5%, while the quality of service interactions had no effect. Simultaneously, the three variables have an effect on website user satisfaction with a large effect of 70.35. This means that the website of the City Government of Depok has gained the public's trust as a source of quality and satisfying information for the Depok community, including those related to SPBE

    The Development of Urban Farming: Systematics Literature Review

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    The development of urban farming continues to grow, encouraging the emergence of a joint movement in creating food security, building the environment, economy, and community empowerment. This development trend has also made urban farming one of the leading programs in building food security. This research aims to understand the relevance of urban farming development. The method used is bibliometric analysis in looking at the development of research with the keyword "urban farming. data taken from 2010-2023. The results show that urban farming is considered to be an effective way to improve food security and economic conditions in urban areas. Urban farming has the potential to provide positive impacts in various aspects, economic, social, and environmental. As a commodity production, urban farming tends to be concerned with distribution, marketing and land area. The diversity of literature places urban farming as having development potential that leads to aspects of food security and environmental effects

    Self Disclosure Generasi Milenial melalui Second Account Instagram

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    Generasi milenial yang lahir bersamaan dengan teknologi membuat tidak jauh dengan teknologi, antara lain internet dan media sosial saat ini, yaitu Instagram. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menemukan keterbukaan diri atau self disclosure dengan kebebasan berekspresi dan menghilangkan rasa insecure yang dirasakan oleh generasi milenial di second account Instagram. Metode yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dimana peneliti melakukan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi terhadap beberapa informan yang dipilih secara acak berawal dari usia 20 sampai 24 tahun (dewasa awal). Teori yang digunakan adalah teori self-disclosure dari Joseph Luft dan Hary Ingham, dan paradigma konstruktivisme sosial. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan rata-rata generasi milenial memiliki tingkat keterbukaan yang berbeda-beda karena setiap manusia memiliki kepribadian yang tidak sama persis. Di second account bebas berekspresi dan membagikan apa yang mereka ingin bagikan. Second account dapat membantu diri untuk lebih percaya diri tampil lebih besar di first account dan menghilangkan rasa insecure. Komunikasi yang dilakukan lebih intim di second account karena akun tersebut dikunci dan pengikutnya hanya orang-orang terdekat saja. Substansi penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi berupa rekomendasi kebijakan baru kepada seluruh generasi milenial untuk selalu percaya diri dan menjadi diri sendiri


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    This study aims to determine the marketing communication strategy of Wedding Organizer @Ngantenan.Yuk through Instagram social media. With the Instagram social media Wedding Organizer @Ngantenan. Let's do marketing and promotion. Marketing and advancements made by Wedding Organizer @Ngantenan.Yuk are posting photos and videos of client weddings and information about weddings through Instagram. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. Primary data is from information obtained from interviews with several informants. In comparison, secondary data is in the form of data obtained from books and other sources. The theory used in scientific writing research is New Media. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the research results, the marketing communication strategy carried out by the Wedding Organizer @Ngantenan.Yuk was considered very good and appropriate. The marketing communication strategy carried out by Wedding Organizer @Ngantenan.Yuk is through Instagram social media by posting photos and videos of the client's wedding. Therefore, Wedding Organizer @Ngantenan.Yuk utilizes Instagram social media as a promotional tool to create the desired target. The advice that researchers can give is to be more consistent in marketing their services on the Wedding Organizer Instagram account @Ngantenan.Yuk to attract the attention of clients and face competition from other Wedding Organizers


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan atas dasar tujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa pahamnya masyarakat terhadap dampak virus campak rubella yang dimaksud. Dengan melakukan metode fenomenologi, peneliti berusaha mengungkapkan dan juga menganalisa bagaimana para pihak terkait dalam menjamin kesuksesan vaksinasi campak rubella yang sarat akan krisis baik melalui berita hoax maupun kurangnya pendekatan pehaman kepada Masyarakat (sosialisasi). Fenomenologi menggambarkan bahwa banyak sekali kekurangan yang didapat sehingga menimbulkan persepsi masyarakat yang pro maupun kontra terhadap vaksinasi, padahal kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari kerjasama Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia dengan The Global Measles and Rubella Strategic Plan 2012 – 2020 untuk menuntaskan permasalahan yang ada di Indonesia. Semuanya berkaitan dengan bagaimana peningkatan literasi media dalam persepsi masyarakat dan meminimalisir berita hoax yang berkembang pesat tanpa ada dasar acuan dalam informasi yang disampaikan. Vaksinasi campak rubella adalah bagian dari strategi kampanye kesehatan dan wajib bagi masyarakat namun terkendala dengan pemberitaan hoax yang seakan memberikan kabar menyimpang sehingga timbul ketidakpercayaan masyarakat terhadap vaksinasi bersangkutan.

    The Identity of Places of Worship as a Means of Spiritualism and Political Propaganda in Indonesia

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    Indonesia has a unique and diverse religious landscape, with differences in religious life due to the spread of religion assimilated by local culture. This study aims to explain the identity of places of worship as a means of spiritualism in Indonesia. In addition, how are places of worship also possibly a means of disseminating political propaganda. This study used a literature review research methodology through data collection techniques involving reviewing books, relevant literature in academic writings, notes, and various reports related to the article theme of Identity of Places of Worship as a Means of Spiritualism and Political Propaganda in Indonesia. It is known that a place of worship is a gathering place for people who seek to practice their beliefs and their faith, therefore such facilities are vital for inter alia, various religious practices and beliefs to be exercised. However, this maybe different if the existence of a place of worship is used as a means of practical political propaganda dissemination. Places of worship can have two sides of interest, namely first, places of worship are an effective means of spiritualism and spirituality for adherents of religions in self-healing related to psychological and divine values. Spiritualism is the metaphysical belief that the world is comprised of at least two fundamental substances, matter and spirit. There is of course also spirituality which connotes that people recognize and have a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than oneself, and thus a lot more to being human than only sensory experiences, and especially that the greater whole of which people are part and parcel, is in essence cosmic or divine in nature. Second, places of worship may also often be abused and used as a means of political propaganda spreading which is carried out intentionally and consciously to strengthen the intention of a political attitude or is an opinion desired by certain parties or even politicians