118 research outputs found

    Temperature Response of Respiration Across the Heterogeneous Landscape of the Alaskan Arctic Tundra

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    AbstractPredictions of the response of ecosystem respiration to warming in the Arctic are not well constrained, partly due to the considerable spatial heterogeneity of these permafrost‐dominated areas. Accurate calculations of in situ temperature sensitivities of respiration (Q10) are vital for the prediction of future Arctic emissions. To understand the impact of spatial heterogeneity on respiration rates and Q10, we compared respiration measured from automated chambers across the main local polygonized landscape forms (high and low centers, polygon rims, polygon troughs) to estimates from the flux‐partitioned net ecosystem exchange collected in an adjacent eddy covariance tower. Microtopographic type appears to be the most important variable explaining the variability in respiration rates, and low‐center polygons and polygon troughs show the greatest cumulative respiration rates, possibly linked to their deeper thaw depth and higher plant biomass. Regardless of the differences in absolute respiration rates, Q10 is surprisingly similar across all microtopographic features, possibly indicating a similar temperature limitation to decomposition across the landscape. Q10 was higher during the colder early summer and lower during the warmer peak growing season, consistent with an elevated temperature sensitivity under colder conditions. The respiration measured by the chambers and the estimates from the daytime flux‐partitioned eddy covariance data were within uncertainties during early and peak seasons but overestimated respiration later in the growing season. Overall, this study suggests that it is possible to simplify estimates of the temperature sensitivity of respiration across heterogeneous landscapes but that seasonal changes in Q10 should be incorporated into model simulations

    Effect of thaw depth on fluxes of CO2 and CH4 in manipulated Arctic coastal tundra of Barrow, Alaska

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    The manipulation treatment consisted of draining, controlling, and flooding treated sections by adjusting standing water. Inundation increased CH4 emission by a factor of 4.3 compared to non-flooded sections. This may be due to the decomposition of organic matter under a limited oxygen environment by saturated standing water. On the other hand, CO2 emission in the dry section was 3.9-fold higher than in others. CH4 emission tends to increase with deeper thaw depth, which strongly depends on the water table; however, CO2 emission is not related to thaw depth. Quotients of global warming potential (GWPCO2) (dry/control) and GWPCH4 (wet/control) increased by 464 and 148 %, respectively, and GWPCH4 (dry/control) declined by 66 %. This suggests that CO2 emission in a drained section is enhanced by soil and ecosystem respiration, and CH4 emission in a flooded area is likely stimulated under an anoxic environment by inundated standing water. The findings of this manipulation experiment during the autumn period demonstrate the different production processes of CO2 and CH4, as well as different global warming potentials, coupled with change in thaw depth. Thus the outcomes imply that the expansion of tundra lakes leads the enhancement of CH4 release, and the disappearance of the lakes causes the stimulated CO2 production in response to the Arctic climate change.This research was conducted under the JAMSTEC-IARC Collaboration Study with funding provided by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) under a grant to the International Arctic Research Center (IARC)

    Increased CO<sub>2</sub> loss from vegetated drained lake tundra ecosystems due to flooding

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    Tundra ecosystems are especially sensitive to climate change, which is particularly rapid in high northern latitudes resulting in significant alterations in temperature and soil moisture. Numerous studies have demonstrated that soil drying increases the respiration loss from wet Arctic tundra. And, warming and drying of tundra soils are assumed to increase CO2 emissions from the Arctic. However, in this water table manipulation experiment (i.e., flooding experiment), we show that flooding of wet tundra can also lead to increased CO2 loss. Standing water increased heat conduction into the soil, leading to higher soil temperature, deeper thaw and, surprisingly, to higher CO2 loss in the most anaerobic of the experimental areas. The study site is located in a drained lake basin, and the soils are characterized by wetter conditions than upland tundra. In experimentally flooded areas, high wind speeds (greater than ~4 m s−1) increased CO2 emission rates, sometimes overwhelming the photosynthetic uptake, even during daytime. This suggests that CO2 efflux from C rich soils and surface waters can be limited by surface exchange processes. The comparison of the CO2 and CH4 emission in an anaerobic soil incubation experiment showed that in this ecosystem, CO2 production is an order of magnitude higher than CH4 production. Future increases in surface water ponding, linked to surface subsidence and thermokarst erosion, and concomitant increases in soil warming, can increase net C efflux from these arctic ecosystems

    Sensitivity of Pan-Arctic Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity Simulations to Daily Surface Meterology From NCEP-NCAR and ERA-40 Reanalyses

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    We applied a terrestrial net primary production (NPP) model driven by satellite remote sensing observations of vegetation properties and daily surface meteorology from the 45-year ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-40) and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR) reanalysis (NNR) to assess NPP spatial and temporal variability for the pan-Arctic basin and Alaska from 1982 to 2000. Sensitivity analysis of the production efficiency model (PEM) to uncertainties in surface meteorological inputs indicate that ERA-40 solar radiation and NNR solar radiation and surface temperatures are the primary sources of PEM-based NPP uncertainty for the region. Considerable positive bias in solar radiation inputs relative to surface observation networks resulted in overprediction of annual NPP by approximately 35.2 and 61.6% using ERA-40 and NNR inputs, respectively. Despite these uncertainties, both reanalysis products captured the major annual anomalies and trends in surface meteorology for the domain. The two reanalysis products also produced similar NPP spatial patterns for 74.7% of the domain, and similar annual anomalies and temporal trends, though there were significant regional differences particularly for Eurasia. A simple correction method based on a sensitivity experiment between reanalysis and surface station meteorological measurements produced generally consistent NPP results that were considerably smaller than PEM simulations derived from uncorrected reanalysis drivers. The results of this study identify major sources of uncertainty in reanalysis-based surface meteorology, and associated impacts on regional NPP simulations of the northern high latitudes

    Temporal and spatial differences of methane flux at arctic tundra in Alaska

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    High latitude ecosystems were thought to enhance CH_4 emission in relation to the current arctic warming. However, we have little information about this potential feedback mechanisms on climate change, thus, model parameterization is insufficient and the observational data are required. We observed CH_4 flux at several types of tundra in Alaska over the growing seasons since 1995. From these observed data, we examined current CH_4 emission and its controlling factors on Alaskan tundra. Then we discussed about spatial and temporal differences in CH_4 flux. Daily trend of half hourly CH_4 flux had little relation with soil temperature, but the seasonal trend of daily flux changed with soil or water temperature. Cumulative CH_4 fluxes during the growing seasons were 8.1gCH_4m^(-2) on wet sedge tundra at Happy Valley in 1995, 3.3gCH_4m^(-2) on non-acidic moist tundra in 1996, and 3.58-8.24gCH_4m^(-2) on wet sedge tundra at Barrow between 1999-2003. Non-acidic tundra had low CH_4 emission with low CO_2 accumulation. There was large spatial difference in CH_4 flux caused by tundra type, and the large temporal difference at the wet sedge tundra reflected yearly weather variability

    Satellite-based model detection of recent climate-driven changes in northern high-latitude vegetation productivity

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    We applied a satellite remote sensing based production efficiency model (PEM) using an integrated AVHRR and MODIS FPAR/LAI time series with a regionally corrected NCEP/NCAR reanalysis daily surface meteorology and NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget shortwave solar radiation inputs to assess annual terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP) for the pan-Arctic basin and Alaska from 1983 to 2005. Our results show that low temperature constraints on Boreal-Arctic NPP are decreasing by 0.43% per year (P \u3c 0.001), whereas a positive trend in vegetation moisture constraints of 0.49% per year (P = 0.04) are offsetting the potential benefits of longer growing seasons and contributing to recent disturbances in NPP. The PEM simulations of NPP seasonality, annual anomalies and trends are similar to stand inventory network measurements of boreal aspen stem growth (r = 0.56; P = 0.007) and atmospheric CO2 measurement based estimates of the timing of growing season onset (r = 0.78; P \u3c 0.001). Our results indicate that summer drought led to marked NPP decreases in much of the boreal forest region after the late-1990s. However, seasonal low temperatures are still a dominant limitation on regional NPP. Despite recent drought events, mean annual NPP for the pan-Arctic region showed a positive growth trend of 0.34% per year (20.27 TgC/a; P = 0.002) from 1983 to 2005. Drought induced NPP decreases may become more frequent and widespread as regional ecosystems adjust to a warmer, drier atmosphere, though the occurrence and severity of drought events will depend on future patterns of plant-available moisture

    On the use of MODIS EVI to assess gross primary productivity of North American ecosystems

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    [1] Carbon flux models based on light use efficiency (LUE), such as the MOD17 algorithm, have proved difficult to parameterize because of uncertainties in the LUE term, which is usually estimated from meteorological variables available only at large spatial scales. In search of simpler models based entirely on remote‐sensing data, we examined direct relationships between the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and gross primary productivity (GPP) measured at nine eddy covariance flux tower sites across North America. When data from the winter period of inactive photosynthesis were excluded, the overall relationship between EVI and tower GPP was better than that between MOD17 GPP and tower GPP. However, the EVI/GPP relationships vary between sites. Correlations between EVI and GPP were generally greater for deciduous than for evergreen sites. However, this correlation declined substantially only for sites with the smallest seasonal variation in EVI, suggesting that this relationship can be used for all but the most evergreen sites. Within sites dominated by either evergreen or deciduous species, seasonal variation in EVI was best explained by the severity of summer drought. Our results demonstrate that EVI alone can provide estimates of GPP that are as good as, if not better than, current versions of the MOD17 algorithm for many sites during the active period of photosynthesis. Preliminary data suggest that inclusion of other remote‐sensing products in addition to EVI, such as the MODIS land surface temperature (LST), may result in more robust models of carbon balance based entirely on remote‐sensing data
