64 research outputs found

    COVID-19 and emerging viral infections: The case for interferon lambda

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    With the first reports on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the scientific community working in the field of type III IFNs (IFN-λ) realized that this class of IFNs could play an important role in this and other emerging viral infections. In this Viewpoint, we present our opinion on the benefits and potential limitations of using IFN-λ to prevent, limit, and treat these dangerous viral infections

    Stable isotope ecology of Cape dune mole-rats (Bathyergus suillus) from Elandsfontein, South Africa: implications for C4 vegetation and hominin paleobiology in the Cape Floral Region

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    The archaeological and paleontological records from the west coast of South Africa have potential to provide insights into ecosystem dynamics in the region during the mid Pleistocene. Although the fossil record suggests an ecosystem quite different than that of the region today, we understand little about the ecological factors that contributed to this disparity. The site of Elandsfontein (EFT) dates to between 1.0 and 0.6 million years ago (Ma), preserves in situ lithic and faunal materials found in direct association with each other, and provides the rare opportunity to examine the relationship between hominin behavioural variability and landscape heterogeneity in a winter rainfall ecosystem. In this study, we examine the stable carbon isotopic composition of a large sample (n = 81) of Cape dune mole-rats (Bathyergus suillus) and contemporaneous large mammals (> 6 kg; n = 194) from EFT. We find that δ13C values of B. suillus are significantly different to those of contemporaneous large mammals from EFT indicating a significant presence of plants utilizing the C4 photosynthetic pathway during the mid-Pleistocene, in contrast to present C3 dominated ecosystems along the west coast of South Africa. Additionally, we find that artifact density at EFT localities is positively correlated with δ13C values in B. suillus enamel suggesting that evidence of more intense hominin occupation may be associated with the presence of more C4 vegetation. Lastly, we hypothesize that this unique distribution of vegetation 1) provided abundant resources for both hominin and non-hominin taxa and 2) may have concentrated hominin and animal behavior in certain places on the ancient landscape

    Host-encoded sensors of bacteria:Our windows into the microbial world

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    Type III IFNS are commonly induced by bacteria-sensing TLRS and reinforce epithelial barriers during infection

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    Abstract Type III IFNs (IFN-λs) are secreted factors that are well-known for their antiviral activities. However, their regulation and functions during bacterial infections are unclear. In this article, we report that the regulation of IFN-λ genes did not track with mechanisms that control type I IFN expression in response to TLRs. Whereas type I IFNs were only expressed from TLRs present on endosomes, type III IFNs could be induced by TLRs that reside at the plasma membrane and that detect various bacterial products. The mechanisms that regulate type III IFN gene expression tracked with those that promote inflammatory cytokine and chemokine expression. Importantly, rIFN-λs enhanced epithelial barriers in vitro, preventing transcellular bacteria dissemination. We therefore propose that in addition to their functions in cell-intrinsic antiviral immunity, type III IFNs protect epithelial barrier integrity, an activity that would benefit the host during any infectious encounter.</jats:p