740 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la calidad del agua mediante un enfoque múltiple en arroyos de la llanura templada (Argentina, América del Sur)

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    We assessed the water quality in two pampean lotic systems (Argentina), the Juan Blanco and Buñirigo streams, subjected to different land uses (i. e., the UNESCO Biosphere Nature Reserve versus industry and agriculture, respectively) through measurements of physicochemical data and the structural parameters of the macroinvertebrate assemblages in addition to ecotoxicological analyses. The objective was to identify the degree of ecological impairment in adversely affected areas and the consequent effects on the biota. The results obtained allowed the establishment of different water-quality classes within the study area. According to the indices applied, the downstream zone of the Buñirigo stream was categorized as moderately polluted on the basis of losses of sensitive benthic species or changes in their abundance. Likewise, acute ecotoxicological bioassays demonstrated that the water from this site had lethal effects on Caenis nemoralis (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae) larvae. This sampling point also exhibited relevant physicochemical features, such as high water conductivity and nutrient levels as well as low contents of dissolved oxygen.Se realizó un estudio de la calidad del agua en dos sistemas lóticos, los arroyos Juan Blanco y Buñirigo (Argentina), sujetos a diferente uso del suelo (el primero se ubica dentro de una reserva de Biosfera de la UNESCO, mientras que el segundo en una zona agrícolo-ganadera e industrial). Se analizaron datos físico-químicos, parámetros estructurales del ensamble de macroinvertebrados y ensayos ecotoxicológicos. El objetivo fue identifi car el grado de deterioro en las áreas afectadas por efl uentes y los consiguientes efectos sobre la biota. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron establecer diferentes clases de calidad del agua dentro de la zona de estudio. De acuerdo a los índices aplicados la cuenca baja del arroyo Buñirigo fue caracterizada como moderadamente contaminada sobre la base de la pérdida de especies bentónicas sensibles o cambios en su abundancia. Del mismo modo, los ensayos ecotoxicológicos agudos demostraron que el agua de este sitio tuvo efectos letales sobre larvas de Caenis nemoralis (Ephemeroptera: Caenidae). Este punto de muestreo también evidenció características físico-químicas desfavorables para la biota, como alta conductividad y niveles de nutrientes, así como bajo contenido de oxígeno.Fil: Ocon, Carolina Silvia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Rodrigues Capitulo, Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; Argentin

    Visions for Merrie England: A Survey Examination of Royalist Views and Beliefs in the English Civil War

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    The English Civil War was the outlet for years of frustration against the status-quo political regime, and allowed, in the chaos, the expression for a variety of beliefs and values. One of the many factions in the conflict were the Royalists, those for one reason or another, supported the rule of Charles I. Despite the vast amount of research in the English Civil War, little attention is given to the Royalist views and beliefs and the common image that arises is a group defined by nepotism, elitism, and corruption. This survey seeks to recover a more complete image of Royalist perspective in the era of conflict by examining a variety of primary published sources, such as books, pamphlets and poetry, from a variety of people with differing statuses and lives. This analysis of said primary sources yields the Royalists own views and conceptions of beliefs that complicate and challenge the typical assumptions about Royalism and its adherents. In doing so, it adds to a growing body of work examining all levels and sections of belief within England and provides a more nuanced image of the political situation at the time.&nbsp

    Examining Evolutionary Rate in Xiphosura

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    Horseshoe crabs, a group of aquatic chelicerate arthropods of the class Xiphosura, are strongly linked with the concept of “living fossils” – a term colloquially used to refer to clades that display a consistently low rate of morphological evolution through time. The concept of living fossils has been hotly debated, as it is considered to simplify or obscure millennia of evolutionary change. Recent methodological and computational advances in the paleobiological sciences have allowed for the investigation of these claims. Xiphosura are a model taxon for this type of investigative study because they exhibit a complex evolutionary history, despite their reputation as “living fossils”. Xiphosura first appear in the fossil record during the Ordovician and are represented today by four extant species. During these 480 million years of evolution, Xiphosura have displayed a remarkably stable body plan, most notably in Limulidae, the sole surviving clade from the Mesozoic onwards; however, there are also aberrant forms associated with the exploration of nonmarine niches. The presence of these forms in the fossil record indicates a more complex evolutionary history than is usually attributed to Xiphosura, including events of both rapid evolutionary change and stasis. A comprehensive study of evolutionary rate in horseshoe crabs through their fossil record has not yet been conducted. Thus, their status as a clade with consistently low rate of evolution has not been evaluated. An investigation of evolutionary rates in Xiphosura using discrete character data reveals heterogeneous rates of evolution; specifically, high rates of evolution cluster within Belinurina and Austrolimulidae – two clades that display heterochronic morphological trends and affinities for non-marine environments. Additionally, these high evolutionary rates occur after the transition to nonmarine habitats, indicating a driving environmental pull behind shifts to heterochronic morphologies. Conversely, the clades that show no concerted heterochronic trends – Limulidae and Paleolimulidae – produced varied high and low rates, with a tendency towards lower rates of discrete character evolution. Xiphosura also show variable rates of evolution through time, with higher rates corresponding to mass extinction events and radiations. Average evolutionary rate in Xiphosura has also decreased through time, though there is still variability present. Overall, horseshoe crabs show variable and dynamic evolutionary patterns through time, therefore indicating that they are not “living fossils.

    Reducing the Risk of Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection with Chlorhexidine Gluconate Education

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    Problem: A nosocomial central line-associated bloodstream infection is a preventable infection that is costly and potentially fatal. In order to combat bloodstream infections chlorhexidine gluconate wipes have been used as antiseptic. Medical surgical units do not have accessible CHG for bathing purposes. In addition, the staff lacks knowledge of how to use CHG wipes. The current standard bathing practice on this unit consists of using soap and water or disposable washcloths spontaneously without a predetermined time. The aim of this quality improvement project is to educate the registered nurses (RNs) and certified nurse assistants (CNAs) on the benefits of daily CHG bathing and the method in which it is used. Context: The quality improvement project takes place in an adult medical-surgical unit in a hospital in the San Francisco Bay Area including 274 beds. This microsystem has seven nurses working in each wing with a total of 14 on the unit. The target population is adults in a medical-surgical unit and families or caregivers. Interventions: In order to provide staff education on the process and benefits of daily CHG bathing to reduce the risk of developing CLABSI, educational posters were used to convey the information. Measures: In order to measure the existing knowledge of the staff, paper-based surveys were distributed in the medical-surgical unit. The staff was also given the option of an online survey via a QR code. A total of 16 nurses and one certified nursing assistant completed the paper survey. The questionnaire included a total of four multiple-choice questions and one open-ended question. Results: The expected outcome of this quality improvement project is an increase in understanding surrounding the process of CHG bathing. Future recommendations include reinforcing education. Conclusions: Additional educational programs should be implemented for staff to improve the use of CHG bathing in the medical-surgical unit and reduce the risk of CLABSI

    Zum Auftrag der Allgemeinen Pädagogik in der Ausbildung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern

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    Wenn in den neuen Curricula der Lehramtstudiengänge an Pädagogischen Hochschulen allgemeinpädagogische Inhalte verankert werden sollen, muss geklärt werden, welchen Zugewinn sie für den Aufbau von wissenschaftlichem und professionellem Wissen der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer bedeuten können. Die Zusammenführung einer historischen und systematischen Perspektive auf das Verhältnis von Allgemeiner Pädagogik und Schulpädagogik trägt dazu bei, den Auftrag der Allgemeinen Pädagogik zu konkretisieren. Eine Allgemeine Pädagogik, die sich auch als Reflexionshilfe für Lehrpersonen begreift und daher bereit und fähig ist, sich mit ihrer Theorieofferte in die wissenschaftliche Diskussion um die Komplexität und Widersprüchlichkeit des Unterrichtsalltags produktiv einzumischen, ermöglicht für Lehrpersonen die notwendige professionelle Distanz zum Praxisfeld Schule

    Einfluss von HRT auf Haut und Haare

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    Zusammenfassung: Die hormonelle Umstellung in den Wechseljahren kann zu subjektiv sehr belastenden Veränderungen von Haut und Haaren führen. Einigen Zeichen der Hautalterung kann eine topische Östrogentherapie entgegenwirken, eine systemische Hormontherapie ist jedoch nicht indiziert. Von den zahlreichen Haarerkrankungen in der Dermatologie sind für die Gynäkologie mit Schwerpunkt Wechseljahre v.a. die androgenetische Alopezie und der Hirsutismus relevant. Die androgenetische Alopezie der Frau ist klinisch nach dem Ludwig-Schema einteilbar, der Hirsutismus nach dem Ferriman-Gallwey-Index. Die Labordiagnostik ist 3-stufig. Zur Differenzialdiagnose der Alopezie ist ein Trichogramm hilfreich. Die Therapie der androgenetischen Alopezie erfolgt primär lokal mit 2% Minoxidil-Lösung und Alfatradiol. Die Therapie des Hirsutismus umfasst topisches Eflornithin, systemisch kommen steroidale und nichtsteroidale DHT-Rezeptor-Blocker sowie 5α-Reduktase-Blocker zur Anwendun

    Dieta de Pomacea canaliculata (gastropoda: ampullariidae) en su hábitat natural basada en análisis de contenidos digestivos e isótopos estables

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    Pomacea canaliculata es una especie nativa de la Cuenca del Río de la Plata, actualmente considerada invasora en el Sur y Este de Asia donde fue introducida con fines comerciales y se ha convertido en la principal plaga de los cultivos de arroz de la región.Realizar más investigaciones en el hábitat natural de este organismo es necesario debido a que características fundamentales de su ecología trófica permanecen aún desconocidas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la dieta de P. canaliculata en su hábitat natural mediante los análisis de contenidos digestivos e isótopos estables de 13C y 15N. Las muestras biológicas fueron tomadas desde noviembre de 2009 hasta diciembre de 2010 en el arroyo Carnaval, un arroyo pampeano característico. Las muestras para análisis de isótopos estables y posterior aplicación de modelos de mezcla fueron colectadas en noviembre de 2011. La aplicación de un diagrama de estrategia trófica permitió establecer una dieta generalista con elevado consumo de detritos, seguidos por plantas vasculares y algas. Los resultados del modelo de mezcla, sin embargo, indicaron que la contribución relativa a la dieta de todos los recursos basales evaluados (materia orgánica particulada fina y gruesa, epipelon y macrófitas acuáticas) fue similar (aproximadamente 40 %). Estos resultados evidenciaron una fuerte plasticidad dietaria para la especie.Pomacea canaliculata is native to Rio de la Plata basin, and it is invasive in most of South and Southeast Asia after accidental introduction during unsuccessful attempts to establish commercial aquaculture of this species, and being present, the number one pest of rice crops in the region. Investigations in its native habitat are still needed because fundamental issues of its trophic ecology remain unknown. The aim of this research was to study the diet of P. canaliculata in its natural habitat through gut content techniques and stable isotopes of 13C and 15N. Biological samples were taken from November 2009 to December 2010 in Carnaval stream, a characteristic Pampean stream. Samples for stable isotopes of 13C and 15N using of a mixing model were collected in November 2011. The trophic strategy diagram evinced a generalist diet with high consumption of detritus followed by the vascular plants and algae. The mixing model results indicated that the relative contribution to the diet was similar for all basal resources: fine and coarse particulate organic matter, epipelon and aquatic macrophytes (approximately 40 %). These results evidenced a strong dietary plasticity for the species.Fil: López Van Oosterom, Maria Vanesa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Ocon, Carolina Silvia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Ferreira, Ana Clara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Rodrigues Capitulo, Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; Argentin

    Responses to the Crisis of Neoliberal Globalization: State Intervention in Palm Oil Production in Chiapas, Mexico

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    Article originally published in International Journal of Sociology of AgricultureEmploying the case study of the cultivation of African palms for the production of palm oil in Chiapas, Mexico, this article probes the theme of alternative patterns of development to neo-liberal globalization. In particular, it discusses the issue of the return to state intervention (neo-Fordism) as an instrument to promote socio-economic development. Chiapas has been the theatre of the Zapatista movement of 1994. As a result of that popular uprising and despite its overtly neo-liberal posture, the Mexican state intervened significantly in Chiapas. In this context, the monoculture of the African palm has been pursued as a strategy to address local poverty among farmers, generate alternative and renewable forms of energy and provide a scheme for socio-economic growth in the area. This article illustrates the contradictory results of this ‘interventionist’ developmental project and the consequences and resistance that it entailed. The analysis of this case reveals the problematic nature of nation-state led interventionist schemes in a context marked by the emerging crisis of the neo-liberal model. It also underscores the significance of local initiatives that are generated by the aspirations and abilities of local residents.Sociolog

    Energy Transition from Diesel-based to Solar Photovoltaics-Battery-Diesel Hybrid System-based Island Grids in the Philippines – Techno-Economic Potential and Policy Implication on Missionary Electrification

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    The cost of unsubsidized electricity in off-grid areas, particularly in the islands dependent on fossil fuels, is expensive. Previous studies and recent installations have proven that renewable energy-based hybrid systems could be suitable alternative to diesel power plants in island grids. In this comprehensive analysis of small island grids in the Philippines, results show that there is a huge economic potential to shift the diesel generation to solar photovoltaics-battery-diesel hybrid systems, with an average cost reduction of around 20% of the levelized cost of electricity. By encouraging private sector participation, hybridization could help provide electrification for twenty-four hours, stabilize the true cost of generation rate with less dependence on imported diesel prices, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Further, the declining cost of solar modules and batteries will significantly improve the economics of energy transition in the island grids