443 research outputs found
The development of technology and information in today's society is increasingly rapid and very modern. Crime by utilizing technology, namely information technology in the field of computers and the internet (cybercrime) is already at a very sad stage. Cyberporn or pornography crimes that occur on social media have their own difficulties when the examination in court requires locus delicti. Determining the locus delicti is very important because the absolute requirement for the validity of the indictment must mention a clear locus delicti, In determining the locus delicti in cyberporn cases is not as simple as in the case of crime cases in general. The research method used is normative juridical. This type of legal research is set to examine library materials or secondary data as the basis used to research by searching the literature and regulations related to. Law enforcers in determining locus delicti in cybercrime cases, especially cyberporn crimes, use several theories, namely: Theory of material acts, Theory of consequences, Theory of Instruments and Theory of plural time. That the constraints of the legal regulation of locus delicti in cybercrime is the absence of specific laws governing the locus delicti of cyberporn offenses which is actually the protection of criminal procedure law in Indonesia. In legal practice, law enforcement officers in determining the locus delicti of cybercrime, especially cyberporn, are left to the science and practice of criminal justice. So basically in determining locus delicti in cyberporn crime is the same as determining locus delicti in ordinary crimes but the difference is the media used. In terms of cyberporne, criminal law policy needs to be considered in addition to harmonization of policies between countries. This is because crimes that occur in cyberspace are now an international problem and are no longer just a matter of crime throughout the country. Criminal law regulations relating to internet crimes, especially in the case of cybeporn, must keep pace with existing technological advances
Gold Rush Abroad: The Trajectory of Singapore-Based Thai Transsexual (Male to Female) Sex Workers in Global Sex Tourism
Sex work is part of Thailand's tourism-based economic development model. The country's global reputation as a 'queer paradise' is an important factor shaping Thailand’s sex tourism and linking it to the global sex industry. This paper addresses transnational routes and networks of the global sex trade through Thai transsexual (male to female) sex workers who travel out of the country to Singapore for short periods to meet global demand. The research is based on in-depth interviews with 75 Thai transsexual sex workers who are working in districts such as Orchard Towers, Little India, and Geylang in Singapore. For some informants, Singapore is a final destination; for others, it is just a stop along the way to other places abroad. The findings show that the commercial sex trade involving these individuals is global in every sense, including the way it is funded, developed, structured, and organized
Background: One process that changes a woman's life many times is pregnancy. There are three factors—physical, psychological, social, cultural, and economic—that will impact this change, psychological factors, social, cultural, and economic factors. Pregnant women must be prepared to accept a child and serve as a mother. Psychological factors in young mothers facing their first pregnancy are the most important thing during their pregnancy. Psychological failure during pregnancy will affect the fetus. Objective: to determine the psychological response of young mothers when facing their first pregnancy. Method: This research uses qualitative research with a case study approach. The purposive sampling method was used to select participants, while data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews and documentation. Results: Researchers used a multimethod approach to collect and analyze data, also known as triangulation. namely: 1). Psychological changes 2). Family and social support 3). Physiological changes 4). Obstacles during pregnancy 5). Spiritual form. Conclusion: What was obtained in this study is the psychological response of young mothers in facing their first pregnancy. The results of the study were that there is a relationship between psychological changes in pregnant women, physiological changes, or family and social support. With the help of the family for pregnant women, it will encourage pregnant women to accept their psychological and physiological changes
Positive Politeness Strategies Used by The Leader of Bnagtan Boys on Interviews
This thesis discusses the positive politeness strategy found in Namjoon utterances, the leader of the Bangtan Boys when attending an interview that was hosted by a host from a medias or radio which was re-uploaded on Youtube. The purpose of this study is to find the kinds of positive politeness strategies in the Namjoon utterances and factors influencing the choice of strategies. In collecting data, the writer uses the observation method with the transcription technique. The data collection is done by the writer by downloading 12 videos with an average duration of 3 minutes and then transcribed the positive politeness strategies and the factor influencing the choice of strategies. In analyzing the data, the author uses Brown and Levinson's (1987) theory of positive politeness strategies consisting of fifteen strategies and factors that influence the selection of strategies consisting of three factors, and Yule's (1998) theory as a guide in analyzing context. The results of the analysis are presented in formal and informal forms. The results of the analysis found ten kinds of positive politeness strategies. The most common strategy is the give gifts to the hearer strategy. This shows that speakers try to make a good impression on each host when invited to an interview. Social distance is a factor that greatly influences it when using a positive politeness strategy because objects try to minimize distance because they do not have a close relationship
Korupsi merupakan suatu perbuatan atau perilaku yang menyimpang dengan tugas dan kewajiban untuk mendapat keuntungan yang bertentangan dengan kebenaran sesuai dengan hukum. Korupsi dapat kita katakan sebagai suatu perbuatan yang tercela dan merugikan masyarakat maupun negara. Mekanisme pengembalian kerugian negara dalam kasus tindak pidana korupsi dapat dilakukan dengan jalur pidana, perdata dan administratif. Pengembalian Kerugian negara melalui jalur pidana dengan prosedur (1) Penelusuran harta kekayaan, (2) Penyitaan asset/harta kekayaan, (3) Penuntutan uang pengganti, dan (4) eksekusi dalam putusan hakim. Pengembalian kerugian Negara melalui jalur perdata dapat dilakukan apabila tersangka kasus pidana korupsi meninggal dunia dan dilakukan penuntutan terhadap ahli waris melalui jalur perdata. Pengembalian kerugian negara melalui jalur administrated dilakukan kepada pegawai negeri sipil dengan ketentuan-ketentuan tertentu dan mekanisme tertentu. Banyak kendala yang menghambat proses pengembalian kerugian negara diantaranya (1) sanksi tuntutan uang pengganti yang dapat digantikan dengan pidana penjara, (2) ketimpangan yang berkaitan dengan undang-undang dalam pemberantasan korupsi.
Academic Librarians and Outreach Beyond The College Campus
Although numerous efforts have been made to enhance the literacy skills of children and youth, recent research clearly demonstrates the continuing need to develop and implement additional imaginative programs which lead to an increase in reading and reading comprehension skills. Whereas public and school media librarians have paved the way towards building successful literacy programs, academic librarians should also participate in literacy outreach programs for children and youth in order to help build these skills and encourage lifelong learning. This article addresses why and how academic librarians can help with the nation’s efforts to combat illiteracy
Analisis Implementasi Akuntansi Basis Akrual Pada Laporan Keuangan Pada Dinas Kesehatan Kota Dumai
Analisis Implementasi Akuntansi Basis Akrual Pada Laporan Keuangan
Pada Dinas Kesehatan Kota Dumai
oleh: Ocha Rahmadiyanti
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Dinas Kesehatan Kota Dumai dengan
tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Implementasikan Akuntansi Basis Akrual
Pada laporan Keuangan yang mengacu pada Peraturan Perundang-undangan
(Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri No. 59 Tahun 2007 Tentang Pedoman
Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah dan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 71 Tahun 2010
Tentang Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan sebagai acuan pada SKPD Dinas
Kesehatan Kota Dumai dan apa kendala yang ditimbulkan pada penyajian
laporan keuangan SKPD Dinas Kesehatan Kota Dumai. Berdasarkan hasil
penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengimplentasian akuntansi basis akrual
tidak sesuai dengan Peraturan Perundang-undangan (Peraturan Menteri
Dalam Negeri No. 59 Tahun 2007 Tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Keuangan
Daerah dan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 71 Tahun 2010 Tentang Standar
Akuntansi Pemerintahan dalam pencatatan jurnal Piutang retribusi pemakaian
kekayaan daerah pada Retribusi pemakaian kekayaan daerah seharusnya
pencatatan jurnal sesuai aturan yang berlaku Piutang Retribusi Pemakain
Kekayaan Daerah pada Pendapatan Retribusi Pemakaian Kekayaan Daerah.
Akibat dari kesalahan pencatatan tersebut, maka Laporan Realisasi
Anggarannya menjadi tidak wajar, dan dalam menyusun Catatan Atas
Laporan Keuangan pada Laporan Keuangan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Dumai
belum disajikan secara rinci pada setiap pos-pos atau akun-akun dalam
Laporan Keungan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Dumai. Akibantnya, Dinas
Kesehatan Kota Dumai menyajikan CALK secara tidak lengkap, maka banyak
informasi-informasi dan penjelasan-penjelasan yang tidak jelas
Kata kunci Implementasi Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan, Basis Akrual,
Laporan Keuangan
Hubungan Terpaan Iklan Dan Intensitas Komunikasi Word Of Mouth Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk T-Cash PT. Telkomsel
In the midst of competition ruling the mobile market (provider) is up and down, causing companies such as Telkomsel to step business strategy development by presenting the first e-money service provider provider in Indonesia called T-Cash. Although the number of TCash subscribers continues to increase, however, based on data obtained from T-Cash Media Update in 2016, it shows that the company's target for the number of T-Cash subscribers still can not be achieved. So it takes continuous effort to attract consumers to use T-Cash products. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of advertising exposure and the intensity of word of mouth communication with the purchase decision of T-Cash products. The study population is a T-Cash service user who has been hit by T-Cash ads and talked about T-Cash products for the past month. While, the sample of research taken as many as 100 respondents with age range 18-35 years by using purposive sampling technique.
Based on the hypothesis test conducted using Kendall's Tau-b correlation analysis, it shows the result that: Firstly, there is a positive correlation between exposure of advertisement with purchase decision of T-Cash product with value of significance equal to 0.000 and correlation coefficient value 0,755. This shows a very strong relationship with the direction of a positive relationship. The higher the exposure to advertising, the higher the consumer's decision to buy T-Cash products, and vice versa. Second, there is a positive relationship between the intensity of word of mouth communication with the purchase decision of T-Cash product with a significance value of 0,000 and the correlation coefficient of 0.486. The closeness of the relationship obtained strong and the direction of the relationship is positive. This means, the higher the intensity of word-mouth communication of T-Cash products, the higher the consumer's decision to buy TCash products, and vice versa. The advice given is that Telkomsel can create ads that have comedy story lines and information about product advantages such as rebates, ease of registration and usage also need to be submitted in T-Cash ad
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