10 research outputs found
UAVs are unmanned aerial vehicles. UAVs with qualities of robots are called "drones" and are used mostly for acquisition and transmission of TV image for observation missions in enemy territories or guarding of objects and large land areas. TV images acquired by these drones are converted into compressed data and then transmitted to the ground via radio - communications. If the monitored area is large or the observed object is big, then more drones buy pieces from the total image. The paper shows the results of the analysis of experimental data compression standard methods and Method of panoramic images formation in the conditions of initial frames with low detail is offered. Method saves perspective of base frame
The «Uralasbest» plant workers metabolic abnormalities frequencies on the results of deep medical examination
The results of the metabolic abnormalities prevalence research in workers influenced by harmful industrial factors are shown in this article. The comparison of overweight and obesity detection frequency and blood glucose and cholesterol level in different age groups and in workers having different harmful working conditions was carried out. The increased metabolic abnormalities occurrence was detected in people working in harmful working conditions, the occurrence distinctly grows with increasing age of workers.Целью исследования явилась оценка частоты развития и выраженности патологии, связанной с наррением обмена веществ, у работников различного возраста комбината «Ураласбест», подвергающихся воздействию пыли хризотил - асбеста и физических нагрузок.Установлено увеличение частоты выявления избыточного веса и ожирения, повышения уровня глюкозы и холестерина крови с увеличением возраста, а также в зависимости от воздействия на работников пыли хризотил - асбеста и физических нагрузок
Nicolas II, tsar-pèlerin.
Le pèlerinage princier et royal ne s’est jamais vraiment développé en Russie ancienne. De Vladimir le Grand (960-1015), premier prince chrétien de la Russie de Kiev, jusqu’à la fin du xixe siècle, aucun souverain russe n’a été prêt à faire de tels périples. Les princes, les tsars, les empereurs russes n’ont jamais fait de croisades, contrairement aux rois occidentaux du Moyen Âge. Pour accomplir leur devoir devant l’Église, ils se sont contentés de petits voyages, presque des promenades, en s..
Exploring connections to unrelated social clusters in a socio temporal communication network
In this study, we first explore whether individuals with the greatest number of weak ties to others will have more connections to a greater number of unrelated social clusters. Secondly, we explore whether individuals with the greatest number of weak ties to others will serve as bridges between isolated social clusters. Thirdly, we analyse whether the level of call activity is dependant on different types of social network structures (i.e. strong ties and weak ties). Here, we investigate the effects of social ties on mobile phone usage behaviour. The research conceptual model represents the relationship between three independent variables and one dependant variable. The three independent variables - (i) call activity; (ii) connection to unrelated social clusters; and (iii) social bridges between unrelated social clusters. We suggest that each of the three independent variables has an impact on the way individuals use mobile phone devices. By exploring the MIT Reality Mining Data, we first found a trend where the individuals who have the greatest number of strong social ties to others display the highest levels of call activity. On the contrary, individuals who have a modest number of strong ties, but have a high number of acquaintances show lower levels of call activity purely because the weak tie relationships do not require as much maintenance as the strong ties. Secondly, we visualise where unrelated social clusters within a social network displayed some connections to one another. We propose that the majority of these connections interlinking such unrelated social clusters would be weak ties. Thirdly, we discover that the individuals who display the greatest number of weak tie relationships are linked to the individuals in various social clusters. © 2009 Elsevier Inc.link_to_subscribed_fulltex
At the origin of the study of Gothic architecture: Jacques-Germain Soufflot and The Church of the Our Lady in Mante-la-Jollie
Статья поступила в редакцию 09.01.2014 г.Статья посвящена проблеме оценки готической архитектуры в странах Западной Европы (со времен итальянского Возрождения до эпохи французского Просвещения). На примере коллегиальной церкви Богоматери в Мант-ла-Жоли рассматривается вопрос о значении готических принципов строительства в творчестве французского архитектора Ж.-Ж. Суффло.The article is devoted to the problem of evaluation and studying of Gothic architecture in Westesrn Europe from the Italian Renaissance to the Age of Enlightenment. The author focuses on the role of Gothic principles of construction in the works of French architect J.-G. Soufflot based on the example of The Church of the Our Lady in Mante-la-Jollie
Lethal outcomes in middle-aged and elderly patients with rheumatic heart diseases
Проанализированы истории болезни и протоколы вскрытий 63 умерших больных с ревматическими пороками сердца (РПС) в ГКБ №67 за последние 5 лет. В 32 случаях был обнаружен сочетанный митральный, в 29 - комбинированный аортально-митральный и в 2 - аортальный порок. В 12 случаях клапанное поражение было установлено лишь на секции. Основными причинами ошибок в диагностике РПС являлись тяжелое общее состояние поступивших больных и, как следствие, их кратковременное пребывание в стационаре с быстрым летальным исходом, не позволившие собрать анамнез заболевания и выполнить полноценное обследование сердечнососудистой системы
Canonical Transient Receptor Potential Channels Expression Is Elevated in a Porcine Model of Metabolic Syndrome
Plasma epinephrine and heart rate are elevated in metabolic syndrome, suggesting enhanced catecholamine secretion from the adrenal medulla. Canonical transient receptor potential (TRPC) channels are implicated in mediating hormone-induced Ca2+ influx and catecholamine secretion in adrenomedullary chromaffin cells. We studied the pattern of TRPC expression in the pig adrenal medulla and investigated whether adrenal TRPC expression is altered in prediabetic metabolic syndrome Ossabaw miniature pigs. We used a combination of molecular biological, biochemical, and fluorescence imaging techniques. We determined the sequence of pig TRPC1 and TRPC3-7 channels. We found that the pig adrenal medulla expressed predominantly TRPC1, TRPC5, and TRPC6 transcripts. The expression level of these TRPCs was significantly elevated in the adrenal medulla from pigs with metabolic syndrome. Interestingly, aldosterone, which is endogenously secreted in the adjacent adrenal cortex, increased TRPC1, TRPC5, and TRPC6 expression in adrenal chromaffin cells isolated from metabolic syndrome but not control pigs. Spironolactone, a blocker of mineralocorticoid receptors, inhibited the aldosterone effect. Dexamethasone also increased TRPC5 expression in metabolic syndrome chromaffin cells. The amplitude of hormone-induced divalent cation influx correlated with the level of TRPC expression in adrenal chromaffin cells. Orai1/Stim1 protein expression was not significantly altered in the metabolic syndrome adrenal medulla when compared with the control. We propose that in metabolic syndrome, abnormally elevated adrenal TRPC expression may underlie increased plasma epinephrine and heart rate. The excess of plasma catecholamines and increased heart rate are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Thus, TRPCs are potential therapeutic targets in the fight against cardiovascular disease
Les formes du voyage
Qu'est-ce qui nous attire ailleurs ? Pourquoi ne pas rester sur place? Il n'y a pas une réponse unique à ces questions, et il fallait le concours de chercheurs issus de toutes les disciplines pour manifester, chacun à partir de son domaine propre, les motivations multiples de ces appels vers d'autres lieux, et la mobilisation des énergies pour y correspondre. L'analyse de ces facteurs, qui ont varié à travers le temps et les lieux, fait apparaître aussi bien des portraits de voyageurs, que les modalités multiples d'organisation de ces (souvent périlleuses) entreprises, que la variété des itinéraires, ou encore, et c'est important, les conditions de mobilité qui ont permis ces déplacements. C'est dire qu'on trouvera dans ce volume à la fois les conditions de possibilité théoriques et pratiques du voyage, envisagé en ses dimensions multiples, aussi bien géographiques que sociologiques, juridiques ou religieuses