73 research outputs found

    Influence of tyre rotation on road vehicle aerodynamics

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    Cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce je popis vplyvu rotácie pneumatiky na aerodynamiku automobilu. Popisuje rozdiely medzi zjednodušenými tvarmi pneumatík obvykle používanými pre CFD a realistickým tvarom pneumatiky. V práci je ďalej analyzovaný vplyv jednotlivých prvkov dezénu a ich vzájomná interakcia, vplyv rôznych pneumatík a rôznych typov karosérii.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe the influence of tyre rotation on vehicle aerodynamics. It explains differences between the simplified shape of tyre and realistic shape of the tyre. The paper further analyzes influence of individual tyre features , their interaction, influence of different tyres and different car types.

    Some Diptera families from beer traps in the Volga region (Russia)

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    We have studied the material of some Diptera families collected with beer traps from middle part of the Volga River region (central part of European Russia: Nizhny Novgorod and Ulyanovsk regions, and southeastern part of European Russia: Saratov Region). Thirty species from 10 Diptera families are reported: Culicidae (2 spp.), Dryomyzidae (2 spp.), Lauxaniidae (7 spp.), Limoniidae (3 spp.), Pallopteridae (4 spp.), Periscelididae (1 sp.), Platystomatidae (2 spp.), Sciomyzidae (2 spp.), Tabanidae (1 sp.), Ulidiidae (6 spp.). Two species, Peplomyza intermedia Remm, 1979 (Lauxaniidae) and Periscelis annulipes Loew, 1858 (Periscelididae) are recorded from Russia for the first tim

    On the identity and distribution of the rare Rymosia tolleti Burghele-Balacesco, 1965 (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) encountered in European caves

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    The identity and distribution of a neglected fungus gnat species, Rymosia tolleti Burghele-Balacesco, 1965, in Europe is reviewed based on examination of newly collected specimens as well as available museum materials. Rymosia tolleti is widespread but rather rare in Central Europe, with confirmed records from Romania, Slovakia, Germany, and France. All the specimens with known collection details originate from cave environments. Detailed photographs of the male terminalia are provided for the first time, along with two unique DNA barcodes for the species

    Two new Ptychoptera Meigen, 1803 (Diptera, Ptychopteridae) from the Western Palaearctic

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    Ptychoptera xanthopleura Dvořák, Oboňa & Manko, sp. nov. from Azerbaijan and Georgia, and Ptychoptera staryi Dvořák, Oboňa & Manko, sp. nov. from Bulgaria are described. P. xanthopleura sp. nov. differs from the other member of the lacustris group mainly by having almost completely yellow pleurae, and by the shape of the epandrium and gonocoxites. The diagnostics of P. staryi sp. nov. and P. incognita Török, Kolcsár & Keresztes, 2015 based on male genitalia are provided

    First record of the rare aquatic dance fly Chelifera aperticauda Collin, 1927 (Diptera: Empididae: Hemerodromiinae) from Slovakia

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    The scarce European dance fly Chelifera aperticauda Collin, 1927 (Diptera: Empididae: Hemer­odromiinae) is recorded for the first time from Slovakia. One male was found in the Pieniny Mts. The distribution and habitats of this species are reviewed and briefly discussed


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    In the process of intercalation, C60 samples in the form of polycrystalline films prepared on various substrates are used. To obtain a homogeneous doping we test two geometrical set-ups of our apparatus, horizontal and vertical. In the present work we focus on the study of transport properties of the samples. We demonstrate the temperature dependence of the conductivity of doped C60 films during the doping process. The time evolutions of the sample resistivity after its exposure to the atmosphere are studied. The structural properties of the samples are examined by X-ray diffraction technique in Bragg-Brentano geometry and Raman Spectroscopy. Scanning Electron Microscopy is used to compare the surface morphology of the undoped and doped C60 films

    Women's attitudes towards mechanisms of action of family planning methods: survey in primary health centres in Pamplona, Spain

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    Irala J de, Lopez del Burgo C, Lopez de Fez CM, Arredondo J, Mikolajczyk RT, Stanford JB. Women's attitudes towards mechanisms of action of family planning methods: survey in primary health centres in Pamplona, Spain. BMC Women's Health. 2007;7(1): 10.Background: Informed consent in family planning includes knowledge of mechanism of action. Some methods of family planning occasionally work after fertilization. Knowing about postfertilization effects may be important to some women before choosing a certain family planning method. The objective of this survey is to explore women's attitudes towards postfertilization effects of family planning methods, and beliefs and characteristics possibly associated with those attitudes. Methods: Cross-sectional survey in a sample of 755 potentially fertile women, aged 18–49, from Primary Care Health Centres in Pamplona, Spain. Participants were given a 30-item, self-administered, anonymous questionnaire about family planning methods and medical and surgical abortion. Logistic regression was used to identify variables associated with women's attitudes towards postfertilization effects. Results: The response rate was 80%. The majority of women were married, held an academic degree and had no children. Forty percent of women would not consider using a method that may work after fertilization but before implantation and 57% would not consider using one that may work after implantation. While 35.3% of the sample would stop using a method if they learned that it sometimes works after fertilization, this percentage increased to 56.3% when referring to a method that sometimes works after implantation. Women who believe that human life begins at fertilization and those who consider it is important to distinguish between natural and induced embryo loss were less likely to consider the use of a method with postfertilization effects. Conclusion: Information about potential postfertilization effects of family planning methods may influence women's acceptance and choice of a particular family planning method. Additional studies in other populations are necessary to evaluate whether these beliefs are important to those populations

    New and little known species of moth flies (Diptera: Psychodidae: Psychodinae) from Nicaragua

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    The male of a new species Arisemus venustus sp. n. from Nicaragua, the Cerro Musun Natural Reserve, is described. A. atrasetus (Rapp, 1945) and Platyplastinx tango Quate et Brown, 2004 (Diptera: Psychodidae: Psychodinae) from Nicaragua are redescribed and illustrated on the basis of male morphological characters

    Some winter active flies from snow and caves of Vârghiș, Romania

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    This paper attempts to fill the gaps in knowledge about the biodiversity of some winter-active fly families from snowfields and caves in Vârghiș, Romania. A total of 15 fly species were recorded from caves and 9 species from snowfields. Exechiopsis (Exechiopsis) pseudindecisa Lastovka et Matile, 1974 and Rymosia placida Winnertz, 1863 from caves and Mycetophila mitis (Johannsen, 1912) (all Mycetophilidae) from snow represent the first records for Romania. Habitus photographs of these three species are provided

    Louse flies in Azorean and mainland populations of four Passeriformes species_a new perspective to parasite Island syndromes

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    Environmental Sciences & Ecology ; ParasitologyHippoboscid flies, also known as louse flies, are obligate blood-feeders ectoparasites of birds and mammals. By studying louse fly parasites of four Passeriformes species, Eurasian blackbird (Turdus merula), Eurasian blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla), common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) and European robin (Erithacus rubecula), with dissimilar time of colonization of Azores islands, we tested whether: (i) island host populations have lower parasite richness than the mainland one; (ii) island host populations undergo higher parasite prevalence, mean intensities and mean abundance than the mainland one; (iii) island parasite diversity are composed exclusively by specific parasites and (iv) parasite richness is positively correlated with the island area and proximity to the continent. For these purposes, 775 birds were sampled for presence of louse flies, by modified fumigation chamber method, from Azores Islands (S˜ao Miguel, Terceira and Flores) and Portugal mainland. Insular and mainland parasite assemblages were statistically compared. We record for the first time to Azores, Ornithomya fringillina and Icosta minor from Portugal mainland. Louse flies had highest prevalence and abundance from Azores Islands compared to those observed in mainland birds, especially blackbirds. The insular parasite diversity of Azores blackbirds, blackcaps and chaffinches was richer than the one observed in mainland population. None of the hippoboscid flies observed on the islands and mainland were host-specific. Thus, our findings provide an upgrade of parasite island syndromes knowledge, in the context of the ectoparasites, namely to the ippoboscid flies case.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio