752 research outputs found

    Молитовний напис Брячислава Святополковича з Софії Київської

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    У статті висвітлюються результати дослідження молитовного напису, що знаходиться на фресці з образом Св. Анни в центральній наві Софії Київської. Встановлено, що графіті виконане сином київського князя Святополка Брячиславом у 1110–1113 роках. Встановлено, що Павло було християнським ім’ям Брячислава, й цей факт, разом із аналізом інформації літописної статті 6612 р., дозволив визначити вірогідну дату народження князя, окресливши її 15-м січня 1105 р.Статья посвящена публикации результатов исследования молитвенной надписи, находящейся на фреске с образом Св. Анны в центральном нефе Софии Киевской. Установлено, что граффити выполнено сыном киевского князя Святополка Брячиславом в 1110–1113 гг. В процессе анализа текста было определено, что Павел было христианским именем Брячислава, и этот факт, вместе с анализом летописной статьи 6612 г., позволил определить вероятную дату рождения князя, отнеся ее к 15 января 1105 г.The article deals with the results of investigation of prayer inscription located on the fresco with the image of St. Anna Sophia in the central nave of Kyiv St. Sophia Cathedral. It is determined that graffi ti was done by Bryachyslav, the son of the Grand Prince Svyatopolk, in 1110– 1113. The comparison mentioned in graffi ti Bryachyslav’s Christian name – Pavlo (Paul), with chronicles’ information by 6612 shows that the 14th or 15th of January 15 in 1105 is the likely date of Bryachyslav’s birth

    Non-interactive fish communities in the coastal streams of North-western France

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    1. Spatial patterns of freshwater fish species at regional and local scales were investigated to explore the possible role of interspecific interactions in influencing distribution and abundance within communities occupying coastal streams of North-Western France. 2. Nine sites from nine streams situated in the same biogeographical region were sampled annually over the 6-year period from 1990 to 1995. 3. Similar habitats (sites) with richer regional colonization pools exhibited proportionally richer local communities in terms of number of species, total density and total biomass of individuals. Furthermore, no negative relationships were found between density and biomass of each of the most common species and local species richness. 4. Results of dynamic regression models (applied to the above-mentioned species) suggest an absence of strong competition between all pairs of species. 5. The evidence on lack of density compensation for species-poor communities and absence of perceptible interspecific competition between species suggest that the communities studied are non-interactive. 6. Two main explanations can be advanced. First, the local abundance of species in the communities studied could be determined through differential responses to unpredictable environmental changes, rather than through biological interactions. Second, as a result of historical events, the communities studied are reduced in congeneric species which can limit, in turn, the influence of interspecific competition in structuring these communities. 7. These results underline the strong influence of regional processes in shaping local riverine fish communities and minimize the possible influence of species interactions in governing these communities

    Non-interactive fish communities in the coastal streams of North-western France

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    1. Spatial patterns of freshwater fish species at regional and local scales were investigated to explore the possible role of interspecific interactions in influencing distribution and abundance within communities occupying coastal streams of North-Western France. 2. Nine sites from nine streams situated in the same biogeographical region were sampled annually over the 6-year period from 1990 to 1995. 3. Similar habitats (sites) with richer regional colonization pools exhibited proportionally richer local communities in terms of number of species, total density and total biomass of individuals. Furthermore, no negative relationships were found between density and biomass of each of the most common species and local species richness. 4. Results of dynamic regression models (applied to the above-mentioned species) suggest an absence of strong competition between all pairs of species. 5. The evidence on lack of density compensation for species-poor communities and absence of perceptible interspecific competition between species suggest that the communities studied are non-interactive. 6. Two main explanations can be advanced. First, the local abundance of species in the communities studied could be determined through differential responses to unpredictable environmental changes, rather than through biological interactions. Second, as a result of historical events, the communities studied are reduced in congeneric species which can limit, in turn, the influence of interspecific competition in structuring these communities. 7. These results underline the strong influence of regional processes in shaping local riverine fish communities and minimize the possible influence of species interactions in governing these communities

    Принципы автоматической обработки естественно-языковых текстов: валентностный подход

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    В данной работе были разработаны основные правила валентностной реализации глагольных предикатов определённых семантических классов в предложениях русского языка. С этой целью были проанализи- рованы принципы прогнозирования количества и качества актантов, особенности их формальной и семантической реализации в естественно-языковом тексте и разработана система минимальных структурных схем предложений.У запропонованій роботі було розроблено основні правила валентнісної реалізації дієслівних предикатів певних семантичних класів у реченнях російської мови. З цією метою було проаналізовано принципи прогнозування кількості та якості актантів, особливості їхньої формальної та семантичної реалізації в природно-мовному тексті та розроблено систему мінімальних структурних схем речень.In offered work the basic rules of valentnostny realization of verbal predicates of certain semantic classes in Russian offers were developed. The principles of forecasting of quantity and quality of actants, features of their formal and semantic realization in the natural language text were for this purpose analysed, the system of the minimum block diagrams of offers is developed

    Prioritization of fish communities with a view to conservation and restoration on a large scale European basin, the Loire (France)

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    The hierarchical organization of important sites for the conservation or the restoration of fish communities is a great challenge for managers, especially because of financial or time constraints. In this perspective, we developed a methodology, which is easy to implement in different locations. Based on the fish assemblage characteristics of the Loire basin (France), we created a synthetic conservation value index including the rarity, the conservation status and the species origin. The relationship between this new synthetic index and the Fish-Based Index allowed us to establish a classification protocol of the sites along the Loire including fish assemblages to be restored or conserved. Sites presenting disturbed fish assemblages, a low rarity index, few threatened species, and a high proportion of non-native species were considered as important for the restoration of fish biodiversity. These sites were found mainly in areas where the assemblages are typical of the bream zone, e.g. with a higher number of eurytopic and limnophilic species. On the contrary, important sites for conservation were defined as having an important conservation potential (high RI, a lot of threatened species, and few nonnatives fish species) and an undisturbed fish assemblage similar to the expected community if habitats are undisturbed. Important sites for conservation were found in the Loire basin’s medium reaches which host assemblages typical for the grayling and the barbell zones, e.g. with a higher number of rheophilic species. The synthetic conservation value index could be adapted and completed with other criteria according to management priorities and capacities

    Fish Invasions in the World's River Systems: When Natural Processes Are Blurred by Human Activities

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    Because species invasions are a principal driver of the human-induced biodiversity crisis, the identification of the major determinants of global invasions is a prerequisite for adopting sound conservation policies. Three major hypotheses, which are not necessarily mutually exclusive, have been proposed to explain the establishment of non-native species: the “human activity” hypothesis, which argues that human activities facilitate the establishment of non-native species by disturbing natural landscapes and by increasing propagule pressure; the “biotic resistance” hypothesis, predicting that species-rich communities will readily impede the establishment of non-native species; and the “biotic acceptance” hypothesis, predicting that environmentally suitable habitats for native species are also suitable for non-native species. We tested these hypotheses and report here a global map of fish invasions (i.e., the number of non-native fish species established per river basin) using an original worldwide dataset of freshwater fish occurrences, environmental variables, and human activity indicators for 1,055 river basins covering more than 80% of Earth's surface. First, we identified six major invasion hotspots where non-native species represent more than a quarter of the total number of species. According to the World Conservation Union, these areas are also characterised by the highest proportion of threatened fish species. Second, we show that the human activity indicators account for most of the global variation in non-native species richness, which is highly consistent with the “human activity” hypothesis. In contrast, our results do not provide support for either the “biotic acceptance” or the “biotic resistance” hypothesis. We show that the biogeography of fish invasions matches the geography of human impact at the global scale, which means that natural processes are blurred by human activities in driving fish invasions in the world's river systems. In view of our findings, we fear massive invasions in developing countries with a growing economy as already experienced in developed countries. Anticipating such potential biodiversity threats should therefore be a priority

    Паризький хранитель часу з Одеси

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    У астрономів є така посада — хранитель часу. Точніше, вона існувала до другої половини ХХ століття, до появи атомного годинника. Нині ця посада зветься «учений — хранитель атомного еталона часу» і більше стосується техніки. Але наша розповідь про минуле

    Post-2020 biodiversity targets need to embrace climate change

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    Recent assessment reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) have highlighted the risks to humanity arising from the unsustainable use of natural resources. Thus far, land, freshwater, and ocean exploitation have been the chief causes of biodiversity loss. Climate change is projected to be a rapidly increasing additional driver for biodiversity loss. Since climate change and biodiversity loss impact human societies everywhere, bold solutions are required that integrate environmental and societal objectives. As yet, most existing international biodiversity targets have overlooked climate change impacts. At the same time, climate change mitigation measures themselves may harm biodiversity directly. The Convention on Biological Diversity\u27s post-2020 framework offers the important opportunity to address the interactions between climate change and biodiversity and revise biodiversity targets accordingly by better aligning these with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. We identify the considerable number of existing and proposed post- 2020 biodiversity targets that risk being severely compromised due to climate change, even if other barriers to their achievement were removed. Our analysis suggests that the next set of biodiversity targets explicitly addresses climate change-related risks since many aspirational goals will not be feasible under even lower-end projections of future warming. Adopting more flexible and dynamic approaches to conservation, rather than static goals, would allow us to respond flexibly to changes in habitats, genetic resources, species composition, and ecosystem functioning and leverage biodiversity\u27s capacity to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation

    Post-2020 biodiversity targets need to embrace climate change

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    Recent assessment reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) have highlighted the risks to humanity arising from the unsustainable use of natural resources. Thus far, land, freshwater, and ocean exploitation have been the chief causes of biodiversity loss. Climate change is projected to be a rapidly increasing additional driver for biodiversity loss. Since climate change and biodiversity loss impact human societies everywhere, bold solutions are required that integrate environmental and societal objectives. As yet, most existing international biodiversity targets have overlooked climate change impacts. At the same time, climate change mitigation measures themselves may harm biodiversity directly. The Convention on Biological Diversity's post-2020 framework offers the important opportunity to address the interactions between climate change and biodiversity and revise biodiversity targets accordingly by better aligning these with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. We identify the considerable number of existing and proposed post- 2020 biodiversity targets that risk being severely compromised due to climate change, even if other barriers to their achievement were removed. Our analysis suggests that the next set of biodiversity targets explicitly addresses climate change-related risks since many aspirational goals will not be feasible under even lower-end projections of future warming. Adopting more flexible and dynamic approaches to conservation, rather than static goals, would allow us to respond flexibly to changes in habitats, genetic resources, species composition, and ecosystem functioning and leverage biodiversity's capacity to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation