3,698 research outputs found


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    Permukiman kumuh merupakan suatu permasalahan terutama di kawasan perkotaan. Permasalahan tersebut disebabkan oleh banyaj faktor baik pada kondisi fisik lingkungan maupun kondisi non-fisik lingkungan. Banayaknya beberapa program pemerintah dalam mengatasi permasalahan permukiman kumuh baik dari pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah yang telah dilakukan sejak tahun 1970 terutama hal tersebut terjadi di kota Bandung. Pennganan yang telah dilakukan salah satunya yaitu penanganan lingkungan perumahan dan permukiman kumuh berbasisis kawasan atau disingkat sebagai PLP2k-BK. Pada arahan penanganan program penanganan PLP2K-BK dilaksanakan pada tahun 2010, sementara bila diselaraskan dengan target departemen pekerjaan umum pada tahun 2020 undonesia terbebas dari permasalahan permukiman kumuh. Hal ini tentu menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam pelaksanaan penanganan, sementara dilihat pada kondisi fisik lingkungan, kondisi sosial-ekonomi dan kebudayaan. Maka perlu adanya penelilaian penanganan pada kawasan permukiman kumuh di perkotaan. Permasalahan permukiman kumuh di kota Bandung terutama kawasan yang ditetapkan sebagai penanganan dari program pemerintah yaitu Kelurahan Arjuna. Pada kawasan permukiman kumuh kelurahan Arjuna memiliki karakteristik permukimn kumuh bantaran sungai, karena banyakya permukiman yang dibangun mengikuti pola aliran sungai Citepus, seharusnya pada area bantaran sungai paling sedikit 10 meter tidak memiliki tanggul, hal ini berdasarkan ketetapan peraturan menteri nomor 28 tahun 2015. Permukiman lainnya memiliki kesesuaian sebagai kawasan permukiman dengan tingkat kepadatan tinggi lebih dari 126 unit/ha merupakan permukiman dengan tidak memiliki kondisi layak huni seperti tidak memiliki keteraturan bangunan, kondisi jalan lingkungan buruk, tidak adanya pengelolaan air limbah, dan lain-lain. Permasalahan tersebut seharusnya menjadi salah satu prioritas dalam perencanaan wilayah dan kota, karena perlu adanya penelitian mengenai evaluasi terhadap penanganan kawasan permukiman kumuh. selain itu perlu diketahui arahan kebijakan, kondisi eksisting permukiman kumuh, dan kemudian dilakukan perbandingan menghasilkan Gap dari kondisi eksisting dengan arahan seharusnya. Sehingga berdasarkan penilaian terhadap penanganan permukiman kumuh di bantaran sungai yaitu penanganan bersifat urban renewal termasuk diantaranya diperlukan beberapa arahan penanganan lebih lanjut seperti dengan tingkat kekumuhan tinggi perlu dilakukan peremajaan, dengan tingkat kekumuhan sedang perlu dilakukan pemugaran, dan tingkat kekumuhan ringan maka perlu dilakukan perbaikan dan pemeliharaan, termasuk untuk penanganan di kawasan bantaran sungai diperlukan permukiman kembali. Kata Kunci : Kawasan, Permukiman Kumuh, Penaganan, Bantaran sunga

    The application of a management procedure to regulate the directed and bycatch fishery of South African sardine sardinops sagax

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    The South African sardine Sardinops sagax resource is subjected to both directed fishing that targets adult fish, and bycatch of both juvenile and adult fish taken in the directed fisheries for anchovy Engraulis capensisand round herring Etrumeus whiteheadi. Two separate TACs (Total Allowable Catch) for sardine are calculated in the management procedures considered. The first is a directed TAC linked to sardine abundance, and the second is a bycatch TAC with an “anchovy” component coupled to the anchovy population dynamics as a proportion of the anchovy TAC, plus a “round herring” component reflecting a fixed tonnage independent of round herring abundance. Requirements from the pelagic industry, such as a minimum economically viable annual directed catch and a maximum percentage decrease in the directed TAC that could be tolerated from year to year are also incorporated. The selection of a single management procedure for implementation is based on the comparison of performance statistics such as risk of severe depletion and average annual catch, which incorporate the consequences of random error in survey estimates of abundance and random fluctuations in recruitment from year to year. Sensitivity tests are carried out to ensure robustness over a range of alternative assumptions concerning resource dynamics. A description is given of the development of the management procedure for sardine thatwas implemented in 1994, and the rationale for its selection. A wide range of variants to this procedure, including those that consider alternative approaches for handling bycatch, are investigated. Performance of the management procedures considered demonstrates extreme sensitivity to the choice of the proportion of the anchovy TAC used in the sardine bycatch TAC calculation. A lack of robustness of the selected management procedure to possible bias in estimates of spawner biomass from hydroacoustic surveys, and poor precision of recruit survey estimatesare argued as justification for adopting a conservative approach for managing sardine

    Toxicity of copaiba extracts to armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda)

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of methanolic extracts from leaves, peels, seeds and pulps from fruits of Copaifera langsdorffii on Spodoptera frugiperda. Extracts derived from leaves and fruit peels were more toxic to S. frugiperda than the others. Hence, they were added to the artificial diet and used in further experiments with the second instar larvae of the insect, which presented larval growth reduction, prolonged period of development, increased mortality, and lower fertility and fecundity of adults. Lower egg viability was also observed when the insect was treated with extracts of leaves and fruit peels in the larvae stage. Moreover, when subjected to ultrastructural analysis under a scanning electron microscope, such eggs showed abnormalities in the aeropylar and micropylar regions. Both extracts also increased the excretion of protein in the insect feces and inhibited trypsin activity in the in vitro test. Consequently, C. langsdorffii presents potential to be used in the development of new products to control the fall armyworm.Key words: Copaifera langsdorffii, natural products, trypsin inhibitor, botanical insecticide

    Using patient-reported outcome measures to evaluate care for patients with inflammatory chronic rheumatic disease

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    Objectives: Few countries integrate Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in routine performance assessment, and those that do focus on elective surgery. This study addresses the challenges of using PROMs to evaluate care in chronic conditions. We set out a modelling strategy to assess the extent to which changes over time in self-reported health status by patients with inflammatory chronic rheumatic disease are related to their biological drug therapy and Rheumatology centre primarily responsible for their care. Methods: Using data from the Portuguese Register of Rheumatic Diseases, we assess the health status using the Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index (HAQ-DI) for rheumatic patients receiving biological drugs between 2000 and 2017. We employ a fixed effects model using the Least Squares Dummy Variables estimator. Results: Patients receiving infliximab or rituximab report lower health status than those on etanercept (the most common therapy) and patients in 4 of the 26 Rheumatology centres report higher health status than those at other centres. Conclusions: PROMs can be used for those with chronic conditions to provide the patient’s perspective about the impact on their health status of the choice of drug therapy and care provider. Care for chronic patients might be improved if healthcare organisations monitor PROMs and engage in performance assessment initiatives on a routine basis

    Principios constitucionales de la Constitución Brasileña de 1988 como instrumentos racionalizadores del poder punitivo en el contexto de la globalización

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    In part of the 20th century, especially from the crisis of 1929, the State and the Law were substantiated on a paradigm that demanded a greater action of that one and this one – the Law – was guarantee of balance in the social relations. However, from the phenomenon of the globalization and neoliberalism there has been a substantial modification regarding this paradigm. In this way, this essay, which is characterized as a qualitative research and that uses the bibliographic method, seeks to understand how the relationship between constitutional commandments of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and the criminal policy in this new reality occurs. On the other hand, to achieve such an understanding, we will try to identify how the formation of the neoliberal globalization and its consequences occurs, especially in the criminal sphere, has yet, to discuss about the formation of the Democratic State of Law from the Brazilian Constitution and how it needs to return to be a parameter of rationality

    The use of cheese whey for probiotic yogurt production

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    The objective of this work was to develop a natural yogurt utilizing the resultant whey of a "coalho" cheese production, assaying different processes of pasteurization and powdered milk concentrations. The yogurt submitted to 90 degrees C/5min with 8 and 10% of powdered milk achieved the highest grade on sensorial analysis, with no significant difference ( P > 0,05). Products were characterized as integral, attended the request for protein, and supplied over 15% of the daily feed intake of calcium for children aged 1 to 10, characterizing it as calcium enriched. In both formulations, the pH decreased from 4.6 to 4.2 approximately and the acidity increased from 0.7g to 1.0g lactic acid/100g of product during 28 days of storage. There was no contamination by S. aureus, fecal coliforms, molds and yeasts. The counting of lactic bacteria varied from 5.6x10(9) to 8.0x10(8) CFU/g during shelf life, suggesting the promotion benefits from this probiotic product. It was concluded that whey utilization for yogurt production is a viable alternative to increase economic, nutritional, and functional value.634996100

    Ticagrelor Loading on ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Interaction With Prodromal Angina on Infarct Size and Clinical Events

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    Introduction:Ticagrelor might reduce infarct size by exerting a more potent antiplatelet effect or by promoting a potential conditioning stimulus in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients. Pre-infarction angina (PIA) is an effective preconditioning stimulus that reduces ischemia-reperfusion injury. Because little is known on the interaction of PIA in STEMI-patients loaded with ticagrelor, we sought to determine if patients loaded with ticagrelor had improved clinical outcomes as compared to clopidogrel and to study if it is modulated by the presence of PIA. Methods:From 1272 STEMI patients submitted to primary percutaneous coronary intervention and treated with clopidogrel or ticagrelor from January 2008 to December 2018, 826 were analyzed after propensity score matching. Infarct size was estimated using peak creatine kinase (CK) and troponin T (TnT), and clinical impact was evaluated through cumulative major cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) at 1-year follow-up. Matched patients and their interaction with PIA were analyzed. Results:Patients loaded with ticagrelor had lower peak CK [1405.50 U/L (730.25-2491.00), P < .001] and TnT [3.58 ng/mL (1.73-6.59), P < .001)], regardless of PIA. The presence of PIA was associated with lower CK (P = .030), but not TnT (P = .097). There was no interaction between ticagrelor loading and PIA (P = .788 for TnT and P = .555 for CK). There was no difference in MACCE incidence between clopidogrel or ticagrelor loading (P = .129). Cumulative survival was also similar between clopidogrel or ticagrelor, regardless of PIA (P = .103). Conclusion:Ticagrelor reduced infarct sizes independently and without a synergic effect with PIA. Despite reducing infarct size, clinical outcomes were similar across both groups.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The UMIBis funded by the Foundation of Science and Technology (FCT) Portugal (UIDB/00215/2020; UIDP/00215/2020; LA/P/0064/2020)

    Evaluation of prenatal care in unit with family health strategy

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    We analyzed prenatal care (PN) provided at a unit of the Family Health Strategy Service in São Paulo, according to the indicators of the Program for the Humanization of Prenatal and Birth (PHPB). We compared adequacy of PN in terms of sociodemographic variables, procedures, examinations and maternal and perinatal outcomes. Cross-sectional study with data from records of 308 pregnant women enrolled in 2011. We observed early initiation of PN (82.1%), conducting of a minimum of six consultations (84.1%), puerperal consultation (89.0%); to the extent that there is a sum of the actions, there is a significant drop in the proportion of adequacy. Prenatal care was adequate for 67.9%, with a significant difference between adequacy groups in relation to gestational age and birth weight. Prenatal care deficiencies exist, especially in regards to registration of procedures, exams and immunization. The difference between adequacy groups with respect to perinatal outcomes reinforces the importance of prenatal care that adheres to the parameters of the PHPB