280 research outputs found


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    Compendio y análisis de la experimentación arqueológica con vistas al megalitismo

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    El presente artículo es un trabajo que busca sintetizar varios elementos relacionados con las construcciones megalíticas, además hablar de los diversos experimentos que se han realizado en los últimos 30 años con relación a estas mismas y por medio del análisis tecnológico poder comprender algunos rasgos de estas sociedades tanto en el ámbito económico como en el social. Además concluimos con la problemática mediática que existe con relación a la construcción de los megalitos ya que al estar, los factores económicos, llevando el timón de la divulgación científica. La sociedad tiende a manejar las teorías más disparatadas y menos fundamentadas de todas y esto se ve reflejado en la falta de fomento ara la investigación científicaThis article is a work that seeks to synthesize several related elements with the megalithic constructions, also talk about the various experiments made in the last 30 years and through the technological analysis to understand some features of these societies in economically and socially sense. We also conclude with the problematic media that exists with regard to the construction of the megaliths that being, economic factors, taking the helm of scientific communication. Society tends to handle the wildest and least informed of all theories and this is reflected in the lack of building ara scientific researc

    Information entropy production of maximum entropy markov chains from spike trains

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    "The spiking activity of neuronal networks follows laws that are not time-reversal symmetric; the notion of pre-synaptic and post-synaptic neurons, stimulus correlations and noise correlations have a clear time order. Therefore, a biologically realistic statistical model for the spiking activity should be able to capture some degree of time irreversibility. We use the thermodynamic formalism to build a framework in the context maximum entropy models to quantify the degree of time irreversibility, providing an explicit formula for the information entropy production of the inferred maximum entropy Markov chain. We provide examples to illustrate our results and discuss the importance of time irreversibility for modeling the spike train statistics.

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    Efflux of Osmolyte Amino Acids during Isovolumic Regulation in Hippocampal Slices

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    The efflux of potassium (K+) and amino acids from hippocampal slices was measured after sudden exposure to 10% (270 mOsm), 25% (225 mOsm) or 50% (150 mOsm) hyposmotic solutions or after gradual decrease (22.5 mOsm/min) in external osmolarity. In slices suddenly exposed to 50% hyposmotic solutions, swelling was followed by partial (74%) cell volume recovery, suggesting regulatory volume decrease (RVD). With gradual hyposmotic changes, no increase in cell water content was observed even when the solution at the end of the experiment was 50% hyposmotic, showing the occurrence of isovolumic regulation (IVR). The gradual decrease in osmolarity elicited the efflux of 3H-taurine with a threshold at –5 mOsm and D-[3H]aspartate (as marker for glutamate) and at –20 mOsm for [3H]GABA. The efflux rate of [3H]taurine was always notably higher than those of [3H]GABA and D-[3H]aspartate, with a maximal increase over the isosmotic efflux of about 7-fold for [3H]taurine and 3- and 2-fold for [3H]GABA and D-[3H]aspartate, respectively. The amino acid content in slices exposed to 50% hyposmotic solutions (abrupt change) during 20 min decreased by 50.6% and 62.6% (gradual change). Taurine and glutamate showed the largest decrease. An enhancement in 86Rb efflux and a corresponding decrease in K+ tissue content was seen in association with RVD but not with IVR. These results demonstrate the contribution of amino acids to IVR and indicate their involvement in this mechanism of cell volume control

    Efflux of Osmolyte Amino Acids during Isovolumic Regulation in Hippocampal Slices

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    The efflux of potassium (K+) and amino acids from hippocampal slices was measured after sudden exposure to 10% (270 mOsm), 25% (225 mOsm) or 50% (150 mOsm) hyposmotic solutions or after gradual decrease (22.5 mOsm/min) in external osmolarity. In slices suddenly exposed to 50% hyposmotic solutions, swelling was followed by partial (74%) cell volume recovery, suggesting regulatory volume decrease (RVD). With gradual hyposmotic changes, no increase in cell water content was observed even when the solution at the end of the experiment was 50% hyposmotic, showing the occurrence of isovolumic regulation (IVR). The gradual decrease in osmolarity elicited the efflux of 3H-taurine with a threshold at –5 mOsm and D-[3H]aspartate (as marker for glutamate) and at –20 mOsm for [3H]GABA. The efflux rate of [3H]taurine was always notably higher than those of [3H]GABA and D-[3H]aspartate, with a maximal increase over the isosmotic efflux of about 7-fold for [3H]taurine and 3- and 2-fold for [3H]GABA and D-[3H]aspartate, respectively. The amino acid content in slices exposed to 50% hyposmotic solutions (abrupt change) during 20 min decreased by 50.6% and 62.6% (gradual change). Taurine and glutamate showed the largest decrease. An enhancement in 86Rb efflux and a corresponding decrease in K+ tissue content was seen in association with RVD but not with IVR. These results demonstrate the contribution of amino acids to IVR and indicate their involvement in this mechanism of cell volume control

    Relación de inteligencia emocional con el clima laboral en los trabajadores administrativos de la UGEL 307 Bellavista - San Martín, 2016

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    La investigación denominada, “Relación de inteligencia emocional con el clima laboral en los trabajadores administrativos de la UGEL 307 Bellavista-San Martín, 2016 se desarrolló con el propósito de Determinar la relación entre la Inteligencia Emocional y el Clima Laboral en los trabajadores administrativos de la UGEL 307 Bellavista-San Martin, 2016. El presente trabajo es de tipo descriptivo correlacional, y se trabajó con una muestra de 25 trabajadores administrativos de UGEL 307 Bellavista-San Martín, 2016. La hipótesis que se planteó fue demostrar: Si existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre inteligencia emocional y clima laboral en los trabajadores administrativos de la UGEL 307 Bellavista-San Martín, 2016, luego de los resultados y análisis estadísticos se pudo determinar que, existe relación significativa entre el nivel de inteligencia emocional y el clima laboral de los trabajadores, esto lo confirma la prueba Chí Cuadrado de Pearson con (18.911), mayor al Chí tabular, con 8 grados de libertad (15.503), lo que indica que las variables son dependientes