242 research outputs found

    Statistical properties of dark matter mini-haloes at z >= 15

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    Understanding the formation of the first objects in the universe critically depends on knowing whether the properties of small dark matter structures at high-redshift (z > 15) are different from their more massive lower-redshift counterparts. To clarify this point, we performed a high-resolution N-body simulation of a cosmological volume 1 Mpc/h comoving on a side, reaching the highest mass resolution to date in this regime. We make precision measurements of various physical properties that characterize dark matter haloes (such as the virial ratio, spin parameter, shape, and formation times, etc.) for the high-redshift (z > 15) dark matter mini-haloes we find in our simulation, and compare them to literature results and a moderate-resolution comparison run within a cube of side-length 100 Mpc/h. We find that dark matter haloes at high-redshift have a log-normal distribution of the dimensionless spin parameter centered around {\lambda} \sim 0.03, similar to their more massive counterparts. They tend to have a small ratio of the length of the shortest axis to the longest axis (sphericity), and are highly prolate. In fact, haloes of given mass that formed recently are the least spherical, have the highest virial ratios, and have the highest spins. Interestingly, the formation times of our mini-halos depend only very weakly on mass, in contrast to more massive objects. This is expected from the slope of the linear power spectrum of density perturbations at this scale, but despite this difference, dark matter structures at high-redshift share many properties with their much more massive counterparts observed at later times.Comment: 17 pages. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    CO-dark gas and molecular filaments in Milky Way type galaxies

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    We use the moving mesh code AREPO coupled to a time-dependent chemical network to investigate the formation and destruction of molecular gas in simulated spiral galaxies. This allows us to determine the characteristics of the gas that is not traced by CO emission. Our extremely high resolution AREPO simulations allow us to capture the chemical evolution of the disc, without recourse to a parameterised `clumping factor'. We calculate H2 and CO column densities through our simulated disc galaxies, and estimate the CO emission and CO-H2 conversion factor. We find that in conditions akin to those in the local interstellar medium, around 42% of the total molecular mass should be in CO-dark regions, in reasonable agreement with observational estimates. This fraction is almost insensitive to the CO integrated intensity threshold used to discriminate between CO-bright and CO-dark gas, as long as this threshold is less than 10 K km/s. The CO-dark molecular gas primarily resides in extremely long (>100 pc) filaments that are stretched between spiral arms by galactic shear. Only the centres of these filaments are bright in CO, suggesting that filamentary molecular clouds observed in the Milky Way may only be small parts of much larger structures. The CO-dark molecular gas mainly exists in a partially molecular phase which accounts for a significant fraction of the total disc mass budget. The dark gas fraction is higher in simulations with higher ambient UV fields or lower surface densities, implying that external galaxies with these conditions might have a greater proportion of dark gas.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    The role of cosmic ray pressure in accelerating galactic outflows

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    We study the formation of galactic outflows from supernova explosions (SNe) with the moving-mesh code AREPO in a stratified column of gas with a surface density similar to the Milky Way disk at the solar circle. We compare different simulation models for SNe placement and energy feedback, including cosmic rays (CR), and find that models that place SNe in dense gas and account for CR diffusion are able to drive outflows with similar mass loading as obtained from a random placement of SNe with no CRs. Despite this similarity, CR-driven outflows differ in several other key properties including their overall clumpiness and velocity. Moreover, the forces driving these outflows originate in different sources of pressure, with the CR diffusion model relying on non-thermal pressure gradients to create an outflow driven by internal pressure and the random-placement model depending on kinetic pressure gradients to propel a ballistic outflow. CRs therefore appear to be non-negligible physics in the formation of outflows from the interstellar medium.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJL; movie of simulated gas densities can be found here: http://www.h-its.org/tap-images/galactic-outflows

    Formation and evolution of primordial protostellar systems

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    We investigate the formation of the first stars at the end of the cosmic dark ages with a suite of three-dimensional, moving mesh simulations that directly resolve the collapse of the gas beyond the formation of the first protostar at the centre of a dark matter minihalo. The simulations cover more than 25 orders of magnitude in density and have a maximum spatial resolution of 0.05 R_sun, which extends well below the radius of individual protostars and captures their interaction with the surrounding gas. In analogy to previous studies that employed sink particles, we find that the Keplerian disc around the primary protostar fragments into a number of secondary protostars, which is facilitated by H2 collisional dissociation cooling and collision-induced emission. The further evolution of the protostellar system is characterized by strong gravitational torques that transfer angular momentum between the secondary protostars formed in the disc and the surrounding gas. This leads to the migration of about half of the secondary protostars to the centre of the cloud in a free-fall time, where they merge with the primary protostar and enhance its growth to about five times the mass of the second most massive protostar. By the same token, a fraction of the protostars obtain angular momentum from other protostars via N-body interactions and migrate to higher orbits. On average, only every third protostar survives until the end of the simulation. However, the number of protostars present at any given time increases monotonically, suggesting that the system will continue to grow beyond the limited period of time simulated here.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, movies of the simulations may be downloaded at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~tgrei

    II Zwicky 23 and Family

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    II Zwicky 23 (UGC 3179) is a luminous, nearby compact narrow emission line starburst galaxy with blue optical colors and strong emission lines. We present a photometric and morphological study of II Zw 23 and its interacting companions using data obtained with the WIYN 3.5-m telescope in Kitt Peak, Arizona. II Zwicky 23 has a highly disturbed outer structure with long trails of debris that may be feeding tidal dwarfs. Its central regions appear disky, a structure that is consistent with the overall rotation pattern observed in the H-alpha velocity field measured from Densepak observations obtained with WIYN. We discuss the structure of II Zwicky 23 and its set of companions and possible scenarios of debris formation in this system.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of ESO Astrophysics Symposia: "Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe", eds. I. Saviane, V. Ivanov, J. Burissova (Springer

    The stellar halos of ETGs in the IllustrisTNG simulations: the photometric and kinematic diversity of galaxies at large radii

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    We characterize the photometric and kinematic properties of simulated early-type galaxy (ETG) stellar halos, and compare them to observations. We select a sample of ~1200 ETGs in the TNG100 and TNG50 simulations, spanning a stellar mass range of 1010.31012M10^{10.3}-10^{12}M_{\odot} and within the range of (g-r) colour and lambda-ellipticity diagram populated by observed ETGs. We determine photometric parameters, intrinsic shapes, and kinematic observables in their extended stellar halos. We study the variation in kinematics from center to halo and connect it to a change in the intrinsic shape of the galaxies. We find that the simulated galaxy sample reproduces the diversity of kinematic properties observed in ETG halos. Simulated fast rotators (FRs) divide almost evenly in one third having flat lambda profiles and high halo rotational support, a third with gently decreasing profiles, and another third with low halo rotation. Slow rotators (SRs) tend to have increased rotation in the outskirts, with half of them exceeding lambda=0.2. For M>1011.5MM_{*}>10^{11.5}M_{\odot} halo rotation is unimportant. A similar variety of properties is found for the stellar halo intrinsic shapes. Rotational support and shape are deeply related: the kinematic transition to lower rotational support is accompanied by a change towards rounder intrinsic shape. Triaxiality in the halos of FRs increases outwards and with stellar mass. Simulated SRs have relatively constant triaxiality profiles. Simulated stellar halos show a large variety of structural properties, with quantitative but no clear qualitative differences between FRs and SRs. At the same stellar mass, stellar halo properties show a gradual transition and significant overlap between the two families, despite the clear bimodality in the central regions. This is in agreement with observations of extended photometry and kinematics. [abridged]Comment: accepted for publication in A&A, 25 pages, 22 figure

    The Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in superclusters of galaxies using gasdynamical simulations: the case of Corona Borealis

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    [Abridged] We study the thermal and kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect associated with superclusters of galaxies using the MareNostrum Universe SPH simulation. We consider superclusters similar to the Corona Borealis Supercluster (CrB-SC). This paper is motivated by the detection at 33GHz of a strong temperature decrement in the CMB towards the core of this supercluster. Multifrequency observations with VSA and MITO suggest the existence of a thermal SZ effect component in the spectrum of this cold spot, which would account for roughly 25% of the total observed decrement. We identify nine regions containing superclusters similar to CrB-SC, obtain the associated SZ maps and calculate the probability of finding such SZ signals arising from hot gas within the supercluster. Our results show that WHIM produces a thermal SZ effect much smaller than the observed value. Neither can summing the contribution of small clusters and galaxy groups in the region explain the amplitude of the SZ signal. When we take into account the actual posterior distribution from the observations, the probability that WHIM can cause a thermal SZ signal like the one observed is <1%, rising up to a 3.2% when the contribution of small clusters and galaxy groups is included. If the simulations provide a suitable description of the gas physics, then we conclude that the thermal SZ component of the CrB spot most probably arises from an unknown galaxy cluster along the line of sight. The simulations also show that the kinetic SZ signal associated with the supercluster cannot provide an explanation for the remaining 75% of the observed cold spot in CrB.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 14 pages, 9 figure

    TreeCol: a novel approach to estimating column densities in astrophysical simulations

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    We present TreeCol, a new and efficient tree-based scheme to calculate column densities in numerical simulations. Knowing the column density in any direction at any location in space is a prerequisite for modelling the propagation of radiation through the computational domain. TreeCol therefore forms the basis for a fast, approximate method for modelling the attenuation of radiation within large numerical simulations. It constructs a HEALPix sphere at any desired location and accumulates the column density by walking the tree and by adding up the contributions from all tree nodes whose line of sight contributes to the pixel under consideration. In particular when combined with widely-used tree-based gravity solvers the new scheme requires little additional computational cost. In a simulation with NN resolution elements, the computational cost of TreeCol scales as NlogNN \log N, instead of the N5/3N^{5/3} scaling of most other radiative transfer schemes. TreeCol is naturally adaptable to arbitrary density distributions and is easy to implement and to parallelize. We discuss its accuracy and performance characteristics for the examples of a spherical protostellar core and for the turbulent interstellar medium. We find that the column density estimates provided by TreeCol are on average accurate to better than 10 percent. In another application, we compute the dust temperatures for solar neighborhood conditions and compare with the result of a full-fledged Monte Carlo radiation-transfer calculation. We find that both methods give very similar answers. We conclude that TreeCol provides a fast, easy to use, and sufficiently accurate method of calculating column densities that comes with little additional computational cost when combined with an existing tree-based gravity solver.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRA

    New probe of modified gravity

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    We suggest a new efficient way to constrain a certain class of large scale modifications of gravity. We show that the scale-free relation between density and size of Dark Matter halos, predicted within the LambdaCDM model with Newtonian gravity, gets modified in a wide class of theories of modified gravity.Comment: 4pages, revte

    The stellar halos of ETGs in the IllustrisTNG simulations: II. Accretion, merger history, and dark halo connection

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    Stellar halos in early-type galaxies (ETGs) are shaped by their accretion and merger histories. We use a sample of 1114 ETGs in the TNG100 simulation with stellar masses 1010.3M/M101210^{10.3}\leq M_{*}/M_\odot\leq 10^{12}, selected at z=0 within the range of g-r colour and lambda-ellipticity diagram populated by observed ETGs. We study how the rotational support and intrinsic shapes of the stellar halos depend on the fraction of stars accreted, overall and separately by major, minor, and mini mergers. Accretion histories in TNG100 ETGs as well as the radial distributions of ex-situ stars fex(R)f_{ex}(R) strongly correlate with stellar mass. Low-mass ETGs have characteristic peaked rotation profiles and near-oblate shapes with rounder halos that are completely driven by the in-situ stars. At high fexf_{ex} major mergers decrease the in-situ peak in rotation velocity, flatten the V/σ(R)V_{*}/\sigma_{*}(R) profiles, and increase the triaxiality of the stellar halos. Kinematic transition radii do not trace the transition between in-situ and ex-situ dominated regions, but for systems with M>1010.6MM_{*}>10^{10.6}M_\odot the local rotational support and triaxiality of the stellar halos is anti-correlated with the local ex-situ fraction fex(R)f_{ex}(R) at fixed MM_{*}. These correlations are followed by fast and slow rotators alike with a continuous and overlapping sequence of properties. Merger events dynamically couple stars and dark matter: in high mass ETGs and at large radii where fex0.5f_{ex}\gtrsim0.5, both components tend to have similar intrinsic shapes and rotational support, and nearly aligned principal axes and spin directions. Based on these results we suggest that extended photometry and kinematics of massive ETGs (M>1010.6MM_{*}>10^{10.6}M_\odot) can be used to estimate the local fraction of ex-situ stars and to approximate the intrinsic shapes and rotational support of the co-spatial dark matter component. [abridged]Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures, submitted to A&