302 research outputs found

    The effect of growth phase, cryoprotectants and freezing rates on the survival of selected micro-organisms during freezing and thawing

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    The effect of growth phase of cells, cryoprotectant agents and freezing rate on the survival of selected micro-organisms (Bacillus cereus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kluyveromyces lactis, Candida utilis, Mucor racemosus, Aspergillus niger) during freezing and thawing was studied. In cases where significant differences were observed stationary phase cells always survived better than exponential phase ones, while of the two cryoprotectant agents studied, horse serum + inositol was always superior to skimmed milk powder + inositol. The effect of freezing rate was different among the studied micro-organisms

    Rapid detection of Salmonella in food by redox-potential measurement based method combined with real-time PCR

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    The classical ISO (2002) standard as reference method and the combination of redox potential measurement with real-time PCR technique were applied to detect Salmonella in milk, egg, broiler meat, and artificially contaminated egg samples. Food samples of 25 g were homogenized in 225 ml of RVS broth to prepare the basic suspension of the comparative tests. In the combined method the redox potential measurement technique serves as the selective enrichment system of the real-time PCR equipment. The reliable screening of Salmonella-free, negative samples by the redox potential measurement technique needed only 24 h. These negative samples determined by the PCR and the classical standard method in all cases proved to be negative as well. In case of positive redox result the Salmonella from the enriched suspension of the redox test-cell was identified by real-time PCR in 3 hours, instead of the conventional biochemical identification. Comparing our protocol to the ISO (2002) standard method, the total detection time of Salmonella presence/absence was less than 24 h contrary to the 114 h of the conventional method

    Surgery for the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome - the Groote Schuur Hospital experience

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    Surgical division of accessory atrioventricular (AV) connections has been performetl on 9 patients with the WolffParkinson- White (WPW) syndrome at Groote Schuur Hospital. All patients had symptomatic paroxysmal tachycardia. The indication for surgery in 5 patients was poor control on antiarrhythmic drugs. Surgery was performed on a 15-year-old boy to prevent lifelong dependence on drugs, although his atrial fibrillation (ventricular rate> 300/min) was controllable with sotalol 1 280 mg daily. The remaining 3 patients required cilrdiac surgery for other indications and therefore their accessory pathways (APs) were divided concurrently. The AP was localised by pre-operative endocardial mapping and intra-operative epicardial mapping. There were 4 posteroseptal, 3 left free-wall and 2 right free-wall pathways. An endocardial approach was used to divide the pathways. All 5 free-wall APs were successfully divided without complications or recurrence. However, 1 patient with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and severe unstable angina·due to coronary artery disease died unexpectedly 10 days after 4-vessel coronary bypass grafting and division of a posteroseptal AP. Postoperative complications occurred in a further 2 patients with posteroseptal APs. One patient developed complete heart block and is now asymptomatic with a DDD pacemaker, while the other had recurrence of retrograde bypass conduction postoperatively, but is now successfully controlled on sotalol. Therefore 7 of the 8 survivors are free of recurrence of tachycardia on no anti-arrhythmic drugs after a mean follow-up of 14,3 months. New insights into the surgical technique, particularly for division of posteroseptal pathways, can be expected to improve the outlook

    Supernova 2012ec: Identification of the progenitor and early monitoring with PESSTO

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    We present the identification of the progenitor of the Type IIP SN 2012ec in archival pre-explosion HST WFPC2 and ACS/WFC F814W images. The properties of the progenitor are further constrained by non-detections in pre-explosion WFPC2 F450W and F606W images. We report a series of early photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN 2012ec. The r'-band light curve shows a plateau with M(r')=-17.0. The early spectrum is similar to the Type IIP SN 1999em, with the expansion velocity measured at Halpha absorption minimum of -11,700 km/s (at 1 day post-discovery). The photometric and spectroscopic evolution of SN 2012ec shows it to be a Type IIP SN, discovered only a few days post-explosion (<6d). We derive a luminosity for the progenitor, in comparison with MARCS model SEDs, of log L/Lsun = 5.15+/-0.19, from which we infer an initial mass range of 14-22Msun. This is the first SN with an identified progenitor to be followed by the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects (PESSTO).Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, MNRAS accepte

    GRB 050911: a black hole - neutron star merger or a naked GRB

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    GRB 050911, discovered by the Swift Burst Alert Telescope, was not seen 4.6 hr later by the Swift X-ray Telescope, making it one of the very few X-ray non-detections of a Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) afterglow at early times. The gamma-ray light-curve shows at least three peaks, the first two of which (~T_0 - 0.8 and T_0 + 0.2 s, where T_0 is the trigger time) were short, each lasting 0.5 s. This was followed by later emission 10-20 s post-burst. The upper limit on the unabsorbed X-ray flux was 1.7 x 10^-14 erg cm^-2 s^-1 (integrating 46 ks of data taken between 11 and 18 September), indicating that the decay must have been rapid. All but one of the long bursts detected by Swift were above this limit at ~4.6 hr, whereas the afterglows of short bursts became undetectable more rapidly. Deep observations with Gemini also revealed no optical afterglow 12 hr after the burst, down to r=24.0 (5-sigma limit). We speculate that GRB 050911 may have been formed through a compact object (black hole-neutron star) merger, with the later outbursts due to a longer disc lifetime linked to a large mass ratio between the merging objects. Alternatively, the burst may have occured in a low density environment, leading to a weak, or non-existent, forward shock - the so-called 'naked GRB' model.Comment: 4 pages using emulateapj; 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Radio and optical intra-day variability observations of five blazars

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    We carried out a pilot campaign of radio and optical band intra-day variability (IDV) observations of five blazars (3C66A, S5 0716+714, OJ287, B0925+504, and BL Lacertae) on December 18--21, 2015 by using the radio telescope in Effelsberg (Germany) and several optical telescopes in Asia, Europe, and America. After calibration, the light curves from both 5 GHz radio band and the optical R band were obtained, although the data were not smoothly sampled over the sampling period of about four days. We tentatively analyse the amplitudes and time scales of the variabilities, and any possible periodicity. The blazars vary significantly in the radio (except 3C66A and BL Lacertae with only marginal variations) and optical bands on intra- and inter-day time scales, and the source B0925+504 exhibits a strong quasi-periodic radio variability. No significant correlation between the radio- and optical-band variability appears in the five sources, which we attribute to the radio IDV being dominated by interstellar scintillation whereas the optical variability comes from the source itself. However, the radio- and optical-band variations appear to be weakly correlated in some sources and should be investigated based on well-sampled data from future observations.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRA

    PESSTO monitoring of SN 2012hn: further heterogeneity among faint type I supernovae

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    We present optical and infrared monitoring data of SN 2012hn collected by the Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey for Transient Objects (PESSTO). We show that SN 2012hn has a faint peak magnitude (MR ~ -15.7) and shows no hydrogen and no clear evidence for helium in its spectral evolution. Instead, we detect prominent Ca II lines at all epochs, which relates this transient to previously described 'Ca-rich' or 'gap' transients. However, the photospheric spectra (from -3 to +32 d with respect to peak) of SN 2012hn show a series of absorption lines which are unique, and a red continuum that is likely intrinsic rather than due to extinction. Lines of Ti II and Cr II are visible. This may be a temperature effect, which could also explain the red photospheric colour. A nebular spectrum at +150d shows prominent CaII, OI, CI and possibly MgI lines which appear similar in strength to those displayed by core-collapse SNe. To add to the puzzle, SN 2012hn is located at a projected distance of 6 kpc from an E/S0 host and is not close to any obvious starforming region. Overall SN 2012hn resembles a group of faint H-poor SNe that have been discovered recently and for which a convincing and consistent physical explanation is still missing. They all appear to explode preferentially in remote locations offset from a massive host galaxy with deep limits on any dwarf host galaxies, favouring old progenitor systems. SN 2012hn adds heterogeneity to this sample of objects. We discuss potential explosion channels including He-shell detonations and double detonations of white dwarfs as well as peculiar core-collapse SNe.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, accepted to MNRAS on 14/10/201

    The Host Galaxy and Optical Light Curve of the Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 980703

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    We present deep HST/STIS and ground-based photometry of the host galaxy of the gamma-ray burst GRB 980703 taken 17, 551, 710, and 716 days after the burst. We find that the host is a blue, slightly over-luminous galaxy with V_gal = 23.00 +/- 0.10, (V-R)_gal = 0.43 +/- 0.13, and a centre that is approximately 0.2 mag bluer than the outer regions of the galaxy. The galaxy has a star-formation rate of 8-13 M_sun/yr, assuming no extinction in the host. We find that the galaxy is best fit by a Sersic R^(1/n) profile with n ~= 1.0 and a half-light radius of 0.13 arcsec (= 0.72/h_100 proper kpc). This corresponds to an exponential disk with a scale radius of 0.22 arcsec (= 1.21/h_100 proper kpc). Subtracting a fit with elliptical isophotes leaves large residuals, which suggests that the host galaxy has a somewhat irregular morphology, but we are unable to connect the location of GRB 980703 with any special features in the host. The host galaxy appears to be a typical example of a compact star forming galaxy similar to those found in the Hubble Deep Field North. The R-band light curve of the optical afterglow associated with this gamma-ray burst is consistent with a single power-law decay having a slope of alpha = -1.37 +/- 0.14. Due to the bright underlying host galaxy the late time properties of the light-curve are very poorly constrained. The decay of the optical light curve is consistent with a contribution from an underlying Type Ic supernova like SN1998bw, or a dust echo, but such contributions cannot be securely established.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX using A&A Document Class v4.05, to appear in A&

    The central engine of GRB 130831A and the energy breakdown of a relativistic explosion

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most luminous explosions in the universe, yet the nature and physical properties of their energy sources are far from understood. Very important clues, however, can be inferred by studying the afterglows of these events. We present optical and X-ray observations of GRB 130831A obtained by Swift, Chandra, Skynet, RATIR, Maidanak, ISON, NOT, LT and GTC. This burst shows a steep drop in the X-ray light-curve at 105\simeq 10^5 s after the trigger, with a power-law decay index of α6\alpha \sim 6. Such a rare behaviour cannot be explained by the standard forward shock (FS) model and indicates that the emission, up to the fast decay at 10510^5 s, must be of "internal origin", produced by a dissipation process within an ultrarelativistic outflow. We propose that the source of such an outflow, which must produce the X-ray flux for 1\simeq 1 day in the cosmological rest frame, is a newly born magnetar or black hole. After the drop, the faint X-ray afterglow continues with a much shallower decay. The optical emission, on the other hand, shows no break across the X-ray steep decrease, and the late-time decays of both the X-ray and optical are consistent. Using both the X-ray and optical data, we show that the emission after 105\simeq 10^5 s can be explained well by the FS model. We model our data to derive the kinetic energy of the ejecta and thus measure the efficiency of the central engine of a GRB with emission of internal origin visible for a long time. Furthermore, we break down the energy budget of this GRB into the prompt emission, the late internal dissipation, the kinetic energy of the relativistic ejecta, and compare it with the energy of the associated supernova, SN 2013fu.Comment: Accepted for publication by MNRAS. 21 pages, 3 figures, 8 tables. Extra table with magnitudes in the sourc