5,305 research outputs found

    The paradigms of the process approach in management

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    http://vsed.oneu.edu.uaTwo paradigms of the process approach to management are outlined. The basics of the traditional paradigm and their pros and cons are considered. The modern concepts of management are characterized. The components of the new paradigm of the process approach are outlined and their pluses and minuses are overviewed

    Magnetic properties of ferrofluid emulsions: The effect of droplet elongation

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    The paper is concerned with a theoretical explanation of the experimentally observed effect of non-monotonic field dependence of the effective magnetic permeability of ferrofluid emulsion. In a weak magnetic field, the growth of the induced droplet magnetic moment is faster than the linear one due to the droplet elongation accompanied by the reduction of the demagnetizing field. Thus, the emulsion magnetic permeability increases in weak magnetic fields. Further strengthening of the external magnetic field cannot lead to a significant decrease of the demagnetizing field, as the droplets are already highly elongated. On the other hand, the magnetic susceptibility of the ferrofluid reduces with the field strength. Hence, the effective magnetic permeability of the ferrofluid emulsion starts decreasing. The developed theoretical model describes well the experimental observations

    Research of ozonation process of the biologically pre-purified municipal wastewater

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    The paper considers the problem of post-treatment of municipal wastewater in Odessa using ozone. A significant place is given to the effect of the breakdown of toxic substances and important carcinogens. Based on theoretical studies, it was concluded that biological wastewater treatment does not guarantee a significant effect of the neutralization of many toxicants. The authors hypothesize the significant advantage of ozonation for the disposal and disinfection of wastewater compared to other methods, for example, chlorination. An important place is occupied by the search for optimal ozone treatment parameters. In laboratory conditions, data for mathematical modeling and optimization have been obtained. It has been established that the best treatment effect is achieved for the main wastewater pollutants, especially for synthetic surface-active substances (90 %) and BOD5 (65 %). Moreover, the processing time is 15 minutes at a dose of ozone of 20–25 mg/l. The concentration of total nitrogen decreases the least (20 %). It was found that a significant effect of disinfection by E. coli during ozonation is achieved by treating wastewater for 4 min at a dose of 3 mg/l of ozone. in a mixture of wastewater and natural water, this effect is achieved in 24 hours. The author's hypothesis of the gentle action of ozonation products for the widespread aquatic culture of Chlorella pyrenoidosa is confirmed. A significant effect of destruction under the influence of ozone of carcinogens was observed. It was found that up to 82 % of benzpyrene in wastewater is destroyed within 16 minutes at a dose of 15 mg/l. The authors conclude that ozonation is a universal method for the purification of biologically treated municipal wastewater, which has a significant effect on the destruction of many toxicants and pathogenic microflora, without the presence of ozonation products that inhibit the development of natural aquatic cultures. Further research should focus on finding low cost ozone synthesis methods

    Morpho-functional basis of endothelial dysfunction in diabetes mellitus

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    The diabetes mellitus (DM) inevitably progresses and leads to complications, among which the main place is occupied by micro- and macroangiopathies. The presence of endothelial damage in DM can be established even before macroscopically significant damage to the vessel. At the same time, there is no summary ED characteristic for diabetes. The aim of the study is to make a comprehensive evaluation of ED in DM -1 and DM-2 types.Materials and methods of research. 60 persons, including 53 DM type 1 and type 2, with a severe course (state of decompensation) participated in the present study. We used the method of estimating ED by the number of circulating desquamation endothelial cells (CECs) at the stages of decomposition with simultaneous determination of NO2- and NO3- metabolites of nitric oxide.Results and discussion. In patients with diabetes, the level of CECs increased in 3-5 times and ranged from 1800 to 11,200 cells / ml. The average amount of CECs in patients with diabetes was 3358.5 ± 366.3 cells / ml.Conclusions: Endothelium is involved in the pathological process at DM. This is evidenced by a significant increase in CECs in the blood plasma. The use of this method allows to detect ED before clinically considerable vascular impairment and reflects the severity of the course and duration of DM

    Practice of spiritual-commercial movement as a phenomenon of the consumer society

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    Спиритуально-коммерческое движение один из ярчайших примеров влияния общества потребления на область религии, более того, влияния парадигмы потребления на духовную жизнь человека. Существует проблема атрибуции спиритуально-коммерческого движения как религиозного явления. На наш взгляд выведение его за рамки религиозного уводит нас от понимания духовных основ этого феномена. Ряд аспектов спиритуально-коммерческого движения рассматривается в статье: его религиозный характер, приверженность неклассической этике, связь с парадигмой потребления. В работе рассматривается возможность применения понятия потребительской идентичности, которое широко используется в маркетинговых исследованиях, для описания поведения людей входящих в СКД (участниц женских практик). Женские практики это практики, относящиеся к спиритуально-коммерческому движению, содержащие идеи религиозного характера, направленные на достижение "женственности". Результаты исследований ряда спиритуально-коммерческих движений Среднего Урала представлены в данной работе.Spiritual-commercial movement is one of the most striking examples of the impact of the consumer society on the sphere of religion. Moreover, it is the influence of the consumption paradigm on the spiritual life of man. There is a problem of attribution of the spiritual-commercial movement as a religious phenomenon. In our view moving it away from the realm of the religious leads us away from understanding the spiritual foundations of this phenomenon. Several aspects of spiritual-commercial movement are considered in this article: its religious character, commitment to non-classical ethics, and connection with the consumption. In this research discussed the possibility of applying the concept of consumer identity, which is widely used in marketing research, as a tool to describe the behavior of people why practice SCM (the women's practices participators). Women's practices are belonged to spiritually-commercial movement, contain religious ideas, help to achieve "femininity". The results of several studies of the spiritual-commercial movements of the Middle Urals are presented in this paper.Программа развития УрФУ на 2013 год (п.

    Thermal insulation performance of steel framed walls

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    Визначити конфігурації металокаркасних стін із підвищеною теплозахисною ефективністю. Приведені коефіцієнти теплопередачі стін зі сталевими каркасами були визначені за допомогою прикладної комп’ютерної програми для моделювання теплопередачі THERM 7.6. Було оцінено теплозахисні характеристики різноманітних конфігурацій стін із металевим каркасом. Визначено шляхи підвищення теплозахисної ефективності металокаркасних стін. Результати роботи можуть бути використані при проектуванні нових енергоефективних будівель та споруд.Определить конфигурации металлокаркасных стен с улучшенными теплотеплозащитными характеристиками. Коэффициенты теплопередачи металлокаркасных стен были определены с помощью прикладной компьютерной программы для моделирования теплопередачи THERM 7.6. Были оценены теплозащитные характеристики различных конфигураций стен с металлическим каркасом. Определены подходы для повышения теплозащитной эффективности металлокаркасных стен. Результаты работы могут быть использованы при проектировании новых энергоэффективных зданий и сооружений.To determine metal stud wall systems with improved thermal insulation performance. Thermal transmittance of steel framed walls was analyzed using heat-transfer simulation program THERM 7.6. Thermal insulation performance of various configurations of metal stud walls has been evaluated. Approaches to enhance thermal insulation performance of steel framed walls were determined. The work results can be used in designing new energy efficient building

    Examination of evidence for collinear cluster tri-partition

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    In a series of the experiments at different time-of-flight spectrometers of heavy ions we have observed manifestations of a new at least ternary decay channel of low excited heavy nuclei. Due to specific features of the effect, it was called collinear cluster tri-partition (CCT). The experimental results obtained initiated a number of theoretical articles dedicated to different aspects of the CCT. We compare theoretical predictions with our experimental data, only partially published so far. The model of one of the most populated CCT modes that gives rise to the so called "Ni-bump" is discussed. Detection of the 68-72Ni fission fragments with a kinetic energy E<25 MeV at the mass-separator Lohengrin is proposed for an independent experimental verification of the CCT.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Modern approaches to the definition of the economic security of an enterprise

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    У цій статті досліджуються існуючі підходи до визначення економічної безпеки підприємства. В ході дослідження було виявлено та систематизовано найбільш ефективні підходи; зроблено критичний аналіз визначень у різних підходах; проведено детальний аналіз визначень та виокремлено істотні ознаки визначення поняття в рамках ресурсно-функціонального підходу. За результатами дослідження було зроблено висновок, що у науковій економічній літературі досі не існує однозначного визначення щодо економічної безпеки підприємств та доведено необхідність його удосконалення. За результатами праці було запропоновано нове визначення економічної безпеки підприємств.В этой статье исследуются существующие подходы к определению экономической безопасности предприятия. В ходе исследования были выявлены и систематизированы наиболее эффективные подходы; сделан критический анализ определений в разных подходах; проведен детальный анализ определений и выявлены существенные признаки определения понятия в рамках ресурсно-функционального подхода. По результатам исследования был сделан вывод, что в научной экономической литературе до сих пор не существует однозначного определения экономической безопасности предприятий и доказана необходимость его усовершенствования. По результатам работы было предложено новое определение экономической безопасности предприятий.This article explores existing approaches to the definition of the economic security of an enterprise. The most effective approaches are revealed and systematized; the definitions in the different approaches were critically analyzed; the detailed analysis of determining within the resource - functional method was held, as well as essential features of the definition were revealed. The study concluded that the scientific economic literature so far does not have any unique definition of the economic security of an enterprise; the need for enhancement was proved. According to the results of the work the new definition of the economic security of an enterprise was proposed