389 research outputs found

    Investigation of Using Natural Aromatizers of Lemon Essential Oil in Ayurvedic Culinary

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    There was considered a possibility of using natural aromatizers in ayurvedic culinary, namely fractions that act as a product of lemon essential oil. There was presented the component ratio and characteristic of a fragrance of a terpene fraction and terpenoid one, obtained by the gas-chromatographic analysis on a nozzle column with a stable dynonyl phthalate fraction by the standard method.A classic salad sauce “Vinaigrette” was chosen as a research subject. The introduction of natural aromatizers was conducted at the final stage of mixing olive oil and other ingredients of the dish. The optimal amount of aromatizers was determined empirically by sensor analysis results. During the studies, it has been established, that a fraction of lemon essential oil No. 1 must be introduced in amount 0,1 g for 1000 g of the ready product, a fraction of lemon essential oil No. 2 – 0,125 g for 1000 g of the ready product.As far as terpenes and terpenoids of lemon essential oil are natural substances of the initial raw material, stimulating food juices extraction, it allows to state about the activation of so-called “digestive fire” at using the aromatized sauce


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    This work was supported by the Integrated Program of Ural Branch of RAS (project № 18-3-3-17)

    The use of fitness technology in preschool educational institution

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    The article discusses the physical health-improving technologies, promoting acquisition, development and maintenance of health of children of preschool age. It also describes the importance of the color solution space, and physical equipment that increase the efficiency of the described technologyВ статье рассматриваются физкультурно-оздоровительные технологии, способствующие приобретению, развитию и поддержанию здоровья детей дошкольного возраста. Кроме того, описывается важность цветового решения помещения и физкультурного оборудования, повышающего эффективность использования описанных технологи

    Problems and Prospects of the Digital Educational Environment at the University

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    Статья посвящена анализу проблем и перспектив реализации цифровой образовательной среды в высшей школе. Особое внимание уделено тем условиям, которые необходимы для успешности этого процесса, а также тому, насколько они действительно достигнуты сегодня.The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems and prospects for the implementation of the digital educational environment in higher education. Particular attention is paid to those conditions that are necessary for the success of this process, as well as to the extent to which they are actually achieved today

    Association of C3435T (rs1045642) polymorphism of the MDR1 gene with the increased risk of colorectal cancer in russian females from Central Russia

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    The objective of this study was to examine associations of single nucleotide polymorphisms, rs1045642 within the MDR1 gene and rs1799930 within the NAT2 gene, with the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) in the population of Central Russi

    Organizational and economic transformations towards the greening of agro-industrial production

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    The increase in the production of agricultural products and food supplies in excess of regulatory needs and the provision of food safety in Russia led to the expansion of the export of agricultural products and the change in the course of the development of the agro-industrial complex from import substitution to export-oriented production. However, the entry to world food markets requires high quality of products from manufacturers and its certification in accordance with world standards. The article presents the organizational and economic transformations towards the greening of agro-industrial production, namely, the use of the resource potential, the involvement of Russian manufacturers in the production of environmentally friendly products and the development of organic agriculture; the mechanisms for solving the set problems are substantiated.peer-reviewe

    Marginal abatement cost curve for an ammonia reduction measure in agriculture: the case of Latvia

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    Received: January 28th, 2021 ; Accepted: May 26th, 2021 ; Published: August 24th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] the production of grain and livestock–derived agricultural commodities increasing, the agricultural sector has become one of the main sources of ammonia (NH3) emissions in Latvia. In 2018, the agricultural sector contributed to 83% of the total NH3 emissions originated in Latvia (15.46 kt) (LIIR 2020). The EU has already put in place measures to control NH3 emissions. This includes the EU target of reducing ammonia emissions by 21% by 2030 and sets out emission reduction commitments for Latvia. Considering Latvia’s indicative reduction target, the NH3 emission reductions need to be achieved by 2030 (Directive 2016/2284) so that the emissions do not exceed the 2005 level (11.33 kt). Implementing no mitigation measures, Latvia has projected agricultural sector NH3 emissions to be 32.4% higher than those in 2005, and therefore the mitigation of the NH3 emissions from agriculture is important. The research aims to estimate cost-effective NH3 emission reduction measures in agriculture in Latvia. The results of the research represent a marginal abatement cost curve (MACC) analysis, in which we have quantified the potential for reduction for selected NH3 emission mitigation measures in Latvia. A list of the measures has been established taking into account the experience of good agricultural practices in the reduction of NH3 emissions (UN, 2014) and of other European countries as well. The calculations carried out allowed us to group the measures according to their priorities: measures that are cost-effective and with high potential for reduction of NH3; measures that are cost-effective but with low NH3 emission reduction potential; measures that are not cost-effective but with high potential for reduction of NH3; measures that are not cost-effective and with low potential for reduction of NH3. The estimated cumulative (total) reduction of NH3 emissions in Latvian agriculture by 2030, with the implementation of the measures analysed, is equal to 20.08 kt


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    Introduction. Currently advances in different fields of biology and medicine accumulated large amount of high-throughput microarray datasets. It allows comparing, merging and analyzing such data in order to get more informative and statistically significant results. However, the process of cross-platform microarray data integration is complicated by different platform designs, that is the kind of probes used, the hybridization paradigm, the labeling and production methods. Such characteristics of microarray platforms should be considered when analyzing datasets from one study and even more when merging datasets.В различных областях биологии и медицины накопилось значительное количество данных широкомасштабных исследований генной экспрессии с использованием микромасив-технологий. Поэтому возникает насущная необходимость в сравнении, объединении и анализе этих данных с целью повышения информативности и статистической достоверности результатов анализа.У різних галузях біології та медицини накопичилася значна кількість даних широкомасштабних досліджень генної експресії за використання мікромасив-технологій. Тому виникає нагальна потреба в порівнянні, об'єднанні й аналізі цих даних з метою підвищення інформативності та статистичної достовірності результатів аналізу. Однак, процес об'єднання результатів мікромасив-експериментів на базі крос-платформного аналізу ускладнений існуванням багатьох мікроарей-платформ, різних за технологією виготовлення, методикою нанесення проб на чип і різновидністю дизайну проб. Ці особливості кожного з досліджень повинні бути враховані при обробленні та аналізі результатів мікромасив-експериментів, отриманих як на однакових, так і на різних платформах

    Genetic aspects of potato resistance to phytophthorosis

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    Phytophthora infestans Mont. de Bary is the main oomycete pathogen of cultivated crops in the family Solanaceae, especially potato (Solanum tuberosum). Because potato is the fourth most cultivated crop worldwide, its annual losses from late blight are tremendous. Studies of the basic mechanisms of interaction between potato and the late blight pathogen not only expand the fundamental knowledge in this area, but also open up new possibilities for regulating these interactions in order to increase resistance to the pathogen. The interaction of potato and the late blight pathogen can be considered from a genetic point of view, and it is interesting to consider both the response of the potato to the colonization process by P. infestans and the change in gene activity in late blight during plant infection. We can also investigate this process by changing the profile of secondary metabolites of the host and the pathogen. In addition to fundamental work in this area, applied work in the form of the development of new preparations for protecting potatoes is of no less importance. This review briefly describes the main stages of studies of potato resistance to late blight, starting almost from the first works. Much attention is paid to key works on changing the profile of secondary metabolites phytoalexins. A separate section is devoted to the description of both qualitative and quantitative characteristics of potato resistance to the late blight pathogen: their contribution to overall resistance, gene mapping, and regulation capabilities. Both types of traits are important for potato breeding: quantitative resistance due to R-genes is quickly overcome by the pathogen, while quantitative trait loci make it possible to create varieties with almost absolute resistance due to the pyramid of effective genes. The latest approaches in molecular biology make it possible to study translatomic profiles, which makes it possible to look at the interaction of potatoes and the late blight pathogen at a different angle. It has been shown that the process of potato colonization affects not only the activity of various genes and the profile of secondary metabolites: proteins­markers of the response to infection from potatoes have also been identified: they are pathogen-bound proteins and plastid carbonic anhydrase. On the part of P. infestans, fungal cellulose synthase proteins and haustorium-specific membrane protein were markers of infection. Thus, the review contains information on the most relevant complex studies of the genetic mechanisms of potato resistance to late blight

    An Investigation of the Mechanism Magnetite Precipitation Using Ammonium Carbonate

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the phase composition of iron oxide compounds formed during precipitation by ammonium carbonate hydrolysis products, to establish the magnetite formation regions and the kinetic characteristics of the reaction formation Fe3O4. Characterization by X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicated that magnetite is formed in a solution of ferrous sulphate during the hydrolysis of ammonium carbonate. It has a homogeneous phase composition and a cubic crystal structure. Phase diagrams of the formation of the crystalline phase of magnetite, goethite and ferric hydroxide have been determined. It has been established that magnetite with a spinel structure is formed under controlled slow precipitation from ferrous sulphate with an ammonium carbonate solution. The calculation of the kinetic characteristics of the reactions of solid phase precipitation (a rate constant at different initial concentrations of ferrous sulphate, the order of the reaction) has shown that the process proceeds in two stages with the formation of an intermediate compound and its further oxidation. Moreover, the rate constant of oxidation is 0.654 L/min mol, and the rate constant of the first reaction is much higher – 1.645 L/min mol