604 research outputs found

    TekijÀnoikeudet musiikinopettajien työnkuvassa

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    TiivistelmÀ. Pro gradu -tutkielmani aiheena on tekijÀnoikeudet musiikinopettajien työssÀ. Tutkimuksessani keskityin tutkimaan musiikinopettajien suhtautumista tekijÀnoikeuksiin sekÀ toimintaa niiden kanssa. TekijÀnoikeudet ovat lÀsnÀ nykyaikaisessa musiikinopetuksessa jatkuvasti, eikÀ niiltÀ voi vÀlttyÀ. Nykyaikaisia musiikin oppimateriaaleja tuotetaan juuri tekijÀnoikeuskustannusten takia harmillisen niukasti nykyisin, joten musiikinopettajien on turvauduttava muihin lÀhteisiin etsiessÀÀn kÀyttökelpoista oppimateriaalia. Usein tÀmÀ muualta löydetty oppimateriaali ei vÀlttÀmÀttÀ ole tekijÀnoikeudellisesti luvallista materiaalia, mutta siltikin tÀllaista materiaalia kÀytetÀÀn. Tutkimuksellani pyrin selvittÀmÀÀn syitÀ nÀille ilmiöille monimenetelmÀllisin metodein. Tutkimukseni teoreettinen viitekehys pohjautuu tekijÀnoikeuksien ja asenteiden tutkimukseen. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessÀ tekijÀnoikeuksien osalta avaan tÀrkeimpiÀ kÀsitteitÀ, tekijÀnoikeuksien historian avulla niiden tarvetta nykypÀivÀnÀ sekÀ tutustun tekijÀnoikeuksien kÀyttöön koulumaailmassa. KÀsittelen asenteiden perusolemusta, niiden syntymistÀ ja muovautumista kognitiivisen dissonanssin teorian kautta sekÀ asenteiden kolmikomponenttimallin avulla. Aineiston kerÀyksen tein Webropol-kyselyllÀ. KyselyssÀ oli pÀÀasiassa Likertin asteikkoon perustuvia mielipidekysymyksiÀ, joissa vastaaja valitsi itselleen sopivimman vaihtoehdon. Likertin asteikon lisÀksi kyselyssÀ oli kolme avointa kysymystÀ, joilla syvensin tutkimuksella saatavaa tietoa. Tutkimukseni hyödyntÀÀ sekÀ kvantitatiivisia ettÀ kvalitatiivisia metodeja. AnalysointimenetelmÀni olivat kvantitatiivisen aineiston osalta kuvailevaa tilastoanalyysia ja kvalitatiivisen aineiston kohdalla sisÀllönanalyysia. Tuloksista nousi esille musiikinopettajien arvostus tekijÀnoikeuksia kohtaan. He arvostavat tekijÀnoikeuksia suuresti, mutta samaan aikaan niitÀ rikotaan töissÀ usein. TÀmÀ aiheuttaa musiikinopettajissa epÀmieluisia tunteita ja jopa ahdistusta. Tutkimukseni mukaan tekijÀnoikeuksien rikkomisen yleisimpÀnÀ syynÀ ovat pedagogiset syyt. Musiikinopettajat haluavat oppilaidensa parasta tarjoamalla heille mielenkiintoista ja mukaansa tempaavaa opetusta. Ilman tekijÀnoikeussuojattua materiaalia tÀmÀ ei olisi samalla tapaa mahdollista

    Experimental and theoretical study of heterogeneous iron precipitation in silicon

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    Heterogeneous iron precipitation in silicon was studied experimentally by measuring the gettering efficiency of oxide precipitate density of 1×10exp10cm−3. The wafers were contaminated with varying iron concentrations, and the gettering efficiency was studied using isothermal annealing in the temperature range from 300 to 780°C. It was found that iron precipitation obeys the so called s-curve behavior: if iron precipitation occurs, nearly all iron is gettered. For example, after 30 min annealing at 700°C, the highest initial iron concentration of 8×10exp13cm−3 drops to 3×10exp12cm−3, where as two lower initial iron concentrations of 5×10exp12 and 2×10exp13cm−3 remain nearly constant. This means that the level of supersaturation plays a significant role in the final gettering efficiency, and a rather high level of supersaturation is required before iron precipitation occurs at all. In addition, a model is presented for the growth and dissolution of iron precipitates at oxygen-related defects in silicon during thermal processing. The heterogeneous nucleation of iron is taken into account by special growth and dissolution rates, which are inserted into the Fokker-Planck equation. Comparison of simulated results to experimental ones proves that this model can be used to estimate internal gettering efficiency of iron under a variety of processing conditions.Peer reviewe

    Modeling of heterogeneous precipitation of iron in silicon

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    A model is presented for the growth and dissolution of iron precipitates at oxygen-related defects in silicon during thermal processing. The heterogeneous nucleation of iron is taken into account by special growth and dissolution rates, which are inserted into a set of modified chemical rate equations. This approach allows us to calculate the size distribution of iron precipitates and the residual iron concentration. By comparing the simulated results with experimental ones, it is proven that this model can be used to estimate the internal gettering efficiency of iron under a variety of processing conditions.Peer reviewe

    Detecting Distal Radius Fractures Using a Segmentation-Based Deep Learning Model

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    Deep learning algorithms can be used to classify medical images. In distal radius fracture treatment, fracture detection and radiographic assessment of fracture displacement are critical steps. The aim of this study was to use pixel-level annotations of fractures to develop a deep learning model for precise distal radius fracture detection. We randomly divided 3785 consecutive emergency wrist radiograph examinations from six hospitals to a training set (3399 examinations) and test set (386 examinations). The training set was used to develop the deep learning model and the test set to assess its validity. The consensus of three hand surgeons was used as the gold standard for the test set. The area under the ROC curve was 0.97 (CI 0.95-0.98) and 0.95 (CI 0.92-0.98) for examinations without a cast. Fractures were identified with higher accuracy in the postero-anterior radiographs than in the lateral radiographs. Our deep learning model performed well in our multi-hospital and multi-radiograph system manufacturer settings. Thus, segmentation-based deep learning models may provide additional benefit. Further research is needed with algorithm comparison and external validation.Peer reviewe

    Medication use in pregnancy: a cross-sectional, multinational web-based study

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    Objectives: Intercountry comparability between studies on medication use in pregnancy is difficult due to dissimilarities in study design and methodology. his study aimed to examine patterns and factors associated with medications use in pregnancy from a multinational perspective, with emphasis on type of medication utilised and indication for use. Design: Cross-sectional, web-based study performed within the period from 1 October 2011 to 29 February 2012. Uniform collection of drug utilisation data was performed via an anonymous online questionnaire. Setting: Multinational study in Europe (Western, Northern and Eastern), North and South America and Australia. Participants: Pregnant women and new mothers with children less than 1 year of age. Primary and secondary outcome measures: Prevalence of and factors associated with medication use for acute/short-term illnesses, chronic/long-term disorders and over-the-counter (OTC) medication use. Results: The study population included 9459 women, of which 81.2% reported use of at least one medication (prescribed or OTC) during pregnancy. Overall, OTC medication use occurred in 66.9% of the pregnancies, whereas 68.4% and 17% of women reported use of at least one medication for treatment of ute/short-term illnesses and chronic/long-term disorders, respectively. The extent of self-reported medicated illnesses and types of medication used by indication varied across regions, especially in relation to urinary tract infections, depression or OTC nasal sprays. Women with higher age or lower educational level, housewives or women with an unplanned pregnancy were those most often reporting use of medication for chronic/long-term disorders. Immigrant women in Western (adjusted OR (aOR): 0.55, 95% CI 0.34 to 0.87) and Northern Europe (aOR: 0.50, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.83) were less likely to report use of medication for chronic/long-term disorders during pregnancy than nonimmigrants. Conclusions: In this study, the majority of women in Europe, North America, South America and Australia used at least one medication during pregnancy. There was a substantial inter-region variability in the types of medication used

    1. Forhandlingsemne: Skattesvik som kriminalpolitisk problem

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    Side 3-23: HĂžyesterettsdommer O. C. Gundersen, Oslo. Side 24-35: Politiadvokat JĂžrgen Smith, KĂžbenhavn Side 36-40: Docent Inkeri Anttila, Finland Side 41-53: Docent Hans Thornstedt, Stockhol

    Pharmacological Preconditioning with Diazoxide in the Experimental Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest Model

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    Background: Hypothermic circulatory arrest includes a remarkable risk for neurological injury. Diazoxide, a mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate-dependent potassium ion (K+ATP) channel opener, is known to have cardioprotective effects. We assessed its efficacy in preventing ischemic injury in a clinically relevant animal model.Methods: Eighteen piglets were randomized into a diazoxide group (n = 9) and a control group (n = 9). Animals underwent 60 minutes of hypothermic circulatory arrest at 18 degrees C. Diazoxide (5 mg/kg + 10 mL NaOH + 40 mL NaCl) was infused during the cooling phase. Metabolic and hemodynamic data were collected throughout the experiment. After 24-hour follow-up, whole brain, heart, and kidney biopsy specimens were collected for analysis.Results: Cerebellar Cytochrome-C and caspase-3 activation was higher in the control group (P = .02 and P = .016, respectively). Antioxidant activity tended to be higher in the diazoxide group (P = .099). Throughout the experiment, the oxygen consumption ratio was higher in the control animals (P-g = .04), as were the lactate levels (P-g = .02). Cardiac function tended to be better in diazoxide-treated animals.Conclusion: Diazoxide might confer neuroprotective effect as implied by the immunohistochemical analysis of the brain. Additionally, the circulatory effects of diazoxide were beneficial, supporting its neuroprotective effect

    Attenuated Semliki Forest virus for cancer treatment in dogs : safety assessment in two laboratory Beagles

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    Background: Dogs suffer from spontaneous tumors which may be amenable to therapies developed for human cancer patients, and dogs may serve as large-animal cancer models. A non-pathogenic Semliki Forest virus vector VA7-EGFP previously showed promise in targeting human tumor xenografts in mice, but the oncolytic capacity of the virus in canine cancer cells and the safety of the virus in higher mammals such as dogs, are not known. We therefore assessed the oncolytic potency of VA7-EGFP against canine cancer cells by infectivity and viability assays in two dog solid tumor cell lines. Furthermore we performed a 3-week safety study in two adult Beagles which received a single intravenous injection of similar to 2 x 10(5) plaque forming units of parental A7(74) strain. Results: VA7-EGFP was able to replicate in and kill both canine cancer cell lines tested. No adverse events were observed in either of the two virus-injected adult Beagles and no infective virus could be recovered from any of the biological samples collected over the course of the study. Neutralizing antibodies to Semliki Forest virus became detectable in the dogs at 5 days post infection and remained elevated until study termination. Conclusions: Based on these results, testing of the oncolytic potential of attenuated Semliki Forest virus in canine cancer patients appears feasible.Peer reviewe
