178 research outputs found

    Crowdfunding revisited: a neo-institutional field-perspective

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    Crowdfunding, which relies on the aggregated financial power of the many non-institutionalised individuals, who pledge small amounts is seen in the literature as a particularly well-suited form of entrepreneurial finance. A reason for this may be that the investment decisions are more based on the value propositions of a venture than on purely financial factors. Yet, the communication and translation of the value propositions of a venture into various cultural and regulatory contexts requires specialised services and joint efforts. These services are enabled by so-called Crowdfunding Platforms (CFPs) which provide the necessary tools and services. However, they also influence and potentially limit the field through their actions. Applying an institutional field-perspective in order to gain more holistic insights on the interplay between structure and agents, we revise the originally proposed model developed in our 2013 article in Venture Capital based on an extensive update of the literature and provide new insights from additional empirical cases to triangulate the recent scholarly contributions. We finally enhance theory on crowdfunding on an institutional field-level with a better conceptualization of the interconnectedness between actors and their activities, as well as their positions and links within the structure and crowdfunding platforms as powerful central actors

    Sociocultural Component in the Content of Teaching Foreign Languages to Pre-school Children

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    The paper is aimed at studying efficiency of learning languages by pre-school children. Different types of memory that are at high level of its development at this age promote children's abilities to acquire languages. Also psychologically, pre-school children are fit to develop speech and communication skills by using adequate materials and tasks. A set of criteria are evaluated to introduce socio-cultural content for promoting effective language learning

    Simulacija u metalurgiji

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    Die vorliegende Veröffentlichung umreißt in groben Zügen die Grundlagen der Simulation sowie den Weg vom realen Problem zum Modell. An einigen Fallbeispielen ist der Einsatz der Simulation in der Metallurgie gezeigt. Ablaufsimulation, Parameterstudien sowie Simulationen zu Produkteigenschaften werden erklärt. Die Entwicklung von neuen Verfahren mittels der Simulation ist ebenfalls beschrieben.Predočeni rad opisuje u grubim crtama kao i put od realnog problema do modela. Na primjerima nekih slučajeva prikazuje se primjena simulacija u metalurgiji. Objašnjava se simulacija toka, proučavanje parametara kao i simulacija glede svojstava proizvoda. Također je opisan razvoj novih postupaka pomoću simulacije

    Effect of different contact formulations used in commercial FEM software packages on the results of hot forging simulations

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    Commercial FEM-software packages are widely used in the industry to predict material flow, temperaturedistribution and die load during the forging process. Contact in conjunction with plastic material behaviour,which is typical for forging simulations, leads to highly nonlinear equations in the FEM algorithms, whichmay cause problems in numerical convergence. Some FEM software providers handle this problem byautomatic contact damping or similar algorithms. However, the user has mostly no detailed information aboutadjustments and prediction accuracy. The only possibility for the user to have an impact on the contactbehaviour is to set a friction factor and to choose a friction model (e.g. Coloumb or Shear) appropriate to theinvestigated process. Friction factors are often measured by standard tests like the ring compression test whichshould be valid for all used software packages. In this paper a benchmark between three software programs isperformed based on a model for ring compression tests under typical hot forging conditions. The commercialFEM-software programs Deform2D, Forge2007 and Abaqus are compared by generating a nomogram for eachsoftware package. For all simulations identical physical (temperature, flow curves etc.) as well as numericalinfluence parameters are used. The simulations show a significant divergence in the results depending on theused FEM-software. This leads to the conclusion that a friction coefficient which is true for one softwarepackage can not be transferred directly into another one

    Lymphocyte Subsets Show Different Response Patterns to In Vivo Bound Natalizumab—A Flow Cytometric Study on Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

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    Natalizumab is an effective monoclonal antibody therapy for the treatment of relapsing- remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) and interferes with immune cell migration into the central nervous system by blocking the α4 subunit of very-late activation antigen-4 (VLA-4). Although well tolerated and very effective, some patients still suffer from relapses in spite of natalizumab therapy or from unwanted side effects like progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). In search of a routine-qualified biomarker on the effectiveness of natalizumab therapy we applied flow cytometry and analyzed natalizumab binding to α4 and α4 integrin surface levels on T-cells, B-cells, natural killer (NK) cells, and NKT cells from 26 RRMS patients under up to 72 weeks of therapy. Four-weekly infusions of natalizumab resulted in a significant and sustained increase of lymphocyte-bound natalizumab (p<0.001) which was paralleled by a significant decrease in detectability of the α4 integrin subunit on all lymphocyte subsets (p<0.001). We observed pronounced natalizumab accumulations on T and B cells at single measurements in all patients who reported clinical disease activity (n = 4). The natalizumab binding capacity of in vitro saturated lymphocytes collected during therapy was strongly diminished compared to treatment-naive cells indicating a therapy-induced reduction of α4. Summing up, this pilot study shows that flow cytometry is a useful method to monitor natalizumab binding to lymphocytes from RRMS patients under therapy. Investigating natalizumab binding provides an opportunity to evaluate the molecular level of effectiveness of natalizumab therapy in individual patients. In combination with natalizumab saturation experiments, it possibly even provides a means of studying the feasability of patient-tailored infusion intervals. A routine-qualified biomarker on the basis of individual natalizumab saturation on lymphocyte subsets might be an effective tool to improve treatment safety

    Cellular Immune Responses and Viral Diversity in Individuals Treated during Acute and Early HIV-1 Infection

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    Immune responses induced during the early stages of chronic viral infections are thought to influence disease outcome. Using HIV as a model, we examined virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), T helper cells, and viral genetic diversity in relation to duration of infection and subsequent response to antiviral therapy. Individuals with acute HIV-1 infection treated before seroconversion had weaker CTL responses directed at fewer epitopes than persons who were treated after seroconversion. However, treatment-induced control of viremia was associated with the development of strong T helper cell responses in both groups. After 1 yr of antiviral treatment initiated in acute or early infection, all epitope-specific CTL responses persisted despite undetectable viral loads. The breadth and magnitude of CTL responses remained significantly less in treated acute infection than in treated chronic infection, but viral diversity was also significantly less with immediate therapy. We conclude that early treatment of acute HIV infection leads to a more narrowly directed CTL response, stronger T helper cell responses, and a less diverse virus population. Given the need for T helper cells to maintain effective CTL responses and the ability of virus diversification to accommodate immune escape, we hypothesize that early therapy of primary infection may be beneficial despite induction of less robust CTL responses. These data also provide rationale for therapeutic immunization aimed at broadening CTL responses in treated primary HIV infection

    Altering an Artificial Gagpolnef Polyprotein and Mode of ENV Co-Administration Affects the Immunogenicity of a Clade C HIV DNA Vaccine

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    HIV-1 candidate vaccines expressing an artificial polyprotein comprising Gag, Pol and Nef (GPN) and a secreted envelope protein (Env) were shown in recent Phase I/II clinical trials to induce high levels of polyfunctional T cell responses; however, Env-specific responses clearly exceeded those against Gag. Here, we assess the impact of the GPN immunogen design and variations in the formulation and vaccination regimen of a combined GPN/Env DNA vaccine on the T cell responses against the various HIV proteins. Subtle modifications were introduced into the GPN gene to increase Gag expression, modify the expression ratio of Gag to PolNef and support budding of virus-like particles. I.m. administration of the various DNA constructs into BALB/c mice resulted in an up to 10-fold increase in Gag- and Pol-specific IFNγ+ CD8+ T cells compared to GPN. Co-administering Env with Gag or GPN derivatives largely abrogated Gag-specific responses. Alterations in the molar ratio of the DNA vaccines and spatially or temporally separated administration induced more balanced T cell responses. Whereas forced co-expression of Gag and Env from one plasmid induced predominantly Env-specific T cells responses, deletion of the only H-2d T cell epitope in Env allowed increased levels of Gag-specific T cells, suggesting competition at an epitope level. Our data demonstrate that the biochemical properties of an artificial polyprotein clearly influence the levels of antigen-specific T cells, and variations in formulation and schedule can overcome competition for the induction of these responses. These results are guiding the design of ongoing pre-clinical and clinical trials

    Oxidative stress and proinflammatory cytokines contribute to demyelination and axonal damage in a cerebellar culture model of neuroinflammation

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    Background: Demyelination and axonal damage are critical processes in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory cytokines elicited by inflammation mediates tissue damage. Methods/Principal Findings: To monitor the demyelination and axonal injury associated with microglia activation we employed a model using cerebellar organotypic cultures stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Microglia activated by LPS released pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6 and TNFα), and increased the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This activation was associated with demyelination and axonal damage in cerebellar cultures. Axonal damage, as revealed by the presence of non-phosphorylated neurofilaments, mitochondrial accumulation in axonal spheroids, and axonal transection, was associated with stronger iNOS expression and concomitant increases in ROS. Moreover, we analyzed the contribution of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress in demyelination and axonal degeneration using the iNOS inhibitor ethyl pyruvate, a free-scavenger and xanthine oxidase inhibitor allopurinol, as well as via blockage of pro-inflammatory cytokines using a Fc-TNFR1 construct. We found that blocking microglia activation with ethyl pyruvate or allopurinol significantly decreased axonal damage, and to a lesser extent, demyelination. Blocking TNFα significantly decreased demyelination but did not prevented axonal damage. Moreover, the most common therapy for MS, interferon-beta, was used as an example of an immunomodulator compound that can be tested in this model. In vitro, interferon-beta treatment decreased oxidative stress (iNOS and ROS levels) and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines after LPS stimulation, reducing axonal damage. Conclusion: The model of neuroinflammation using cerebellar culture stimulated with endotoxin mimicked myelin and axonal damage mediated by the combination of oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory cytokines. This model may both facilitate understanding of the events involved in neuroinflammation and aid in the development of neuroprotective therapies for the treatment of MS and other neurodegenerative diseases

    Pneumoproteins and biomarkers of inflammation and coagulation do not predict rapid lung function decline in people living with HIV

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is among the leading causes of death worldwide and HIV is an independent risk factor for the development of COPD. However, the etiology of this increased risk and means to identify persons with HIV (PWH) at highest risk for COPD have remained elusive. Biomarkers may reveal etiologic pathways and allow better COPD risk stratification. We performed a matched case:control study of PWH in the Strategic Timing of Antiretoviral Treatment (START) pulmonary substudy. Cases had rapid lung function decline (> 40 mL/year FEV1 decline) and controls had stable lung function (+ 20 to − 20 mL/year). The analysis was performed in two distinct groups: (1) those who were virally suppressed for at least 6 months and (2) those with untreated HIV (from the START deferred treatment arm). We used linear mixed effects models to test the relationship between case:control status and blood concentrations of pneumoproteins (surfactant protein-D and club cell secretory protein), and biomarkers of inflammation (IL-6 and hsCRP) and coagulation (d-dimer and fibrinogen); concentrations were measured within ± 6 months of first included spirometry. We included an interaction with treatment group (untreated HIV vs viral suppression) to test if associations varied by treatment group. This analysis included 77 matched case:control pairs in the virally suppressed batch, and 42 matched case:control pairs in the untreated HIV batch (n = 238 total) who were followed for a median of 3 years. Median (IQR) CD4 + count was lowest in the controls with untreated HIV at 674 (580, 838). We found no significant associations between case:control status and pneumoprotein or biomarker concentrations in either virally suppressed or untreated PWH. In this cohort of relatively young, recently diagnosed PWH, concentrations of pneumoproteins and biomarkers of inflammation and coagulation were not associated with subsequent rapid lung function decline. Trial registration: NCT00867048 and NCT01797367