357 research outputs found

    Offshoring, Relocation and the Speed of Convergence: Convergence in the Enlarged European Union

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    Economic convergence of the new member states (NMS) of the EU towards the old EU countries (EU-15), not only in terms of real income, but also in nominal terms, is of paramount importance for the whole of the EU. We build a dynamic CGE model, starting from the Balassa-Samuelson two-sector framework, but modify and enlarge it with forward-looking investment, consumption, and labour mobility behaviour to address several other issues like welfare and sustainability in terms of foreign indebtedness. At the same time we evaluate the impact of convergence on the EU-15 countries also, by endogenising offshoring and the related FDI flows from them to the NMS. Thereby we identify various effects of relocation and globalisation on the EU-15 enlarging the standard set of effects of globalisation and demonstrate the key role of their dynamic nature in the process of convergence. We find that in a general equilibrium setting fears of large adverse effects of a relocation of EU-15 manufacturing to the NMS are not well founded. In contrast, offshoring appears to be a win-win case for both the EU-15 and the NMS in terms of real income. The convergence of the NMS is fairly rapid, but will involve a persistent rapid inflation rate.convergence, relocation, new member states, EU-15

    Disaster Damages and Loss Data for Policy: Pre- and Post-event damage assessment and collection of Data for Evidence-based policies

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    This Report follows the work carried out by the European Commission Joint Research Centre (DG JRC) in collaboration with the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) and (since 2015) by its Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC) over the last few years. In particular, it follows the three previously published reports dedicated to the relevance of continuous, accurate and well established collection of Disasters Damage and Loss Data and takes account of the most recent policy developments in the field. In this 4th Report the emphasis has been put on strengthen the link across a number of policies, both at EU level and at Global level, aiming to improve resilience of societies. The common factor of these policies resides on their need for data for a more coherent, coordinated and hence effective implementation.JRC.E.1-Disaster Risk Managemen

    Low-Temperature Crystal Structure and Mean-Field Modeling of ErxDy1−xAl2 Intermetallics

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    Low-temperature crystal structure of the ErxDy1−xAl2 alloys with x = 0.45, 0.67, 0.90 was examined using temperature-dependent powder X-ray diffraction. The Er-rich sample, Er0.9Dy0.1Al2, exhibits a rhombohedral distortion associated with the magnetic ordering that occurs around 20 K. The rhombohedral distortion is suppressed in Er0.67Dy0.33Al2, while a weak low-temperature tetragonal distortion is observed in Er0.45Dy0.55Al2. The mean-field theory supports the correlation between the type of structural distortion and the variable easy magnetization axis in ErxDy1−xAl2 intermetallics

    Criatividade, psicologia da cor e prova de avaliação do pensamento divergente

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    O pensamento divergente pode estar relacionado com o nível de criatividade, bem como com a Psicologia da Cor. Aplicou-se a Prova de Avaliação do Pensamento Divergente (PAPD) a 23 homens e 28 mulheres com idades, profissÔes e habilitaçÔes académicas diferentes para verificarmos, através da aplicação das 3 questÔes da prova, se diferiam na quantidade e qualidade de pensamentos que tinham e nos relatavam. Os resultados obtidos por homens e mulheres foram comparados. Os homens obtiveram resultados significativamente melhores que as mulheres quando submetidos à PAPD, quando tendo em conta a pontuação total (p=.007). No entanto, quando considerados individualmente cada um dos critérios, que revimos e avaliamos, para cotar a prova, essa diferença apenas foi significativa em dois dos critérios.Divergent thinking could possibly be related to levels of creativity as well as to the perception of color. The Evaluation Test of Divergent Thinking aims to come to allow the study of these correlations. We apply the Evaluation Test of Divergent Thinking to a group of 23 men and 28 women with different ages and different professions and academic qualifications to see, through the three questions in the evaluation test, if they differ in the quantity and quality of thoughts they had and reported to us. Results obtained by men and women were compared. Men obtain significantly better results than women when submitted to the EPDT, when considering the total/ final score (p=.007). When considering individually all the criteria that we reviewed and evaluate to quote the test, that difference only has been significant at two of these criteria points.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Free-energy analysis of the nonhysteretic first-order phase transition of Eu2In

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    Binary intermetallic Eu2In was recently reported to exhibit a giant anhysteretic magnetocaloric effect due to a first-order magnetic phase transition between paramagnetic and ferromagnetic states. Experimentally, the transition occurs with a small phase volume change, ΔV/V, of approximately 0.1% around TC of ca. 55 K. We represent magnetic and compute magnetocaloric properties of a Eu2In compound using a microscopic description based on a model Hamiltonian that takes into account magnetic exchange and magnetoelastic interactions. In the model the thermodynamic nature of the transition is conveniently represented by a single magnetoelastic interaction parameter. A good agreement between the theoretical results and earlier published experimental data confirms the effectiveness of our approach

    Molecular detection of Leishmania infantum, filariae and Wolbachia spp. in dogs from southern Portugal

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    Background: Leishmaniosis caused by the protozoan Leishmania infantum and dirofilariosis caused by the nematodes Dirofilaria immitis or Dirofilaria repens are vector-borne zoonoses widely present in the Mediterranean basin. In addition, some studies reported that the endosymbiont Wolbachia spp. play a role in the biology and pathogenesis of filarial parasites. The aim of this work was to evaluate the frequency of mono-and co-infections by L. infantum, filariae and Wolbachia spp. and their association with clinical signs in dogs from the south of Portugal. Leishmanial, filarial and Wolbachia spp. DNA were evaluated by specific real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays in blood samples from 230 dogs.Findings: One hundred and thirty-nine (60.4 %) dogs were qPCR-positive for L. infantum and 26 (11.3 %) for filariae (24 for D. immitis only, one D. immitis and for Acanthocheilonema dracunculoides and another one for Acanthocheilonema reconditum only). Wolbachia spp. DNA was amplified from 16 (64.0 %) out of the 25 D. immitis-positive dogs. Nineteen (8.3 %) dogs were co-infected with L. infantum and D. immitis, including the one (0.4 %) A. drancunculoides-positive animal. In dogs without clinical signs consistent with leishmaniosis and/or dirofilariosis, L. infantum prevalence was 69 %, whereas in those dogs with at least one clinical manifestation compatible with any of the two parasitoses prevalence was 42.7 %. Leishmania prevalence was significantly higher in apparently healthy mongrels (77.2 %) and pets (76.9 %) than in defined-breed dogs (including crosses; 58.8 %) and in dogs with an aptitude other than pet (i.e. farm, guard, hunting, shepherd or stray), respectively, whereas in those dogs with at least one clinical sign, the detection of L. infantum DNA was higher in males (53.3 %) and in those dogs not receiving insect repellents (52.8 %).Conclusions: The molecular detection of canine vector-borne disease (CVBD) agents, some of which are zoonotic, reinforces the need to implement efficient prophylactic measures, such as insect repellents and macrocyclic lactones (including compliance to administration), in the geographical areas where these agents are distributed, with the view to prevent infection and disease among mammalian hosts including humans

    Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande ameaças ambientais e diretrizes para conservação

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    O Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande Ă© somente uma parte (5.594 hectares) de toda a ilha (19.300 hectares) localizada na costa sul do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, entre as cidades de Mangaratiba e Angra dos Reis. Aproximadamente a metade da ĂĄrea do Parque (47%) Ă© coberta por floresta densa, ombrĂłfila, de Mata AtlĂąntica. A mata secundĂĄria, em processo de regeneração por sucessĂŁo ecolĂłgica, estĂĄ perto da maturidade (43%) e o restante (10%) Ă© composto por ĂĄreas antropizadas (1%), afloramentos rochosos com vegetação herbĂĄcea (7%), restingas, manguezais e praias (2%). A fauna estĂĄ bem representada, mas jĂĄ mostra sinais de degradação com a presença de espĂ©cies introduzidas. A anĂĄlise conduzida sobre o grau de ameaças mostrou que a floresta ombrĂłfila densa estĂĄ relativamente bem conservada, enquanto a mata secundĂĄria, as restingas e mangues e a vegetação herbĂĄcea dos terrenos rochosos (e suas respectivas faunas) estĂŁo categorizadas como vulnerĂĄveis. A ĂĄrea onde hĂĄ ocupação humana Ă© categorizada como ameaçada. Contraditoriamente, a maior ameaça Ă  biodiversidade local em suas unidades de paisagens Ă© o turismo. Uma vez que a costa onde se localiza a Ilha Grande tem alto valor cĂȘnico (conhecida como costa verde pelo constraste entre o mar e o verde da Mata AtlĂąntica que cobre a Serra do Mar), o turismo tem alto potencial para se tornar o meio de atingir a sustentabilidade econĂŽmica para conservação. No entanto, por causa do turismo desorganizado e sem controle hoje em prĂĄtica, com visitantes em nĂșmero superior Ă  capacidade de suporte na alta estação, a proliferação de hotĂ©is, pousadas e acampamentos e o conseqĂŒente esgoto a cĂ©u aberto, depĂłsito de lixo e outras atividades prejudiciais Ă  biodiversidade sĂŁo as principais ameaças. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe State Park of Ilha Grande is only a part (5,594 hectares) of the entire island (19,300 hectares) which is located off the south coast of Rio de Janeiro state, between the cities of Mangaratiba and Angra dos Reis. Approximately half of the Park area (47%) is covered by dense Atlantic forest. The secondary forest growth is in a process of ecological succession close to attaining maturity (43%) and the remaining part (10%) is composed of human-altered areas (1%), rocky outcrops with herbaceous vegetation (7%), mangroves and beaches (2%). The fauna is well represented but already shows signs of degradation with introduced species. The analysis of the degree of threat has shown that the dense forest habitat has a relatively stable status of conservation while the secondary forest, the mangrove and the herbaceous vegetation on rocky outcrops (and their fauna) are categorized as vulnerable. The area altered by human occupation is considered threatened. Since the coastal area where Ilha Grande is located is well known for its beautiful scenery (known as the green coast, because of the contrast between the ocean and the Atlantic forest covering the Serra do Mar mountain chain). There is a strong possibility for tourism to become the means in which to achieve economic sustainability for conservation. Contradictorily, tourism is also the major threat to local biodiversity and its landscape units. Because tourism is not organized and controlled, during high season the numbers grow above local capacity, giving rise to a proliferation of hotels, guesthouses and camping grounds. The resulting untreated open sewage, random garbage disposal and other harmful activities form the major threats to biodiversity

    Altered cardiorespiratory response to exercise in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    In polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), cardiovascular risk is increased. Peak O2 uptake (V˙O2peak) predicts the cardiovascular risk. We were the first to examine the contribution of systemic O2 delivery and arteriovenous O2 difference to V˙O2peak in overweight and obese women with PCOS. Fifteen overweight or obese PCOS women and 15 age-, anthropometry-, and physical activity-matched control women performed a maximal incremental cycling exercise test. Alveolar gas exchange (volume turbine and mass spectrometry), arterial O2 saturation (pulse oximetry), and cardiac output (CO) (impedance cardiography) were monitored. Hb concentration was determined. Arterial O2 content and arteriovenous O2 difference (C(a-v)O2) (Fick equation) were calculated. Insulin resistance was evaluated by homeostasis model assessment (HOMA-IR). PCOS women had lower V˙O2peak than controls (40 ± 6 vs. 46 ± 5 mL/min/kg fat-free mass [FFM], P = 0.011). Arterial O2 content was similarly maintained in the groups throughout the exercise test (P > 0.05). Linear regression analysis revealed a pronounced response of CO to increasing V˙O2 in PCOS women during the exercise test: A ∆CO/∆V˙O2 slope was steeper in PCOS women than in controls (ÎČ = 5.84 vs. ÎČ = 5.21, P = 0.004). Eventually, the groups attained similar peak CO and peak CO scaled to FFM (P > 0.05). Instead, C(a-v)O2 at peak exercise was lower in PCOS women than in controls (13.2 ± 1.6 vs. 14.8 ± 2.4 mL O2/100 mL blood, P = 0.044). HOMA-IR was similar in the groups (P > 0.05). The altered cardiorespiratory responses to exercise in overweight and obese PCOS women indicate that PCOS per se is associated with alterations in peripheral adjustments to exercise rather than with limitations of systemic O2 delivery.Peer reviewe
