557 research outputs found

    MARITAL DESERTION IN DUBLIN: An Exploratory Study. BROADSHEET No. 9, May 1974

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    The study which follows is an attempt to examine a social problem, that of marital desertion, never previously considered in Ireland in this particular way. It has as its objectives (i) the study of the marital breakdown situation which led some men to choose this solution, and (it) the aetiology of breakdown. The difficulties in fully achieving these objectives were many and we would agree with the lawyer, Eckelaar, that "... examination of sociological material does not provide evidence of causes of marital breakdown. Sociologists and psychiatrists can do no more than provide information about the kinds of factors which arc commonly associated with separation and divorce.’’l This study is of an exploratory nature. It is not based oh a representative sample of deserted wives simply because no sampling frame was available. No register or record exists of all desertions in Ireland. A minimum number--namely, those on a mean’s tested statutory benefit from the Department of Social Welfare, can be given for the country as a whole, and that is in the region of 2,900. From the 1971 Census of Population the number of married men in the country was 514,927 and the number of married women was 523,075--a difference of 8,148. This figure seems surprisingly small when it is considered that it has to take account of husbands temporarily absent from the country. As it is derived from the difference between two large totals (approximately half-a-million each) one must be statistically distrustful of the difference between two large magnitudes. Still some interest attaches to the differences in previous Census years--1966-- 11,254; 1961--14,625; 1951--15,286; 1946--26,386. It will be seen that the difference was much greater in previous years so that the present small total may be associated with the decline in immigration...

    Recent Trends in Youth Labour Markets and Youth Employment Policy in Europe and Central Asia

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    This paper discusses the nature and characteristics of the youth labour market in Europe and Central Asia. The central concern is with the policy response to the substantial youth unemploymen problem emerging with the transition to the market in Central & Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA). After looking at general trends in youth labour markets, in particular the impact of the recessions and the rapid industrial restructuring which accompanied transition, the paper outlines recent developments in youth employment policy at national and international levels and reviews findings on the contributions of policy to both improving youth employment prospects (education and ALMP) and, potentially, reducing them (minimum wages and employment protection legislation).Transition, Youth employment, ALMP

    Alteraciones en el ritmo biológico y presencia de síntomas de estrés post traumático en el contexto de la epidemia de Dengue del año 2020 en médicos del Hospital de Clínicas de Paraguay

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    Introducción: El efecto psicológico de las enfermedades virales va más allá del efecto directo que estas pueden tener en el sistema nervioso central del paciente. La epidemia del virus del Dengue que sufre Paraguay en el año 2020 ha visto consigo una demanda importante por parte de la sociedad a los proveedores sanitarios. Objetivo: determinar el impacto en la salud mental de los médicos del Hospital de Clínicas la epidemia de Dengue del año 2020 utilizando las escalas TOP-8 y BRIAN. Metodología: diseño observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal Resultados: fueron reclutados 123 sujetos, el 59,91% fueron de sexo femenino con una edad media de 29,03±3,41 años. El servicio con mayor frecuencia fue el de Clínica Médica con 27,05% de los sujetos. La percepción de los sujetos con mayor frecuencia fue que el estigma asociado a padecer Dengue es nulo y que la percepción de los pacientes acerca del estrés asociado a atender a pacientes con Dengue es nulo. El test TOP-8 tuvo una medida de 3,57±4,57 (No síntomas de estrés post traumático) y BRIAN con 51,33±11,95 (elevado). Existe una asociación significativa entre haber padecido Dengue y síntomas de estrés post traumático y con alteración del ritmo circadiano. Discusión: los resultados altos del test BRIAN pueden estar relacionados con el nivel de exigencia de las especialidades estudiadas. La asociación encontrada entre haber padecido de Dengue con síntomas de estrés post traumático y con alteraciones del ritmo circadiano son compatibles con estudios anteriores. En cuanto a las consideraciones que tienen los médicos acerca del estigma y el estrés asociado a esta patología, consideran que la sociedad no coloca un estigma al hecho de tener dengue, tampoco considera el nivel de estrés asociado a los profesionales que atienden a estos paciente

    Is youth unemployment really the major worry? (AOM)

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    Youth unemployment is neither the only nor the basic problem of the European labour market. The comparative analysis of unemployment data demonstrates that the unemployment of older people is even more serious. The article proves that the weight of young people in total unemployment has as a tendency been declining in the “inner periphery” of the EU, among them in Central and Eastern European member states (CEECs). The trend is just the opposite in the developed or “core” countries of the Union where youngsters took a higher share in total unemployment in 2012 than 10-12 years ago. In Europe there are millions of young people beyond the active unemployed who do not want to work or think they cannot find a job that fulfils their expectations and refuse to take part in any kind of education or training (NEETs-“Not in Employment, Education or Training”). By estimating the rate of NEETs in the adult population the article claims that the NEETs-phenomenon is not the differentia specifica of the youth. At the end the article details two suggestions for the mitigation of the problem. It concludes that the joblessness in Europe is an old and tendencially worsening problem that cannot be solved by particular policies

    Transformar la mirada: Posibilidades de la narrativa de transición y el arte cinético interactivo como mecanismos de representación transgénero en las artes visuales

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    Esta tesis se presenta como una investigación en arte cuyo punto de partida es la obra “Transformar la mirada”, proyecto de fin de carrera realizado en el año 2018 para la Especialidad de Pintura, de la Faculta de Arte y Diseño de la PUCP. A partir de la problemática de la falta de una ley de identidad de género1 en el Perú yo, Christina O’Higgins Horna2 , desarrollo una propuesta visual con doble articulación, enfrentando la identificación oficial (la de los registros estatales) con la identidad vivida (la que reconozco y ejerzo día a día), con el objetivo de proponer una narrativa positiva sobre la transición de género y cuestionar la transfobia y sus motivaciones corrosivas para la sociedad. En esta investigación sostengo que la narrativa de transición y el arte cinético interactivo, elementos centrales de la obra a nivel plástico y discursivo, son posibilidades viables a tomar en cuenta en la búsqueda de una representación positiva de la población transgénero desde las artes visuales, y argumentaré en favor de su pertinencia a esta cuestión. En el presente texto se indaga sobre los mecanismos de representación imperantes que se ejercen sobre las vidas trans en el Perú, las estrategias que desde las artes y el activismo se han empleado para hacer frente a la injusticia, y las propias experiencias en el campo artístico y cotidiano que dan forma a “Transformar la mirada”.This thesis is presented as an investigation in art whose starting point is the work “Transform the gaze”, my end-of-degree project made in the year 2018 for the PUCP’s Facultad de Arte y Diseño’s Painting Undergraduate Program. From the problem of the lack of a gender recognition law3 in Peru I, Christina O’Higgins Horna4 , develop a doubly articulated visual proposal, staging a face-off between official identification and lived identity, with the intent of proposing a positive narrative of gender transition and questioning the motivations and end goals of the ever present societal transphobia. In this investigation I hold that the transition narrative and interactive kinetic art, central elements of my work at a plastic and discursive level, are viable possibilities to consider in the search for positive transgender representation in visual arts, and I will argue in favor of its pertinence to this issue. The present text inquiries about the dominant mechanisms of representation that are exerted over trans lives in Peru, the strategies that have been employed from art and activist spaces to face injustice, and the personal experiences in the fields of art and everyday life that give shape to “Transformar la mirada”

    Ethical review and children’s research in Ireland.

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    A substantial increase in research into the lives of children has been experienced over the last 20 years in many countries, including Ireland. This increase is not only in the amount of research undertaken, but also in the multidisciplinary range of such research. Research with children involves working with potentially vulnerable participants, who not only require specific protection but also have the capacity for independent agency that necessitates respect from researchers. With the increase in research, there has been a related increase in awareness by the research community of the need to ensure that all research with children is carried out to the highest ethical standards. Until recently, ethical review of research was left to the discretion of the researchers, who were generally considered sufficiently trustworthy to safeguard their participants’ rights and well-being by virtue of their education and professional standing. Over the last two decades, however, it has become more common to convene Research Ethics Committees to review research proposals with the goal of ensuring that ethical requirements are fulfilled and to provide ethical oversight to researchers. This has resulted in an increase in the number of Research Ethics Committees operating worldwide, including in Ireland. In relation to children’s research, ethical review attempts to ensure that research projects have provisions in place that will enable researchers to do justice to the duties of both protection and respect of child participants. However, a variety of problematic issues have been highlighted. Research with children into the ethics of children’s research has identified tensions between balancing risk and benefit, on the one hand, and autonomy, competence and parental authority, on the other. The reliability and validity of review by Research Ethics Committee has also been brought into question: not only are requirements vastly different between countries (Hearnshaw, 2004), but there is ample evidence to show that decision-making by different Research Ethics Committees In the same country can differ significantly (Garfield, 1995), even when they are governed by the same authority (Angell et al, 2006). In order to counter this variability, it has been argued that increased regulation needs to be put in place and this has happened in some countries

    Ciberacosados, Ciberacosadores y Uso Problemático de Internet: Algunos Parecidos Razonables

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    Background: The spread of the internet and Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) have completely changed society in the last few decades. The transfer of traditional face-to-face bullying to the virtual environment is one of the risks adolescents face in this new reality. The present study sought to explore the relationship between involvement in cyberbullying and behaviours such as internet and mobile usage and other risky online behaviours. Method: The sample consisted of 3,188 adolescents aged 12-17 years old (Mean= 14.44; SD= 1.67). Results: The application of the European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (ECIPQ) found that 5.2% were victims, 4.5% perpetrators and 4.3% bully-victims. Conclusions: Results also showed that cyberbullying seems to be associated with both Problematic Internet Use and behaviours such as sexting, gambling and contacting strangers, which suggests a need for a comprehensive approach for preventing all these issues. Moreover, parental monitoring could serve as a modulating factor, which should also be taken into account in the development of appropriate prevention strategiesAntecedentes: el uso generalizado de Internet y de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) ha cambiado completamente la sociedad en las últimas décadas. La transferencia del tradicional acoso escolar al entorno virtual es uno de los riesgos a los que se enfrentan los adolescentes en esta nueva realidad. El presente estudio se planteó como objetivo explorar la relación entre ciberacoso y uso de Internet y teléfono móvil y otras conductas de riesgo en línea. Método: la muestra estuvo compuesta por 3.188 adolescentes de entre 12 y 17 años (Media= 14,44; DT= 1,67). Resultados: tras aplicar el European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (ECIPQ) se encontró que el 5,2% eran víctimas, 4,5% agresores y el 4,3% víctimas-agresoras. Conclusiones: el ciberacoso parece estar asociado tanto al uso problemático de Internet como a comportamientos como el sexting, el juego online o el contacto con desconocidos a través de la Red, lo que sugiere la necesidad de un enfoque integral a nivel de prevención. Además, la supervisión parental constituiría un importante elemento modulador, lo cual debe ser tenido en cuenta para la elaboración de estrategias preventivas eficacesThis work was supported by the Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas under Grant 2018/008. Rafael Pichel and Sandra Feijóo would like to acknowledge the funding by the Government of Galicia under grant “Programa de axudas á etapa predoutoral”. Mairéad Foody is funded by the Irish Research Council and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 713279S

    Many Points of View: Visibility Mapping for Marine Spatial Planning

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    In order to manage and facilitate economic growth while safeguarding environmental objectives in the marine environment, new European legislation mandating the development of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) using an ecosystem approach has been introduced. One critical component of the ecosystem approach is the inclusion of ecosystem services into management decisions. In order to contribute to the planning process a map of the visibility of the entire Scottish national Exclusive Economic Zone was produced using cumulative viewshed analysis and displayed using a novel dynamic web display system. The layer maps the spatial distribution of one aspect of cultural ecosystem services, the visual amenity of coastal areas and is being used in the Scottish Marine Spatial Planning process

    The mental health of healthcare workers and the COVID-19 pandemic

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