1,224 research outputs found

    Leadership and succession in Trinidadian family businesses

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    This research examines the qualities required for establishing effective leadership succession in private Family Businesses (pFB) in Trinidad, private meaning those still wholly-owned by family members. Trinidad’s pFB are major employers and contributors to economies globally and, yet, prior research shows that only around a quarter to a third survive to a second generation and only one-in-ten to a third. Therefore, identifying and developing the factors that support pFB continuity and transition are important both locally and internationally. This study identifies the key leadership and related elements for successful pFB continuity and succession in the Caribbean nation of Trinidad. The research is based on a qualitative approach, using in-depth, semi-structured, and open-ended interviews with eleven purposively-selected local pFB leaders. Interviewees comprised first- and second-generation leaders with ten existing pFB’s and one now-dormant pFB. The results show that none had established formal succession plans, but achieved success principally through effective face-to-face conversations between the leader, typically the parent, and the successor, typically one of the parents’ children. The research provides a valuable insight into the critical qualities deemed necessary for leaders to achieve continuity in their family business. The eight qualities identified for pFB success emanated from the data gathered (capability; honesty; and integrity), from the conceptual framework developed based on prior literature (vision; and effective communication), and from the discussions held (industry knowledge; a sound knowledge of the pFB organisational structures; and the support of the incumbent leader). These, alongside some measures of financial performance, lead to long-term success, and therefore generational continuity. This research extends current knowledge on how pFB continuity in Trinidad may be achieved, based on identifying the leadership qualities required. Further research is recommended on refining such knowledge across the Caribbean and into different territories, sectors, markets and industries

    Calving on tidewater glaciers amplified by submarine frontal melting

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    While it has been shown repeatedly that ocean conditions exhibit an important control on the behaviour of grounded tidewater glaciers, modelling studies have focused largely on the effects of basal and surface melting. Here, a finite-element model of stresses near the front of a tidewater glacier is used to investigate the effects of frontal melting on calving, independently of the calving criterion used. Applications of the stress model to idealized scenarios reveal that undercutting of the ice front due to frontal melting can drive calving at up to ten times the mean melt rate. Factors which cause increased frontal melt-driven calving include a strong thermal gradient in the ice, and a concentration of frontal melt at the base of the glacier. These properties are typical of both Arctic and Antarctic tidewater glaciers. The finding that frontal melt near the base is a strong driver of calving leads to the conclusion that water temperatures near the bed of the glacier are critically important to the glacier front, and thus the flow of the glacier. These conclusions are robust against changes in the basal boundary condition and the choice of calving criterion, as well as variations in the glacier size or level of crevassing


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    Socio-economic variations in anticipated adverse reactions to testing HPV positive: Implications for the introduction of primary HPV-based cervical screening

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    Some cervical cancer screening programmes are replacing cytology with human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing as the primary screening test. Concerns have been previously raised around the potential psychosocial impact of testing positive for HPV. We analysed socio-economic variations in anticipated adverse reactions to testing positive for HPV in women of screening age in the general population. A questionnaire was mailed to a random sample of 5553 women aged 20-64 in 2010, selected through primary care in Ireland. This included questions on: socio-economics; HPV knowledge; and women's anticipated adverse psychosocial responses to testing HPV positive (shame, anxiety, stigma and worry). Multivariable linear regression was used to identify socio-economic factors significantly associated with each anticipated adverse reaction. The response rate was 62% (n = 3470). In multivariate analyses, having only attained primary level education were significantly associated with higher mean scores for all four adverse outcomes. Religion was significantly associated with all four adverse outcomes. Age was associated with anxiety and worry; younger women (<30 years) had the highest mean scores. Being married/cohabiting was significantly associated with significantly lower shame and worry scores. Not working was significantly associated with higher mean anxiety and worry scores. Our large population-based survey found significant socio-economic variations in anticipated adverse reactions to testing HPV positive. In order to minimise possible negative impacts on screening uptake and alleviate potential adverse psychological effects of HPV-based screening on women, screening programmes may need to develop specific messages around HPV infection and HPV screening that target certain subgroups of women

    Survival outcomes and interval between lymphoscintigraphy and SLNB in cutaneous melanoma- findings of a large prospective cohort study

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    Introduction: Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) in cutaneous melanoma (CM) is performed to identify patient at risk of regional and distant relapse. We hypothesized that timing of lymphoscintigraphy may influence the accuracy of SLNB and patient outcomes. Methods: We reviewed prospective data on patients undergoing SLNB for CM at a large university cancer-center between 2008-2015, examining patient and tumor demographics and time between lymphoscintigraphy (LS) and SLNB. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis assessed disease-specific (DSS) and overall-survival (OS), stratified by timing of LS. Cox multivariate regression analysis assessed independent risk factors for survival. Results: We identified 1015 patients. Median follow-up was 45 months (IQR 26-68 months). Univariate analysis showed a 6.8% absolute DSS (HR 1.6 [1.03-2.48], p= 0.04) benefit and a 10.7% absolute OS (HR 1.64 [1.13-2.38], p=0.01) benefit for patients whose SLNB was performed 12 hours (n=652). Multivariate analysis identified timing of LS as an independent predictor of OS (p=0.007) and DSS (p=0.016) when competing with age, sex, Breslow thickness (BT) and SLN status. No difference in nodal relapse rates (5.2% v 4.6%; p=0.67) was seen. Both groups were matched for age, sex, BT and SLN status. Conclusion: These data have significant implications for SLNB services, suggesting delaying SLNB >12 hours after LS using a Tc99-labelled nanocolloid has a significant negative survival impact for patients and should be avoided. We hypothesise that temporal tracer migration is the underlying cause and advocate further trials investigating alternative, 'stable' tracer-agents

    Trends in, and predictors of, anxiety and specific worries following colposcopy: a 12-month longitudinal study

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    Objective Little is known about which women are at greatest risk of adverse psychological after-effects following colposcopy. This study examined time trends in, and identified predictors of, anxiety and specific worries over 12 months. Methods Women attending two hospital-based colposcopy clinics for abnormal cervical cytology were invited to complete psychosocial questionnaires at 4, 8 and 12 months following colposcopy. General anxiety and screening-specific worries (about cervical cancer, having sex and future fertility) were measured. Generalised estimating equations were used to assess associations between socio-demographic, lifestyle and clinical variables and risk of psychological outcomes. Results Of 584 women initially recruited, 429, 343 and 303 completed questionnaires at 4, 8 and 12 months, respectively. Screening-specific worries declined significantly over time but were still relatively high at 12 months: 23%, 39% and 18% for worries about cervical cancer, fertility and having sex, respectively. Anxiety remained stable (20%) over time. Risks of cervical cancer worry and anxiety were both almost double in women without private health insurance (cervical cancer worry: OR = 1.80, 95% CI 1.25–2.61; anxiety: OR = 1.84, 95% CI 1.20–2.84). Younger women (<40 years) had higher risk of fertility worries. Non-Irish women had higher risk of anxiety (OR = 2.13, 95% CI 1.13–4.01). Conclusions Screening-specific worries declined over time but anxiety remained stable. Notable proportions of women still reported adverse outcomes 12 months following colposcopy, with predictors varying between outcomes. Women in socio-demographically vulnerable groups were at greatest risk of adverse psychological outcomes. This information could inform development of interventions to alleviate psychological distress post-colposcopy. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Identifying novel hypoxia-associated markers of chemoresistance in ovarian cancer

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    BACKGROUND Ovarian cancer is associated with poor long-term survival due to late diagnosis and development of chemoresistance. Tumour hypoxia is associated with many features of tumour aggressiveness including increased cellular proliferation, inhibition of apoptosis, increased invasion and metastasis, and chemoresistance, mostly mediated through hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α. While HIF-1α has been associated with platinum resistance in a variety of cancers, including ovarian, relatively little is known about the importance of the duration of hypoxia. Similarly, the gene pathways activated in ovarian cancer which cause chemoresistance as a result of hypoxia are poorly understood. This study aimed to firstly investigate the effect of hypoxia duration on resistance to cisplatin in an ovarian cancer chemoresistance cell line model and to identify genes whose expression was associated with hypoxia-induced chemoresistance. METHODS Cisplatin-sensitive (A2780) and cisplatin-resistant (A2780cis) ovarian cancer cell lines were exposed to various combinations of hypoxia and/or chemotherapeutic drugs as part of a 'hypoxia matrix' designed to cover clinically relevant scenarios in terms of tumour hypoxia. Response to cisplatin was measured by the MTT assay. RNA was extracted from cells treated as part of the hypoxia matrix and interrogated on Affymetrix Human Gene ST 1.0 arrays. Differential gene expression analysis was performed for cells exposed to hypoxia and/or cisplatin. From this, four potential markers of chemoresistance were selected for evaluation in a cohort of ovarian tumour samples by RT-PCR. RESULTS Hypoxia increased resistance to cisplatin in A2780 and A2780cis cells. A plethora of genes were differentially expressed in cells exposed to hypoxia and cisplatin which could be associated with chemoresistance. In ovarian tumour samples, we found trends for upregulation of ANGPTL4 in partial responders and down-regulation in non-responders compared with responders to chemotherapy; down-regulation of HER3 in partial and non-responders compared to responders; and down-regulation of HIF-1α in non-responders compared with responders. CONCLUSION This study has further characterized the relationship between hypoxia and chemoresistance in an ovarian cancer model. We have also identified many potential biomarkers of hypoxia and platinum resistance and provided an initial validation of a subset of these markers in ovarian cancer tissues

    Про ефективність діяльності товарних бірж України в роки НЕПу

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    Об’єктом дослідження статті є економічна та соціальна ефективність діяльності товарних бірж України в період непу. При цьому основна увага зосереджується на таких аспектах проблеми: посередництво в купівлі й продажу товарів; реєстрація позабіржових угод; надання послуг учасникам біржового торгу; підтримка комерційної освіти, благодійність тощо.Объектом исследования статьи является экономическая и социальная эффективность деятельности товарных бирж Украины в период нэпа. При этом основное внимание сосредоточивается на таких аспектах проблемы: посредничество в купле и продаже товаров; регистрация внебиржевых сделок; предоставление услуг участникам биржевого торга; поддержка коммерческого образования, благотворительность и т. п