2,005 research outputs found

    The fat and the thin - a survey of nutritional status and disease patterns among urbanized Black South Africans

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    The nutritional status of and disease patterns in 449 healthy and 803 hospitalized urbanized Blacks in Durban were surveyed. While unemployed males were generally less fat than controls, obesity (i.e. weight 40% over that expected) was extremely common among female factory (33%) and female hospital 'domestic' (65%) employees. Undernutrition was significantly more common among patients and more marked in males, 82% having significantly reduced fat stores. Disease patterns were similar in malnourished male and female patients, with infective and respiratory diseases predominating. However, the pattern was different in overweight male and female patients, non-ischaemic cardiovascular diseases, particularly hypertension, predominating. The most common cause of death in males was respiratory disease, and in females cardiovascular disease. Overall, malnutrition was most common in the subgroup (N = 212) of patients who died. The results confirm the known associations between undernutrition and increased susceptibility to infection and mortality, and also between overnutrition and hypertensive cardiovascular disease. The observation that malnutrition and obesity can coexist within rapidly urbanized communities stresses the need for concurrent education on nutrition. The high incidence of 'hospital malnutri-tion' observed emphasizes the need for nutritional support in acutely ill patients

    Impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter

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    Three-dimensional numerical simulations of the impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter and the resulting vapor plume expansion were conducted using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. An icy body with a diameter of 2 km can penetrate to an altitude of -350 km (0 km = 1 bar) and most of the incident kinetic energy is transferred to the atmosphere between -100 km to -250 km. This energy is converted to potential energy of the resulting gas plume. The unconfined plume expands vertically and has a peak radiative power approximately equal to the total radiation from Jupiter's disc. The plume rises a few tens of atmospheric scale heights in ∼10² seconds. The rising plume reaches the altitude of ∼3000 km, but no atmospheric gas is accelerated to the escape velocity (∼60 km/s)

    DNA Methylation of the ABO Promoter Underlies Loss of ABO Allelic Expression in a Significant Proportion of Leukemic Patients

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    Background: Loss of A, B and H antigens from the red blood cells of patients with myeloid malignancies is a frequent occurrence. Previously, we have reported alterations in ABH antigens on the red blood cells of 55% of patients with myeloid malignancies. Methodology/Principal Findings: To determine the underlying molecular mechanisms of this loss, we assessed ABO allelic expression in 21 patients with ABH antigen loss previously identified by flow cytometric analysis as well as an additional 7 patients detected with ABH antigen changes by serology. When assessing ABO mRNA allelic expression, 6/12 (50%) patients with ABH antigen loss detected by flow cytometry and 5/7 (71%) of the patients with ABH antigen loss detected by serology had a corresponding ABO mRNA allelic loss of expression. We examined the ABO locus for copy number and DNA methylation alterations in 21 patients, 11 with loss of expression of one or both ABO alleles, and 10 patients with no detectable allelic loss of ABO mRNA expression. No loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the ABO locus was observed in these patients. However in 8/11 (73%) patients with loss of ABO allelic expression, the ABO promoter was methylated compared with 2/10 (20%) of patients with no ABO allelic expression loss (P = 0.03). Conclusions/Significance: We have found that loss of ABH antigens in patients with hematological malignancies is associated with a corresponding loss of ABO allelic expression in a significant proportion of patients. Loss of ABO allelic expression was strongly associated with DNA methylation of the ABO promoter.Tina Bianco-Miotto, Damian J. Hussey, Tanya K. Day, Denise S. O'Keefe and Alexander Dobrovi

    A plesiosaur containing an ichthyosaur embryo as stomach contents from the Sundance Formation of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

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    Herein we report the discovery of an ichthyosaur embryo from the Upper Member of the Sundance Formation (Oxfordian) of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. The specimen is the first known ichthyosaur embryo from the Upper Jurassic, and is the first Jurassic ichthyosaur embryo from North America. The embryo was discovered in close association with the abdomen of an articulated partial plesiosaur skeleton, and several lines of evidence support the interpretation of the embryo as plesiosaur stomach contents. The small size and extremely poor ossification of the embryo indicate that the animal was probably not a neonate. Although the taxonomic affinities of the fossil are unknown, the large ichthyosaurian (sensu stricto) Opthalmosaurus natans is the only known ichthyosaur from the Sundance Formation, and the embryo may belong to that taxon

    Weyl's law and quantum ergodicity for maps with divided phase space

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    For a general class of unitary quantum maps, whose underlying classical phase space is divided into several invariant domains of positive measure, we establish analogues of Weyl's law for the distribution of eigenphases. If the map has one ergodic component, and is periodic on the remaining domains, we prove the Schnirelman-Zelditch-Colin de Verdiere Theorem on the equidistribution of eigenfunctions with respect to the ergodic component of the classical map (quantum ergodicity). We apply our main theorems to quantised linked twist maps on the torus. In the Appendix, S. Zelditch connects these studies to some earlier results on `pimpled spheres' in the setting of Riemannian manifolds. The common feature is a divided phase space with a periodic component.Comment: Colour figures. Black & white figures available at http://www2.maths.bris.ac.uk/~majm. Appendix by Steve Zelditc

    Cyber security fear appeals:unexpectedly complicated

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    Cyber security researchers are starting to experiment with fear appeals, with a wide variety of designs and reported efficaciousness. This makes it hard to derive recommendations for designing and deploying these interventions. We thus reviewed the wider fear appeal literature to arrive at a set of guidelines to assist cyber security researchers. Our review revealed a degree of dissent about whether or not fear appeals are indeed helpful and advisable. Our review also revealed a wide range of fear appeal experimental designs, in both cyber and other domains, which confirms the need for some standardized guidelines to inform practice in this respect. We propose a protocol for carrying out fear appeal experiments, and we review a sample of cyber security fear appeal studies, via this lens, to provide a snapshot of the current state of play. We hope the proposed experimental protocol will prove helpful to those who wish to engage in future cyber security fear appeal research

    An adherens junction protein is a member of the family of lactose-binding lectins.

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    We previously described a pig junction protein of M(r) 37,000 found in oral epithelium but not in epidermis, limited to suprabasal cells, and colocalizing by immunofluorescence with adherens junction proteins. A 1.1-kilobase pair cDNA of the 37-kDa protein yielded an open reading frame encoding a 323-amino acid protein of 35,852 Da, and Northern analysis demonstrated a band of 1.2 kilobases in tongue RNA. Secondary structure predictions indicate that the 37% identical 16-17-kDa N- and C-terminal domains from beta-sheet-rich barrels linked by a compact proline-rich segment. The protein is 72% identical in amino acid sequence and shares symmetrical two-domain structure with L-36, a lectin of unknown function from rat intestine, indicating that the 37-kDa protein is the porcine form of L-36. Of the homologous lactose binding lectins known, two others, invertebrate lectins, share this symmetrical structure. Expression of the C-terminal domain of the pig lectin in bacteria yields a lectin which binds lactosyl-Sepharose, and binding is inhibited by lactose. The expressed protein binds a glycoprotein of 120 kDa from pig tongue epithelium on Western blots, and this is also inhibited by lactose. The findings suggest that the lectin function may be involved in the assembly of adherens junctions

    Knowledge based improvement:simulation and artificial intelligence for identifying and improving human decision-making in an operations systems

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    The performance of most operations systems is significantly affected by the interaction of human decision-makers. A methodology, based on the use of visual interactive simulation (VIS) and artificial intelligence (AI), is described that aims to identify and improve human decision-making in operations systems. The methodology, known as 'knowledge-based improvement' (KBI), elicits knowledge from a decision-maker via a VIS and then uses AI methods to represent decision-making. By linking the VIS and AI representation, it is possible to predict the performance of the operations system under different decision-making strategies and to search for improved strategies. The KBI methodology is applied to the decision-making surrounding unplanned maintenance operations at a Ford Motor Company engine assembly plant

    Characterization of the seismic environment at the Sanford Underground Laboratory, South Dakota

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    An array of seismometers is being developed at the Sanford Underground Laboratory, the former Homestake mine, in South Dakota to study the properties of underground seismic fields and Newtonian noise, and to investigate the possible advantages of constructing a third-generation gravitational-wave detector underground. Seismic data were analyzed to characterize seismic noise and disturbances. External databases were used to identify sources of seismic waves: ocean-wave data to identify sources of oceanic microseisms, and surface wind-speed data to investigate correlations with seismic motion as a function of depth. In addition, sources of events contributing to the spectrum at higher frequencies are characterized by studying the variation of event rates over the course of a day. Long-term observations of spectral variations provide further insight into the nature of seismic sources. Seismic spectra at three different depths are compared, establishing the 4100-ft level as a world-class low seismic-noise environment.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figure
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